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Is it possible as some have claimed to make 500K in 2 hours doing dailies?


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Oh, and what planet has the mobs with the most loot? I need credits.


Definitely possible, but it is not a single planet. It is about "making the rounds;" hitting several of the daily areas in one play sesssion.


At 5k to 10k per quest reward and five or 6 dailies plus a weekly per daily area, and a good player who knows the daily area well and can therefore complete it efficiently, then throw in the loot you get off the mobs you kill and 500k in a couple of hours is achievable. And this was the case before 3.0. So if you hit...



  • Black Hole

  • Belsevis

  • Section X

  • CZ-198

  • Oricon



and do all the dailies at each one to complete the weekly. what you asking is possible.


Something to realize though is that some of the weekly quests do require you to do group content, but not all group content requires a group to complete (i.e. with a decently geared character and companion the BH heroic quest is soloable, BUT the section X heroic 4 requires four players (completion mechanic))

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People often make claims without considering the variables. 500K in 2 hours? Possible but certainly an unintelligent claim. The hours and credits are variable as they are dependent in other factors. A simple thing as lag could severely affect the length of time it takes to accomplish your goal. The order in which you do the quests is also another factor.


The credit cost is also not fixed as it incorporates the credit earned from mob kills and loot sold. A Stealth class would probably make less credits and complete the tasks faster because they can avoid mobs they don't have to kill whereas a non-stealth class pretty much agro everything on their way to an objective.


The number of people running the dailies at the same time as you. For example, on CZ-198 you may spend most of your time waiting for objectives to re-spawn because someone just capped it.


Earn 450-500k credits in 2-3 hours would have been a more solid statement. It incorporates the variables.

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People still go to Ilim?


hehe Yeah I still do and I found their mission rewards are little higher than belsavis/section x. I'm usually looking at 7k per (non heroic) mission turn in's where Illum are all over 10K. Illum' also feels like less of a pita to navigate than those other two, almost as easy as the black hole.

Edited by Ridickilis
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There are a few dailies on Ilum as well, which micht give some Credits, too.

I think that Ilum is often a bit underrated regarding dailies & Credits.


I knew I was missing one of the old daily areas in my list but I could not recall which. That being said, IMO Ilum is the worst time/credit ratio because the quests are so spread out you are spending just as much time traveling as doing the quests.

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Yes 500k in under two hours at 60 is super easy. I run my main and two alts each day through dailys (roughly 5 hrs or so and come out with well over a million credits just from doing missions and loot sales. You make even more now since there is least likely chance of repairs except from fall damage - if u want to take certain paths or get bored lol.


On top of that, make good use of your gathering skills on each player. I have slicing + 1 gather and 1 craft on each of these, thus making even more. The order I find best is:


(any daily u stilll need rep for goes first)


Then in order of easiest versus best cash gain:




Black Hole



Yavin 4

Section X




I dont think I missed any, but that should be it. Keep in mind there are certain mechanics in the new zones that make old dailys such as belsavis not worthwhile anymore. An example would be slicing in the temple map on yavin. Can easily make more than belsavis in less time.


Good luck!

Edited by Yespa
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I wanted to test how fast I could make 500k credits with dailes and I made as a Jedi Guardian, level 57


Ilum - 99k in 31 minutes. (I wasn't familiar with the area and one of the 6 dailies is a random drop that took 9 mins to get)


Section X - 103k in 36 minutes (I didn't do the Heroic 4 "Long Shots") Weelky - 14k


Makeb - 96k in 21 minutes (I didn't do the Heroic 2 "For the record" or 4 "Savage Skies)


Belsavis - 137k in 39 minutes


At this point I flipped to my Sith Jug level 52 and did


Ilum - 97k in 28 minutes (easier at a lower level because I knew the quests)


546k in 2 hours and 25 mins...plus I had to travel in my **** which cost 9k total...so 537k in just under 2.5 hours.


Now I will point out I am not the most time efficient person I got lost a few times and I was not familiar with the quests on any planet.


I think with proper knowledge of the area's, level 60 etc I think it could be done in under 2 hours.

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I also forgot to mention the following, please feel free to add it to the list:


Voss Dailys

Multi-Planet GSI Dailys


Now for all of the original Dailys posted earlier (except basic belsavis and rishi) there is a teleporter located on each planet and Fleet that makes for ease of transporting between planets and for free.


Besids these, you also have:


Group Finder Weekly

Flashpoint Weekly

Operation Weekly

Pvp Daily

Pvp Weekly

World Boss Weekly

Probably a bunch of others Im forgetting to mention from fleet!



Now the Voss Dailys are pretty time consuming, and not worth doing everyday, but if you want to max the rep, do what I did. I would log in tuesdays after reset and do the voss weekly on all my toons which would cap rep for the week.


GSI dailys are super time consuming, but after you have done all of the above and still have time outside pvp or raids, do GSI dailys. Theres some nice rewards from the rep vendor, and if you follow the story part, you can get dreadseed and star forager armor and titles. Enjoy!

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I also forgot to mention the following, please feel free to add it to the list:


Voss Dailys

Multi-Planet GSI Dailys


Now for all of the original Dailys posted earlier (except basic belsavis and rishi) there is a teleporter located on each planet and Fleet that makes for ease of transporting between planets and for free.


Besids these, you also have:


Group Finder Weekly

Flashpoint Weekly

Operation Weekly

Pvp Daily

Pvp Weekly

World Boss Weekly

Probably a bunch of others Im forgetting to mention from fleet!



Now the Voss Dailys are pretty time consuming, and not worth doing everyday, but if you want to max the rep, do what I did. I would log in tuesdays after reset and do the voss weekly on all my toons which would cap rep for the week.


GSI dailys are super time consuming, but after you have done all of the above and still have time outside pvp or raids, do GSI dailys. Theres some nice rewards from the rep vendor, and if you follow the story part, you can get dreadseed and star forager armor and titles. Enjoy!


I'm assuming you meant "Voss Weekly," as there are no dailies on Voss (that I know of).

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Of course there are dailies on Voss : The Weekly consists of them ! ;)


Although you can technically do them every day, I wouldn't call a handful of Heroic 4s "dailies."


"Daily quests" usually refer to solo quests. Although, now that I say this, I just realized that a level 60 could easily solo those Heroic 4s on Voss, turning them into dailies.


FULL 180! I agree, Voss has dailies.

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if you have alts just clear the black hole and oricon.. skip the rest. .these 2 areas are the fastest and no grouping needed.


the black hole has alot of instanced objectives so no competition from other players(atleast on imp side)


and oricon is big enough so usually no down time waiting on spawns

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Although you can technically do them every day, I wouldn't call a handful of Heroic 4s "dailies."


"Daily quests" usually refer to solo quests. Although, now that I say this, I just realized that a level 60 could easily solo those Heroic 4s on Voss, turning them into dailies.


FULL 180! I agree, Voss has dailies.


I always did so with my Gunslinger (plus Companion, of course) since level 55. Pre-3.0 .


the black hole has alot of instanced objectives so no competition from other players(atleast on imp side)


Republic has 2. The H4 and one other. That's it.


I remember lots of rants in "the old days" regarding people stealing others' objectives and kills in the Black Hole, Republic side.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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That being said, IMO Ilum is the worst time/credit ratio because the quests are so spread out you are spending just as much time traveling as doing the quests.


Its not as bad as Belsavis. No matter what routes I've tried Belsavis is more like two smaller daily areas which take longer because of the travel time between them. It is great for maxing all your companion affection though.

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There are also other methods some with faster gain for time invested. There is a great one in black hole in the area where you have to release the scientists.


There are 4/5 golds in this area each ALWAYS drops at least a green item and some decent cash and is on such a fast spawn that by the time you get to 5th 1 is respawning so you just run the loop.


You can make upwards of 325k an hour doing this, of course this requires that you can get the place pretty much to yourself and at times I do see others farming the same route. If someone else is running the route then it simply isnt worth it. There is never no harm in checking though whilst doing your daily and making a 30 minute route run a part of your daily it sure can help fill the bank up fast.

Edited by thamightyboro
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