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I don't even.... aka why Bastion pub is *special*


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Please bear with me. I need to rant and ramble.


So when queues are slow, I like playing on my Pub toon. As many of you have experienced, Bastion pub is *special* when it comes to anything PvP related, GSF included. I personally like the challenge. Tonight, I was playing in a typical Pub stomp (TDM), which I don't mind *too* much (as I said, I like the challenge, it pushes me to get better), but I just got so frustrated that 6 of my teammates did not get a single kill, and had few assists. When everyone was leaving the game, my frustration finally came to a boil and I said "COME ON!!!" which I thought was appropriate enough as a way of venting.


However, I guess someone took umbrage to that and whispered that I should grow up. This is where I just lost it. My time is valuable. Arguably EVERYONE'S time is valuable. I'm pretty sure that most people don't like getting completely demolished in a game, so why waste your time getting destroyed over and over again without gaining anything from it (yada yada watch Drakolich's videos on youtube or read up on Stasie or Drakolich's ship builds if you want to get better)?


I responded as such. And then was promptly told that I was an entitled crybaby. Ok. Deep breath. One. How am I entitled? I can see that me expecting others to want to be better might be construed as being entitled, but here I'm thinking about everyone else's time. If a few people don't care and throw a game, it's not just their time that's wasted, it's everyone's time that gets wasted (wasted being a relative term for not enjoying your GSF time which is already limited by queue time as it is). Two. Crybaby? Is that really all you can say about someone who wants EVERYONE to have a more positive GSF experience (why I even decided to play Pub in the first place). I don't want Imps to constantly destroy Pub pilots - it's just not fun, and it results in longer queue times as Pubs just quit playing - so I try to even out the experience by playing Pub. I felt like a parent admonishing a kid.... but I didn't have a chance to say anything as I was ignored by this person immediately after my response.


I don't know enough about Bastion Pubs to say whether or not they have a problem with their attitude or maybe I'm just being a B (I am ranting here after all), but this encounter really pissed me off.


That said, Skabb, I will now make it my personal mission to hunt you down on Ann-may anytime I have the chance. I will make your GSF-playing life a living hell. But remember, I do this out of love - I only want to push you to get better.

Edited by AnanasFroid
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Please bear with me.


I do, but...



I will now make it my personal mission to hunt you down on Ann-may anytime I have the chance. I will make your GSF-playing life a living hell.


...be ready for some disappointment. I had a retard on a game calling me a cheater. So I decided to switch sides whenever he was qeuing to teach him a lesson. I was able to do this only once. Since then he just diisappeared and I have to ventilate my rage elsewhere.


Or yesterday:


Some I-enjoy-the-scenery-pilot-piece-of-junk was on my team and literally doing nothing except shooting at the sunset. He did that two games in a row so I jumped from my Imp to my Pub and started hunting him. I shot him down only once and then he disappeared.



TL;DR: If they realize you are on to them they start avoiding games with you and you will be even more pissed than before.....well at least I am.




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My main reasons for raging are:


1) Some pilot on my team suiciding over and over in TDM. (Some days ago a game ended 42:50 because someone on my team suicided 19 times). I put those pilots on ignore on all my characters.

2) When a team in domination does nothing but flying circles in the middle of nowhere, especially if they are 5 shippers. I usually don't care too much about this, but it can get frustrating if it happens multiple times in a row with the same pilots. I usually just switch sides then.

Edited by Danalon
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. . . My time is valuable. . . .



Then why are you playing SWTOR and posting on forums about playing SWTOR?



You are using a software product designed expressly to facilitate the wasting of time by it's users. If wasting time bothers you, a decision to stop using the software is probably more effective than a decision to waste even more time by complaining that the software is effective at doing what it was designed to do.



Are you offering to mentor the other players? Are you offering them use of your VOIP server? Are you asking them to queue up in a group with you?


Good combat piloting is mostly about teamwork and communication. If you're serious about wanting to win in an air/space sim type game you really need to understand that.


Victory is a success for the TEAM. So if you're not working to make the team as a whole better, you're not really being much more valuable than the people posting a whole lot of zeros to the scoreboard at the end of the game.


If you don't care to exercise teambuilding skills, then it's sort of silly to complain about team performance that you don't care enough about to make any effort to improve.


I'm often guilty of being lazy in terms of teambuilding myself, but I'm aware of that when I do it, and I don't worry about the performance of others in that case because if I'm not doing anything to improve the situation then I don't have grounds to complain about it.


Mentoring and teambuilding for a group that's consistently being thrashed is rough. People tend to be touchy and irritable about their performance. It takes pretty good social skills to pull it off, and it helps if you befriend the people before you start trying to mentor them.


If you really want to help the Bastion pubs you might try asking Nemarus and Drakko for community building tips, they both seem to have a real talent for that.


Winning, or at least coming close, is nice. Still, take a moment to assess how much you genuinely care about it. If you don't care enough to try to change the situation then it's probably not worth getting upset about.

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Just for an FYI there are times of the day were the Pubs do just fine. It just really depends on who is on at the time.

Is there more quote unquote "Aces" on the Imp side? sure I would say that there is but I myself have just started a new Pub side toon too.


Regardless on which server you play on its always a good idea to make both Imp and Pub toons so that if you really care about balance you can switch sides to try and even out the playing field so to speak. And by doing this you will get to be a much better pilot along the way!;)

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Almost all the really solid pilots on Bastion fly both sides, but it's very easy to walk into a team of derps and get frustrated.


I'll just say this: if you're going to insult everyone, even vaguely, then don't get offended when they get offended. You insulted them, that's what happens. "COME ON" is something I say as well, and I definitely get push back for it, because I'm implying that the team as a whole is dropping the ball (because they are). If you are going to push, be prepared to be pushed back on. Either mean it, or can it!

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I like the challenge, it pushes me to get better), but I just got so frustrated that 6 of my teammates did not get a single kill, and had few assists.


When the carry gets hard, your back gets stronger. :rak_03:


I agree that quite a few pub games tend to be full of newbies. This was especially the case early on.


Reminds me of when I first started GSFing. I was on the pub side and would either get obnoxious numbers (30+ kills) or get wrecked when I was up against Stasie n co. Either way, It's probably what made me the pilot I am, so no complaints there.


Lately though (I've been gone for over a month so things may have changed), the pub side has quite a few decent pilots. In most games you needn't worry about losing a satellite the moment you leave it.



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Or yesterday:


Some I-enjoy-the-scenery-pilot-piece-of-junk was on my team and literally doing nothing except shooting at the sunset.


I'm quoting myself :


I have experienced the direct opposite yesterday or the day before that :


EVERYONE was so much better than me, and the "aces" were acting as if they had the full intention to pick up every enemy I had driven into 20 % health and give them the final shot - so that THEY could get the medals and not me.


I mean, I treally TRY to do my very best. I use the tricks I know, and do my very best - but some people are just better. Maybe they use special mice, have far superior hand coordination, maybe they are just naturals, I don't know.

But I do my very best - and it just isn't recognized as that. I really felt like the 5th wheel on a car.


I really have no idea what had happened but EVERY SINGLE ONE I was killing ( I saw the explosion right before my eyes ! ) got the message "[insert other name than me] killed [enemy I had thought I had just killed]" ...


It's as if some people were explicitrely hunting for low health opponents and do some killstealing.


And of course TZHEY get the medals ! THEY get the top position at the scoreboard ! But not me !


It's as if some people were trying their best to dominate the OWN team and merely consider other team members as need tools to deliver them ready-to-kill opponents.


That really put me off. I just couldn't play any GSF that evening anymore.


Bottom line : A solution would be brackets like in ground PvP.



More here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=768710

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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