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why is sentinel such garbage??????


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Set is one of the few classes you need to know how to play in order to get the most out of them. My Set is 45 and I DESTROY EVERYTHING! Elites What? They are cannon fauder for me. A little speed bump that I go "hmm what was that and move on to the next mob. Multiple mobs I easily destroy. Story boss mobs a cake. Here are a couple of reasons why.


1) Keep you gear current. Set is very gear dependent if you gear is to low then you will have a hard time. Get off your lazy butt and get some gear.


2)Choose the right companion. I can't stress this enough have the right companion makes all the difference. Why make things harder then they have to be.


3)Choose the right spec. A lot of people are rolling combating right out of the gate. I did the same thing but when I made the switch to Watchman the power of the set came shining through.


4) L2P! WoW in general has made the average player LAZY they want to face roll everything and beat their chest screaming I HAVE THE POWER!! or something along those lines. I don't hold to the line of thought that it is unfair that to make it where Set have to work so hard to get the most out of them. In fact the work involved with a Set is mostly on the keeping gear current. Mods make that really easy though so people have no excuse. You want faceroll then WoW is the game for you. But if you don't mind putting some effort into Set it is a very satisfying experience that is not for the LAZY gamer. Sorry to say people that if you aren't destroying stuff you are doing something wrong and need to play a different class.


Set is my favorite class and I can't wait for endgame to see it really shine. But I think Offhand damage could be increased though would help a bunch as well.


How can anyone take you seriously when you can't spell the short form of Sentinel?

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... I will say that for the most part Set dps does have some issue but not as bad as some people think. Set is one of the Classes in Swtor that has a very high learning curve. The average player really doesn't want to put the time an effort that is required to learn to play. I really don't have problems with multiple mobs I destroy them all with ease. My Set is lvl 36 and I haven't trained any skills because of saving for 40 mount.


That being sad for a pure dps class the Set is lagging behind other classes. One way to help is increase the damage we get from our off hand in general atm it is pretty low and for a dual wielding class offhand damage is important. Buffing that will go along way to helping the quality of life for Set.


People want a faceroll class because they don't want to learn and to be honest I'm seeing a lot of bad JK Sets out there. I for one am excited about a class that requires a little effort to play well.


Keep in mind as well that Stats play an important role in any class performing well. Accuracy is you friend and the more you have the faster mobs will die. Your white attacks will hit more often. Also I'm sure that Bioware will be watching as we hit 50 and if we are lagging behind they will be sure to fix it. Once we can combat log parse we will have a better idea of where we stand.


Be patience I enjoy JK Set and look forward to trying endgame with him. I'm Watchman spec and the heals for that spec help a ton. Kira is my main companion and together we destroy every mob. Although Doc is pretty OP with his heals. haha I had a trooper surprised as hell with the heals he was putting out, because his healer companions suck hard.


Other than the fact that you referred to Sentinels as "Set" (there is an "n" before the "t"), I would agree with most of your statements here.


I just hit level 50 with my Jedi Knight Sentinel, and yes, it's one of the more complex classes to play. I also am using the Watchman build.


  • You need to get the damage/attack debuff (Pacify) on the Elites/Strongs, ASAP
  • You definitely should keep aware of interrupting Elites/Strongs when they start casting. Definitely their heals. You will eventually learn which other attacks can be safely ignored, and which need to be interrupted quickly
  • Apply your DoT's/burns as soon as possible (Overload Saber, and Cauterize), and reapply if needed.
  • Use your Zen when available.
  • Make use of Rebuke, and other damage-reducing abilities... often!


Sometimes it can be a bit frustrating, but on the whole, I've enjoyed leveling my Sentinel.


Just for the record, I also have a level 50 Guardian, 45 Sage, 32 Commando, and assorted others... in case it is mistaken that I haven't experienced other classes too.


Also, I would recommend taking the time to read any guides/tips/FAQ's that are readily available for your class (any class). Even if it's just a quick glance.


Good luck out there!

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The problem is that it's not a "greater reward" for mastering it. Your reward for mastering Sentinel is simply being able to kill an elite solo+companion.


My DPS Sage with Qyzen can solo 2 elites without breaking a sweat even Champions. She can easily solos Heroic 2+s. My sentinel would have to be 10 levels higher to do the same.

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I'm not sure why there is so much QQ about sents.


I had no issues killing the emperor or any of the other bosses


Never had much issues with PvP, never had issues doing ANY class quest always got it on 1-2 try if I did even die. I would also like to state I've used T-7 and Kira all the way and only used doc when the story made you.

Edited by Kanshan
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I'm no expert at Sentinel, but I'm certainly not a noob at this game or at mmo melee dps, but when I see my trooper being able to solo whole groups easily, or 2 strongs and and a couple minions, or even a champion that's no more than 2 levels below her, I get deeply frustrated. I can BARELY solo a same level elite, and that's usually after several tries. We shouldn't have to outlevel something to have a chance at victory. We don't get a healing companion until BALMORRA ffs, we have crap all for CC, no self healing, and what certainly seems to feel like middle of the pack damage, and paper thin armour. Until something is done to either buff our survivability, our ability to control combat, and/or our damage, this is a clearly underpowered class when layed out next to all the others. Saying that "oh you're doing it wrong, quit crying for ez-mode" is just pointless trolling. Grats, you can play a flawed class perfectly. You get a cookie. The rest of us still have a legitimate beef.
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I'm no expert at Sentinel, but I'm certainly not a noob at this game or at mmo melee dps, but when I see my trooper being able to solo whole groups easily, or 2 strongs and and a couple minions, or even a champion that's no more than 2 levels below her, I get deeply frustrated. I can BARELY solo a same level elite, and that's usually after several tries. We shouldn't have to outlevel something to have a chance at victory. We don't get a healing companion until BALMORRA ffs, we have crap all for CC, no self healing, and what certainly seems to feel like middle of the pack damage, and paper thin armour. Until something is done to either buff our survivability, our ability to control combat, and/or our damage, this is a clearly underpowered class when layed out next to all the others. Saying that "oh you're doing it wrong, quit crying for ez-mode" is just pointless trolling. Grats, you can play a flawed class perfectly. You get a cookie. The rest of us still have a legitimate beef.



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The more of your posts that I read, the more I think we agree more or less in principle. I don't think we need a buff per se... but something is definitely off somewhere. The other guy who mentioned sentinel is binary had it right too: It's kill-kill-kill or faceplant for sure.


Personally, I think an adjustment of move-set or CD's would probably solve it. I liked the idea someone else mentioned about making pomel/opportune instant - though realistically they could probably be merged into one move too; They're pretty similar and rare usage.


Or maybe just give us some CC... that would probably fix everything.


You really think taking Pomell and Opportune strike off the GCD will fix anything. Sure they would more useful but the opportunities to use them is so infrequent, they won't make a difference in a fight. And it's not like we have a good stun. I'm focus spec and my only stun is on force leap and it's 1.5 seconds so this suggestion won't help me at all. It might if they gave us a good stun.

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Just a few levels back I solo'd a heroic 4+ on Balmorra and solo'd the last boss which was a champion one level lower, which had 88k Health. I finished the fight with 80% my life, with doc healing as companion, and I had doc set offensive stance. If I am not using Doc, I find myself using Kira because of her nice dps. I have never used t7 since I was able to use Kira, and found it really easy to tank/dps and let companion heal/dps. This however is just my play style and it is cool to see how successful you have been using t7 as tank and you as dps.


Okay, I call bs. I'm not sure what Heroic 4 your talking about and yes you could beat a champion one on one but I can't see you finishing a Heroic 4 a level below you solo. Sentinels have no CC and I don't believe any sentinel could handle 2 elite together that were just a level below them and definitely not with Doc as he couldn't handle an elite on his own if it was half dead. Now maybe this Heroic 4 has no double elites but everyone I've done has. If you don't agree that Sentinels have a problem fine but don't play us for fool either.

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Okay, I call bs. I'm not sure what Heroic 4 your talking about and yes you could beat a champion one on one but I can't see you finishing a Heroic 4 a level below you solo. Sentinels have no CC and I don't believe any sentinel could handle 2 elite together that were just a level below them and definitely not with Doc as he couldn't handle an elite on his own if it was half dead. Now maybe this Heroic 4 has no double elites but everyone I've done has. If you don't agree that Sentinels have a problem fine but don't play us for fool either.


There are a few open area Heroic 4's that one could possibly solo. But it would involve deaths and running away when you got a bad start and were about to facepalm. I don't buy this either if it was a closed off area.

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Blackfriar you obviously have very little knowledge about this game. Your Companions can’t proximity agro. Agro is only caused by you so if you got agro, it was because of something you did, and then the pet responded to the agro mobs.


How sure are you that Companions can't aggro via proximity? I'm pretty sure on Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa that Kira aggro'd some mobs on me as they didn't attack until I was well past them.

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How sure are you that Companions can't aggro via proximity? I'm pretty sure on Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa that Kira aggro'd some mobs on me as they didn't attack until I was well past them.


They won't, I've had all kinds of mob types wander through my companions like they were non existent ghosts.

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There are a few open area Heroic 4's that one could possibly solo. But it would involve deaths and running away when you got a bad start and were about to facepalm. I don't buy this either if it was a closed off area.


Okay, I guess too if you are running with DOC, you could freeze one Elite in Carbonite while fighting another. Does carbonite last long enough though? I know my Sage's lift is 1 minute so that's plenty of time to kill an elite and heal but then again my Sage kills elites alot faster.

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How sure are you that Companions can't aggro via proximity? I'm pretty sure on Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa that Kira aggro'd some mobs on me as they didn't attack until I was well past them.


Absolutely certain.

I have had mob walk right through him while he is engaged in a fight with a mob I am on, and just keep on walking.

I have also had a mob walk to him so backed off and let him fight it out solo so that I didn’t agro the new mob

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