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Are we Canon or not?


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According to Disney's new policy all published material in the Star Wars Universe with the exception of the most recent releases of the two Star Wars Trilogies and Star Wars the Clone Wars that had been released prior to April 25th, 2014 is now to be considered at best to be part of the new Legends Category and may not be considered as official canon.


However all content within the Star Wars Universe that has been released AFTER April 25th, 2014 can in fact be considered part of the new canon of the Star Wars Universe.


The problem that I am having is that Star Wars the Old Republic was first released on December 20th, 2011, and as such should technically fall under the category of Star Wars Legends. However, the recently released Shadow of Revan expansion was released (and planned to be released) on December 9th, 2014, which falls well AFTER the date where things can officially be considered a part of the new "Disney Canon."


So the question must be asked: Since this game is an ongoing evolving process of storytelling, are we considered by Disney to be actual Star Wars Canon? Or are we like the vast majority of the Star Wars Expanded Universe now considered part of the Legends Category and now little better than Star Wars Galaxies?

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SWTOR has not been called canon officially as of yet. It's a ongoing project that is in a grey area right now. I would not be surprised if Disney/Lucas Story Group come out and make the game official in 2015. Since I have not read anything that makes the game canon I consider it Legends. Would love for that to change, though.
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SWTOR has not been called canon officially as of yet. It's a ongoing project that is in a grey area right now. I would not be surprised if Disney/Lucas Story Group come out and make the game official in 2015. Since I have not read anything that makes the game canon I consider it Legends. Would love for that to change, though.


If they did that though, would they also be doing the same thing for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1, since so much of Star Wars the Old Republic is based on the foundation that was laid by KOTOR?

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They have actively avoided answering that question, always saying "This is a Star Wars game with a Star Wars story", so from what I read about the subject, SWTOR is not canon right now. While the story does seem to get signed off by the Lucasfilm Story Group, it is not worked into the new canon story.


Unfortunately, their claim that all material published after April 25th, 2014 would be canon is not exact. Many of the books released after that date are Legends, and even though SWTOR constantly gets new story, it does not follow that rule either.


Like most of the older material, SWTOR is now under the ambiguous canon status. It has not yet been officially disproved, so it could very well one day become canon, but until then, we need to treat it as Legends.

Edited by Jerba
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If they did that though, would they also be doing the same thing for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1, since so much of Star Wars the Old Republic is based on the foundation that was laid by KOTOR?


I can't answer that for certain as I am not a LucasFilm employee, but I would assume that the basic story of KOTOR would also be made canon. It would only make sense. Time will tell.

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SWTOR hasn't been recognized as a canon material yet.

But if Disney won't go mad and won't erase even abilities and force techniques from EU( in this case SWTOR will be a thorn at their side ) or doesn't have plans for the movies 4000 years before BBY, then I see no reason why It wouldn't be canon one day.

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Are we Canon or not?

Eric Musco last answered this very question in a Gamescom 2014 Old Republic Q&A


Are we Canon or not?

Officially: We're Star Wars, Bioware works with LucasArts everyday to deliver Star Wars.

Star Wars game

Star Wars content

Star Wars story


Judge for yourself,

(at 16m44s)


further discussion of the Gamescom Q&A canon question took place over at dulfy.net/2014/08/15/swtor-gamescom-2014-cantina-tour-fan-flash-drive/


p4v7 answered "Are we canon or not" directly, control+f to find his words.

I pasted all the relevant 'canon' comments here, p4v7 is at the bottom:

Is SWTOR canon?

* SWTOR is a Star Wars game, developed in cooperation with LucasArts. But basically, no confirming or denying that it is canon.

SWTOR isn’t canon because disney own star wars and everything outside the movies and their television show is no longer canon

TCW is still canon, even if it is not Disney TV show (even the Lost Episodes are canon, and Darth Bane shows up in those, so at least some part of TOR era is canon).

The canon wipe was mostly done because new movies that override post-ROTJ Expanded Universe (for example, there is no New Republic in the movees, even though it is 30 years after ROTJ).


I honestly think, from how Eric said it, that the people in charge of the canon are not really sure about TOR era or they are just not willing to say it.

I’m about 80% sure the story group is not looking at anything from the Old Republic era that has existed prior to April 25th, 2014 as their true vision for the sandbox they are building. At the same time they are in the credits of every expansion starting with GSF. I think the rough thing for them is that they know THEY don’t want to say it’s an official piece of canon because they weren’t there for it’s inception, but they like some things about it. Like the Bane trilogy. They like some things about it. But those books are not canon. And yet at the same time, now that SWTOR is doing really well financially, they don’t want to declare it Legends either.


So I think SWTOR will probably remain as the only piece of non-canon non-Legends material that is coming out regularly.


Personally, I wish it was maybe fixed up a little bit and made canon. I love some pieces of it, and I feel it’s just a few notches below the storytelling in TCW. I think with some adjustments (which are costly and will never happen probably) it really could be made to be in line with the new canon. The good game is still there for others, regardless of it’s canon status I guess.

George Lucas ensured in the contract that TCW would be considered canon to Disney. That’s the mere reason.


The only part of TOR era which is canon is Bane character itself and his Rule of Two. Nothing more. So far he has no background in the official canon.


Community Cantina Los Angeles June 2014:

“SWTOR is not canon. It is part of the extended universe. It will not be

affected in anyway. The only thing that can affect SWTOR is Lucas Arts.

As in Sith will not be running around on unicorn mounts.”


What I assume is that after those words someone at EA might asked Bioware not to declare SWTOR canon status as some folks are going crazy about this matter and this could potentially influence their decision to stop playing. Yeah, some folks are radical like nuts.


EA doesn’t want to deal with *****torm as long as they can. Bioware is not going to confirm or deny it until LucasArts decides what to do with the game that gives so much profit. They can thinking about declaring SWTOR canon as its the only ongoing EU project that is not going to be shut down like the rest of it.





According to Disney's new policy all published material in the Star Wars Universe with the exception of the most recent releases of the two Star Wars Trilogies and Star Wars the Clone Wars that had been released prior to April 25th, 2014 is now to be considered at best to be part of the new Legends Category and may not be considered as official canon.


However all content within the Star Wars Universe that has been released AFTER April 25th, 2014 can in fact be considered part of the new canon of the Star Wars Universe.


The problem that I am having is that Star Wars the Old Republic was first released on December 20th, 2011, and as such should technically fall under the category of Star Wars Legends. However, the recently released Shadow of Revan expansion was released (and planned to be released) on December 9th, 2014, which falls well AFTER the date where things can officially be considered a part of the new "Disney Canon."


So the question must be asked: Since this game is an ongoing evolving process of storytelling, are we considered by Disney to be actual Star Wars Canon? Or are we like the vast majority of the Star Wars Expanded Universe now considered part of the Legends Category and now little better than Star Wars Galaxies?

You honestly think any of us peasants have an answer? All we can give is speculation and rabble gossip


All I can say is, be patient, answers will come in due time.

Story Group is going to take it slow and careful, making sure new stories adhere to continuity and sensibility.


If you absolutely must have answers now, direct your questions to the Lucasfilm Story Group, the authority on what makes canon.

After The Walt Disney Company's acquisition of Lucasfilm, Hidago was assigned a job within the newly formed Lucasfilm Story Group, whose main purpose is to eliminate the Star Wars franchise's current canon hierarchy and create one cohesive canon.


(Ending credits from Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter, revealing members of the "Lucasfilm Story Team" ) :: http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140114211456/starwars/images/thumb/f/ff/LucasfilmStoryTeam-TORGS.png/250px-LucasfilmStoryTeam-TORGS.png


Lucasfilm Story Group—including Carrie Beck, Diana Williams, Leland Chee and Pablo Hidalgo—participated in the making of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter, a digital expansion to the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, being mentioned in the ending credits.



This is kind of specific to Rebels Recon, but I'm sure there are other ways to contact Pablo Hidalgo, and other member of the Lucasfilm Story Group.

Have a question you want answered? Tweet your questions to @starwars with #RebelsRecon, and we’ll pick one to answer next week!
Pablo Hidalgo answers one twitter question each Rebels Recon episode on the official Star Wars youtube channel. Only one question gets chosen, make sure it's a good one.


an example:

(2m56s) "Are the stormtroopers in Rebels clones of Jango Fett or random civilians recruited by the empire?"

(3m34s) "Are we going to see certain classic characters in rebels?"




Edited by Falensawino
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Who knows, what is "Canon" is a fluid thing. One of my favorite novels Recently "Darth Plaguis" is considered not Canon anymore post-Disney. And Yet "Tarkin" (written by the same guy) which i'm currently reading makes several reverences to Plaguis and it IS canon. Way i see it, TOR is far enough in the past that so long as its not specifically contradicted by a canon source its canon to me. Edited by Felspawn
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Who knows, what is "Canon" is a fluid thing. One of my favorite novels Recently "Darth Plaguis" is considered not Canon anymore post-Disney. And Yet "Tarkin" (written by the same guy) which i'm currently reading makes several reverences to Plaguis and it IS canon. Way i see it, TOR is far enough in the past that so long as its not specifically contradicted by a canon source its canon to me.


Technically Plagueis is canon (sort of). He is directly mentioned by name in Star Wars Episode III (movie) by Palpatine during the Opera at Galaxies Opera House on Coruscant. However the way he is referenced makes him sound more like a mythological figure from an unknowable era of the past rather than an actual flesh and blood person from recent history. So the reality of his existence within the Star Wars Universe is of questionable status outside of the knowledge of his mythology.


Take that any way you choose. Personally I choose to put Plagueis in the Star Wars equivalent to the same category of being as Hercules, King Arthur, and other notable personages from our own worlds history... at least until his literal existence is verified in a source that the new canon approves of.

Edited by XantosCledwin
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Technically Plagueis is canon (sort of). He is directly mentioned by name in Star Wars Episode III (movie) by Palpatine during the Opera at Galaxies Opera House on Coruscant.


no when i said Plaguis i didnt mean if the character himself was canon, thats already without doubt. What i meant was events in Tarkin(Novel) referenced things that happened in the novel, Darth Plaguieis. So elements of its are still very much canon, even if the book as a whole isnt.

Edited by Felspawn
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Technically Plagueis is canon (sort of). He is directly mentioned by name in Star Wars Episode III (movie) by Palpatine during the Opera at Galaxies Opera House on Coruscant. However the way he is referenced makes him sound more like a mythological figure from an unknowable era of the past rather than an actual flesh and blood person from recent history. So the reality of his existence within the Star Wars Universe is of questionable status outside of the knowledge of his mythology.


Take that any way you choose. Personally I choose to put Plagueis in the Star Wars equivalent to the same category of being as Hercules, King Arthur, and other notable personages from our own worlds history... at least until his literal existence is verified in a source that the new canon approves of.


They did. The Tarkin Novel.

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OP ..I am putting my money on the reason for this bisect is simply because they are concerned with the immensely ridiculous yuzzon vong bull crape that 2 wacko writers that had no concept of Star Wars whatsoever conjured up a very grotesque ending for post RoTJ. It got published as "Expanded Universe" in several books and they essentially created this alien race from >another galaxy< that is immune to everything and I mean EVERY SINGLE tech and force power Star Wars has and also converts (literally raipz) every beloved planet we know into "vong mold". Absolute dumb crap in my opinion. I've been a solid SW fanboy since I was 7 and all this high flying adventure Star Wars gives us suddenly stops (according to Yuzzon Vong trash) oh and did I mention. . . >>They Killed CHEWBACCA!!!<<


But on topic - if Disney wants to create a new story for everything after Return of the Jedi the yuzzon vong pose a very ugly and Un-Star Wars roadmap. So the only way to start out on a blank page is to get rid of It, and in doing so any fans of post RotJ stories like imperial remnant/ Kyle Katarn/ Thrawn/ YVong etc etc will have to see it as legacy.

As far as SWToR is concerned Disney said that they don't have ANY plans whatsoever on changing lore/canon from before RoTJ so even though we are legacy we are still technically canon since we won't be Overwritten. To sum it up they want everything post ROtJ as a blank page that theyll do what they want with so don't worry.

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OP ..I am putting my money on the reason for this bisect is simply because they are concerned with the immensely ridiculous yuzzon vong bull crape that 2 wacko writers that had no concept of Star Wars whatsoever conjured up a very grotesque ending for post RoTJ. It got published as "Expanded Universe" in several books and they essentially created this alien race from >another galaxy< that is immune to everything and I mean EVERY SINGLE tech and force power Star Wars has and also converts (literally raipz) every beloved planet we know into "vong mold". Absolute dumb crap in my opinion. I've been a solid SW fanboy since I was 7 and all this high flying adventure Star Wars gives us suddenly stops (according to Yuzzon Vong trash) oh and did I mention. . . >>They Killed CHEWBACCA!!!<<


But on topic - if Disney wants to create a new story for everything after Return of the Jedi the yuzzon vong pose a very ugly and Un-Star Wars roadmap. So the only way to start out on a blank page is to get rid of It, and in doing so any fans of post RotJ stories like imperial remnant/ Kyle Katarn/ Thrawn/ YVong etc etc will have to see it as legacy.

As far as SWToR is concerned Disney said that they don't have ANY plans whatsoever on changing lore/canon from before RoTJ so even though we are legacy we are still technically canon since we won't be Overwritten. To sum it up they want everything post ROtJ as a blank page that theyll do what they want with so don't worry.


Your lack of knowledge of the Star Wars EU is only bettered by your lack of correct spelling.

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  • 7 years later...
I'm highly upset and irritated by us not being canon I mean who does Disney think lead the rise of palpatine? everything in swtor and Kotor has everything to do with rise of the empire where did Disney think Luke got his training? it all started on curscant then dantooine and for sith it was horrible I'm a most avid fan of starwars
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