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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability delay and the wearing thin of patience


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I won't be renewing when my monthly sub runs out if this problem persists. I'm not enjoying the game at the moment due to the ability delay or whatever it is and have not played much since the expansion launch. Edited by Dropadeuce
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I won't be renewing when my monthly sub runs out if this problem persists. I'm not enjoying the game at the moment due to the ability delay or whatever it is and have not played much since the expansion launch.


I like your avatar :)


Bump for justice!

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Disclaimer: I have no knowledge of code, or networking, or server maintenance, etc.


Now that that's out of the way I'd like to share with you my theory on what's going on, and it all boils down to one thing that's handcuffed this game from the get go...The Engine. My theory is that with the new expansion...additional planets, more quests, more NPC's, more gear added to the game, yadda yadda...the game has grown beyond the scope of what this hacked together alpha hero engine can handle. The bloat created by the new content is bogging down performance, maybe even on both sides of the fence...by that I mean servers having a harder time processing the incoming data, and client side having a harder time processing the outgoing data.


I fear the only true solution to this would be a new game engine, but I am also a reasonable person, and I know never to expect anything like that to happen. This reasonable person also used to play Anarchy Online, it was my main game for many many years, and they announced they were going to update the game with a new engine over 7 YEARS ago...and it still hasn't made it into the game, and was a main contributor to me quitting that game before TOR launched. So, I'm definitely not expecting they'll ever fix or replace this mess of an engine, just merely sharing my theory on where I think the issues might be coming from.

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Disclaimer: I have no knowledge of code, or networking, or server maintenance, etc.


Now that that's out of the way I'd like to share with you my theory on what's going on, and it all boils down to one thing that's handcuffed this game from the get go...The Engine. My theory is that with the new expansion...additional planets, more quests, more NPC's, more gear added to the game, yadda yadda...the game has grown beyond the scope of what this hacked together alpha hero engine can handle. The bloat created by the new content is bogging down performance, maybe even on both sides of the fence...by that I mean servers having a harder time processing the incoming data, and client side having a harder time processing the outgoing data.


I fear the only true solution to this would be a new game engine, but I am also a reasonable person, and I know never to expect anything like that to happen. This reasonable person also used to play Anarchy Online, it was my main game for many many years, and they announced they were going to update the game with a new engine over 7 YEARS ago...and it still hasn't made it into the game, and was a main contributor to me quitting that game before TOR launched. So, I'm definitely not expecting they'll ever fix or replace this mess of an engine, just merely sharing my theory on where I think the issues might be coming from.


A new engine would be nice but I doubt we will get one.

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Well, for me personally? I'm giving them a pass for the holidays. Giving them four more weeks should be plenty of time for them to fix this IMO after the holidays.


If they haven't fixed it by then, then either something serious is wrong or it can't be fixed easily, in which case I may start to become annoyed.


For now I can work with the frustrations. I just avoid group content, leveing if I can, and stick to crafting and dailies for now where the impact is minimal.


Would love to finish the expansion content at some point....I have 8 toons lined up to start Rishi. I will wait until this is fixed.

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Is Rishi that bad for you or have you even tried?


Yea, I tried. It is doable, but I wasn't having fun doing it. So I decided to wait until this is fixed.


I didn't want to judge the content poorly based on the games performance, which I believe was my primary issue during the attempt.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Yea, I tried. It is doable, but I wasn't having fun doing it. So I decided to wait until this is fixed.


I didn't want to judge the content poorly based on the games performance, which I believe was my primary issue during the attempt.


When did you attempt this if I may ask?

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When did you attempt this if I may ask?


About one week ago was the last of two attempts. The first was during early access.


I still farm resources on Rishi on a regular basis using a cloaked character, so I can view if the situation has improved directly. So far it has not from what I have seen, at least not on my server.


In fact, I was leveling up another character to make a third attempt (different class) to see if that made a difference, but a server crash reset my FA solo quest and now I can only grab it as tactical...so that stopped me dead in my tracks.


I have not tried on other servers yet.

Edited by LordArtemis
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About one week ago was the last of two attempts. The first was during early access.


I still farm resources on Rishi on a regular basis using a cloaked character, so I can view if the situation has improved directly. So far it has not from what I have seen, at least not on my server.


In fact, I was leveling up another character to make a third attempt (different class) to see if that made a difference, but a server crash reset my FA solo quest and now I can only grab it as tactical...so that stopped me dead in my tracks.


I have not tried on other servers yet.


I don't know which server you play on but for me Republic side on JC I haven't experienced any issues on Rishi. The only place I've experienced any issues was Yavin 4 and that was more of Ability Delay.

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I don't know which server you play on but for me Republic side on JC I haven't experienced any issues on Rishi. The only place I've experienced any issues was Yavin 4 and that was more of Ability Delay.




Well, I am on Shadowlands, which seems to be having some serious issues as of late. Isn't JC PVP?

Edited by LordArtemis
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Ah. Well, maybe I will try out JC then. See how it turns out. Perhaps it is a server issue.


I've had it on all planets, on all east coast servers. Tonight it popped up after 10 minutes on Balmorra and I couldn't even move 10 feet without having to stop for 30 seconds to let the screen catch up. And the planet was virtually empty. I'm now unsubbed until BW/EA fixes this.


I'd like a refund on the last month, but I know that's never going to happen. BW/EA is way too attached to $$$ to do something that classy. Heck, I don't know of a gaming company that would be that decent to their customers.

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I've had it on all planets, on all east coast servers. Tonight it popped up after 10 minutes on Balmorra and I couldn't even move 10 feet without having to stop for 30 seconds to let the screen catch up. And the planet was virtually empty. I'm now unsubbed until BW/EA fixes this.


I'd like a refund on the last month, but I know that's never going to happen. BW/EA is way too attached to $$$ to do something that classy. Heck, I don't know of a gaming company that would be that decent to their customers.


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Again, an expansion is a great opportunity to draw players in to a game and this opportunity appears to have been wasted.


I agree with this totally. Id be very surprised( I know Im guessing you troll ) if they didnt lose a good percentage of the new/returned players because of this. As someone who plays a lot of MMO's and has since the mid 90's Ive seen MMO's come and go. I think the only reason this one is still here is the IP and the original 50 levels of story. I must say that from my experience it has the worse tech support of any MMO Ive played. Maybe they should go talk to Sony as at one point I felt EQ2 had the worse but over the years it has become much better.

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There's only so many times he wants to Maul while standing behind an enemy and be told that he needs to be standing behind and enemy


I was following a Womp Rat in Outlaw's Den on tat yesterday on my operative, desperately trying to stab it and getting the same message. Ran around the front of it, and then behind it, then in circles around it.


In the end I gave up and let it wander on it's own merry way.


But yes, the ability delay is getting pretty stupid. I'm guessing it's something in the netcode that's changed and the client / server data isn't in sync. Probably something BioWare did to make sure the one single server in each region didn't get swamped with the returning players.


Be nice if they communicated about it, be even better if they actually fixed it. A whole month of this is a little bit too much now (in fact it IS too much :mad:).

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I was following a Womp Rat in Outlaw's Den on tat yesterday on my operative, desperately trying to stab it and getting the same message. Ran around the front of it, and then behind it, then in circles around it.


In the end I gave up and let it wander on it's own merry way.


But yes, the ability delay is getting pretty stupid. I'm guessing it's something in the netcode that's changed and the client / server data isn't in sync. Probably something BioWare did to make sure the one single server in each region didn't get swamped with the returning players.


Be nice if they communicated about it, be even better if they actually fixed it. A whole month of this is a little bit too much now (in fact it IS too much :mad:).


I can no longer get a backstab from stealth; with the advent of this pervasive ability delay it has also become practically impossible to land a backstab from stealth on my Operative. I t has not worked once from stealth. I have sleep darted enemies and ran all around them, 360 degrees and so far as the game is concerned I am never behind the enemy.


Belsavis is the worst but I see it elsewhere too. A couple nights ago, on my 1 lowbie on Nar with 2 friends, it was as bad as it gets. Absolutely unplayable. My friends logged off saying they will return if/when this is fixed.

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PVE. I might be one the lucky few but generally my leveling experience on Rishi has been excellent.


I working on my 9th chr there. It is doable. It is nothing like after the game first came out. I left the game. I wasn't planning on coming back till they emailed me giving me 30 free days.

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Folks, it would probably help if you said what servers you were on and having issues. I know I have issues on Shadowlands, although not as bad as some of the reports here. I have almost no problem at all on Begeren Colony. So, I suspect it is a server issue or a server farm issue. I suspect knowing for sure where the problems exist would help the devs narrow things down.
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