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Spoiler Alert. Jedi Knight Story Line


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I received the end of the Jedi Knight class story line and my nearly 3 year journey is almost complete. Finally. I go to a mysterious house on Rishi and… What? Why is my dead master hanging out here? On Rishi? Ok. Yes Master. I will do what you ask. I will… What? I will inject the NPCs who have been coughing on me for two weeks with the cure. Ok. I will do it. This is it. This is the end of my journey as a Jedi Knight. I inject them and… I have to what? Fix Baffles? What? What the heck are baffles? Ok. I will fix those baffles with all of my Jedi talent and… What? I have to pick up garbage? Really. ***. I am a Jedi Knight for the love of Pete. I have two glowing sticks in my hand!!! Fine. I find some garbage and I click on it… And I hit it? With my glowing sticks? And it explodes. Really? What kind of garbage is this? Fine. I am done. I go back to my dead master and he tells me that he will never be seen again and my actions today have cleansed my darkness and… What the heck just happened? I am a Jedi Knight for the love of Pete. I just did community service on Rishi. There were no evil Sith trying to eat the Rishi or enslave the Pirates? No task I could only do because I am a force wielding Jedi? Really? The end? *** BW? Three years and that is it?
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It beats the Sith Warrior story and not just the class part but the dialogue elsewhere.


My trash picking Jedi can sense the emperor. While his Wrath can't., though seems Lord Scourge was equally as clueless and he may have actually acted on the emperors behalf unlike the warrior.

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My jedi is at a place in her life, that she'll likely be seeking out that dude handing out the Sith leaflets. I liked the story because it showed that she felt she was above these 'challenges' and she called out Orgus because of that.


I do like how the OP stated everything. There have been numerous times I've felt that way, like on my Sith whenever I have to go kill rats in Czerka's basement. Really? They need a Dark Council member for that? Must be some rats. :rolleyes:

Edited by Lunafox
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