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3.0 Mercenary/DPS guide by Fascinate & Marisi


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I dont quite agree with the Arsenal Opener... Opener should be


SCG > PS > Instant Tracer > Power Surge (requires Power Overrides) + Adrenal > 2x Tracer > BB > Explosive Dart > RS > HSM > Tracer > BB > Tracer > PS > Tracer > BB > ED > RS >HSM.


And yes, Arsenal is most CERTAINLY a block rotation...


The reason I would never use SGC as the opener is the same reason why I never opened with something like TSO + FM pre 3.0; it's a waste of heat. I know heat is a lot easier to manage now than it was, but you go from 0 to 0 with SGC as your first ability which is a waste IMO.

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The reason I would never use SGC as the opener is the same reason why I never opened with something like TSO + FM pre 3.0; it's a waste of heat. I know heat is a lot easier to manage now than it was, but you go from 0 to 0 with SGC as your first ability which is a waste IMO.


It's for the 6% alacrity... I dont care about heat managment, as with Arsenal, i have to try hard to overheat... Like, i have to actually make a concious effort to overheat. the extra Alacrity gives more burst, which is what the spec is about...

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It's for the 6% alacrity... I dont care about heat managment, as with Arsenal, i have to try hard to overheat... Like, i have to actually make a concious effort to overheat. the extra Alacrity gives more burst, which is what the spec is about...


In the rotation in our guide, we use SCG as the 2nd ability following the initial TM which provides us with the full benefit of the heat reduction. But if you think reaching the 6% alacrity bonus 1 GCD sooner into the opener is worth throwing away 10 heat, by all means go for it...

Edited by Kinslayer
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Mari and Fasc, looked over the whole thread, i have seen the question asked a couple times, i'm very curious. being an Arsenal merc myself from the get go, having checked your parses and threads, knowing your rotations and attempting to duplicate them, and seeming to Fail. i'm dieing to know your Exact Gear, every peice. every mod, aug, enhance, all of it.

i've tried everything i can think of and i cannot break 3700 dps with your rotations.

i understand NDA's if your gear is pts. thats fine but your arsenal parses just seem insane. and your IO's even more so.

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If I'm not mistaken, their gear they had with those parses was nearly Full BiS 198's.


For Fascinate's, quite possibly. But for my video, way off.


I had 198 relics, 198 ear, 192 (or was it 186?) and 198 implants, 192 MH, 198 OH, full 192 mods and armorings, 3 186, 2 192 and 2 198 enhancements. All aim augments, new stim, reusable adrenal.


I actually just hit full 198 today, although I'm not sure what i have is BiS. It's more of a case of it's what I've gotten in 198s and so it's what I'm using; 6 accuracy pieces, 3 surge, 1 alacrity and something like 700 crit!

Edited by Kinslayer
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I thought my 500 crit was high, I guess i need to test more crit and see results.


My best so far is 4400+ with 37 apm's, using new 2 piece set bonus and old 4 piece (even though its crappy for assault) and still mostly 186 crappy mods. been gearing up my tank instead of dps lately.

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When you say new stim, I assume the new Anodyne Purple 8hr one correct? As for reusable you mean the old reusable as the new adrenals are not reusable correct?


Just checking these things, as most of my gear is set from pre3.0 and while I can hit some very good damage numbers, I should be putting out almost 500 more but it may be because I have little crit.


I just added more so I am roughly around 30% crit now, but still using my DM Ear and 2 implants, and those augments are the old 32 aim 20 end ones.

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When you say new stim, I assume the new Anodyne Purple 8hr one correct? As for reusable you mean the old reusable as the new adrenals are not reusable correct?


Just checking these things, as most of my gear is set from pre3.0 and while I can hit some very good damage numbers, I should be putting out almost 500 more but it may be because I have little crit.


I just added more so I am roughly around 30% crit now, but still using my DM Ear and 2 implants, and those augments are the old 32 aim 20 end ones.


Yup, 8 hour purple anodyne stim and blue reusable nano-infused adrenal.

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Yup, 8 hour purple anodyne stim and blue reusable nano-infused adrenal.


I didn't know there was a blue nano infused reusable. I have the purple nano infused I am using but its a bit less power than the blue nano infused. I will have to look at that, should be a noticeable bump. I was still using the old stuff LOL.


In the guide I thought you said mix of 192 and 198 with 186 BiS Enhancements right? Was that with the 6pc 192 set bonus? I have the old 2 and new 4 (new 4 is kind of meh) but hoping go have a 6pc this week.


I am not surprised that crit is more useful now. Sadly I am still mostly power stacked :eek:

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I didn't know there was a blue nano infused reusable. I have the purple nano infused I am using but its a bit less power than the blue nano infused. I will have to look at that, should be a noticeable bump. I was still using the old stuff LOL.


In the guide I thought you said mix of 192 and 198 with 186 BiS Enhancements right? Was that with the 6pc 192 set bonus? I have the old 2 and new 4 (new 4 is kind of meh) but hoping go have a 6pc this week.


I am not surprised that crit is more useful now. Sadly I am still mostly power stacked :eek:


Yeah sorry I'm dumb. :) I'm used to the purple stuff being better than blue because of no more reusables. So It was with new purple stim and old purple adrenal. :)


Yeah all of the enhancements were BiS for that particular level. And I did have the 6pc set bonus at the time too.

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Yeah sorry I'm dumb. :) I'm used to the purple stuff being better than blue because of no more reusables. So It was with new purple stim and old purple adrenal. :)


Yeah all of the enhancements were BiS for that particular level. And I did have the 6pc set bonus at the time too.


Nah you are not dumb, no worries. I was not trolling, just trying to get an idea of the gear set up required for that kind of output. At this rate, I am limited by my crappy net, so much lag and phantom cooldowns plague me at times and my apm suffers.


Thanks for the fast response and keep up the domination!

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Hey all, new to this spec but wanted to get feedback on the following rotation, which is basically a "rotation version" of the zorz opener and very similar to Greeto's (I speak commando, sorry):


[lead w zorz opener, ending on the MB CB MB combo], then rotate


SB > IR > Fill > FA > Fill > AP > MB > CB > MB


Is there any reason this wouldn't work? It seems like it would allow you to keep your instant CB proc on that CB used to proc your 2nd MB, and keep the first IA on FA. This would keep procs in a constant spot in your rotation, keep your dot applications together at the front, and mean that the only ability that NEEDS to be casted is your SB (since the CB will always be proc'ed).


Separately - why does it seem most rotations reverse IR and SB when they go from opener to rotation?


I'm really really new to this, and prob am making a glaring oversight, so feedback is really welcome.

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Hey all, new to this spec but wanted to get feedback on the following rotation, which is basically a "rotation version" of the zorz opener and very similar to Greeto's (I speak commando, sorry):


[lead w zorz opener, ending on the MB CB MB combo], then rotate


SB > IR > Fill > FA > Fill > AP > MB > CB > MB


Is there any reason this wouldn't work? It seems like it would allow you to keep your instant CB proc on that CB used to proc your 2nd MB, and keep the first IA on FA. This would keep procs in a constant spot in your rotation, keep your dot applications together at the front, and mean that the only ability that NEEDS to be casted is your SB (since the CB will always be proc'ed).


Separately - why does it seem most rotations reverse IR and SB when they go from opener to rotation?


I'm really really new to this, and prob am making a glaring oversight, so feedback is really welcome.


Hopefully one of the Masters speak up on this, but it is I think due to the time the DoT is up. You wouldn't want to refresh to soon IMO, however I am in no way that great with Assasult/ IO yet.


Check to see if that is the case, if not, it may be for the heat/ammo management as well, as one is more heat/ammo than the other I think. I am at work so cant look at the values.


Hope that may help!

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Hey all, new to this spec but wanted to get feedback on the following rotation, which is basically a "rotation version" of the zorz opener and very similar to Greeto's (I speak commando, sorry):


[lead w zorz opener, ending on the MB CB MB combo], then rotate


SB > IR > Fill > FA > Fill > AP > MB > CB > MB


Is there any reason this wouldn't work? It seems like it would allow you to keep your instant CB proc on that CB used to proc your 2nd MB, and keep the first IA on FA. This would keep procs in a constant spot in your rotation, keep your dot applications together at the front, and mean that the only ability that NEEDS to be casted is your SB (since the CB will always be proc'ed).


Separately - why does it seem most rotations reverse IR and SB when they go from opener to rotation?


I'm really really new to this, and prob am making a glaring oversight, so feedback is really welcome.


Essentially it's because SS is a cast whereas IM is instant so precasting this prior to combat negates that and they swap during the regular rotation because doing IM right after SS instantly adds 30 heat which can very well put you over 40.

Edited by Kinslayer
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I'm having a hard time getting 4k+ I've never been a big fan of pyro from the begining, but IO i could spike up to 4.2k on the opener and first couple lines. My heart is in Arsenal though, and I just seem to be kicking 3.2-3.4 all the time on the parse. I am on a Laptop/wireless connection, but I don't think it would count for that much dps loss. Am i missing something on delay, or is it my crit/surge? I just recently got 6 peice set, and my current stats are 4385aim/110.12% acc/28.4crit/73.66critmulti. 192 gear (186 relics, though), and stim/buffs. I haven't been using adrenals for parsing the dummy, but they should only account for 100dps or so right?


any pointers or help to catch something I'm missing now with 3.0?




I added the parse for the first of the day on the dummy. is it the rng that I'm not getting any love, I have seen some crazy crits before at 20k, but none on this parse

Edited by digimass
parse added
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I'm having a hard time getting 4k+ I've never been a big fan of pyro from the begining, but IO i could spike up to 4.2k on the opener and first couple lines. My heart is in Arsenal though, and I just seem to be kicking 3.2-3.4 all the time on the parse. I am on a Laptop/wireless connection, but I don't think it would count for that much dps loss. Am i missing something on delay, or is it my crit/surge? I just recently got 6 peice set, and my current stats are 4385aim/110.12% acc/28.4crit/73.66critmulti. 192 gear (186 relics, though), and stim/buffs. I haven't been using adrenals for parsing the dummy, but they should only account for 100dps or so right?


any pointers or help to catch something I'm missing now with 3.0?




I added the parse for the first of the day on the dummy. is it the rng that I'm not getting any love, I have seen some crazy crits before at 20k, but none on this parse


It's really hard to tell from the log what's going on given how... limited... Torparse currently in. Are you able to get a screenshot of your parse in a parser like Starparse or Parsec?

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So I do have another question, working to improve the I.O/Assault and came across this:


"Thermal Sensor Override (TSO): Your next ability generates no heat. Should be used with Unload where possible simply because it costs the most heat. 90 second cooldown."


But then in the rotation sections, I don't see any mention of use with Full Auto/Unload... in fact its used on Assault Plastique/Thermal Detonator and in the heat ramp portion, when its available. And since using it is during this phase, you wouldn't be heat ramping if it wasn't up, so I am a bit confused.


Should I save it for if I make a mistake, to correct w/ Unload/Full Auto, or use for TD/AP to be certain max output?



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So I do have another question, working to improve the I.O/Assault and came across this:


"Thermal Sensor Override (TSO): Your next ability generates no heat. Should be used with Unload where possible simply because it costs the most heat. 90 second cooldown."


But then in the rotation sections, I don't see any mention of use with Full Auto/Unload... in fact its used on Assault Plastique/Thermal Detonator and in the heat ramp portion, when its available. And since using it is during this phase, you wouldn't be heat ramping if it wasn't up, so I am a bit confused.


Should I save it for if I make a mistake, to correct w/ Unload/Full Auto, or use for TD/AP to be certain max output?




Used with full auto/unload. The arrows in the guide are indicating separate gcds, so unload with tso, then td in heat ramping.

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screen shot of parse. my relics are a big issue i've been told now, since i'm still using a 186 power clicky. This is the first of the day parse for today, and is getting a little better. I had 4.2 on the opening, but dropped down to 3.6 over the cycles, my apm seems low, so I need to find better ways to squeeze in more actions i guess. any advice is greatly appreciated

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