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why is sentinel such garbage??????


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I've died on Darth Angral about 5 times now, and I've used stims and buffs. Why do i take so much damage? my armor is all up to date along with my companion. I seriously think there is a problem with this class. i know other people are experiencing it too, it just blows my mind it takes 4 try's to finish your class quest that should not be easily solo-able but defiantly solo-able. why did they get nerfed so bad? (so ready for everyone to tell me i am horrible at my class, which isn't the case at all.) at this point definitely thinking about re rolling but i don't wanna grind my way back to 30. This also isn't the first solo-able class quest that i died on 1000000 times.
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I've died on Darth Angral about 5 times now, and I've used stims and buffs. Why do i take so much damage? my armor is all up to date along with my companion. I seriously think there is a problem with this class. i know other people are experiencing it too, it just blows my mind it takes 4 try's to finish your class quest that should not be easily solo-able but defiantly solo-able. why did they get nerfed so bad? (so ready for everyone to tell me i am horrible at my class, which isn't the case at all.) at this point definitely thinking about re rolling but i don't wanna grind my way back to 30. This also isn't the first solo-able class quest that i died on 1000000 times.


amen brotha

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I agree to this wholeheartedly.


I'm so shocked, and disheartened by others flaming those who complain about what tens, if not hundreds of other Sentinel players are experiencing.


I'm not well versed in DPS, but one thing I find amazingly unsettling, is that my character at level 38 (Strilat) has a Damage Pri. of 352 - 410. While my guildmate, who is level 29 has a Damage Pri. of 2600-3200.


It seriously baffle me that all my weapons, armor, and gear, are all up to date, with the level required for everything being level 35 and below (I am level 38), and yet I can't solo an elite NPC (not even a boss) without dying at least 10 times.


The last boss I beat was sheer luck.


This time, I'm on Hoth, and I watch other players blow through enemy groups.


I've watched a trooper get assaulted by 5 NPC's of about 2600 health each.


He destroyed them.




I let him leave, and tried the same thing, with buffs, call on the force, etc.


I killed 2 before I died...


It's frustrating at times, and I cannot wiat for a guide to come out.


I guess it's just a waiting game to see what will come along to alleviate our pain, lol.


(braces for flames)

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I leveled a Vanguard to 34 before rerolling to a Sentinel. I am currently level 32, and have noticed that, thus far, my Vanguard is mountains ahead of my Sentinel in terms of damage, flexibility, and durability. I've tried many of the suggestions posed by the handful of folks vehemently defending the Sentinels on the forums but still see major issues -- Yes, I am able to handle content, but not nearly as effectively as this class -should- be able to.


And I'm not asking for my Sentinel to be a three-button over-powered class. I'm merely asking for the character to be near on par to the others.

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I leveled a Vanguard to 34 before rerolling to a Sentinel. I am currently level 32, and have noticed that, thus far, my Vanguard is mountains ahead of my Sentinel in terms of damage, flexibility, and durability. I've tried many of the suggestions posed by the handful of folks vehemently defending the Sentinels on the forums but still see major issues -- Yes, I am able to handle content, but not nearly as effectively as this class -should- be able to.


And I'm not asking for my Sentinel to be a three-button over-powered class. I'm merely asking for the character to be near on par to the others.


this is pretty sad to hear.

things got beter for me on my sentinal around level 40, but i'm 47 now and things are getting tough again - I can't even solo a same-level Champion enemy,popping all my long cooldowns etc, even going so far as to try and kite the thing while Doc heals me a bit before going back in for more damage. trooper commando is looking better and better all the time, and at least I won't have to deal with the Giant *** Syndrome that bioware don't care about fixing foru s.

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One thing I've found while playing my Sentinel is that, especially on some of the tougher fights, you need to be using exactly ALL of your skills to get through the encounters. Additionally, sometimes the companion you prefer to travel with just isn't the right one for the job.


I say this, though, as a Biochem. I always have the best possible healing potions available for both myself and my companion, power stems and artifacts at the ready. My Guardian friend, with Doc out, never has any trouble at all dealing with nasty encounters, but as a tank spec and without a DPS pet, he kills at roughly half the speed that I do.


I will also say that certain encounters get a heck of a lot easier as a 'Watchman' spec with 2/2 Watchguard. Having Force Kick available every 6 seconds, as opposed to 8, is huge in some of these fights.

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My 44 sentinel makes me want to uninstall, but that's unlikely. Na but lets face it, melee is always going to have a tougher time at anything. It takes way more skill than a caster. I agree with a lot of points made in this thread. Sentinel is a lackluster class. I have basically stalled at lvl 44 due to the fact that it isn't really fun to play. I am not really having a hard time killing things, i just hit like a girl. When i hear my commando buddy hitting for 4k at the same lvl when i'm hitting for mid hundreds. The highest i can get is close to 2.3k with all my procs up with blade storm. Sure I hit faster and my numbers aren't supposed to be big, but cmon, we need some changes. In pvp, if there is any lag in the slightest you are not getting half of your hits off, and this isn't on my end. I see a big difference in lag when pveing vs pvping. Some thoughts for pve leveling, I am currently combat, I use T7 as my tank. I burst things down for the most part, by the time T7 is dead most of the mobs are dead and I have my defensive cool downs plus medpacks to stay alive. I am currently stacking crit. For pvp, don't leave home without a pocket healer, really, don't pvp without a pocket healer or you will be raging all over the place. Pop defensive cooldowns early because we get blown up easy. Be prepared to be stunned, slowed, knocked back, and laughed at all day when facing the op inquisiters that are a blast to play by the way. Ranged have it easier always, remember that. These are just some of my opinions and observations. Take from it what you will.
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Melee? You mean like a Jedi Shadow? Do they have the same problem... no wait.


I know, Scoundrels. They use melee attacks.


Have you been knocked to the ground by a Sentinel and back stabbed three times before you even get a chance to get back up and be at 20% health at level 50?


I have. So when you try to say that 'melee' is having a hard time, try playing an Imperial Agent at level 50 then compare it to a Sentinel.

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I've died on Darth Angral about 5 times now, and I've used stims and buffs. Why do i take so much damage? my armor is all up to date along with my companion. I seriously think there is a problem with this class. i know other people are experiencing it too, it just blows my mind it takes 4 try's to finish your class quest that should not be easily solo-able but defiantly solo-able. why did they get nerfed so bad? (so ready for everyone to tell me i am horrible at my class, which isn't the case at all.) at this point definitely thinking about re rolling but i don't wanna grind my way back to 30. This also isn't the first solo-able class quest that i died on 1000000 times.


Fought him three days ago at level 32 or 33, lost the first round. Won the second at about 25% life left. What won the match for me was using force kick to stop his dark blast spell. As for my companion, it was Kira... Who is required I believe.


What build are you using? Is your companion fully equiped?

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So far this "sentinels are crap omgomg" seems like a 20% imbalance and 80% l2p issue.


My dear friend, it appears to me that you do not really play a sentinel, kindly return to thy class forum and employ all of your abilities in being useful there.


Meanwhile I must share the concerns of what appears to be a good sized number of people. Im leveling slowly because I wish to enjoy everything the game has to offer for my character, currently am lvl 28, I have noticed that as I level up, my ability to survive fights its decreasingly noticeably. And my ability to inflict damage on npcs is also declining, before when I could dispatch a nomal npc with one or two hits, it now takes considerably longer, which means I have to spend more time taking hits. While as it was mentioned, I've seen other classes effortlessly mowing them. I understand that sentinels are meant to have lower defenses and make up for this shortcoming with their damage output, I must say though, that I am not seeing this, without a companion, it is quite possible I would be spending a lot of time being revived.


It is also understandable that Sentinel requires a lot of skill usage for their damage, I even use force kick to interrupt enemy skills but I often find myself at a disadvantage, even during pvp. Now I understand why there are few of the sith's equivalent if any, on the matches I've played. To give a good example, I was playing a match with the same team which previously had rolled the imperials, on this match, 2 bounty hunters defeated the entire team, I took a screenshot of the scoreboard because I thought it was quite humorous, one of them had 58 total kills and zero deaths. I was on him most of the match, and I was not alone fighting him either, sometimes there would be 3 on him, and mind you, he was not being healed by any other player, and he would defeat all 3 players with little difficulty. If you can have a class that is both a tank and a high dps'er, then what is the tactical and practical use of sentinels?


Just my 2 cents on this discussion, if people fail to believe me, I can provide the screenshot I took. As I said previously, the republic side had experienced players on it, so it was not a case of "l2p" as our friend previously stated, even if I failed to play properly, it does not explain how the rest of the team happened to fail all together at once.

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I will say that for the most part Set dps does have some issue but not as bad as some people think. Set is one of the Classes in Swtor that has a very high learning curve. The average player really doesn't want to put the time an effort that is required to learn to play. I really don't have problems with multiple mobs I destroy them all with ease. My Set is lvl 36 and I haven't trained any skills because of saving for 40 mount.


That being sad for a pure dps class the Set is lagging behind other classes. One way to help is increase the damage we get from our off hand in general atm it is pretty low and for a dual wielding class offhand damage is important. Buffing that will go along way to helping the quality of life for Set.


People want a faceroll class because they don't want to learn and to be honest I'm seeing a lot of bad JK Sets out there. I for one am excited about a class that requires a little effort to play well.


Keep in mind as well that Stats play an important role in any class performing well. Accuracy is you friend and the more you have the faster mobs will die. Your white attacks will hit more often. Also I'm sure that Bioware will be watching as we hit 50 and if we are lagging behind they will be sure to fix it. Once we can combat log parse we will have a better idea of where we stand.


Be patience I enjoy JK Set and look forward to trying endgame with him. I'm Watchman spec and the heals for that spec help a ton. Kira is my main companion and together we destroy every mob. Although Doc is pretty OP with his heals. haha I had a trooper surprised as hell with the heals he was putting out, because his healer companions suck hard.

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Im sorry but i cannot agree with OP. i defeated Darth angral on my second try. First time i had no pots or buffs with me so yeah i admit it was hard (which is not a bad thing after all). When i went there fully prepared he fell down quite easily.


I havent tried other classes at the same lvl (mid 30s etc) but i can say myself that the challenge provided when rolling a sentinel is welcome. Its natural that the sentinel class will not appeal to everyone and the same thing goes for all classes i guess. Just figure out what suits you more and stick to that one


just my two cents. Not trying to be a Sentinel fanboy or w/e, its just the way i personally see things

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Melee? You mean like a Jedi Shadow? Do they have the same problem... no wait.


I know, Scoundrels. They use melee attacks.


Have you been knocked to the ground by a Sentinel and back stabbed three times before you even get a chance to get back up and be at 20% health at level 50?


I have. So when you try to say that 'melee' is having a hard time, try playing an Imperial Agent at level 50 then compare it to a Sentinel.


Sentinels get a back stab?

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Im sorry but i cannot agree with OP. i defeated Darth angral on my second try. First time i had no pots or buffs with me so yeah i admit it was hard (which is not a bad thing after all). When i went there fully prepared he fell down quite easily.


I havent tried other classes at the same lvl (mid 30s etc) but i can say myself that the challenge provided when rolling a sentinel is welcome. Its natural that the sentinel class will not appeal to everyone and the same thing goes for all classes i guess. Just figure out what suits you more and stick to that one


just my two cents. Not trying to be a Sentinel fanboy or w/e, its just the way i personally see things


This. I had zero issues with Angral and the fight that comes after, so far the only planet that is giving me challenge issues is Voss, and that's just a level issue. The only fights I've died on were:



That female Nautolan you met on Hoth being corrupted by the Emperor, and that was an L2P be prepared issue. Kill the droids first.




A quest on Voss that has you kill a level 46 elite Sith to recover an artifact, when I was level 44 at the time. Yeaaahh that wasn't happening.




And that damn elite Esh-kha on Belsavis, the one that is trying to kill the Sith they have on the table.



And a few elite mobs just hanging around on Voss.


Other than those? Lolwatchmensteamroll.

Edited by Ovan_Oh-One
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When does the sentinel starting getting difficult? I'm only lvl 21, but have no problems with groups of enemies at my levels.


I can take out elites at my level, not sure I've tried to solo a "champion" mob yet. Are other classes able to do this.


Now I'm getting worried that in a few more levels i'm going to be pounding my head against a wall.

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Im sorry but i cannot agree with OP. i defeated Darth angral on my second try. First time i had no pots or buffs with me so yeah i admit it was hard (which is not a bad thing after all). When i went there fully prepared he fell down quite easily.


I havent tried other classes at the same lvl (mid 30s etc) but i can say myself that the challenge provided when rolling a sentinel is welcome. Its natural that the sentinel class will not appeal to everyone and the same thing goes for all classes i guess. Just figure out what suits you more and stick to that one


just my two cents. Not trying to be a Sentinel fanboy or w/e, its just the way i personally see things


I think the problem here is that players who like a challenge are enjoying the class quests on Sentinel because they aren't a given and you have to put a bit of effort into winning these fights. I myself have had issues but I was able to solve the problems by learning to use my class skills to their fullest etc. I enjoy a challenge and I would prefer a game where you have to retry some things several times to be successful, a game where you can just breeze through all of the solo content is just boring.


However, I think what makes the complaints concerning Sentinel 100% valid is simply the fact that OTHER CLASSES DO NOT HAVE THESE PROBLEMS. If you want to make a challenging game, the challenge has to apply evenly across the board. You cannot have one class that is a challenge to level and others that are a breeze. There certainly is the concept of "beginner classes" which demand less attention, and "advanced classes", which require more fine tuning and experience to get the most out of...but those classes NEED to provide a significant advantage once the more complex playstyle is mastered...it can't just be that you have to master a more demanding class dynamic just to be equal with the "spam 3 buttons" beginners classes/specs.


So while I definitely enjoy the challenges some of the class quests have presented me with, I agree with those complaining because all the people I know and play with who play other classes just do not have these issues, AT ALL.

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You'll all guys see the last class quest of the act III. Not only is the phase bugged and mobs keep respawning. There's also a Sith Assasin esque mobs that hit for 4k with one hit, and you're forced to use T7 who dies after 10 sec in the fight. And the final boss can hit for 5k. And you as Sentinel well... cannot.
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However, I think what makes the complaints concerning Sentinel 100% valid is simply the fact that OTHER CLASSES DO NOT HAVE THESE PROBLEMS. If you want to make a challenging game, the challenge has to apply evenly across the board. You cannot have one class that is a challenge to level and others that are a breeze. There certainly is the concept of "beginner classes" which demand less attention, and "advanced classes", which require more fine tuning and experience to get the most out of...but those classes NEED to provide a significant advantage once the more complex playstyle is mastered...it can't just be that you have to master a more demanding class dynamic just to be equal with the "spam 3 buttons" beginners classes/specs.


So while I definitely enjoy the challenges some of the class quests have presented me with, I agree with those complaining because all the people I know and play with who play other classes just do not have these issues, AT ALL.



Well, i cant say that you are wrong, but on the other hand...Why shouldnt a game cover a wider player base? There are people who like challenge and people who want things to be more simplistic. Why shoulndt everyone have a chance to give it a go according to their own preferences? Now the fact that you bring up about the end game and if the classes should be equal or not is a valid arguement and we just have to wait and see how it goes.

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