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Is SoR a joke?


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But if you skim chapters, or fast-forward through scenes, you can't really blame the maker for not giving you more.

So you skim(corrected) chapters and fast forward thru the scenes? That is your choice. Don't assume everyone plays like you.

Edited by well
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So you skip chapters and fast forward thru the scenes? That is your choice. Don't assume everyone plays like you.


That's pretty much the opposite of what I've said here. Not sure how you got the idea that I'm saying I do that, when it was clearly a parallel with the people who rushed through SoR as fast as humanly possible, and the complained that it was too short.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You brought it up and unless you group with someone you have no clue how they play.


Killjoy is saying that if someone rushes through the game they have no right to complain. His analogy was people skimming through a book then going "Why isn't there more chapters?"

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Killjoy is saying that if someone rushes through the game they have no right to complain. His analogy was people skimming through a book then going "Why isn't there more chapters?"


I know what Killjoy was saying. I also know what Killjoy said about mad rushing and wolfing down content in earlier post.

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1) No, but then I also don't fast-forward through half the scenes, either. :rolleyes:


2) Movie or book =/= video game.


I think if you were going to compare a MMORPG storyline to a book it would be more like a periodical (where you get bits at a time and anxiously await the next chapter), and if it was a movie, it would be one of those "made for TV miniseries", also spread out over many episodes (think of BBC's "I Claudius") :)

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I was early access also. First group and I don't believe we had rest. How long ago has that been...memory is a wonderful thing but the only I have left is on my computer. Note to self upgrade comp memory.

No no no...not for launch (although I was there too and YES - it was available then, that's why we all know where the cantina is on starter worlds), I meant early access to SoR :)


Let me try to clarify...It didn't need to bank up rested XP again as far as I know, it's not like 3.0 hit and it started banking then once we had extra levels, I know I had rested XP the day 3.0 launched. It may have gotten a bigger pool after launch, but it was there day 1.

Edited by TUXs
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No no no...not for launch (although I was there too and YES - it was available then, that's why we all know where the cantina is on starter worlds), I meant early access to SoR :)


Let me try to clarify...It didn't need to bank up rested XP again as far as I know, it's not like 3.0 hit and it started banking then once we had extra levels, I know I had rested XP the day 3.0 launched. It may have gotten a bigger pool after launch, but it was there day 1.


I could be wrong but I didn't think we had the rest. Then again I just popped a xp boost and starting doing the FP. I got wrapped up in it. It seemed like I was doing fine leveling. I was enjoying it so it was all good. I do know I was 58 when finished. Then I started doing dailies to get my spiffy 186 gear.

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Quote one post of mine where I've said that. One.


You can't, never could. You just keep repeating yourself without presenting *anything*. All I've seen are people telling me "lolol do forged allaince" without realizing that you *cannot* do them if you did them prior to 3.0. Or they tell me "do pvp or flashpoints" when that is not the point, and never has been.


Here, let's use simple words so *even* you can understand.


There isn't enough content/xp in SoR to reach 60 WITHOUT repeating new dailies, doing old dailies, or repeating the story flashpoints in a group, which I did by the way, that still isn't enough.


And let me also repeat it, for the 13th time in this thread:




Now, if you're cool with that, good for you. *I* think ti's crappy design because doing old stuff just to progress in a new expansion at max level is idiotic, and I have as much freedom to complain about that as you have to praise BW for adding recoloured clothing from launch.


OH yes you can. My op healer, sin tank, mara and merc dps all did FA story before SoR came out. I have not been in a guild, don't like the drama going on lately In them..

So, you cant get to 60 with JUST the new content without repeating stuff prior to 3.0 or grinding dailies?

WRONG. I did. Four times.

Like I said, you are rushing through content. I rushed through content on my dps commando and hit 59 before revan fight..( almost 60, but not quite)

Just because YOU cant, doesn't mean NO ONE can...

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  • 6 months later...

I Started reading the thread due to a similar thing happening with me. I finished Yavin 4 at lev 59 with maxed Coms and slightly annoyed that I have to wait for it to reset to re run dailies for a level. I Spent my Coms on Birthright Gear so I could stay below cap, Most people don't have an issue reaching 60 by the end of Yavin or even before, thats because most players over level per planet I see it all the time. I myself play at level and the first quest I was given in Yavin I believe was 58 and the planet itself is rated 57-60. There was not enough xp for me to get from 58 to 60. I was a little lost when I hit lev 59 thinking what do I do now.


Don't you think if the first quest is level 58 then from that quest til the end of the story line there should be sufficient xp to level.


Guys don't jump down his throat because you have a different opinion. I think dailies should be a grind for Coms and gear and not Xp.

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I Started reading the thread due to a similar thing happening with me. I finished Yavin 4 at lev 59 with maxed Coms and slightly annoyed that I have to wait for it to reset to re run dailies for a level. I Spent my Coms on Birthright Gear so I could stay below cap, Most people don't have an issue reaching 60 by the end of Yavin or even before, thats because most players over level per planet I see it all the time. I myself play at level and the first quest I was given in Yavin I believe was 58 and the planet itself is rated 57-60. There was not enough xp for me to get from 58 to 60. I was a little lost when I hit lev 59 thinking what do I do now.


Don't you think if the first quest is level 58 then from that quest til the end of the story line there should be sufficient xp to level.


Guys don't jump down his throat because you have a different opinion. I think dailies should be a grind for Coms and gear and not Xp.


I hit level 60 while still doing the missions for Makeb in the RotHC part of the story. So its doable. I didn't run any ops or flashpoints or PVP to do it. I did only the 1 Flashpoint and PVP at the beginning when you get the missions:


Introduction to Flashpoints

Introduction to PVP


That's it. Other then that I did all planet, class, side, heroic missions while using only the complementary xp boost items plus 12xp. I hit 55 while on Corelia and 60 on Makeb.


I haven't done it as a preferred / F2P but as a sub it's possible.

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How does this even happen. I have 3 characters at 60 now, and they were all 60 before even leaving Rishi, one hit 60 on Makeb.


I do EVERYTHING though, so I could see how people don't cap out as early as me.


I'm talking about 500 bormu before leaving the Balmorra "everything". I do all the area quest, side quest, bonus series, the dailies at least once for legacy credit. I complete all datacrons, exploration, and codex entries before leaving as well. EVEN still......What the hell did you skip that you are stuck being finished with Yavin at 58.



.....stupid Bormu :mad:

Edited by Tharenisis
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No, really. I finish Yavin and I'm sitting at lvl58. I'm supposed to grind dailies for the last level and a half? While sitting at 1k comms with literally nothing worth using them on.


This is all you can come up with? An afternoons worth of content? Other MMO's release more content as free content patches. Hell, WoW's daily areas have more content than this.


You must've missed something, When I finished Yavin on my marauder I was at level 59 and almost 60, so I did CZ-198 dailies and it got me to 60, so you must've missed a few missions.

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How does this even happen. I have 3 characters at 60 now, and they were all 60 before even leaving Rishi, one hit 60 on Makeb.


I do EVERYTHING though, so I could see how people don't cap out as early as me.


I'm talking about 500 bormu before leaving the Balmorra "everything". I do all the area quest, side quest, bonus series, the dailies at least once for legacy credit. I complete all datacrons, exploration, and codex entries before leaving as well. EVEN still......What the hell did you skip that you are stuck being finished with Yavin at 58.



.....stupid Bormu :mad:

I'm guessing that he must've missed a few daily missions on Rishi or something, because I left Rishi at level 58 almost 59.

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I Started reading the thread due to a similar thing happening with me. I finished Yavin 4 at lev 59 with maxed Coms and slightly annoyed that I have to wait for it to reset to re run dailies for a level. I Spent my Coms on Birthright Gear so I could stay below cap, Most people don't have an issue reaching 60 by the end of Yavin or even before, thats because most players over level per planet I see it all the time. I myself play at level and the first quest I was given in Yavin I believe was 58 and the planet itself is rated 57-60. There was not enough xp for me to get from 58 to 60. I was a little lost when I hit lev 59 thinking what do I do now.


Don't you think if the first quest is level 58 then from that quest til the end of the story line there should be sufficient xp to level.


Guys don't jump down his throat because you have a different opinion. I think dailies should be a grind for Coms and gear and not Xp.


So now you know you gotta do the side quests once you reach 55, and perhaps use a couple of the XP boosts you get free. About comms, they are wasted on birthright gear. Spend them on low to mid level artifact boxes if not gearing alts, and sell what you get on the gtn.

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With the characters I have completed the Yavin quests with I always was max level or very close to max level so I never experienced any lack of level content during that time.


Like I said earlier, I was the same, I was at level 59 almost 60 after the Revan battle, so all I had to do was the weekly on CZ-198 which got me to level 60.

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I think the XP gain is paced around the smooth transition from 55 onwards, meaning they factored the XP you get from the lost alliances prelude missions/flashpoints into it. If you take a toon through the preludes you hit 60 shortly after getting to yavin or before, in my experience.
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Considering the age of this original post, I think 12 XP wasn't even an option back then.


But with that said, I also think he went out of his way to avoid gaining any additional XP. In other words he stealthed from one point to another, thus avoiding any bonus quests plus missing out on all the potential XP gain from killing the mobs along the way.


Assuming he did all content ... Illum, Makeb, and SoR ... then all I can say is this just goes to show how important doing some of that grind is outside of 12 XP.


I also have to wonder if he / she did any warzones at all. Hell, I found doing the occasional warzone daily a great reprieve from the quest grind. Especially after doing it on multiple characters. And it is nothing like warzone craziness to help teach you the inner workings of your class.

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