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Please Add More Companion story, romances and interaction with companions!


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I would love to see more class/companion story missions. I've also been around since beta and the story was what really made this game different and interesting. I like to have some investment in my characters, and feeling they are part of some story adds a lot to that.
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LMAO. You know what the percentage of the population pvps exactly how?

Well, I don't know it - but I'm quite sure you don't know it either, still you made this dumb remark:


This game needs stuff that will give guilds and groups things to do together far more than more story


So, unless you can tell me where you know from what this game "needs" (instead of what you want), just shut up when someone makes the same assumtions as you.


I love how you assume they're a minority and outnumbered by people who want story without any evidence.

OK, maybe english isn't your mothertongue... but tell me, where did I say that people who like stories are outnumbering those who like pvp? If you would read carefully (and, again, assuming you are proficient in the written english language at least as much as I am), you'd recognize that I never made that assumtion. I even stated that both are minorities.


Or that those two groups are even mutually exclusive

I also never made that assumtions. Please go back to your reading comprehension class, or you your english for beginners class, and then read again what I have written. Obviously, your current skills aren't enough to read and understand.


I'd rather they focus on having two complete and different faction stories like they did on Makeb than to have all of the content be the same for both sides except for the ten minutes it takes to do the one unique class quest.

Well, and I would rather have 8 complete new storylines, one for each class, than just 2 lame soryarcs (one per faction). Maybe they'd have more time to do full fledged storylines if they wouldn't have to cater for bs-pvp-stuff? The less they work on that stuff (like WZ or similar stuff), the more time they have to make good and long stories...


You don't want more stories? Fine, your opinion. My opinion would be "delete all pvp-crap from the game" - would be a huge benefit for it. I hate pvp, and I think every second the developers waste on that content is a second to much.

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While id love for more companion stuff, as bad as they dropped the ball in SoR (namely the horribly broken imperial intros where married companion triggers don't fire) I'm afraid all we will get is ADHD pew pew pew from here on out :(


That being said, I'm all for more companion stuff accross the board.


Yes, we get you pvpers only care about getting your kill other people via pixel fix, but not all of us spend our days getting off on killing others via pixel :p (That's what Call of Duty and all those other FPS are for)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Also, NPC romance? Seriously, if you think this is any more than a good ONE TIME laugh then you need to back away from the keyboard and get a life.


Right. Because creative media has not thrived on romantic content since the times immemorial. And people who have life has never enjoyed it. Ever! Only the pathetic loners like romantic story-lines spicing up the plots. Yeah. So the real gamers, they never pick the Flirt options. Like, ever. They also never run content with their class RI. :rolleyes:

Edited by DomiSotto
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Totally agree, I'd love to see the companion stories grow.


I'd pay for more companion stories. There, financial incentive!


Also, if there are new companion comments such as the bits we get with 3.0, could the sound engineers at least pretend to make them sound like they did before? I seriously want to buy Richard Teverson some Mucinex.


I think he caught some :rak_04:

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Nope, don't know you, neither by ythe on or the other handle. At first, I didn't want to read on after this "hey, I am so importand everyone should know me"-ego-trip. My first thought was "jut another one who obviously needs a shrink". I expeted everything that follows to be some "I am so awesome"-rant that's not worth reading, but then, well, I gave it a chance...


I agree in so far that I'd like to see more stories - personal, companion, all of them. The less generic, the better. I think stories are the element that make this game good. Personal, I don't care about pvp, hardmode OPs or similar stuff - it's the stories that let me play the game. And in chapter 4, the stories became less interesting - bacause there are only faction based stories, and nomore (or only few) stories tied to the individual class or a companion.


So, I'm in. I'd appreciate if they would do more stuff like that. Sure, it might be just a minority that wants this kind of stuff, but let's be realistic: those people crying for more pvp content are also just a minority. So from my point of view: don't waste time on pvp-stuff that noone wants (just a minority) and cater to those who want more stories.



Even though there was something worth to read, I still think the first sentence of the OP is a big pile of BS. Would be much better to delete that stupid "for some reason I believe I am so famous you might know me" self-adulation.


I never meant for my introducing myself as being arrogant or anything. Actually I'm pretty humble, and avoid saying too much here, unless I really feel strongly about it. I thought a reminder of who I am would help people remember me. It's because I think of myself as rather forgettable, that I thought it was necessary. I'm hardly Sir Copperfield lol. I'm just a schmuck with social anxiety, which is getting worse lol. The shrink part might be right. :)


Anyhow, I'm glad you persisted and would like the same things. From your post there, we actually like all the same things it seems. Just wanted to straighten that out. I'm really not some kind of egomaniac or anything. That story petition really is the only big deal I've made here, and it was enough that some people gently teased me about it, thus the crazy story lady thing. Anyhoo...

Edited by Lunafox
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I completely support adding more companion content. It'd be nice to be able to do more with our companions instead of having them be mostly silent after completing their main arc. The introductions to Shadow of Revan give me hope that they might include more dialogue in the future.


At the very least, I'd support being able to replay companion conversations.

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Yes please! Sadly I've been requesting the same thing for nearly three years :( The companions are a significant part of why I find the class quests so much more compelling than the planet ones.


Companions are so neglected I think I'd die of shock if they even fixed the companion graphics bugs and the companion cross-dressing bugs!

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My droid is already a little too obsessed with me. I'm afraid that your idea would cause nothing but trouble.


And don't get me started on Treek. She keeps brushing against my leg and purring.


You know you like it. :D But if you actually could talk to them, you could find out why she loves your leg. Or maybe you could introduce her to a nice wookiee...or Broonmark :D

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I'd settle for not having to burn time and credits gift-grinding all my companions up to max affection; the credits are one thing, but then spending however long just giving them the gifts is boring, and they're already pushing how much boring I'm willing to take with travel times.


It boggles my mind why they didn't just link accessing companion convos based on your level.

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I thought a reminder of who I am would help people remember me.

Well, the question is: does it make a difference? Is your suggestion more important if people recognize you? Is it less worth reading it if I don't remember you? A suggestion is a suggestion/an idea is an idea, and wether it is a good one or a bad one should only be based on its content, not on who stated it.


I learned from various discussions (not just in this forum, but in various others, too) that in most cases when people start a thread with explaining who they are and that people might (or should) have heard from them, they do this for some entitlement that their opinion "means more", since, hey, they are so importent. That's why your introduction bothered me. It sounds like "I am someone (or rather: I believe I am someone) important, so what I write is more important than when some nobody would have written it". It might not have been your intent to make it sound like that, but it's what I first thought.


I'm hardly Sir Copperfield lol

Who's Sir Copperfield...? Ah, one of those "subjects not worth ever being mentioned again" on my ignore list... :rolleyes:

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I've been here since beta and dont remember you...Have no idea who you are.



That being said, your naivete is amusing. Making a thread on these forums asking for something the size and magnitude of what you want is silly. Do some players want it? Probably....Others could care less.



The ONLY way this would happen is if it would be financially feasible and practical. It isn't. It would require to many resources and manpower which this game can't afford. Period....



We need more content that doesn't cater to a few niche players. Want more romance? Buy a book......



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