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Random Speeder/Mount button


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It's been quite a while since I suggested this and am unable to find my old thread on it, so here goes:


Would like to have a button to summon your speeder/mount at random from all of the speeders/mounts you own. I have a lot of speeders and wish to use them all without having to readjust a quickbar each time.


Thank you for your consideration.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is an example of a great idea. Something likely not too difficult to implement that gives benefit to acquiring in game items and is 'fun' to use. It does not introduce any game system that would be unfair or penalize new players, while providing a 'reward' to those people who have spent a long time achieving/acquiring purely cosmetic 'things'.


This is an awesome suggestion and I support it.

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I suggested something similar to this a while ago, but my suggestion was bit more generally useful.


Instead of a specific "random speeder" button, you have the function of creating an ability to trigger a random item in a set pool of items.


For example, you open a menu and drag abilities/items/speeders/etc into it then click "Create". It then creates a single Quickslot button that will pick one of the deposited items at random and activate it.


So, you can set it to pick from 5 different speeders at random, or you can set it to pick from 4 rest abilities at random, etc.


I think this is a better idea because not only is it not tied specifically to just speeders, but you can also limit which speeders you want it to pick from (not all are adaptive or 110%)..

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
I still think this (or something like it) would be an amazing feature to implement.. A guildmate was telling me this was for sure going to be the game, but as far as I can find, there hasn't been any dev statement to that effect.
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This is an example of a great idea. Something likely not too difficult to implement that gives benefit to acquiring in game items and is 'fun' to use. It does not introduce any game system that would be unfair or penalize new players, while providing a 'reward' to those people who have spent a long time achieving/acquiring purely cosmetic 'things'.


This is an awesome suggestion and I support it.


I will "CTRL C + CTRL V" the brother above. Just that. Same words.



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Hi all,


This is something we have and continue to look into, however at this time do not have any additional information on the status of it.


Thanks for the posting on this topic. Nice to have some confirmation the Devs are at least aware of this idea. But I'm a little uncertain about what you mean by 'look into'. I doubt it's a difficult feature to add. The Vehicles section of the Abilities window already lists only the available mounts to a character. You should be able to simply pick one at random and act as if the chosen mount was clicked. If not, just take the list of available mounts, temporarily assign them a number in order from 1 to n, pick a number between 1 and n, and activate the vehicle corresponding to the number...or start at 0 and go to n-1, if you really want to, it won't make a difference.


This should be super simple. The only problem I can see you running into is deciphering the original code of the game and locating that information. From what I've heard, the original code is incredibly sloppy.



PS: As for the implementation of this feature, we've already seen how Global Legacy Unlocks can be abilities, so there should be no problems there.

Edited by idnewton
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Don't forget to script that option generically, like, for pets, maybe even companions or anything. It could be a generic/specific toggle in the game options; In case this idea become useful/interesting in future features of the game). Edited by James_Mcturney
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Hi all,


This is something we have and continue to look into, however at this time do not have any additional information on the status of it.


Any word on this? For players who have over a 100 mounts, it would be nice to do a random 'speeder' every time you mount up. I looking forward to this more then a new PvP map. That speak volumes :rak_01:

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