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Do any of your characters relate to each other?


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Like the title says, are any of your PCs, as far as you roleplay them, related or affiliated with one another?


I ended up making both my Smuggler and JC Sith Purebloods, and got the idea in my head that they were sisters both raised on Korriban to be Sith. But the Smuggler, to protect her sister, managed to sneak them both off of the planet and into Republic space, where she dropped off the JC to be taken in by the Jedi, then went off to do her own thing and wound up becoming a smuggler.

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Not only are all of my characters related, but they have a story. :D Which, unfortunately, I don't have on me at the moment since I am posting from work but....here it goes.


Nasirah (SW), Kasceia (JK), and Sophena (Inquisitor) are all sisters.


Nasirah (SW) and Lt Pierce (yes, Pierce!) are the parents of my Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent.

Kasceia (JK) and Doc have my Consular.

Sophena (SI) and Andronikos have a daughter, who is a Smuggler.

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Yes they do - I think if they have the same legacy name that they should be related. I don't like the rival or ally selection from the family tree because why should the characters than share the same name?


I build the family tree in an excel where I track inventory stuff as well. The family tree in the game does not have enough functions to display the legacy/family tree as I want.

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Many, but not all of them. In order of how much I play them --


Loreius, my sorc. Estranged brother to ->Neruna, former slave of the noble Pureblood siblings ->Trebial, ->Vitellia, ->Despina and / or ->Caesonia, vitriolic best buds with Jedi Master ->Rhiatavi (though she'd never admit it)

Rhiatavi, my shadow. As mentioned, best buds with ->Loreius, has worked closely with Major ->Sarnova, formerly bullied by and now rival of ->Qatras, closely follows and supports the training as Jedi of ->Despina and / or ->Caesonia.

Nemorina, my merc. Odd one out, she's had some passing business dealings with most of the others, but remains to herself.

Konanta (Tarrko'nan'tarel), my operative. Another black sheep, but if there's a female on this list, he's probably hit on her. By some accident, apparently the father of ->Torence, which causes them both great embarrassment. Replaced ->Neruna after her death at the hands of ->Sarnova, taking over her role and code name.

Neruna, my sniper. Younger sister of ->Loreius, whom she tried to have assassinated at Korriban after blaming him for being found marginally Force-sensitive, and like him a former slave of ->Trebial and his sisters. Killed by ->Sarnova during the Hutt Cartel Crisis.

Qatras, my guardian. Former bully of and now opposed by ->Rhiatavi, whose guidance [his] Kira secretly seeks; despised by ->Loreius and ->Trebial, has worked with ->Torence before attempting to kill him upon being revealed as an imperial spy. Has flirted with ->Neruna on occasion, who does not recipocrate. Killed in a duel by ->Trebial during the Dread War.

Trebial Aquilla, my mara. Would prefer not to be reminded of the fact that he used to own Darth Imperius / ->Loreius (whose cheerful affability he finds highly irritating) and his sister ->Neruna and that one / two of his sisters, ->Despina and / or ->Caesonia, have defected to the Jedi. Killed ->Qatras in a duel during the Dread War.

Vitellia Aquilla, my jugg. Younger sister to ->Trebial and ->Despina and / or ->Caesonia, used to have a bit of a teenage crush on ->Loreius and urged her brother to enable him to get into Korriban.

Despina and / or Caesonia Aquilla, my sent and second shadow, younger sisters to ->Trebial and ->Vitellia and Pureblood Jedi; Caesonia may or may not exist in the same universe as Despina.

Major Sarnova, my vanguard. Worked with ->Rhiatavi a lot, and has encountered both ->Nemorina and ->Neruna on the field of battle, killing the latter and receiving a gift basket from the former. ->Konanta claims having slept with her, multiple times.

Torence, my slinger. One of ->Konanta's uncounted bastards across the galaxy, though he did not inherit many racial features of the Chiss. Turned into an imperial spy by ->Neruna, before being uncovered by ->Sarnova and going rogue after narrowly escaping ->Qatras.


In addition, Loreius, Rhiatavi, Nemorina, Qatras, Trebial, Konanta, Major Sarnova and, uh, Ashara Zavros all participated in the Dread War, eventually teaming up to defeat the Dread Masters through Loreius' and Rhiatavi's mediation. In the course of the campaign, Qatras incooperative behaviour eventually led Trebial to challenge and kill him in a duel.

Edited by DogeDandolo
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This might get confusing... So:


My Jugg main and my Trooper are husband and wife (she's actually an undercover traitor, the previous Havoc Squad never saw that coming :p), their son is my Assassin, their daughter my Sniper. My 2nd Jugg is my main's younger brother, who vowed to kill him aswell as my Sith Sorc.

My Sorc, as I play her, used to be the Slave in the household of my 2 Juggs, untill my main gave her "freedom" in an... incident. She's also the niece of my Marauder (yes, I've got 3 high level Sith Warriors, deal with it). My Operative is a good friend of my main and his wife.

Joining my 2nd Jugg in his quest for vengeance are: my Scoundrel, a former SpecOps soldier now part of an independent security team, who's in it both for the pay and because my Sorc killed his former squad and spared him in the greatest failure of his life.

Also in there is my Bounty Hunter (PT), in it for the money (mostly) and her contractor: my Slinger, who has unpleasant history with my "family of doom" and wants them eliminated, aswell as her brother, my Guardian, who does everything his older sister asks of him.


And the hell if I find out where my Consular fits in... :p Also, let's not get into the relationships. No, those are quite the thing and should stay secret.


Frankly, I've envisioned some sort of Ragnarök scenario where a bunch of them die to make it less confusing...

Edited by Darkelefantos
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Since you can't have a different last name, it sort of killed my desire to play anything other than human. Formed a bit of a loose story in my head for it to make some sense.


Basically Cregan Bregor (darkside Jedi) and Tarkis Bregor (darkside Smuggler) are half brothers from Nar Shaddaa. Dralo Bregor (a force sensitive darkside Bounty Hunter) is the result of one of Cregan's many "side quests."

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No mine don't relate at all, always found it ridiculous how so few people and bloodlines hold so much power in SW story lines. All those post-RotJ stories about Leia/Han's children becoming the next generation of most powerful people is boring. No need to make the same mistake here but they already did with Satele being related to Revan and Theron being a key figure - it just feels like nepotism. Meanwhile another Fett mandalorian is hanging around on Taris....
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My Knight and my Inquisitor are brothers separated in youth by the Imperial attack on whatever their home planet was. The knight was evacuated and sent to the jedi upon later being discovered to be force sensitive and the Inquisitor was enslaved until their powers were discovered and they were sent to the sith academy. I keep changing my mind as to whether they are aware of this or not. Edited by dcaleb
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Yikes, let's see if I can remember off the top of my head without logging in to check (I'm lazy and it's nearly 4:30 in the morning, I'm not logging on).


I don't use mine as a literal "family tree" where all my characters are siblings, mothers, grandparents and cousins. I use it as... well a Legacy Tree. All my characters are connected to one another in some way, but only through one or two connections each (My Warrior has no idea that my Consular exists, for example).


The Rion Legacy starts with my Warrior;


Xe'rath, who has the centuries dead force ghost (Darth Rion) residing within him. He is connected to my Agent, Alexris, from a previous organisation that they both worked for and became allies (mainly through a Bounty Hunter ((Xalikyio)) from another Legacy but that's for another time).

Alexris is connected to my Trooper, Kerrisa in that they are identical twins, split apart from one another during a battle at a young age and brought up on either side of the war.

Kerrisa is married to my other "Trooper" (he's technically a smugger, game wise, but a Trooper, storywise) Mirrek. She has often contracted my actual Smuggler, Carsyn to aid with a number of missions.

Carsyn is bitter rivals with my Bounty Hunter, Raiesha (who stole her ship from Xalikyio, another connection to that Legacy) due to her constant hounding him for his bounty and also for blowing up the right side of his body in one of those attempts. He is also a stout ally of my Jedi Consular, Kai'Sor'Rinn, who also has hired him many times over.

Kai'Sor'Rinn is the master of my Jedi Knight, Sera'this and my Shadow, Sai'ira. All of whom are enemies with my Assassin, Tali'zerayn due to their numerous conflicts over similar objectives.

Sai'ira has a twin brother, Lo'shaan, who has abandoned the Jedi in order to take on the Sith in a more vicious manner, without restraint. Essentially he's a Dark Jedi, but still with the Republic.

Lo'shaan is the nemesis of Evisceratia, my Marauder.

Evisceratia brings the legacy full swing back to Xe'rath. He was esponsible for her fathers (Ceratias, my former Sorcerer) death and she actively seeks his head.

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while my toons on my legacy are all in that list, only two of them that are currently alive are "family" there were a few others i had who "died" that were in their own family units within this legacy.


Dathon: A male Chiss Jedi Knight, age 32, powerful in the force and very calm when he deals with almost any situation. Chose to serve in the Jedi Order rather then be forced into serving. Older brother of Marino and married to Kira.


Marino: A male Chiss Bounty Hunter, age 31, knows his weapons, has a trace amount of force sensitivity being the younger brother of Dathon, their mother seemed to of had some of those force sensitive creatures still inside of her when she got pregnant with Marino. That trace of force helps Marino determine what an enemy does which is why he is very good at his job. Married to Mako.


Kartmatu: A male Mirialan, age 25, one of the most powerful people in the "family", had a sister who was killed, she was a Jedi and died on Corellia as a Master. Kartmatu is a most powerful but one of the most level headed Sith warriors in the empire, unfortunately he is also a heretic and conspiring with his friend Jaesa whom are not in a relationship, but just friends, both are looking to change the empire from within and Kartmatu has shown a relentless abuse of his position to save people and call out morally correct actions that don't serve his dark side pleasures -- all on the empires dime, Kartmatu is also known as "the great stoneface" due to his typical stare and strong tall stature. Married to Vette.


Jala (Dead): Was a young Mirialan female, age 21, Master of the force and the Jedi Order, she was killed on Corellia during the fighting in the Black Hole against Torvix's forces. Had an older brother who is still alive, Kartmatu. Died by Ambush on Corellia.


Rura (Dead): Was a female Sith pureblood, age 37, she served Baras but had no loyalty to anyone but herself during her time, due to her need to buy cheap stuff which works most of the time she has survived many battles until Ilum. Rura was a morally balanced person who did actions on both sides however had a slight leaning to the dark side. Still has a cousin who still lives, Kha'ri. Died in Combat on Ilum.


Kha'ri: A male Sith pureblood, age 27, Last remaining member of his family, fled from the empire by assassins and has no force connection at all. He went independent early in his life as a smuggler and wanted to prove he had the sack like all the others of his family. Had a cousin who died on Ilum, Rura. Currently unmarried and no significant relationships.


Lumba: A female Human, age 24, strong in the light side with substantial powers of the dark arts and a strong connection to the force, Lumba sits on the dark council and is allied in secret with Darth Marr. A close friend of Khem Val, but no relationships with anyone else, is a distant genetic match to Takamura, suggesting a family connection a few generations back.


Takamura: A male Human, age 29, very capable republic soldier who has become a military advisor in addition to his rank as Major and leader of Havoc squad. Morally correct and never gives into his bad side no matter the reason. His squad is far more closer to him then anyone else he once knew including his father and mother. Married to Elara and very close friend of Jorgan and records note a genetic match to the dark council member Lumba, albeit distant.


Ren'al (dead): A female Mirialan, age 42, once was one of best the engineering specialists in the empire in imperial intelligence, however Ren'al's career was ended when she was slain on her own ship by Marino who was collecting on a bounty setup by the shadow cabal unknown to him. Was in a relationship with Vector and mother to Kartmatu and Jala whom no one knew about, not even to her remaining child, Kartmatu.

Edited by Celise
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Oh boy. I have an entire, complicated headcanon, but I'll try to keep it short.


The beginning and center of everything is my Chiss Sith Inquisitor, whose parents were wrongfully exiled aristocrats until they died and poor little SI ended up as a slave. She has inherited the unshakable belief that she is destined for greatness, and Dark Council is only a stepping stone. One day, she will take over the throne and reform the Empire. I mean, she's fairly Dark Side, but she acknowledges that many Sith are quite... well, crazy, and the Empire's policies need serious revising.


She meets my Imperial Agent, also a Chiss, sometime in Act I. Originally, SI was interested in his intelligence and their shared cultural background, and he's fascinated by Force users in general. Somehow, the relationship became less than platonic, and when IA became disillusioned with the Empire, SI revealed him her intentions and gained a loyal supporter. Well, two actually, because when IA introduced her to Vector Hyllus, she decided she wanted him too. Vector and IA have an understanding about the matter.


My Chiss Bounty Hunter is IA's sister, though not many people know this. Personality-wise, they're almost polar opposites. IA is loyal to the Empire, BH only cares about her fame, money, and maybe a few chosen individuals. So they only really meet when the usurper trio need the services of a good mercenary. BH also knows my human Smuggler, they've ran into each other occasionally and have done some business, which works well since neither really cares about the Empire/Republic conflict.


My Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior are human twins separated as babies, though neither of them know it (at the moment, at least). Ironically, SW is very Light Side, whereas JK is becoming dangerously Dark Side over time. It's not intentional, she's just trying really hard to protect everyone. In the SW's case, the line by the Jedi on Korriban hits a little too close to home, because she's as good a person as a Sith can be. She might entertain the notion of defecting, but her entire family are Sith, and she couldn't dishonor the family name. So she's allied herself with SI, which is the next best thing.

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I guess you could say (since I'm not an RP person) that I used the legacy family tree so...




Runi's clone


Runi's clone of Runi's clone


Runi's clone of the clone of Runi's clone


Runi's clone of the clone of the clone of Runi's clone


Runi's clone of the clone of Runi's clone of the clone of Runi

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