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why is sentinel such garbage??????


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I'm a level 40 watchman sentinel and I am loving it. I regularly do over 200k in warzones however I am more than happy to concede more than a few design floors.


The biggest one is the class needs too many keys to be played in a way that makes it competative. Don't get me wrong when you do it you hit like a truck and are a massive asset to the group, however I currently have 25 ish separate binds (probably more if I count them properly), thank god for the razor naga. When I played a trooper I didn't need anything close to that to play well. I have never tried sorc/sage but apparently they are in a similar position to trooper keybind wise.


I was focus at the lower levels and I'll be honest I felt as if I was strugling some of the time. Now, after switching spec I feel pretty ballanced vs every class in pvp except maybe a well played lethality operative. I am curious what specs people are whom are finding they are stugling, just to see if the issue is the class or the tallent tree if people feel they are doing low dps.


Unfortunatly until they put in a combat log/dps meter for pve I don't feel there is any constructive way to add to that discusion other than what people "feel" which is allways affected by preconceptions.

Edited by Subtle
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Sentinels biggest issue is that we're squishy, being a melee class that doesn't wear plate. This is a non issue in group play as we'll have Tanks and while questing we can use a Tank or Healer companion. In PVP it can be tough if you put yourself in a bad spot, you gotta be careful.


I kill Elites easily as Watchman. My companion may die but that's about it, usually by the time T7 dies though the elite is at or near death. And I still have three powerful CDs to use to make sure I survive.

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Ive had very mixed feelings on the Sentinel, Im now lvl 49 and Ive had a very hard time through my story quest moreso than anything. But on that note I have a Guardian friend who was having mostly the same problems. I feel its hard to judge off our story quest since it feels harder than most, for whatever reason that is. Im combat at the moment and feel that my damage will be better at 50 with being able to focus on my group role, dps, interrupts, centering buff etc...I think things just need to pan out a little more and theyll be equal. This is just my take on it.
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First off, I never tried Sentinel.


But just seeing how you guys (I'm a BH myself) have so much trouble with one elite tells me it's quite a hard class to play right, since you seem to do mediocre damage and have low survivability.


As a BH I can easily solo 2+ elites, I have a ton of AoE that takes mobs down in 2 seconds, high single damage abilities that destroy elites in under 20 seconds. If I pull aggro I have my heavy armor and heals. And I do a ton of damage in warzones, just did over 200k on my FIRST warzone yesterday as a lvl 18 bounty hunter.


So my advice, either try another class or wait for BW to change it. Honestly, I doubt it will stay this way.


I also believe most of the bad impressions of the class come from the fact that they have seen what other classes are capable of.

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I consider myself more or less a noob at this game... since my only MMO exp has really just been SWG (Beta, CU, and NGE). That said, I think I'm a fairly quick learner.


I'm L33 watchman, and have huge trouble with PvE. Like I said above, I'm no expert - but I do have 36 keybinds memorized and cycle thorugh my abilities & interrupts pretty aggresively. My equip isn't perfect, but I've got about half in oranges & the rest is level approp.


Angral took me 5 tries, and my 5th I finished with about 10% health (kira was long dead). What I've noticed when I die is it's usually due to 1 or 2 minor mistakes (Missing a ward, rebuke, or pacify CD - or not being quick enough to alt-shift my trauma pack). The margin for error is almost nill.


Like I said earlier - I'm kinduva rook; but I still have a hard time believing it's all L2p and am glad to see this thread to know I'm not the only one...

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I have identified the problem.


I'm 46 and been going Combat since, because I hate myself :(


Was hoping for some epic animations for Blade Rush - it's just slash all over again. Think I'm going for Watchman if I find Corellia too hard, had enough of combat so far - it feels nothing special :(

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My sent is curently lvl32 watchman and im finding it ok sometimes i do struggle and yes it's prob my own fault but the spec is in all honesty a bit too unforgiving. on other chars i can make a complete mess of the fight and still come on out alive on my sent a small mistake can lead to death.


got to love all the l2p noob quotes already the game is what a couple of weeks old and everyone should have it down already i think not it takes time to master a class but we seem to have some that have it done a barely more than a week. I admit i dont have it down and im pleased about that i dont want to bored to death of it in a month or two.


to those that are struggling the best advice i can give is to check your rotations/ use off cool downs maybe go back to a lower level area where the mobs are a little easier to kill to pratice fighting packs/elites or even a lower lvl 2 man hc that is how you will improve alot of this community just seem to insult those that are finding it a little harder it sad but true.

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I have to say, i struggled mightly with my level 26 focus based sentinel with the first boss.


Since, I have switched to watchman and I haven't had any issues with my guy. I'm also no expert at dps tactics and I'm sure I'm still doing some **** wrong but I had no issue with Angral at level 34.


Use your interrupts, use your buffs, and make sure you never had items like overload saber and master strike sitting idling. Use all the abilities.


With Angral, I popped saber ward, overload sabers and then hit him with master strike. Then popped pacify, and rebuke. Master strike again, cauterize, pacify, repeat. Don't forget call on the force and stasis as well.


Oh, and if you see that blue bar going across, hit him with force kick or stasis! I can emphasize that enough.


I beat him him over half my life left, and kira was half health as well.


Saber ward/overload sabers and then master strike combines for some massive DPS for me. I love that rotation.


I hate to say L2P but if a noob such as myself can figure this out, surely somebody who has actually played before can.

Edited by calhounhusker
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now I know you're a noob if you think sentinel has a rotation and not a priority system


Oh rotation/priority system, whatever you want o call it I don't care.



I specifically stated up there I'm not an MMO person, and I'm more of a noob but I'm also not the one sitting here ************ that this class sucks.


I've played through 35 levels of the Sentinel and if you can't figure out how to play it correctly, and suck at it but I can get it. I don't know what to tell you.

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I've read all 10 pages in this thread... and there is so much complain about sentinel that im thinking about reroll... And Im asking myself is it true?


Honestly I don't know... I have experience from others MMO but I always played ranged class - Moonlight Sentinel in Lineage II, Hunter in WoW and Ranger in AoC...


Now Im 29 Jedi Sentinel and I didn't try PvP yet... I'm combat spec and I can tell only about PvE. For now I hadn't any problems with elites or bosses in class quests.


From my experience, yes there sooo much skills I have to remember about... More than in other MMOs I played... But for now it's OK for me.


Maybe further in game I will have problems u guys mentioned... Then I will think about make 2nd char...


For now I have only bad feelings about long CD for few skills like 20min or 30s. It's too much to be fun useing them...

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I'm currently level 31 with my sentinel and so far it's been pretty smooth. There have been a few tough fights here and there (nothing like the numerous deaths per boss as mentioned in this thread), but most things I haven't had much problem with. Of course, I've made sure to do all the quests in each area I go to (or all the ones I can, sometimes a bit difficult to get a group for the heroic ones on my server), so I'm usually a level or two ahead of the content, which makes a world of difference.


I have watched other classes, much lower level than me cut through mobs with greater ease, but that's life. The sentinel class is definitely a challenging one, but by no means is it incapable. I have noticed that it's required me to change my strategies with playing the class as I move on from world to world, and that it's essential to watch your cooldowns. Honestly, if you use your abilities right and time your cooldowns to work for you, it's incredibly powerful, imo. Had a "hero" moment in a flashpoint yesterday when the entire group wiped on the last boss save my lonely sentinel, and I managed to finish the boss, it with 30-50ish% health left.


Best of luck to those having problems with it.

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Meh, I have a 35 Sent, also saw people cutting through mobs and while I was struggling. SO i came on here and asked for help. Apparently I wasn't doing it right, despite the fact that I believe I was. So I Re-rolled. Now I don't have to "do it right" because I have a 38 Bounty Hunter which is a ton easier to play, a ton better at surviving, and does about the same dmg...and has a half decent AOE.


From my experience, the sent "problem" is two-fold.


A) The class is more difficult to play then other classes.


B) Even when played well it's still not quite as powerful as other classes I have tried.

Edited by Franic
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In response to a prior post on beating Darth Angral..


As a level 32 Vigilance specced Jedi Guardian, the Darth Angral fight was one of the toughest fights I've had.. I died 6 times before finishing the fight - but I learned a bit from each one and in the end I had 40% health left when he went down.. (spoiler alert) and so had enough left to beat Kira and the Emperor and finish this part of the story.


In order to do this I did the following before the battle:


1. Bought some major upgrades for Kira's armor and light saber on Alderaan before I got here (I didn't know how much this was going to help)

2. Popped a Field Might stim right before the battle

3. Used my relic - Relic of Agile Promise

4. Used Soresu form


I started by having Kira charge, and as suggested here use Blade Ward right away to start getting damage going. I then used Combat Focus, popped my relic and Force Leaped in, and then immediately stunned with Force Sweep. I haven't found an optimal rotation yet, and since Kira's damage outdoes mine (I'm a pathetic 241-290 and she is 268-327), I decided to give her all of the glory while I focused on Force Kick every time the cooldown ended. After my initial attack and when the bonus of the relic wore off I used Saber Ward and hit for all I was worth.


So, while my left hand was Striking and Slashing, with my mouse hand I was using everything as it came off cooldown.. my normal Sundering Strike and Master Strike, the occasional Blade Storm and Taunt (after which I would use any of Kira's attacks to take advantage of the 30% dmg reduction that that ability grants), Force Leap and anything else I could click that had an interrupt (Force Push worked once or twice.. only do this when Force Leap and Sweep are off cooldown so you can follow-up with that, which is devastating to baddies).


After I got into the pattern it was a standard "Tank and Spank". I did use Enure during the fight when I got under 50%, and then followed with a Trauma Medpac (I ended up using 2 during the fight, it was that long). I also had to Call on the Force in order to get my Saber Ward again.




Anyway, I hope this helps someone.

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