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GSF copilot ability variation question


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Curious as to why copilot options vary


my republic shadow/scoundrel's stock scout ship has a co-pilot ability to repair the hull(Hydro Spanner)

my imperial assassin/operative's stock scout ship does not have this option, but the option is available

for my stock gunship and strike fighter.



my imperial warrior and republic marauder both have the repair hull ability for their stock scout ships.


My question is does anyone know why I don't have access to this copilot ability for

my imperial assassin and operative? or if I am able to get access to this abiliy for these ships somehow?


Ideally I wanted the repair hull hydro spanner ability for my operative's S-12 Blackbolt to mimmic my

republic build and was hoping it was possible


any input is appreciated thanks :)

Edited by Layfe
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You can get every copilot ability on both sides but the combination of passive boni and ability is different.

Open your hangar's crew tab and you can buy crew members for fleet requisiton.


I wish we could choose 4 crew members for passive boni and a fifth for the ability.

Edited by Danalon
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those two arnt options for copilots


Why not? You can hire them as copilots for 1250 fleet requisition. Although they don't have the same passives as republic copilots with hydrospanner.

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Why not? You can hire them as copilots for 1250 fleet requisition. Although they don't have the same passives as republic copilots with hydrospanner.


Thats why I'm asking, I was wondering why they arnt options for me to select

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You need to buy and then select one of them for a position (Blizz for engineering or MZ-12 for offensive). A crew member can only be selected for copilot if it's in one of the four active positions.


Thank you so much, problem solved, didn't occur to me that the copilot consisted of one of the four passive companions, was just pure luck then that my other characters had him selected, was driving me a bit crazy :p thanks for responding and sticking around until I understood :)

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There is litterally never a time to use Aven Geth. 2V-R8 is always available and always superior to Aven Geth. Aven's Power to Blasters gives +10% power; 2V-R8's Efficient Fire gives 13% efficiency, which is equivalent to +14.9% power and +14.9% regen rate. Your Aven is bad and you should feel bad.
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There is litterally never a time to use Aven Geth. 2V-R8 is always available and always superior to Aven Geth. Aven's Power to Blasters gives +10% power; 2V-R8's Efficient Fire gives 13% efficiency, which is equivalent to +14.9% power and +14.9% regen rate. Your Aven is bad and you should feel bad.


Efficent Fire does not work with railguns. I feel good. :)

Edited by Magira
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Efficent Fire does not work with railguns. I feel good. :)

Are you sure? It certainly 'feels' like it does but I'll be the last person to claim that based on something as subjective; I don't see power draw in the railgun tooltips to check though.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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Are you sure? It certainly 'feels' like it does but I'll be the last person to claim that based on something as subjective; I don't see power draw in the railgun tooltips to check though.


Yes, it only works with blasters, as the tooltip says "The cost of using blasters is reduced by 13%"

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Are you sure? It certainly 'feels' like it does but I'll be the last person to claim that based on something as subjective; I don't see power draw in the railgun tooltips to check though.


This is the current state of my knowledge, yes. But since I have not tested it myself, I would not bet my life on it. :)

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