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Cool if you pay for something you should be happy its broken, and just keep renewing your sub.


I don't say anything like that, I clearly suggested to share your opinion, how it could be changed. If this amount of energy what the pvp community spend by crying on the forum, would be put in suggestion threads, then BW, will land pvp paches, changes for sure!

BW is not a company who wanna make you struggle with your class in the god knows what wz match vs the "OP" ones lol

They have one goal : money


They don't wanna make an mmo revolution, you can clearly see it - they made a themepark game using the most popular schemas. So they clearly have one goal: money.


If I would know that what you would buy at the momment, you can be sure, that tomorrow we would make a deal : ) it's easy. If ppl would make as much suggestions like qq posts, the company, BW would be under a preasure, that they would need to move and use some of the most poppular ones.


But it's an important issue, that you should set up a few questions for your self:

- Do you want to apatite your ego by a pc game or you wanna have a good game?

- If you frustrated by losing to some in game classes, and your goal would be to "win" can you imagine, that forcing to wriggle the game's balance will ever serve a setup, that most of the players will discard the class what will get the most powers and only you will play it?


After you have the answers, make your suggestions if you like the SW background, the engine and you can imagine, that by a few patches this game could be a great option to rot front of your pc : ) you can even cancel your sub till this patches don't arrive and just use the forum to support some of the suggestions or make new ones.


But don't let your self fell in to a trap, that the company will hear your crying and they will buff your class to the sky an nerf the one what you don't play.


We need content in pvp. But the only content what most of the pvp community playes at the momment is to lobby for his class and praying all night under his quilt, that one day he will wake up and the jesus patch will arrive, what will make his loved class OP like fu*k.

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Ok class balance isnt even on the plate here its going to take months of data to find out whats going on with the big picture you cant get that picture it the game itself is riddled with latency. The truth is balance will never happen its a dream but getting somewhat close to it is. The amount of time lost since the current expac till now is useless until the ability latency and bolster bugs are taken out we dont truly know what every class can bring to the table.
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Ok class balance isnt even on the plate here its going to take months of data to find out whats going on with the big picture you cant get that picture it the game itself is riddled with latency. The truth is balance will never happen its a dream but getting somewhat close to it is. The amount of time lost since the current expac till now is useless until the ability latency and bolster bugs are taken out we dont truly know what every class can bring to the table.


I know what you mean, but an mmo will never reach a balance like let's say: chess

I'm more on complex content then balance. And I mean here even contents like more complex character development, with more complex options.

In my opinion there is two ways to handle balance in a game:

- make it simple like chess

- or give so many contents and so comlex character development tools, that the balance could rise by a confusing chaos.


just an example:

find the op role in this skill tree, an point out the unbalance.

and if you take a look at the upcomming mmo games for 2015/16, then you can see clearly, that they rather use this schema, then the wow's one.


SWTOR should step to a new and I'm sure, for them it could be a wild path. But they would just profit by making this step, I'm 100% sure.


Star citizen comming out? SWTOR has star fighter in there game, I like it, if it would have some more content, SC would be not a deal for them.

A few sandbox games will arrive soon and all the content what they have could be placed to SWTOR by a few patches.


So swtor coul be able to offer SC × the new sci fi sandbox games (I don't wanna name all of them here) by landing a few patches and changes. And they have the background to handle it. It's not a small independent company : )


But for this we need a creative community, with tones and tones of ideas.


And don't forget, SW new movie will arrive in this year. This is the year when BW can make there shiny future, but one thing is sure : not with a wow clone : )

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And don't forget, SW new movie will arrive in this year. This is the year when BW can make there shiny future, but one thing is sure : not with a wow clone : )


I to am placing a lot of hope in the new movies, i really have a good feeling with the direction they took with it. Honestly who knows we could get there and watch it fall on its face. Yes this expac was pushed out way to fast at a time of the year when they knew they wouldnt be able to support such a grand change just to the over all feeling to many of the classes i main a sin and love it but hate hitting a key waiting 3 secs just to see it i even goes through or not drives me insane. Fact is its star wars they know they can feed us this stuff and get away with it as long as the star wars name is slapped across it. I do feel for the devs it seem like their hands are some what tied. Sure they would love to take the time and make something nice for us and sure they got money men pushing them in a direction they dont want to go its kinda a mess really.

Edited by mcpark
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Ahh todays generation , constructive criticism = whining to them.


I can understand constructive criticism but to be honest, a lot of people are a bit whiny on this forum. All the "nerf sorcs" and "omgz pt to stronk put shoulder cannon on cd" well its a bit pathetic.

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I thought it was p**** vasectomy paranoia


hahaha : ) by the way, if vasectomy happend then there is not much to do : /


Actually potency problems are could be the reason of an all day whine in an mmo's pvp forum section, that "BW mammy, I wanna be the WANNA BE character in this game!"

But fortunately there is a cure for that : )


Edit: I can't help! But I will support it!

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Ahh todays generation , constructive criticism = whining to them.


I can understand constructive criticism but to be honest, a lot of people are a bit whiny on this forum. All the "nerf sorcs" and "omgz pt to stronk put shoulder cannon on cd" well its a bit pathetic.

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I can understand constructive criticism but to be honest, a lot of people are a bit whiny on this forum. All the "nerf sorcs" and "omgz pt to stronk put shoulder cannon on cd" well its a bit pathetic.


Yeah because people publicly speaking out about broken abilities is pathetic.

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Yeah because people publicly speaking out about broken abilities is pathetic.
This. That is exactly what I am talking about, the poster you replied to sees criticism and acknowledgment that abilities and classes are not balanced, as whining, which is simply ridiculous. People wouldn't be here criticizing classes if BW would -ACTUALLY- balance the clases out, instead of nerfing classes that were already pretty bad off ( commandos ) and buffing classes that were ALREADY ultra easy mode ( sages and shadows )
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Much of the whining comes lack of knowledge of both their classes' capabilities and limitations, and that of others. PvP by its very nature creates an environment where when one player is soundly beaten by another that the fault is believed to lie with class design. This may prove true in some cases, but not nearly as much as some people may suggest. This gives form to the belief of PvPers being a whiny bunch. And in truth it is a myth that has proven hard to cast aside in every MMO that I've played when one looks at those games' forums. So this is nothing new, and likely something that will continue for many years to come.


In my opinion, the weeks leading up to 3.0 saw what I would consider to be the closest thing to a period resembling class balance since launch. With 3.0 however, everything was flipped and tossed one way or another and it will likely take some time for the dust to settle before we start to see that kind of balance within PvP again.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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Yeah because people publicly speaking out about broken abilities is pathetic.


Actually pathetic whine is not that subjective term.

I see it quite funny, that some started to dabate even with this statement : D


So from now, the QQ train will be supplemented b a new train car, that lets lobby for the viability of pathetic whine : D


By the way, I don't say, that there should be zero rage, qq posts on the pvp section. It's normal if we have some. PvP is always full of emotions and ppl should have a space where they can share it. But you know when a avalanche starts, it don't stops...


QQ threads are for players who have no recording softwares, and have no ideas, they are quite simple so all they can do is self class lobby.

Rage threads should have there space, but it's better, lets say more Pro, if you can handle the rage and manifest that energy in to a thread what is full of great suggestions.


Look but I don't bevieve that 90% of the pvp community is simple minded like a mop, non of them has recording softwares and all the 8 base classes are non stop full of rage till they pay for this game and play it : D It's simply a avalanche and way too much alp(ha)inist jusped into it : )


At the momment the game balance vs classes is the most marginal issue in the game's pvp.

- we need more pvp content

- the open world pvp is bad even for an beta test, it needs contents, it needs rules, it needs goals, it needs risk and reward, it needs lagfree space....

- wager system would be welcome

- 1v1 arenas would be welcome for the late night players and actually globally, it would bring a new lvl of rewarded challanging.

- the pvp gear grind is way to heavy, thats the reason why most of the players can afford just one main role and they will call OP all otheres.

- the pvp gear is not enoughe complex do to moding it. We should have more options for creativity

- Star fighter is very well made but some how the queue is mostly empty, there should be something done. It's honestly a gem in the game, with it's non-tab-target system

- focus fore till ranked matches is way too much class based leaving not too much space for alternative tactics

- cross server queue would be nice (I doubt, that it could happen without some great ping spike issues, but I'm not an expert)


And the list is very-very long!


And this are just some of the fixes, and I don't even mentioned the unlimited options for changes. : )


but the hit what goes on our forum is "my father should be taller then your father"


And my personal opinion: 99.9% of this QQ'ers know nothing about the class balance, they have max 1 AC geared up in full 174 pvp gear. The deves made a good job with balancing this time. There are some issues, but you can be sure, that they monioring the matches, the scores and this issues will be fixed based on the numbers, what they will see, not on nonsense qq posts. Every fu*ing AC, class was called OP in the last 3 weeks in this forum 10 times with foaming mouth. All I can imagine, that they have a good laugh!

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Actually pathetic whine is not that subjective term.

I see it quite funny, that some started to dabate even with this statement : D


So from now, the QQ train will be supplemented b a new train car, that lets lobby for the viability of pathetic whine : D


By the way, I don't say, that there should be zero rage, qq posts on the pvp section. It's normal if we have some. PvP is always full of emotions and ppl should have a space where they can share it. But you know when a avalanche starts, it don't stops...


QQ threads are for players who have no recording softwares, and have no ideas, they are quite simple so all they can do is self class lobby.

Rage threads should have there space, but it's better, lets say more Pro, if you can handle the rage and manifest that energy in to a thread what is full of great suggestions.


Look but I don't bevieve that 90% of the pvp community is simple minded like a mop, non of them has recording softwares and all the 8 base classes are non stop full of rage till they pay for this game and play it : D It's simply a avalanche and way too much alp(ha)inist jusped into it : )


At the momment the game balance vs classes is the most marginal issue in the game's pvp.

- we need more pvp content

- the open world pvp is bad even for an beta test, it needs contents, it needs rules, it needs goals, it needs risk and reward, it needs lagfree space....

- wager system would be welcome

- 1v1 arenas would be welcome for the late night players and actually globally, it would bring a new lvl of rewarded challanging.

- the pvp gear grind is way to heavy, thats the reason why most of the players can afford just one main role and they will call OP all otheres.

- the pvp gear is not enoughe complex do to moding it. We should have more options for creativity

- Star fighter is very well made but some how the queue is mostly empty, there should be something done. It's honestly a gem in the game, with it's non-tab-target system

- focus fore till ranked matches is way too much class based leaving not too much space for alternative tactics

- cross server queue would be nice (I doubt, that it could happen without some great ping spike issues, but I'm not an expert)


And the list is very-very long!


And this are just some of the fixes, and I don't even mentioned the unlimited options for changes. : )


but the hit what goes on our forum is "my father should be taller then your father"


And my personal opinion: 99.9% of this QQ'ers know nothing about the class balance, they have max 1 AC geared up in full 174 pvp gear. The deves made a good job with balancing this time. There are some issues, but you can be sure, that they monioring the matches, the scores and this issues will be fixed based on the numbers, what they will see, not on nonsense qq posts. Every fu*ing AC, class was called OP in the last 3 weeks in this forum 10 times with foaming mouth. All I can imagine, that they have a good laugh!

Commando and merc were not called op. Why is that? Because they were left far.......FAR.....behind with this update.
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Commando and merc were not called op. Why is that? Because they were left far.......FAR.....behind with this update.


Yea, they need a little buff and I'm sure they will get some, but actually it's not matter who call what class op.. it's just self class lobby.

An example: Sage what is the same like sorce was called OP soo many times since 3.0 that I don't see the end of the qq posts. But it's 100% that they will get some single target dps buff maybe some aoe dmg nerf and I woul not be surprised on defense buff as well. Any one can lobby how much he can if it's a stupid self class lobby will not count no matter how many threads he will generate.

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Yea, they need a little buff and I'm sure they will get some, but actually it's not matter who call what class op.. it's just self class lobby.

An example: Sage what is the same like sorce was called OP soo many times since 3.0 that I don't see the end of the qq posts. But it's 100% that they will get some single target dps buff maybe some aoe dmg nerf and I woul not be surprised on defense buff as well. Any one can lobby how much he can if it's a stupid self class lobby will not count no matter how many threads he will generate.

Everything I see says sage / sorc. And yes, they both are ridiculously OP compared to the classes that were left behind, and the fact that of ALL classes sage and shadow (and their counterparts ) got buffed with 3.0 just blows my mind entirely. I am positive BW simply hates the commando / merc class
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When voicing constructive criticism, it would be nice to word it as such and clearly identify the issues. I think that the community made important discoveries worth pursuing, such as increased bolster imbalance in mids; ship armor bolstering; identifying a couple of classes (not disciplines; classes) that are still under-performing as compared to others; and the tanking damage reduced by 20% instead of 10% (unless that was fixed by now or I misunderstood).


Now we can only wait and hope for a dialogue, and, well, purchase a few pieces of ship's armor :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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When voicing constructive criticism, it would be nice to word it as such and clearly identify the issues. I think that the community made important discoveries worth pursuing, such as increased bolster imbalance in mids; ship armor bolstering; identifying a couple of classes (not disciplines; classes) that are still under-performing as compared to others; and the tanking damage reduced by 20% instead of 10% (unless that was fixed by now or I misunderstood).


Now we can only wait and hope for a dialogue, and, well, purchase a few pieces of ship's armor :)

luckily I play the space missions and had lvl 7 everything already
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