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PVP quitting


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forcing people to not be able to play with friends in regs in not the way to do things


Why is that cause being on the receiving end of ****** guild who can't play rank in a pug is about as much fun as your ****** guild getting housed in a rank match.


Again see GW2 solution

Edited by Kinsal
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I use to be for a punishment system. Im staunchly against it now.


Since 3.0 I have had major lag issues when loading into pvp. For example Ill click accept the queue, and the warzone will start loading. Often times Im going in on one thats already started but by the time I fully load, I get kicked out for not getting out of spawn fast enough. Other times while in Warzones I get crushed by lag or spikes and get disconnected randomly.


You cant punish players for events out of their control, even if a small minority of pvp player base rage quit.

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No. The lag or whatever it you call it, is very bad. I get DC alot.


I had 15 freaking medals and I DC-ed AND WE WERE WINNING!!!


And you want me to be penalized for that?


Just NO.




Yeah, I have quite nice and stable connection, yet it happens, like the other day I was queueing for wz for like 30mins, then I got error 1005 or w/e 10 points before Alderaan win. I guess I should get 1h penalty because bw failed with coding somewhere, huh?

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There are penalty on other games for leaving a match mostly because you do not get replaced and it leaves them in a unfair situation the entire game. Unlike here, yeah sometimes they don't get replaced or the person that replaced them leaves also.

I wouldn't mind a timer either way, i'd still leave if I wanted to. There are some matches just better off not played.

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What are your thoughts on these ideas?


1.) Quitting and/or disconnecting from a Reg WZ gives you a one hour cool down on queue

2.) Quitting a Ranked WZ gives you a 24 hour cool down on queue. Rating loss is increased.

3.) Disconnecting from a Ranked WZ gives you a 2 hour cool down and increases the penalty (4 hours on he 2nd, 8 on 3rd, etc) up until 24 hour cool down. If your connection is that bad, don't queue and put other people at risk.


1. Absolutely no. Would just cause people to go afk in match. With replacements you at least have a chance to get a competent player. Also, people should be able to leave if they want to. I leave quesh ball every time. I leave if the team is full of idiots as well. If bioware put a penalty like that on reg PVP I would quit the game. I wouldn't even f2p. I have many friends who would do the same.


2. I think this is also unreasonable. Increase rating penalty sure, but 24 hour cooldown is stupid. I don't think there should be a cooldown at all. If there must be one maybe 15 minutes.


3. No. If the disconnect it's not their fault. Rating loss is enough.

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What are your thoughts on these ideas?


1.) Quitting and/or disconnecting from a Reg WZ gives you a one hour cool down on queue

2.) Quitting a Ranked WZ gives you a 24 hour cool down on queue. Rating loss is increased.

3.) Disconnecting from a Ranked WZ gives you a 2 hour cool down and increases the penalty (4 hours on he 2nd, 8 on 3rd, etc) up until 24 hour cool down. If your connection is that bad, don't queue and put other people at risk.


I'd have no problems with that since I wouldn't have any chance in any of them anyway. :D


So I'd rather give PvP a break :D and play further PvE than try to get into a match in which I have no chance whatsoever. ;)


But ... On VC Ranked is nearly dead anyway - plus is is an extreme form of "closed circles" now.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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First of all, leaving is not rage quitting its i-don't-care quitting, i personally call it "scrolling down" as it's like searching for news you like or some articles you want to read, u skip **** moving further. Ragers are bads trying to justify their own fails. They moan in chat, complain about leavers and premades, blacklist people, etc. Even come here with some ridiculous ideas. Penalizing and any other kind of forcing will never work. Some people will always find a way to abuse the system. Check WOW - bots, afkers, middle farmers, double def teams waiting for 15 mins to get their loss simply because they cant quit. U don't want this, im sure, and most of those who need penalties now will find a reason to complain after they`ll get it.


I leave sometimes, overheal games mostly (dps fail on one side, overheal on another), don't care about leavers myself. Let people have fun, find your own fun. Can`t? Stop playing. Easy as that.


Ranked games probably have to be penalized, with a warning in the beginning. U choose to play ranked - deal with consequences. Don't want to be penalized - play randoms.

Edited by montreau
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What are your thoughts on these ideas?


1.) Quitting and/or disconnecting from a Reg WZ gives you a one hour cool down on queue

2.) Quitting a Ranked WZ gives you a 24 hour cool down on queue. Rating loss is increased.

3.) Disconnecting from a Ranked WZ gives you a 2 hour cool down and increases the penalty (4 hours on he 2nd, 8 on 3rd, etc) up until 24 hour cool down. If your connection is that bad, don't queue and put other people at risk.



If they fix bolster first sure.

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So people who get grouped with people with bad internet get penalized? sounds fair :rolleyes:


It's quite obvious this wasnt about ranked. If you think somebody having a dc in regs is the end of the world then you need to grow up kid. Now ranked on the other hand I agree. It should only be done with a near perfect connection or you should get a time out period.

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Honestly, it frustrates me so much when someone quits 1 minute into Alderaan because the other team has snow and mid that I wouldn't mind if PvP quitters got a 50% outgoing damage reduction, health reduction, and incoming damage increase.


Serious suggestion though: 1 hour PvP queue lockout. If you don't have enough sportsmanship to play through a warzone that you know you are going to lose, you shouldn't be playing at all. Losing happens. Deal with it.


If they fix bolster first sure.


Fix bolster? What are you talking about? Or are there some issues with bolster that suddenly cropped up out of no where?

Edited by LtBombshell
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Honestly, it frustrates me so much when someone quits 1 minute into Alderaan because the other team has snow and mid that I wouldn't mind if PvP quitters got a 50% outgoing damage reduction, health reduction, and incoming damage increase.


Serious suggestion though: 1 hour PvP queue lockout. If you don't have enough sportsmanship to play through a warzone that you know you are going to lose, you shouldn't be playing at all. Losing happens. Deal with it.


Again I answer this with a resounding: HELL NO. No penalty needed. It would do much more harm than good as has already been detailed in many threads over a very long period of time. I refuse to stay on a team that is full of idiots. The first round with them sure I will attempt my best to help them and educate them. But the thing is: most will not listen and will continue to be idiots. That and I get stuck in a queue rotation with them. So yes, I will be quitting a match if I am with the same idiots over and over. By level 60 you should know the basics of your class and each pvp map. If they institute a lockout I will most definitely unsub.

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What are your thoughts on these ideas?


1.) Quitting and/or disconnecting from a Reg WZ gives you a one hour cool down on queue

2.) Quitting a Ranked WZ gives you a 24 hour cool down on queue. Rating loss is increased.

3.) Disconnecting from a Ranked WZ gives you a 2 hour cool down and increases the penalty (4 hours on he 2nd, 8 on 3rd, etc) up until 24 hour cool down. If your connection is that bad, don't queue and put other people at risk.


The queues can be long enough already - so an hour cooldown gives me pause. Besides I've lost connections due to no fault of my own during wzs, so that would be penalizing me and others in a similar situation due to circumstances beyond our control. As for the ranked, only about 5% of the players ever play it, so why not. Surprised you didn't suggest a special penalty for a whole queuing group, which abandons a warzone?

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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Some of the suggestions here are ridiculous, way too much that will NEVER get implemented. Just keep it simple, 15 minute cooldown for unranked and ranked, so as to discourage quitters as it would take them more time to wait than to just stay in the game. Ranked you lose rating like when you lose. :rak_03:
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I can only go by personal experience; and that is on a reliable internet connection in 3 years of playing, only disconnected once or twice. The odds are too rare to concern with legitimate disconnects with the advantage of deterring quitters.


That is your problem. Think again. :)


Before dec.2014 i somehow disconnected every 2 games. I'm pretty stable by now, but some of my guildies still have these problems. So... just NO! :eek:

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Some of the suggestions here are ridiculous, way too much that will NEVER get implemented. Just keep it simple, 15 minute cooldown for unranked and ranked, so as to discourage quitters as it would take them more time to wait than to just stay in the game. Ranked you lose rating like when you lose. :rak_03:


I would love to see a 15-minute lockout for rage-quitters or the overly picky people who quit if they don't see a group combo that they like.

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