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This is how everybody's attitudes should be. Props to this guy


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It is rather refreshing to see this type of correspondence in game amid the other unsavory types of messages some of us receive from time to time. Encouraging newer folk in this game is a responsibility I feel we in the community all share, for it is too often that we see "people still play GSF?" and the like in fleet general. I have considered organizing an event to interest brand new players by offering free starfighter experience boosts and perhaps even basic flying lessons during a GSF conquest week to get the ques healthier and more balanced moving forward.
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Yeah, the guy is pretty cool about all this. Hope you gave him a few pointers for being so awesome :)


Wish more people took getting shot down as a stimulus for improvement, and not as a personal insult. Just got back into GSF after about 6 months, and, after 2 days of flying, half of the enemy team is ready to pull the skin off their backs just to get me.

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If I get shot down 10 times in a row and that in 4 games, then I get depressions. Seriously.

My frustration tolerance is really low - and those will remain in GSF which are so much hardened / hard-spirited that they just don't mind getting destroyed over and over and over and over and over and over and over again ...


Both ground PvP and GSF becomes a pool of a certain kind of personalities in the end. Warrior personalities. Everything else dies out. Like humanity has driven so many RL animals into extinction as well ( " dead as a Dodo" ).

And at the same time these warrior personalities regard things like Poetry, Art and Writing as "weak".

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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If I get shot down 10 times in a row and that in 4 games, then I get depressions. Seriously.

My frustration tolerance is really low - and those will remain in GSF which are so much hardened / hard-spirited that they just don't mind getting destroyed over and over and over and over and over and over and over again ...


Both ground PvP and GSF becomes a pool of a certain kind of personalities in the end. Warrior personalities. Everything else dies out. Like humanity has driven so many RL animals into extinction as well ( " dead as a Dodo" ).

And at the same time these warrior personalities regard things like Poetry, Art and Writing as "weak".

Yes, the Vikings really despised those Skalds and Tafl-players....


I mean, what?:confused:

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If I get shot down 10 times in a row and that in 4 games, then I get depressions. Seriously.

My frustration tolerance is really low - and those will remain in GSF which are so much hardened / hard-spirited that they just don't mind getting destroyed over and over and over and over and over and over and over again ...


Both ground PvP and GSF becomes a pool of a certain kind of personalities in the end. Warrior personalities. Everything else dies out. Like humanity has driven so many RL animals into extinction as well ( " dead as a Dodo" ).

And at the same time these warrior personalities regard things like Poetry, Art and Writing as "weak".


That last line really bothers me and makes me think you're really just a whiny ignorant child. Artists probably have the strongest "warrior personalities" as you put it because they can recognize their failures and move past them better than anybody. Do you think that musicians immediately pick up an instrument and sound heavenly? No, they don't. Most successful musicians can be attributed to having had 10000 hours of practice time before they even remotely considered themselves decent, and many artists don't consider themselves good because they know that X person is better than them.


What you're doing here is disparaging people who give their all and saying that your quick to temper personality is superior and you should be downright ashamed of yourself.


Also, this is supposed to be a positive thread celebrating somebody's give-it-your-all attitude. Why would you hi-jack our positivism with your negativity and implying that in order to get good at this game you have to be weak-of-mind?


Furthermore, I've seen your other posts and I think you need an attitude adjustment. Stop trying to make excuses for yourself and your inability to improve. It's one thing to not have time to work on your skills and that making you fall behind, but having read your other posts it feels like you just want to explain your horrible play in as elaborate and pseudo-scientific way as you can find and if you can find the time to write your 2000 word articles on how your personality affects your gameplay then you can probably find the time to make yourself better or find some facet of the game that you might be better at in pvp or gsf, which you claim have "No tactics and require you to simply be fast and aggressive."


While I will admit what makes me a good player in both ground pvp and gsf is my fast reflexes and my aggressive nature when I'm playing certain roles, I can also switch roles to think tactically and to move at a slower pace if I so desire, if that's what you desire go right ahead. Examples of this being tanking in pvp or bombers in gsf or T-3scout/strike builds in gsf. Healing also allows you to move at a slower pace, while it may be more hectic than tanking, it is still very tactical because positioning is very important. IF you're coordinating with a team, telling them who to go on and where to stand is very tactical as well.




TL;DR your post and other posts gave me cancer and I'm in the hospital now. Don't talk about things you don't understand using pseudo-science that you also don't understand on the internet or else you'll have more victims.

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That last line really bothers me and makes me think you're really just a whiny ignorant child. Artists probably have the strongest "warrior personalities" as you put it because they can recognize their failures and move past them better than anybody.


My point was rather cynical - and that any Hooligan will just laugh about the try of a Poet to beat him with words - the Hooligan would just smack the Poet into the face, leaving a traumating, direct "impression" behind - and go laughing away.


THIS is what I mean with "warriors consider Art as 'weak' ".


Besides, I'm not a child anymore.


If you want to know my background, then read this : http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7905836&postcount=10


And, besides, never heard of the "orchid vs. dandelions" concept ? If not, then read this : http://www.highlysensitivepeople.com/Orchid-and-Dandelion-Children.shtml



Also, this is supposed to be a positive thread celebrating somebody's give-it-your-all attitude. Why would you hi-jack our positivism with your negativity and implying that in order to get good at this game you have to be weak-of-mind?


All I saw was this in-game mail of someone who had been shot down 4 times or more in a row, and then saying to the one who did it : "Thank you for shooting me down so often. I want to get better because of that."


To me, this is completel alien. I just cannot understand why I should thank someone for beating me.

To me, this is as if I was thanking the burglar for teaching me how to better protect my doors, meanwhilke the burglar laughts and selöls my stolen goods somewhere and makes really good cash this way. He hads the fun and the money, and I've got ... well ... "a lesson learned".


What is better ? Having learned something or having fun & cash ?


This is an rhetorical question, and you know it. I asked it because there is a fine line between all of these things.


And yes, I'm jealous because I do know that I'm a bad player.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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My point was rather cynical - and that any Hooligan will just laugh about the try of a Poet to beat him with words - the Hooligan would just smack the Poet into the face, leaving a traumating, direct "impression" behind - and go laughing away.


THIS is what I mean with "warriors consider Art as 'weak' ".


Besides, I'm not a child anymore.


If you want to know my background, then read this : http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7905836&postcount=10


And, besides, never heard of the "orchid vs. dandelions" concept ? If not, then read this : http://www.highlysensitivepeople.com/Orchid-and-Dandelion-Children.shtml





All I saw was this in-game mail of someone who had been shot down 4 times or more in a row, and then saying to the one who did it : "Thank you for shooting me down so often. I want to get better because of that."


To me, this is completel alien. I just cannot understand why I should thank someone for beating me.

To me, this is as if I was thanking the burglar for teaching me how to better protect my doors, meanwhilke the burglar laughts and selöls my stolen goods somewhere and makes really good cash this way. He hads the fun and the money, and I've got ... well ... "a lesson learned".


What is better ? Having learned something or having fun & cash ?


This is an rhetorical question, and you know it. I asked it because there is a fine line between all of these things.


And yes, I'm jealous because I do know that I'm a bad player.


I realize you grew up in a different time but today the child who uses words commands more respect on the playground than the child who smacks the other in fights. A good example you can see of this in pop culture is the rap battle and while it may just look like "hooligans" as you call them, they have a surprisingly good influence on children in that way.



And I have heard of the orchid vs dandelion concept and I think of it as hogwash. It implies that people who are unable to deal with society will never be able to and gives people something to cling to when they don't want to change. I find that insulting as somebody who worked hard to change.


And yes that concept of "I want to get better because I see somebody so much better than me, I want to be just as good as them." Is called inspiration. If you've never been inspired by something then I feel both confused and sorry for you.


The attitude that we're celebrating here is the willingness to learn and modesty of the sender, very important traits in any art or sport that are signs of somebody eventually becoming amazing. I can remember one person in star wars galaxies jump to lightspeed of was a scyk pilot, and when he started out he was absolutely horrible, not aiming anywhere near the target, flying straight and all the typical bad things. He sat down with most of us pilots and probably spent the better part of a week dying repeatedly but he wrote down what he thought he was doing wrong and worked to correct it one step at a time, and within one month he was easily the best scyk pilot on the server. He went from getting 0 kills in 2 hours of play to getting 40-50 kills an hour (which in that game was pretty significant because if you died your respawn time was quite a bit longer because you had to fly back to the engagement.)

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And I have heard of the orchid vs dandelion concept and I think of it as hogwash. It implies that people who are unable to deal with society will never be able to and gives people something to cling to when they don't want to change. I find that insulting as somebody who worked hard to change.


Your problem, is - like mine - that you know only 1 side of the medal.


You have experienced things - and assume them to be globally correct.


Me, I'm only guessing that some things might be corrct. As a proverb / saying says here : "Among blind ones, the one-.eyed one is king".


Me, I'm active in the high sensitivity community, whiuch implies that I have more data at hand. And across the board it is so that people with high sensitivity have a strong, very strong tendency to be "orchid people" as well.


However, no matter what is right and what is wrong, thge concept of orchids vs. dandelions is this :


Some plants need care - and as a result of that they can get really wonderful blossoms.

Other plants don't need that much care - they grow and strive literally everywhere !


There are artists out there who did only 1 major work in their whole life - and nothing else.

And then there arte artists whop were able to produce 100+ works throughout their lives.

Which impülies that there are different kinds of arttists out there as well.


From own experience and from experiences from other HSPs it is so that they need LOTS of energy to create something special - and that they also need LOTS of regeneration time.



A new thing I learned only a few weeks ago might even be equally important : It's the "introvert vs. extrovert" thing. There appear to be connections to high sensitivity, but that's unclear (and, like most of the whole high sensitivity phenomenon, not studied by Science).


Here, the picture is similar in some points : Extroverts are spontaneous, get energy from activity, are "faced outwards" - and the cliché is that the U.S. is a typical "extrovert society", like so many other "western" societies.


Introverts, on the other hand, are thinking a lot, are not much spontaneous, act in a defensive manner / seek security , and are "faced inwards". They often have a rich "inner life", whgereas extroverts have a rich "outer life".


I have come to believe that these kinds of personalities influence how MMOs are played - and that they influence the "society" of MMOs, too. because any MMO creates its own society.


I have seen a special thing a decade or so ago : I was a member of a forum of a game which was meant to become an RPG. It was called "Armalion".

The discussions there had a certain, quite high quality. Someone even posted a mix of a story intertwined with cooking recipes. I had never seen such a thing before or after that in any forum (Maybe I'm vititing too few forums).

However, rumor spread that this game was about to be changed to become an Action-RPG. Like Blizzard did a decade ago.

Now, the thing I witnessed was this : The overall tone and quality of the discussions there changed - gradually over time - with the arrival of new forum members there.

And these new forum members, they were lovers of Action-RPGs. Not of full-fledged traditional RPGs.

In the end, everything was completely transformed. The forum was a forum of Acxtion-RPG players, with the general quality declining *drastically*. No more stories, no more deep discussions, nothing with Philosophy, even ... nothing of all of that.

This taught me that a forum has its own society - and that it can change as well. And that it depends on its inhabitants what kind of society is actually there.

The game created out of "Armalion" became "Sacred".


Since then, I've become interested in the social aspect of online communities. How do people treat each other ? What implications do which kinds of behaviour / treatment have ?

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it feels like you just want to explain your horrible play in as elaborate and pseudo-scientific way as you can find


this is probably the most pertinent point thus far. Tom nailed it. and he nailed it SO well, you even confessed it:


And yes, I'm jealous because I do know that I'm a bad player.




Alrik, it looks like you had roughly three meaningful choices before your rant, and after it you still have the same three choices:


1. quit playing GSF,


2. keep playing GSF until you overcome the learning curve,


3. seek help with GSF from someone with some experience.


Should you decide to take the third option, I would be more than glad to share anything I know about the game with you. I'm sure many other pilots (who are better than I) would be glad to help as well.


Please change your attitude/approach.

Edited by Sirdannik
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Your problem, is - like mine - that you know only 1 side of the medal.


You have experienced things - and assume them to be globally correct.


Me, I'm only guessing that some things might be corrct. As a proverb / saying says here : "Among blind ones, the one-.eyed one is king".


Me, I'm active in the high sensitivity community, whiuch implies that I have more data at hand. And across the board it is so that people with high sensitivity have a strong, very strong tendency to be "orchid people" as well.


However, no matter what is right and what is wrong, thge concept of orchids vs. dandelions is this :


Some plants need care - and as a result of that they can get really wonderful blossoms.

Other plants don't need that much care - they grow and strive literally everywhere !


There are artists out there who did only 1 major work in their whole life - and nothing else.

And then there arte artists whop were able to produce 100+ works throughout their lives.

Which impülies that there are different kinds of arttists out there as well.


From own experience and from experiences from other HSPs it is so that they need LOTS of energy to create something special - and that they also need LOTS of regeneration time.



A new thing I learned only a few weeks ago might even be equally important : It's the "introvert vs. extrovert" thing. There appear to be connections to high sensitivity, but that's unclear (and, like most of the whole high sensitivity phenomenon, not studied by Science).


Here, the picture is similar in some points : Extroverts are spontaneous, get energy from activity, are "faced outwards" - and the cliché is that the U.S. is a typical "extrovert society", like so many other "western" societies.


Introverts, on the other hand, are thinking a lot, are not much spontaneous, act in a defensive manner / seek security , and are "faced inwards". They often have a rich "inner life", whgereas extroverts have a rich "outer life".


I have come to believe that these kinds of personalities influence how MMOs are played - and that they influence the "society" of MMOs, too. because any MMO creates its own society.


I have seen a special thing a decade or so ago : I was a member of a forum of a game which was meant to become an RPG. It was called "Armalion".

The discussions there had a certain, quite high quality. Someone even posted a mix of a story intertwined with cooking recipes. I had never seen such a thing before or after that in any forum (Maybe I'm vititing too few forums).

However, rumor spread that this game was about to be changed to become an Action-RPG. Like Blizzard did a decade ago.

Now, the thing I witnessed was this : The overall tone and quality of the discussions there changed - gradually over time - with the arrival of new forum members there.

And these new forum members, they were lovers of Action-RPGs. Not of full-fledged traditional RPGs.

In the end, everything was completely transformed. The forum was a forum of Acxtion-RPG players, with the general quality declining *drastically*. No more stories, no more deep discussions, nothing with Philosophy, even ... nothing of all of that.

This taught me that a forum has its own society - and that it can change as well. And that it depends on its inhabitants what kind of society is actually there.

The game created out of "Armalion" became "Sacred".


Since then, I've become interested in the social aspect of online communities. How do people treat each other ? What implications do which kinds of behaviour / treatment have ?



I'm not looking at this from one side of the coin, for the better part of my life I would have identified as an orchid the way you define it, now I think it's hogwash.


The introvert/extrovert phenomenon is a false dichotomy. Nobody is fully introverted or fully extroverted nor are they the same percentages of them at the same time. I'd say in the last few weeks I've been 75% introverted and 25% extroverted whereas the last few months I was probably 65% extroverted 35% introverted. The introversion/extroversion theories and the orchid/dandelion dichotomy are simply 2 among thousands of theories and ideas that get passed around about human self-confidence. It's not that extroverts or dandelions don't think or dont get frustrated, it's that they're more mature individuals who have the ability to push past the frustration and do what they need to do more freely.



I'm with Remmy-D, you have 3 options, I'm somebody who's always willing to provide help, but what I won't stand for is crap attitudes like yours.




On a side-note, I'd like to say that you're deluding yourself to say that the sect of people that you're referring to as extroverts think less than introverts. That has long been a delusion that people who lack self-confidence have used to enable themselves to think that they need not change and it's high time that it become more public knowledge.

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I'm not looking at this from one side of the coin, for the better part of my life I would have identified as an orchid the way you define it, now I think it's hogwash.


The introvert/extrovert phenomenon is a false dichotomy. Nobody is fully introverted or fully extroverted nor are they the same percentages of them at the same time. I'd say in the last few weeks I've been 75% introverted and 25% extroverted whereas the last few months I was probably 65% extroverted 35% introverted. The introversion/extroversion theories and the orchid/dandelion dichotomy are simply 2 among thousands of theories and ideas that get passed around about human self-confidence. It's not that extroverts or dandelions don't think or dont get frustrated, it's that they're more mature individuals who have the ability to push past the frustration and do what they need to do more freely.



I'm with Remmy-D, you have 3 options, I'm somebody who's always willing to provide help, but what I won't stand for is crap attitudes like yours.




On a side-note, I'd like to say that you're deluding yourself to say that the sect of people that you're referring to as extroverts think less than introverts. That has long been a delusion that people who lack self-confidence have used to enable themselves to think that they need not change and it's high time that it become more public knowledge.


I have found something interesting regarding how we both discuss : http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/rhetological-fallacies/

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I have found something interesting regarding how we both discuss : http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/rhetological-fallacies/


Yes, I've been alluding and eventually outright said that you create a false dichotomy and I would say you're falling into the trap of the design fallacy with how many theories you purport. These are all taught in your average 9th grade English class and I'm sure they have their German language equivalents.



In any case, you've now de-railed my thread. Thanks for that, from the bottom of my heart.

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