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I want to love this game, I give up.


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Well I have been extremely active on the forums the last couple of days mostly because my BH quest is bugged so I am stuck. This game has a lot of potential. I wonder what BW used their budget on though. I don't know if the MMO guys were bullied by higher ups on what they wanted for this game or what. But this game shows what BW is. They excelled at the story, did a belly flop on the social and MMO part of it.


Absolutely terrible forums, extremely buggy game (most minor-some close to game breaking-but way too many in general), economy that will absolutely implode and ruin the game, crafted items are pointless (2 hours of PvP or an hour doing dailies to get one tier higher items than current epic RE crafted items), anti-social feeling in the game, PvP is a joke because of skill lag-which also brings in another game breaking bug of skills not firing off, those are the most glaring issues to me right now.


The lack of Devs posting is not acceptable. It is Christmas, I am at home with my family-which most people are also, with a ton of time to play this game and browse the forums. I understand it is Christmas, I do understand, but do not launch the most anticipated MMO to date 5 days before Christmas and then go on vacation. Some of the decisions BW has made is just mind boggling and shows their ignorance of the MMO market.


There are a lot of people enjoying this game right now, more than likely a vast majority. Bioware has to look to the future though. A lot of people playing this game are casuals or are new to MMO's so the problems aren't glaring them in the face-especially with an amazing single player experience they are getting. This game needs a lot of work. I am extremely surprised it was released in this condition. A lot of these problems are a silent ticking time bomb and they must be addressed. I really hope they get things worked out and fixed soon-I am not too optimistic though because a lot of these very bad bugs have been around since early Alpha and have not been fixed.

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Yeah, I love the "if you don't agree with my complaints it is because you're new to the genre" posts. No I'm not. Yes, I'm having fun.


When I come across a game that isn't fun for me or is missing features I enjoy...



I quit. Quietly and without pretending people give a crap. Because we don't.

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How have you actually wrote 4 paragraphs without even a point. You've not even explained what you feel the flaws are you've just said "it has flaws, so I hate it" in 4 paragraphs worth of words.


The games doing good, it's new and they've already announced that they are planning on releasing new content in a couple of months!

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Yeah, I love the "if you don't agree with my complaints it is because you're new to the genre" posts. No I'm not. Yes, I'm having fun.


When I come across a game that isn't fun for me or is missing features I enjoy...



I quit. Quietly and without pretending people give a crap. Because we don't.


Didn't care enough to write about how you don't care. Fantastic.

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Well I have been extremely active on the forums the last couple of days mostly because my BH quest is bugged so I am stuck. This game has a lot of potential. I wonder what BW used their budget on though. I don't know if the MMO guys were bullied by higher ups on what they wanted for this game or what. But this game shows what BW is. They excelled at the story, did a belly flop on the social and MMO part of it.


Absolutely terrible forums, extremely buggy game (most minor-some close to game breaking-but way too many in general), economy that will absolutely implode and ruin the game, crafted items are pointless (2 hours of PvP or an hour doing dailies to get one tier higher items than current epic RE crafted items), anti-social feeling in the game, PvP is a joke because of skill lag-which also brings in another game breaking bug of skills not firing off, those are the most glaring issues to me right now.


The lack of Devs posting is not acceptable. It is Christmas, I am at home with my family-which most people are also, with a ton of time to play this game and browse the forums. I understand it is Christmas, I do understand, but do not launch the most anticipated MMO to date 5 days before Christmas and then go on vacation. Some of the decisions BW has made is just mind boggling and shows their ignorance of the MMO market.


There are a lot of people enjoying this game right now, more than likely a vast majority. Bioware has to look to the future though. A lot of people playing this game are casuals or are new to MMO's so the problems aren't glaring them in the face-especially with an amazing single player experience they are getting. This game needs a lot of work. I am extremely surprised it was released in this condition. A lot of these problems are a silent ticking time bomb and they must be addressed. I really hope they get things worked out and fixed soon-I am not too optimistic though because a lot of these very bad bugs have been around since early Alpha and have not been fixed.


I agree 100%, they have already made there money (even if every one stopped subs today)

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Yeah, I love the "if you don't agree with my complaints it is because you're new to the genre" posts. No I'm not. Yes, I'm having fun.


When I come across a game that isn't fun for me or is missing features I enjoy...



I quit. Quietly and without pretending people give a crap. Because we don't.


id rather he didnt

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Well I have been extremely active on the forums the last couple of days mostly because my BH quest is bugged so I am stuck. This game has a lot of potential. I wonder what BW used their budget on though. I don't know if the MMO guys were bullied by higher ups on what they wanted for this game or what. But this game shows what BW is. They excelled at the story, did a belly flop on the social and MMO part of it.


Absolutely terrible forums, extremely buggy game (most minor-some close to game breaking-but way too many in general), economy that will absolutely implode and ruin the game, crafted items are pointless (2 hours of PvP or an hour doing dailies to get one tier higher items than current epic RE crafted items), anti-social feeling in the game, PvP is a joke because of skill lag-which also brings in another game breaking bug of skills not firing off, those are the most glaring issues to me right now.


The lack of Devs posting is not acceptable. It is Christmas, I am at home with my family-which most people are also, with a ton of time to play this game and browse the forums. I understand it is Christmas, I do understand, but do not launch the most anticipated MMO to date 5 days before Christmas and then go on vacation. Some of the decisions BW has made is just mind boggling and shows their ignorance of the MMO market.


There are a lot of people enjoying this game right now, more than likely a vast majority. Bioware has to look to the future though. A lot of people playing this game are casuals or are new to MMO's so the problems aren't glaring them in the face-especially with an amazing single player experience they are getting. This game needs a lot of work. I am extremely surprised it was released in this condition. A lot of these problems are a silent ticking time bomb and they must be addressed. I really hope they get things worked out and fixed soon-I am not too optimistic though because a lot of these very bad bugs have been around since early Alpha and have not been fixed.




A lot of long term MMOers would disagree with you.. By long term I mean people who have been playing in this genre for over a decade. I take their opinion much more seriously than I do the WoW generation of MMO gamers. Because believe it or not OUR expectations are actually higher than those players who just came in because WoW was "culturally cool".



this game has bugs, but by most MMO launches that number of bugs is completely negligible. Seriously I've played over 30 MMOs to date over the course of 15 years and was with most of them from launch. This MMO has had hands down the smoothest launch of any MMO I've ever seen or been a part of.



Does it have bugs? yes, ALL MMOs do at launch and even the mighty WoW that some speak of so fervently STILL has them. Does it need improvement? Yes ALL MMOs are ongoing projects, they are never finished. But this game I believe has more potential in it than every other MMO launched in the last 5 years has combined. The question is will Bioware/EA act upon it?


The bottom line is this game hasn't even been launched for a week. It is going to take time to fix problems, thats all there is to it. Demanding ANY game be 100% perfect 5 days after launch is simply ridiculous.


As for failing on the MMO and social aspect? What do other MMOs offer that ToR doesnt? Nearly every-single MMO out there is 100% solo content until end game. Occassionally you'll find group quests or you'll do a dungeon with a group of people but for the most part you're at it on your own. Thats the way it is in WoW, in Rift, in Aion, Evenquest 1 and 2, and so on.. And guess what that's exactly the way it is in TOR.


No one is stopping anyone from grouping up with other people and completely quests and storylines, in fact you're actually encouraged to. You receive BONUS EXP for grouping, what other MMO does that anymore? Let me answer for you, NONE. All other MMOs take the same amount of exp and divide it so solo you might get 100 points for a mob kill in a group of 2 you're getting 50. So really there's no incentive to group in most other MMOs. So really who is failing at the multiplayer part again? Thats also ignoring the social ranks for grouping and participating in cut scenes. I think ToR has brought more to the table to encourage grouping than most MMOs, especially new ones.

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No one is stopping anyone from grouping up with other people and completely quests and storylines, in fact you're actually encouraged to. You receive BONUS EXP for grouping, what other MMO does that anymore? Let me answer for you, NONE. All other MMOs take the same amount of exp and divide it so solo you might get 100 points for a mob kill in a group of 2 you're getting 50. So really there's no incentive to group in most other MMOs. So really who is failing at the multiplayer part again? Thats also ignoring the social ranks for grouping and participating in cut scenes. I think ToR has brought more to the table to encourage grouping than most MMOs, especially new ones.


Don't forget that there's an increased drop rate for grouping too. They've hit the nail on the head with incentivizing grouping without making it a necessity. I agree. The only other MMO I've grouped in as much as I have in TOR was EQ back in 2001. And that was because you HAD to group for EVERYTHING.

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I understand your concerns and they have some validity.

But come on. The game is a newly launched MMO. It's not like the latest FF MMO that just sucked b@lls. Or Conan which never delivered on it's promises. It's a really good game with fresh ideas that needs some time to find it's feet.

Take WoW for example. I started playing day one and man there were so many broken things it wasn't funny.

1. No PVP for almost a year, even though it was promised for launch day. Even when it was patched into the game it was merely a place holder for the real PVP that WoW currently enjoys.

2. Log in issues because of too small of a verification server. If too many people tried to log in at the same time the verification server would get swamped and no one could go to the next step of logging into the actual game server. This went on for months.

3. Major problems with the server data base updating. For example I was a 20 something Dwarf Pally. Was sitting in an Inn in Ironforge just talking to my guild mates. I think I looked at my TV for a minute tops. I look back at my monitor screen and my character's taking damage. I freak out start running around but eventually I die. Where was my corpse located? In Blasted Lands. I was too low, never been there but the server thought I was there and a NPC killed me.

4. Major city lag. On launch only one major city for each faction had an AH. Ironforge was a major lag fest because of all the players trying to use the AH. I actually fell more then once into the fire pit between the AH and the bank and died because of the lag.


I could go on, and on, and on. but why? A MMO is a funny beast. It's not what you get on day one, but what the community of players and developers create with the potential the game has. This game is head and shoulders above what WoW was on launch day. And we all know what happened with that don't we? Just enjoy what you can now. If in 6 months the developers show no ability or desire to fix what needs to be fixed and improve what needs to be improved. Then you can start the b@tch fest, and I'll be right there beside you.

Edited by Gezzer
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A lot of long term MMOers would disagree with you.. By long term I mean people who have been playing in this genre for over a decade. I take their opinion much more seriously than I do the WoW generation of MMO gamers. Because believe it or not OUR expectations are actually higher than those players who just came in because WoW was "culturally cool".



this game has bugs, but by most MMO launches that number of bugs is completely negligible. Seriously I've played over 30 MMOs to date over the course of 15 years and was with most of them from launch. This MMO has had hands down the smoothest launch of any MMO I've ever seen or been a part of.



Does it have bugs? yes, ALL MMOs do at launch and even the mighty WoW that some speak of so fervently STILL has them. Does it need improvement? Yes ALL MMOs are ongoing projects, they are never finished. But this game I believe has more potential in it than every other MMO launched in the last 5 years has combined. The question is will Bioware/EA act upon it?


The bottom line is this game hasn't even been launched for a week. It is going to take time to fix problems, thats all there is to it. Demanding ANY game be 100% perfect 5 days after launch is simply ridiculous.


As for failing on the MMO and social aspect? What do other MMOs offer that ToR doesnt? Nearly every-single MMO out there is 100% solo content until end game. Occassionally you'll find group quests or you'll do a dungeon with a group of people but for the most part you're at it on your own. Thats the way it is in WoW, in Rift, in Aion, Evenquest 1 and 2, and so on.. And guess what that's exactly the way it is in TOR.


No one is stopping anyone from grouping up with other people and completely quests and storylines, in fact you're actually encouraged to. You receive BONUS EXP for grouping, what other MMO does that anymore? Let me answer for you, NONE. All other MMOs take the same amount of exp and divide it so solo you might get 100 points for a mob kill in a group of 2 you're getting 50. So really there's no incentive to group in most other MMOs. So really who is failing at the multiplayer part again? Thats also ignoring the social ranks for grouping and participating in cut scenes. I think ToR has brought more to the table to encourage grouping than most MMOs, especially new ones.


I'll bite.


Unless you started with Meridian 59 you haven't been playing MMO's for 15 years... but thats really a moot point and Ill take you at face value.


I too have been playing MMOs for a long time, I didn't start with UO but I did start in March of 1999 with Everquest 1 and have played pretty much every big MMO launched since that time.


While I will agree that SWTOR is not the worst MMO launch I have ever seen (AC2 and Earth and Beyond have those distinctions in my book) I will say it has been pretty bad for "recent" (And by recent I mean within the last 5 years) MMO launches.


1: The staggered release thing was one of the worst thought out ideas I have seen in an MMO yet. It almost seemed me that Bioware had never really played an MMO before and just thought it might be a good idea. Unfortunately it wasn't - all it really did was split the population up and divide up friends and guilds. I have a Real Life friend that ended up not getting the game because he Pre-ordered late and by the time he got his invite on Friday me and his other friends were already in our 20's - so he just didnt buy the game. That is kind of sad. Sure it is his fault and sure we knew that it was gonna happen, but just because we know something is going to happen doesn't make it a good idea in the first place...


2: The stated idea behind the staggered launch was to help keep the server populations in check so that we did not run into the "Normal" problems of a new MMO launch (Namely Huge queues, servers going down, and lots of lag). Well unfortunately none of these were really accomplished because 1 still happened and 2 of them were moot points in this day of MMO.s


2A: Huge Queues happened. Most MMO launches have them, but Not to the extinct that they happened here (At least on such a widespread server basis). Top that with the fact that the server techs seemed to be going slightly crazy over the caps on the server (setting them extremely and artificially low for what seems like the sole purpose of pushing people to go to more underpopulated servers) it turned out to be one of the roughest launches I have seen since Age of Conan (Or WoW). Sure Aion, Rift, and a few other MMO's I have played had their own growing pains. But I never saw the widespread problems in those games that I saw during this games launch.


3) Bugs: Sure I expect a healthy set of bugs in my MMO's. I am not naive to think that all MMO's dont have them. What I am a little sad about is the fact that Bioware seemed so determined to have their spoken dialog in game that it seemed to be paramount to anything else and to the detriment of the game. I would have preferred a more polished MMO experience and less voice acting to be honest. The only other MMO to have voice acting to any extent on launch was EQ2 and Sony quickly realized that up keeping voice acting costs WAY too much money and it makes everything else in the game suffer. EQ2's launch was somewhat ruff too and it was directly correlated with the fact that they used extensive Voice acting for its time (Smedley has admitted as much now).


3A: I also find it completely inexcusable to release a game, this day and age, with a UI that is so completely unintuitive that it is almost cringe worthy. The UI in this game is the worst UI I have seen EXCEPT for FF14 since the launch of EQ2. I feel like we have taken 100 steps back with their UI design and then for the SP to make a post today saying that UI improvements are coming "in the future, but not right away: this is really unacceptable.


4) Terrible Customer Service. Say what you will about Rift, but you have to hand it to Trion. They LOVE their customers. I have never seen a company that was so invested in their game at launch. They posted on their forums constantly, giving updates and letting us know exactly what they were doing and how it was being done (and this started in Beta and continued through launch). The utter silence of Bioware is fairly disgusting and I haven't seen a company just blatantly ignore their customers since EQ2's Launch in 2004. MMO companies have learned that in order to keep a good playerbase they have to keep their customer informed. Again I feel like Bioware has taken a huge step back in the advancement of the MMO genre. Even Funcom did a better job of Customer Service for its terribly buggy game...and that says alot cause I have no love for Funcom anymore.


You know I could keep going but I will leave it alone. There are a ton of other issues with this game that need to be fixed soon. Is SWTOR the worst launch Ive seen ever? No, its not. AC2, Shadowbane, Earth and Beyond, FF14 were all much worse, and even games like Age of Conan and the likes were on par or possibly worse. Is this the best launch I have ever seen? No - It has, at best, been a Mediocre launch and will probably go down, in my book, as a bad launch seeing as the year this game launched and the available researching Bioware had/has on launching MMO's.


But thats just my 2 cents....

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