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As a lot of you have done, I also decided it's time to move on. This 3 week -going on 4 tomorrow crap with all the countless problems and a now unplayable game and bioware only concerned about the next pack they are gonna release tomorrow is just over the top unacceptable.


I have been here since launch, never played nothing but this game. So I am a little in the dark about what is out there. Would love to hear some suggestions on where you all are going or gonna try? What is hot out there right now? Any and all suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

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I went back to my old games, star trek online and DCUO. Both feature better storytelling (and mission editor) than SWTOR at this point, STO is actually pretty great these days. (and F2P)


Im sorry, I can't take either of those seriously. Neither offers the level of story telling this one does. And STO is certainly not doing great. That game is burning to the ground fast and in a hurry. It's F2P in name only. Think you're going to PvP without spending money? Think again. Better get ready to drop at least $30 on one of the new T6 Intel ships to be even semi competent in kerrat. You certainly aren't going to complete the new elite PvE que in your old t5. Which is Ironically the only place to get the superior crafting mats to upgrade your gear with. Better break out that wallet and start buying dil. There's a reason this last expansion is called Dilithium Rising. They turned STO into an Asian grinder for paltry rewards. Spend 5 minutes in their forums and you'll see. That game is hemorrhaging players right now, and the management is grossly out of tune with it's players. Just Google the Japori incident to see how they handle bugs in their system. Dcuo will forever be hindered by the fact that it's largest player base is on ps3. There are tons of features that will never be implemented because the ps3 simply can't handle the data load anymore. They've already remarked that they eventually won't be able to add new powers into the game because the ps3 won't be able to render all the effects because of memory constraints. The grass certainly isn't greener in those fields.

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Im sorry, I can't take either of those seriously. Neither offers the level of story telling this one does.


SWTOR has gone downhill after the first level cap raise, sorry to say. SOR story is about same level storytelling as the highlander movies imo.. Anything can be compared to that favorably.

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SWTOR has gone downhill after the first level cap raise, sorry to say. SOR story is about same level storytelling as the highlander movies imo.. Anything can be compared to that favorably.


Bur in comparison to those 2 games, still miles above what they have. And story aside, sto is still horrible gameplay wise unless you're a sadomasochist. Who gives a flying rats #!& about story when you're have isn't fun to play. And there isn't sorry telling in dcuo. It's a side show. You get a 20 sec clip at the end of a raid chain for some superfluous tie in to whatever theme that chain was running. There isn't story in dcuo. There's combat system, and that's about it.

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How exactly is the game unplayable? Yes, there are some serious issues. But lets tone down the hyperbole

What does it matter? He's moving on...he's been here since launch...he's asking about other games to play.


OP, I'm in the same boat as you (been here since launch with no idea what is out there)...but I'll stick around for now...still having fun doing what I do. I wish you luck.

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I'll add my support for a Secret World... found the quest design to be an amazing departure from the standard go here, kill x of these, grab y of those, and come back. Some of the puzzle quests were amazing.


Can't support going back to STO... That game took some serious wrong turns.

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What does it matter? He's moving on...he's been here since launch...he's asking about other games to play.


OP, I'm in the same boat as you (been here since launch with no idea what is out there)...but I'll stick around for now...still having fun doing what I do. I wish you luck.


he's looking for attention like all the other, "booohoooo I quit", threads.

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I'll add my support for a Secret World... found the quest design to be an amazing departure from the standard go here, kill x of these, grab y of those, and come back. Some of the puzzle quests were amazing.


You mean the design where youre supposed to go to raids/group content to get marks for gear that allows you to go to better raids/group content? :rolleyes:


Sorry, Secret world (which I waited for about 2 years before its release) ended up one of the biggest disappointments of the past 2 decades for me. Sure, I Could list the things I don't like about it here, but I am sure I have done it on other threads on these forums that discuss game design. Yes, I love puzzle missions, but unfortunately the bad points outweigh the good in that game.


ps. The game's name is silly also since all the monsters are walking around freely in almost all the zones in densities that put Gorma-Koss in shame. I expected more of a game where you had to actually look for the supernatural.

Edited by Karkais
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ps. The game's name is silly also since all the monsters are walking around freely in almost all the zones in densities that put Gorma-Koss in shame. I expected more of a game where you had to actually look for the supernatural.


In an MMO? Imagine the first month after launch, for every zombie that spawns there would be 50 players trying to kill it. A simple "kill 10 mooks" quest would take all day, and 99% of the players would quit in frustration within a week. That stuff can only work in single player games.

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What does it matter? He's moving on...he's been here since launch...he's asking about other games to play.


OP, I'm in the same boat as you (been here since launch with no idea what is out there)...but I'll stick around for now...still having fun doing what I do. I wish you luck.


I think TUX has an important point here. A lot of the people who are frustrated are long-time customers, many that have been here since the launch days.


BW has either taken these folks for granted, or their plans for SWTOR simply don't involve a whole lot and they will slowly let it go over the next few years, perhaps with RPG games that the EA CEO mentioned earlier this year to replace it, ones that immerse the player in their world for 6-8 months. At least a rumor is going around that a new open world SW game is in the works. I imagine these cost less to make than an MMO, and can include things like a CM for folks who are big fans of the IP.


In other words, whether you find these posts silly or not, you should care that long-time players are leaving the game, because, in large part, they support the game the most, through their subs as well as CC purchases. Without them, the game will make significantly less revenue and be worse off.

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What does it matter? He's moving on...he's been here since launch...he's asking about other games to play.


OP, I'm in the same boat as you (been here since launch with no idea what is out there)...but I'll stick around for now...still having fun doing what I do. I wish you luck.


Well, first of then he should post in off topic, not general, since he wants to talk about other games. Second, he could have posted it without the ridiculous hyperbole. Third, he really didn't even need to tell us he was quitting, just that he wanted other game suggestions.


Its clear hes just whining and/or attention seeking.

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I think TUX has an important point here. A lot of the people who are frustrated are long-time customers, many that have been here since the launch days.


BW has either taken these folks for granted, or their plans for SWTOR simply don't involve a whole lot and they will slowly let it go over the next few years, perhaps with RPG games that the EA CEO mentioned earlier this year to replace it, ones that immerse the player in their world for 6-8 months. At least a rumor is going around that a new open world SW game is in the works. I imagine these cost less to make than an MMO, and can include things like a CM for folks who are big fans of the IP.


In other words, whether you find these posts silly or not, you should care that long-time players are leaving the game, because, in large part, they support the game the most, through their subs as well as CC purchases. Without them, the game will make significantly less revenue and be worse off.



That is interesting. I'm curious to know how many people came back for this expansion to offset those leaving. This expansion features the best story content since the original class stories in my opinion. I thought Makeb was a boring diversion and Oricon was the final straw for me. The gear grind is much more pleasant for me in 3.0 and this expansion feels like a return to what the game was at launch.

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That is interesting. I'm curious to know how many people came back for this expansion to offset those leaving. This expansion features the best story content since the original class stories in my opinion. I thought Makeb was a boring diversion and Oricon was the final straw for me. The gear grind is much more pleasant for me in 3.0 and this expansion feels like a return to what the game was at launch.


You are finding the gear grind more pleasant?!


Most of the comm gear is terrible - now even the mods aren't the good kind, and are endurance heavy. On top of that, you have to buy multiple pieces of the same slot to just eventually get you to 100% accuracy, which was a lot simpler before with accuracy buffs in various DPS trees.


Basically, there isn't a good way to gear well unless you do HM Operations. Even Ultimate comm gear has poor stats. And, unlike 2.x, there aren't a lot of ways to get comms right now (I'm sure this will change next year, though).


Aside from enjoying the story a few times through, I find 3.0 to be way worse than 2.0 so far. This doesn't include all the performance issues and bugs.


I'm hoping things turn around well when BW is back from the holiday break.

Edited by arunav
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I think TUX has an important point here. A lot of the people who are frustrated are long-time customers, many that have been here since the launch days.


BW has either taken these folks for granted, or their plans for SWTOR simply don't involve a whole lot and they will slowly let it go over the next few years, perhaps with RPG games that the EA CEO mentioned earlier this year to replace it, ones that immerse the player in their world for 6-8 months. At least a rumor is going around that a new open world SW game is in the works. I imagine these cost less to make than an MMO, and can include things like a CM for folks who are big fans of the IP.


In other words, whether you find these posts silly or not, you should care that long-time players are leaving the game, because, in large part, they support the game the most, through their subs as well as CC purchases. Without them, the game will make significantly less revenue and be worse off.


Exactly what I was trying to portray somewhat! Been a paying subscriber since launch, and what bioware has done this time is just unacceptable in my eyes. Thank you both for the understanding.


he's looking for attention like all the other, "booohoooo I quit", threads.


Well, first of then he should post in off topic, not general, since he wants to talk about other games. Second, he could have posted it without the ridiculous hyperbole. Third, he really didn't even need to tell us he was quitting, just that he wanted other game suggestions.


Its clear hes just whining and/or attention seeking.

Only one lol I have for you 2 is:

"Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt"


And until now Ice - you posted here more than I - so go figure?


Not unlike your off topic post, right?


Haha Exactly!


I would like to thank all who had legit suggestions, and not just some random worthless crap they just felt they needed to come on here and say. Thank You! I have tried Secret World way back when they had their free 3 day trial. I may look back into that. Have had some friends say LOL and the dreaded WoW. I am still looking and would certainly appreciate any and all legit suggestions still.


After today my sub is gone so I will not be able to reply, but I will come check back to see if anyone has posted more.


I love this game, I don't want to leave, but I will not pay for a game I can not even enjoy playing anymore. By unplayable I mean the FPS and ability lag is so far through the roof why would anyone even bother with it? It is not fun taking 5-8 seconds for a skill to fire if it even decides to go off at all, taking 5 seconds to get items from mail even in a stronghold, or simply pulling up your crafting sheet to craft or send out even takes 5-8 seconds to load ... there is more, but you all play and see it - basically everything you do in this game now is so frustrating. If they fix these problems I will be the first to resub. Just would like something to do until that day comes if it even ever does.


So thanks to all for the legit replies, and to any who post after this, it is greatly appreciated!!

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