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Why do the Jedi seem to be underestimated so often?


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And yet, it only took one Sith to overpower multiple Jedi. Really, you are reaching at this point as even the movies back this up that it took at least two Jedi, fighting at their best, to just take on a Sith fighting casually. And it's not a theory with Satele, she's not the greatest jedi, ever, she's not even remotely in the top 10. Again, she is Jedi Grandmaster due to nepotism.


In fact in two encounters with Malgus that we've seen, she's been bested BOTH times. It's not even a bloody theory at this point it's a fact. Satele is not a powerful Jedi, and people holding onto the fact she's Grandmaster of the Jedi order are falsely under the impression that even goes to the most powerful Jedi.


You can say it's a misrepresentation of the Rule of Two until you are blue in the face but the evidence is clear. When Darth Sidious, Maul and Count Dooku can take on multiple Jedi at once and not even break a sweat, then it's clearly obvious which side has the advantage. Now, you can keep pretending that it's misrepresentation all damn day, but the facts are clear to anyone with actual working eyes.



Satele not a powerful Jedi? dude go watch the hope trailer. the woman LITERALLY TURNS THE TIDE of a battle. she's not fighting just Malgus, there are other sith there present and she basicly just casually crushes them.

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If Shan was so weak, why was Malgus the only one who could beat her, she's battled other Darths including defeating a sitting DC member Mechis and forced her to run for her life, Baras back in the day before he got fat. I'm not arguing that Malgus isn't a more powerful lightsaber combatant then Shan, but to take that as proof that she and thus all Jedi are weaker then any and all Sith is silly and flies in the face of notable Jedi plowing thru rank and file Sith as easily as someone like Malgus goes thru rank and file Jedi.


As for Maul, he lost to Sidious even with Savage with him, end of story compared to Windu who was able to disarm Sidious in a fight that lasted longer (Sidious playing with them being the only reason Savage lasted longer then the other three Jedi ) one on one then Maul managed by himself. Course Maul was never supposed to be able to best Sidious, thats why he was trained mostly as an assassin and not the full Sith training all of the previous Rule of Two Sith received, not that Sidious had ever intended on letting anyone assume his mantle.


Also the Maul, Dooku reference you seem to have forgotten Maul's MAndo Pets having to fire a rocket into the fight to knock WIndu and Alya out so they could escape. Still props to Dooku for getting a Jedi kill when Maul came up empty handed there using a Force Pull, Dooku being the far more powerful and dangerous of the pair.

Edited by DougTbx
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I know that.




I don't recall Maul getting his *** kicked by a Padawan at all.


Also he's actually far superior MA combatant than Shan, so he's above.


Obi Wan was a padawan at the time...not a Knight. Also it is clear that in her prime Shan was a serious butt kicker. In the video however it is explained that the reason for the equality is not raw physical marital ability but the fact that Maul largely relies on that and good tactics where as Shan arguments her less raw physical ability by a liberally adding her far greater mastery of the force.


Back to the OP...why Jedi in general are underestimated? Because, in large part fanboidom. Why Shan in particular? Anyone who does not think there is some element of "she's just a girl and he's a big burly bit kicking guy" is fooling themselves.


As for people wanting to say "this person took on X number so nyah nyah." If you are a master or grand master, Dark Lord of... Whatever.... Helper you will be able to beat the living crap out of rank and file. As an example though when Sidious is suddenly one on one with Windu (a <gasp> equal) he was toast until Anakin blindsided Windy. You need apples and oranges comparisons.


This is not to say the Light side is innately more powerful. However when you look at the lore, in the end, the light side does always win. Maul kills a Knight...gets cut in have by the Padawan. Sidious kicks the butt of what amounts to pawns, was going to kick his clock cleaned until the actual King that trounced him was stabbed in the back.


As for "look at what they did with the rule of two.". First the rules was really created because A) when the Sith got two big the whole damn Galaxy gang up to kick their *** and B) they like stabbing each other in the back as much as anything else. That said the only reason Sidious came out on top (albeit briefly) had A LOT more to do with how he decided to say " politics, politics, politics, politics". He won because he set up the Jedi in a death trap decades in the making where he had the Jedi surrounded by literal armies of regular soldiers primed to shoot them in the back. That is not a victory for a master of the dark side of the force it is a victory for a politician who made Machiavelli and Sun Tzu look like gosh darn flower power, hippies who espoused victory through holding hands and singing kumbia.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Satele not a powerful Jedi? dude go watch the hope trailer. the woman LITERALLY TURNS THE TIDE of a battle. she's not fighting just Malgus, there are other sith there present and she basicly just casually crushes them.


She didn't turn the tide of a battle, she showed up started cutting down a bunch of no names then hit a brick wall called Darth Malgus, and until Jace got involved was pretty much on the ropes the whole fight. Now, if you talk about re-watching trailers, maybe you should actually do that.

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If Shan was so weak, why was Malgus the only one who could beat her, she's battled other Darths including defeating a sitting DC member Mechis and forced her to run for her life, Baras back in the day before he got fat. I'm not arguing that Malgus isn't a more powerful lightsaber combatant then Shan, but to take that as proof that she and thus all Jedi are weaker then any and all Sith is silly and flies in the face of notable Jedi plowing thru rank and file Sith as easily as someone like Malgus goes thru rank and file Jedi.


In every outing against Satele, Malgus has always come out on top to the point that Satele has needed outside assistance to win. Furthermore, the only time she's ever shown defeating Sith is when she is beating on scrubs, yet Malgus is shown killing at least two prominent and powerful Jedi.


As for Maul, he lost to Sidious even with Savage with him, end of story compared to Windu who was able to disarm Sidious in a fight that lasted longer (Sidious playing with them being the only reason Savage lasted longer then the other three Jedi ) one on one then Maul managed by himself. Course Maul was never supposed to be able to best Sidious, thats why he was trained mostly as an assassin and not the full Sith training all of the previous Rule of Two Sith received, not that Sidious had ever intended on letting anyone assume his mantle.
Maul lost to Sidious cause Sidious was more powerful. Sidious was toying with Windu, as evidenced by the simple fact of someone who was so "weak" to Windu he certainly all the sudden regains his power out of no where. Sidious was being manipulative enough to convince Anakin to try and spare him. Again, the premise that Windu overpowered Sidious seems misguided because if Sidious defeated Windu, Anakin would not have chosen Sidious over Windu, and further more Sidious would not have been able to claim that the Jedi attacked him.


Also the Maul, Dooku reference you seem to have forgotten Maul's MAndo Pets having to fire a rocket into the fight to knock WIndu and Alya out so they could escape. Still props to Dooku for getting a Jedi kill when Maul came up empty handed there using a Force Pull, Dooku being the far more powerful and dangerous of the pair.


Uhh, Maul killed one of the greatest Jedi saberists of all time; Qui-Gon Jin. He did it without even breaking a sweat while Qui-Gon was having difficulty. In fact the entire final victory that Obi-Wan gets over Maul is just plain ridiculous considering Maul had him beat hands down as well. So really, what are you arguing other than ignoring key points of your facts?

Edited by Silverspar
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She didn't turn the tide of a battle, she showed up started cutting down a bunch of no names then hit a brick wall called Darth Malgus, and until Jace got involved was pretty much on the ropes the whole fight. Now, if you talk about re-watching trailers, maybe you should actually do that.



Hypocrite much...the thing about Sidious taking on hordes of Jedit works.. Satele does it and it suddenly ceases to matter.... ROFL.

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In silver's defense someone claimed "Maul and Oppress couldn't beat Obi Wan Kenobi 2v1 so Maul sucks." Except that kind of proves his point still. Yes this is when Obi Wan Kenobi had become a master and had become the greatest Soresu user OF ALL TIME. Obi Wan Kenobi is one of the greatest Jedi duelists of all time.
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Hypocrite much...the thing about Sidious taking on hordes of Jedit works.. Satele does it and it suddenly ceases to matter.... ROFL.


Hypocrite? Seriously? let's see, Sidious took on and beat Yoda; check. Sidious took on Windu held him off and let Windu get the upper hand to trick Anakin into saving him; check. Sidious beat Darth Maul; check. He defeated the two Jedi knights that was with Windu; check.


The only "scores" of Sith she beat down was three. Yep, three, she actually hit with her lightsaber. The rest she knocked out of the way, unless you want to count those to then that's a grand total of six Sith she actually made contact with. And the funny part, two of the Sith she hit with her lightsaber, she didn't even hit, she burnt their cloak but not them, so in total she killed umm, oh one Sith probably, the rest were eitehr daze or just happeend to get Jackie Channed out fo frame to disappear for no adequately explained reason because two main characters were now engaged. You need to learn what a score is before you talk again next. In fact the only confirmed kill in that entire fight was a battle droid she sabered through the head. Quite a bit different from Malgus cutting down Jedi in the Deceived trailer, or executing troopers in Hope.

Edited by Silverspar
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In silver's defense someone claimed "Maul and Oppress couldn't beat Obi Wan Kenobi 2v1 so Maul sucks." Except that kind of proves his point still. Yes this is when Obi Wan Kenobi had become a master and had become the greatest Soresu user OF ALL TIME. Obi Wan Kenobi is one of the greatest Jedi duelists of all time.


Well every story based character is described as the greatest duelist of all time, at least when it concerns the Jedi and their main cast, why taking the term greatest duelist should be done with a grain of salt. Honestly, Obi's Soresu stance should have been absolutely ineffective against Grievous lightsaber blender attack, but we are talking about a story that had to be predetermined to go the way it did since, well, we had to get to the events of Episode 4, no matter how sloppily.

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No one is saying Sidious wasn't a serious BA, granted he also took them by surprise with that leaping, corkscrew attack across the room, come on who was expecting him to do something more out of a Street Fighter game? lol Thing is none of you can actually point to any official sources to back up the wishful thinking that Sidious was in total control of that fight with Windu and just pretended to lose cause he already had planned down to the second when Anakin would show up or at least any that I have seen so far, it's all been personal opinions presented.


So I guess at the Temple battle those No-Name Jedi Malgus fried with Lighting or slammed into pillars with Telekinesis don't count as the Sith Shan took out with her Force Powers didn't right? Three she did kill with her saber, took what a single strike at each to drop, no duel, she just mowed thru them like they were nothing, and the battle droid too.

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Well every story based character is described as the greatest duelist of all time, at least when it concerns the Jedi and their main cast, why taking the term greatest duelist should be done with a grain of salt. Honestly, Obi's Soresu stance should have been absolutely ineffective against Grievous lightsaber blender attack, but we are talking about a story that had to be predetermined to go the way it did since, well, we had to get to the events of Episode 4, no matter how sloppily.


My argument is people's claim "maul sucks because he lost to obi-wan" in the clone wars t.v. series doesn't mean much when Obi Wan was an excellent duelist.

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Hypocrite? Seriously? let's see, Sidious took on and beat Yoda; check. Sidious took on Windu held him off and let Windu get the upper hand to trick Anakin into saving him; check. Sidious beat Darth Maul; check. He defeated the two Jedi knights that was with Windu; check.


boy is that some revisionism on the battles... so yes I call hypocrite...period. Might I refer you back to the video where Yoda only loses because he did not have a handle to grab onto on the floating platform but he was make Sidious crap his pants when he threw his own force lightning back at him? And yeah... the Sidious let Windu beat him is kinda something I expect from the teaparty when they lose an election.


The only "scores" of Sith she beat down was three. Yep, three, she actually hit with her lightsaber. The rest she knocked out of the way, unless you want to count those to then that's a grand total of six Sith she actually made contact with. And the funny part, two of the Sith she hit with her lightsaber, she didn't even hit, she burnt their cloak but not them, so in total she killed umm, oh one Sith probably, the rest were eitehr daze or just happeend to get Jackie Channed out fo frame to disappear for no adequately explained reason because two main characters were now engaged. You need to learn what a score is before you talk again next. In fact the only confirmed kill in that entire fight was a battle droid she sabered through the head. Quite a bit different from Malgus cutting down Jedi in the Deceived trailer, or executing troopers in Hope.


and yep the fact that she has a determined look and not fearful and Malgus was like "***" because she was holding off a light saber with her bare hand, or the fact that when she did beat his butt it was by shattering a cliff side with raw force power.... the funny thing is that you are so desperate here that you use the artistic license of a T for teen preview to hand your hat on. I am suspecting a troll at this point


If not a troll what is funny here is that you stand here saying "the sith are more powerful" when the lore clearly shows they aren't, the stories show they aren't etc. The light and dark are yin and yang. They are from a cosmic perspective balanced in terms of power. In the end the dark side rises because they blind side the lightside however then they fall because it is, as a purpose of the lore, that their nature is one of self destruction.

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boy is that some revisionism on the battles... so yes I call hypocrite...period. Might I refer you back to the video where Yoda only loses because he did not have a handle to grab onto on the floating platform but he was make Sidious crap his pants when he threw his own force lightning back at him? And yeah... the Sidious let Windu beat him is kinda something I expect from the teaparty when they lose an election.


I don't care for the maul vs satele argument but.. It was confirmed Sidious let Windu win. Windu legitimately won the saber match but was going to lose when Sidious was throwing lightning at him. Ala Episode 3 novelization. Also it was confirmed in numerous sources no Yoda lost to Sidious outright and realized he wasn't a match. Sidious got nervous for one second when Yoda was absorbing his lightning but no Yoda did not reflect it back. He was trying but lost control and it exploded which resulted in the force sending both flying.


Sidious was hanging and making sounds like he was having the time of his life. In that whole fight he was acting like a child playing a game. In the novelization Yoda realized he didn't stand a chance. Silver is right here.

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How was Sidious winning when Windu was reflecting his lightning back into his face with his saber?


Force Illusion. Kind of like

Zannah is using in SWTOR

in the novelization Windu was just about to lose the grip of his lightsaber when Sidious started claiming to be too weak. Remember, as soon as Windu lost his arm Palpatine goes "UNLIMITED POWER!" and fries him. If he kept up the barrage Windu would have lost. Even if you argue "Sidious was being hurt." and it was no illusion he was still going to win out in the end. However, evidence to the illusion bit is that in numerous sources it stated his appearance was created by his mastery over the dark side and it eating his body.


Plus we have a quote from Sidious to Vader that he only uses a lightsaber to humiliate Jedi. He doesn't use a lightsaber "Seriously."

Edited by Rhyltran
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And yet, it only took one Sith to overpower multiple Jedi. Really, you are reaching at this point as even the movies back this up that it took at least two Jedi, fighting at their best, to just take on a Sith fighting casually. And it's not a theory with Satele, she's not the greatest jedi, ever, she's not even remotely in the top 10. Again, she is Jedi Grandmaster due to nepotism.


This is completely and blatantly false.


Mace Windu would have defeated Chancellor Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious) if it were not for the outside interference of Anakin Skywalker. This is entirely due to the style of Lightsaber Combat that Mace Windu employs that allows him to feed off of and negate the Dark Side Powers of his opponent so completely that he is able to redirect their attacks back onto them instead.


Additionally Yoda himself was able to fight Count Dooku, who was arguably the best Lightsaber Swordsman in existence, to a complete standstill. The only reason Yoda did not win that fight was because he was busy defending Anakin and Obi-Wan from getting crushed to death by debris that Dooku was tossing around all willy nilly.


Point is that there are in fact Jedi in existence who are capable of fighting Sith to a complete standstill, if not outright defeating them.


Satele Shan did not get her rank of Grand Master due to mere Nepotism. She earned her rank due to having survived multiple encounters with the Sith, and also due to being a successful military combatant. She has incredible control over the telekinetic aspects of the force, and if you need any more proof of that aside from the fact that she was able to toss Malgus several meters into a mountain, pin him there, and then proceed to hurl a concussive blast of energy that brought the entire mountain down on top of him, I don't know what else I can provide to prove that point.


She also has significant control over the Shatterpoint Ability, up to and including being able to shatter Blast Doors, which are doors designed to defend against Nuclear Attack.


Further her Battle Meditation is confirmed to be one of the strongest in the current Jedi Order. Meaning she can use her powers to bolster entire armies. That in and of itself is not insignificant.


Sidious took on Windu held him off and let Windu get the upper hand to trick Anakin into saving him; check.


Sidious didn't "Let" Windu do anything. Mace Windu is the creator of the Lightsaber Style known as Vaapad, which is a variation of Form VII that differs from the more traditional form of Juyo. Vaapad is specifically designed by Mace Windu to draw upon the dark emotions and energy generated by his opponent and channel it in a more constructive manner. In this way the user of Vaapad could essentially negate the Dark Side powers of any Sith he or she were to face, up to the point where they are actually able to redirect things such as Force Lightning back at the person using it. This is what was happening in Mace Windu's fight with Sidious. Sidious didn't let Mace Windu get the upper hand, Mace Windu automatically had the upper hand simply by creating a style that was specifically designed to utterly destroy Dark Side users.

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I don't care for the maul vs satele argument but.. It was confirmed Sidious let Windu win. Windu legitimately won the saber match but was going to lose when Sidious was throwing lightning at him. Ala Episode 3 novelization. Also it was confirmed in numerous sources no Yoda lost to Sidious outright and realized he wasn't a match. Sidious got nervous for one second when Yoda was absorbing his lightning but no Yoda did not reflect it back. He was trying but lost control and it exploded which resulted in the force sending both flying.


Sidious was hanging and making sounds like he was having the time of his life. In that whole fight he was acting like a child playing a game. In the novelization Yoda realized he didn't stand a chance. Silver is right here.


Bold claims require proof...please link said sources of Yoda losing to Sidious... to quote an internet cliche "pics or it didn't happen"


Not trying to be rude but in the end when it comes to art it is the final product that matters not previous versions etc.

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On the matter of Dooku, I think it bears mentioning that he spent the majority of his life as a jedi and that is where he learned his lightsaber skills that allowed him to walk all over Anakin and Obi-wan during his fights against them. I have been reading Labyrinth of Evil and it, for example, makes sure to point out that Sidious didn't give him a single piece of lightsaber training because he was already a master of that sort of thing whom Sidious could teach little. So he got to focus on learning force powers and rapidly become a master of the dark arts such as throwing lightning at people.
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Bold claims require proof...please link said sources of Yoda losing to Sidious... to quote an internet cliche "pics or it didn't happen"


Not trying to be rude but in the end when it comes to art it is the final product that matters not previous versions etc.


"Inside the spacious interior of the Galactic Senate chambers, Yoda challenged the Emperor. The two entered into a spectacular duel -- a contest between the most powerful practitioners of the Force's light and dark sides. The Emperor proved too powerful to defeat. Though Yoda held his own for much of the duel, in the end, the Sith bested him. He realized that directly confronting the Sith would be doomed to failure. Defeated, Yoda slinked away into the shadows of the Senate chamber's cavernous depths, leaping into a waiting getaway speeder piloted by Bail Organa."


“Yoda went after Palpatine in the empty Senate chamber, but could not defeat the most powerful Sith Lord in history.”(The New Essential Chronology, page 84 )


There came a turning point in the clash of the light against the dark.


It did not come from a flash of lightning or slash of energy blade, though there were these in plenty; it did not come from a flying kick or a surgically precise punch, though these were traded, too.


It came as the battle shifted from the holding office to the great Chancellor's Podium; it came as the hydraulic lift beneath the Podium raised it on its tower of durasteel a hundred meters and more, so that it became a laserpoint of battle flaring at the focus of the vast emptiness of the Senate Arena; it came as the Force and the podium's controls ripped delegation pods free of the curving walls and made of them hammers, battering rams, catapult stones crashing and crushing against each other in a rolling thunder-roar that echoed the Senate's cheers for the galaxy's new Emperor.


It came when the avatar of light resolved into the lineage of the Jedi; when the lineage of the Jedi refined into one single Jedi.


It came when Yoda found himself alone against the dark.


In that lightning-speared tornado of feet and fists and blades and bashing machines, his vision finally pierced the darkness that had clouded the Force.


Finally, he saw the truth.


This truth: that he, the avatar of light, Supreme Master of the Jedi Order, the fiercest, most implacable, most devastatingly powerful foe the darkness had ever known...






have it.


He'd never had it. He had lost before he started.


He had lost before he was born.


The Sith had changed. The Sith had grown, had adapted, had invested a thousand years' intensive study into every aspect of not only the Force but Jedi lore itself, in preparation for exactly this day. The Sith had remade themselves.


They had become new.


While the Jedi--


The Jedi had spent that same millennium training to refight the last war.


The new Sith could not be destroyed with a lightsaber; they could not be burned away by any torch of the Force. The brighter the light, the darker their shadow. How could one win a war against the dark, when the war itself had become the dark's own weapon?


He knew, at that instant, that this insight held the hope of the galaxy. But if he fell here, that hope would die with him.



Episode 3 novelization.


I can find more but this is already clear. Yoda lost.

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I'm waiting for the bit about Windu about to have his weapon knocked out of his hand, which I don't recall from the book.


I'll find that tomorrow. For now I will leave this.


Rise of Lord Vader


Sidious to Darth Vader


"The Sith grew past the use of Lightsabers", Sidious told him. "But we continue to use them if only to humiliate the jedi."


Sidious was clearly not taking him seriously in their duel if this is his stance on lightsabers.

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First, the definition of "stronger" is clearly needed here. No one will honestly claim that Siths are better than Jedi to build durable civilisation. I assume we're speaking about warfare.


In this subject, the average Sith is in fact stronger than average Jedi, taken individually. Two simple explanations for this: first, the Sith are specifically trained to be warriors and powerful, where Jedi are nod destined to be warrior per say (no saying that they do not train for combat practice, because they do, but it's not the only focus of their learning). Second, the SIth code implicitely include a rude selection: be stronger, or die. The Sith who survive is one who killed his opponent from his own faction. You normally don't encounter weak Sith, because stronger Sith killed them before you had the chance. Jedi don't kill each other for power, therefore there is more "weak to middle-powered" Jedi. Don't mean there is no powerful Jedi. But it means that if you cross a Jedi, you have more probability he's a weak one than a Sith, statistially speaking.


But that's the point and the main difference between the two faction, and the Rule of Two is the embodiment of it. Jedi are helping each other, and believe you should help the weks to become stronger, even if it's not "elite-class strong". The society in his globality is stronger, even if the strengh is no individual-based.


On the other end, the SIth believe a society is strong if it has only the strongest individuals and no weak. Hence, instead of helping the weak became stronger, they chose to eliminate the weak and only keep the strongest. This way, individuals are indeed stronger than the Republic... but there are less individual.


Is it better to have more weaker people working together to be better, or less people who puts a rude and cruel selection to only keep the best of the best ?


The second option sounds more appeling to our ego, but history suggests that the first otpion, the Jedi one, is clearly more durable ^^

Edited by YoueChester
some mistakes
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This thread has become amusing now as people will sit back and only quote EU sources when it suits them for the Jedi but absolutely dismiss them when it concerns the Sith. So, I get called a hypocrite, but the person doing that is being extra hypocritical.


As far as Satele's look, determination is one thing, it's still a blatant fact, she didn't kill any of those Sith that she just did her bad martial arts against. And it's pretty damn obvious, that once again, she was overpowered by Malgus in the fight. Again, it's always hilarious when a named Jedi can break the rules and get away with it, and nepotism is the only reason that Satele is the Grandmaster. Especially when there are Jedi that are better suited to the role of Grandmaster.

Edited by Silverspar
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Look, argument on what level her lightsaber skills are aside, her force powers are clearly top tier. Did you see her explode that cliff face while force blasting Malgus? And the kindle app on my computer is being uncooperative so I can't copy paste, but in the Fatal Alliance book (at which time she is grandmaster) she does some fighting and her casual feats of telekinesis and mind trick are pretty beastly, paralyzing with a glance, crushing droids, etc.


Besides which, what member of the jedi order of the same time period as her do you think would be better?

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This thread has become amusing now as people will sit back and only quote EU sources when it suits them for the Jedi but absolutely dismiss them when it concerns the Sith. So, I get called a hypocrite, but the person doing that is being extra hypocritical.


As far as Satele's look, determination is one thing, it's still a blatant fact, she didn't kill any of those Sith that she just did her bad martial arts against. And it's pretty damn obvious, that once again, she was overpowered by Malgus in the fight. Again, it's always hilarious when a named Jedi can break the rules and get away with it, and nepotism is the only reason that Satele is the Grandmaster. Especially when there are Jedi that are better suited to the role of Grandmaster.


Name one.

Name a single Jedi better suited for the role?

BWT you do realize that the birth of Theron was a SECRECT right? it's not a widely known fact

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