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Oh No!!! Another 3.0 Combat Sentinel Guide? Yep! :)


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4.5K seems to be a good mark for combat in full 192's. My best parse so far is 4515 but I still have 186 set bonus.

BTW, how did you put an armoring on a sentinel OH :rak_03:


You guys are so nit picky sometimes LMAO! That's what happens when you go copy and paste crazy but you know i meant 'Hilt' Jeez! :cool: But yeah you're right it seems to be generally in that range. Had i went all out and used Inspiration, Adrenal, etc. more than likely i could have gotten it a bit higher than 4.5K However, i don't believe in parsing that way. I like to parse at the bare minimum so i know truly what my capabilities are for the 90% of the time when those 'buffs' are unavailable.

Edited by Bahadori
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Any chance you could link that combat log from torparse? Hate to be nit picky but 3 min 58 sec can't be 4.5k for 1 million points of damage. It's more like 4.2.. I'd implore all maras parsing at 4.5k in carnage to post the combat log link now that torparse is functional


Is there a way i can look it up? I did not save the link (under the assumption it would save in my profile like it use to) and it wont let me access that apparently, just says 'Account Management Coming Soon'.

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Is there a way i can look it up? I did not save the link (under the assumption it would save in my profile like it use to) and it wont let me access that apparently, just says 'Account Management Coming Soon'.


The log view is not yet available. Just copy and paste the url for the uploaded torparse.

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Yeah that's the problem lol i don't have the URL. I don't know if you know this or not but will uploaded logs be accessible when the function goes live again or will we lose previous uploads?


Not sure but I'm assuming current logs will be available. If you can't find the url from your browser history and can't find the right thing to click whilst logged into torparse maybe the easiest thing to do would be to reupload the parse and copy the url right away. No biggie if you can't im just keen to see as much data as possible as I'm still experimenting and improving. We should all be stating our dummy parses correctly. That is, if you set the dummy for 1 million hp your dps will equal 1,000,000 divided by your time to kill in seconds. 4 minutes roughly equals 4.2k. 3 mins 50 secs rightly 4.3k and so on etc

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Lol you guys are still gore + ravage. You guys do realize ravage's damage got nerfed right? Try gore + DB and VT. Idk maybe it still works for PvE.


Interesting... Do you have any testing to support or show this strategy is better than the established Gore/Ravage? I have to admit i'm intrigued. I'll do my own testing after work today but i'd love to see what you're parsing using that rotation priority :)

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As a matter of fact, I did try but found that MS+DB was better. Also I'm able to do Dispatch+DB inside gore windows if you do the timing well.


Edit: I did some quick math and MS will do on average about 700-800 more damage than BR+Dispatch, this is however with old 4piece set bonus which increases the damage of MS by 8%. With new 6-piece BR+Dispatch will certainly do more damage than MS this trick however relies on been able to do one window with MS and the other with BR+Dispatch.

Edited by g_mK
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Interesting... Do you have any testing to support or show this strategy is better than the established Gore/Ravage? I have to admit i'm intrigued. I'll do my own testing after work today but i'd love to see what you're parsing using that rotation priority :)


I haven't done any parsing for exact numbers yet. I did, however see that inside gore my third tick of ravage is now only about 7k (PvP gear) and with ravage making VT an auto crit once a minute and of course VT criting on its own I did more dmg. My DB hits for an adv of 14-15k and my VT hits for about 11-13k. There have been several PvP matches where I pull 2k+ dps.


That and you also in the PVP environment, don't have to worry about ravage being interrupted.


I will do a parse later and I will post the results. To note I'm fully Aug'd with several pieces of ranked PvP gear.


Also I did make a video guide on carnage marauders for PvP:

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The log view is not yet available. Just copy and paste the url for the uploaded torparse.


I was unable to locate the parse that we were talking about because its been trashed (I run a CleanUp Script on my Combat log folder and others on my system set on a 24 hour cycle) I just went ahead and did another parse. You can find it here. I also updated the Guide with this new information as well. You were correct though about the time being incorrect. I had a buddy of mine I go to college with look at what you wrote and number crunch it for me so that one is beyond me LOL.


On a completely different note what does everyone think about this post Sentinel and Marauder Changes ???

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Lol you guys are still gore + ravage. You guys do realize ravage's damage got nerfed right? Try gore + DB and VT. Idk maybe it still works for PvE.


So here are my findings on this topic. I did a sample testing of the below combo's 5 times each and averaged them to obtain the following numbers. Note: Buffs from Relics were not taken into account. New 6 Set Bonus was equipped during testing.


Precision + Master Strike + Clashing Blast (Under Zen effect and Blade Rush Buff)

Average Damage: 31,582


Precision + Clashing Blast + Dispatch (Under Zen effect and Blade Rush Buff)

Average Damage: 21,346



Without Alacrity and with the current state of Precision being 3 seconds I do not see how disregarding the Master Strike combo is a DPS increase. Both combo's are bound to the Precision window and clipping Dispatch within the Precision window is not always a guarantee, neither is Zen. I still believe, at the moment, that the mainstream strategy for playing this spec (For PvE) is the best way. I would however welcome other testing results if someone finds differently.

Edited by Bahadori
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nothing constructive to add just wanted to troll...


Congrats to Bahadori for clearing Torque HM on a Sent and only having 300 more DtPS then the tanks !


I blame the Tank! :p Besides the 3 Ranged weren't taking any so I was just trying to make it interesting for the healers, wouldn't want them to get bored LOL. Glad the team was able to beat him though. I uploaded the video and linked it to the site or you can get it here.

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Precision + Master Strike + Clashing Blast (Under Zen effect and Blade Rush Buff)

Average Damage: 31,582


Precision + Clashing Blast + Dispatch (Under Zen effect and Blade Rush Buff)

Average Damage: 21,346



Thank you for putting some numbers to this.


There is a bit of game theory in baiting your opponent into using their KB, Stun, etc. But there are far better ways of doing it than gimping your heaviest hitting source of damage. Gore is on a 10 sec CD anyway, its your second window that should have the DB>VT proc combo. Blowing a Ravage outside the first window is silly, but by all means go ahead.

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I blame the Tank! :p Besides the 3 Ranged weren't taking any so I was just trying to make it interesting for the healers, wouldn't want them to get bored LOL. Glad the team was able to beat him though. I uploaded the video and linked it to the site or you can get it here.


Gratz on kill and nice video(what was your dpts? :p) I killed Bulo HM last night and spent the rest of the time pulling on Torque. BTW how did you set up your timers for floor vent? they got off timing during the fight but got back in synch further in. I haven't fully tested my but I find them to be very useful as melee.

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So here are my findings on this topic. I did a sample testing of the below combo's 5 times each and averaged them to obtain the following numbers. Note: Buffs from Relics were not taken into account. New 6 Set Bonus was equipped during testing.


Precision + Master Strike + Clashing Blast (Under Zen effect and Blade Rush Buff)

Average Damage: 31,582


Precision + Clashing Blast + Dispatch (Under Zen effect and Blade Rush Buff)

Average Damage: 21,346



Without Alacrity and with the current state of Precision being 3 seconds I do not see how disregarding the Master Strike combo is a DPS increase. Both combo's are bound to the Precision window and clipping Dispatch within the Precision window is not always a guarantee, neither is Zen. I still believe, at the moment, that the mainstream strategy for playing this spec (For PvE) is the best way. I would however welcome other testing results if someone finds differently.


Yes I too found while beating on the dummy that using gore ravage did do bit more dmg. However in a Warzone environment I found the opposite true. As every other class has some kind of root immunity/kb/stun, getting a full ravage off is few and far between. And using gore with kb/vt has a lot more reliable burst and my dps in the warzone has increased.

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Yeah brother you're absolutely right. I did note in there that i was strickly speaking PvE with the rotation :) For PvP, yeah, with the amount of CCs we have to deal with and what not Getting Master Strike/Ravage in is few and far inbetween.
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