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Fun thread - Experimental weapons discussion


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Galactic starfighter has many charms that have kept us interested, and despite the recent lack of developer attention, I feel that we as a community have stepped forward to keep the game interesting. Live streams, cross server events, and specialty guilds are all things that have helped keep this game fresh and interesting despite a lack of new content, and I would like to thank those who have stepped forward to make these things happen.


Some of the things that have kept me interested is the wide diversity of weapons and abilities available. The ability to upgrade into specialized ships has captured many of our imaginations and allowed for a vast array of potential strategies. However, there are also technologies that exist within the star wars lore that could be potential future additions to either existing ship classes or new classes entirely. I have made this thread to ask you folks what types of new upgrades we could suggest could uniquely impact the game, and how you think they would affect gameplay, regardless of their feasibility. (just a fun discussion of ideas)


A few ideas I have come up with:


Tractor Beam - system ability or secondary weapon with the ability to yank enemies towards you


Hijacking probe - allows you to take control of an enemy ship for a period of time and wreak havoc, while your ship remains stationary (20 seconds?)


Warp field - similar concept to the game "portal" with the ability to make an entry and exit portal for ships (may not be possible considering lore, but interesting from a gameplay perspective)


Shield ship - Potentially new ship class with an "umbrella-like" shield to protect teammates.


Feel free to make any comments or additions.

Happy new year!

Edited by Lavaar
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That hijacking probe would be a free kill. Hijack someone and boost into the nearest rock. Even with a long lock-on it seems a bit too powerful to me.


If a Hijacking probe were available I think a "self destruct button" ability would be a compliment to it. Allowing a player to self destruct taking out himself and a close-by enemy player.


Another possibility could be railgun slugs that would slow and enemy for 5 seconds but do no damage or slug that are healing nanobot slug to be shot at friendly players. Maybe even some AOE slugs.

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That hijacking probe would be a free kill. Hijack someone and boost into the nearest rock. Even with a long lock-on it seems a bit too powerful to me.


If a Hijacking probe were available I think a "self destruct button" ability would be a compliment to it. Allowing a player to self destruct taking out himself and a close-by enemy player.


Another possibility could be railgun slugs that would slow and enemy for 5 seconds but do no damage or slug that are healing nanobot slug to be shot at friendly players. Maybe even some AOE slugs.

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I think those would all be really cool if they could pull them off without changing the balance of the game too much.


Some casual players cry about OP gunships or bomber or battlescouts but most of us know that the game is actually quite nicely balanced. I mean, when 3/4 of the ships can be considered OP that basically means the game is good. Even the T3 Strike can fit into the meta as a tanking healer.


The only thing this game needs is a way to counter the gunship wall (with bomber support) in deathmatch. As it is now, you basically have to stack your own gunships and a bomber or two if you want to counter this. They should finish the stealth ships and make them counter the gunship wall. Give them a systems ability such as portal (as described above by Lavaar) or cloak. Give them a shield ability that allows for the umbrella shield. Give them a 5 second ock-on, super slow hijack missile (basically you'd only be able to land it on bombers). All of those options would help a team make coordinated attacks to take out the gunship wall bomber ball tactic. In order to balance them, make them fairly weak on offense with only access to LC, LLC, or RFL. You could also make a hybrid offense/team ship by equipping conc, thermite, or proton torp instead of hijack missile. Or swap umbrella shield for directional shield or repair drone. You could maybe even equip repair probes or combat command or hyperspace beacon instead of cloak/portal.


Make the ship cost 2000 cartel coins for the first month or so and you'd probably make the money back to pay for the man hours put into completing the stealth ships (which were rumoured to be almost complete but not added due to balancing issues).

Edited by RickDagles
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