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Favorite master and apprentice/padawan interaction from the force classes? *spoilers*


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Personally, I find the interaction between Baras and the Warrior to be the most enjoyable, and not just because I enjoy his reactions from me pushing his buttons. Despite being a schemer he is actually a fairly straight shooter with his apprentice (eventual and inevitable back stab aside, of course) compared to Zash and all of her 'I'm totally going to do this ritual to make you super special awesome and get no benefit for myself apprentice, tee hee' BS. His praise when he says you are advancing seems genuine and he is pretty open about the fact that he is probably sending you to your death when he sends you to retrieve the Ravager, for example.


And of course, unlike the jedi teachers, he actually interacts with you fairly extensively instead of basically dropping out of the game after the prologue and either disappearing entirely (Yuon) or still occasionally keeping in touch despite being dead (Orgus) after the first chapter.

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Baras and the Wrath aswell for me, i loved this guy.. until he betrays me ofc, but still it's the best apprentice/master interaction IMO,

and although Zash is an evil lying *****, she's still honest with you about the ghost in the temple, when she say that you could die if you're not the guy in her vision, and IMO it was pretty obvious that she was scheming against me, i figure it ou since the warning of Darth Skotia, and later on Kallig, so no surprise, but i liked her style


then the JK, in a world where jedi are school kids, Orgus Din is the cool one. At the same time rebellious and wise, not just a boring generic jedi, he's the Qui-Gon Jinn of his time and i was really sad when he died


For the consular i consider Syo Bakarn as my real master, he follow us all along while Par just dissapear and frankly i didn't like her so i didn't miss her

Edited by Thomtomgo
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I had a better impression of Zash apparently, yes she did betray you but I also don't think she lied later on when she said she had grown to like your character and reconsidered the plan for a moment. Course she went thru with it but then she likely figured she didn't have the time left to find another suitable host candidate, even with your help. and it was the ritual or death for her.


With her if not for that I got the feeling there was the potential for a real partnership, as opposed to Baras who you see betray and or dispose of everyone in his employ , mainly thru your warrior as you go thru the story.

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I'd probably say the Jedi Knight and Orgus Din in first place, just because you actually get some good interaction and development and time spent with him, and he's not just another stuffy old master.


Second and third, near tie between the SI and the SW, with the Warrior edging it out just because I felt more like Baras' personal enforcer, which was cool, whereas with Zash while she went on an on about your impending glory she generally used you as a glorified courier. :p


Consular is at the bottom of the pack. Even on Tython there's not really much personal connection or interaction with Yuon, and then she gets sick and that's pretty much the end of your relationship. I was actually annoyed by the fact that the story kept trying to force a completely undeserved bond between them, with my Consular always going on about 'You made me the Jedi I am today! You taught me everything I know!" and I'm just sitting there like "Really? When did this happen and where was I?"

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I'm saying something totally different and going LS Inquisitor and Ashara. For one, I actually felt there was some teaching going on. For another, conversations with her really helped me define my character's philosophical viewpoints.


And their SoR opening involves the Inquisitor actually training Ashara.

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Indeed. Wonder how Xalek feels about being left out, heh.


Which is still ironic, seeing we went to get Xalek due to the fact Zash claimed Ashara wasn't exactly an apprentice, let alone Sith.


Regardless, Xalek got his tongue cut for this expansion. :rolleyes:


With any luck, once the next expansion hits, we'll be able to glue it back.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I never considered Xalek to be my character's apprentice, he is just some stupid bone faced chump I picked up so Zash would stop nagging me about how Ashara doesn't count as a 'real' apprentice because she used to be a jedi and I need an apprentice trained from the ground up as a sith for prestige purposes.


But in fairness to him, he is hardly the only companion character that felt out of place and disconnected because you only get them like five minutes before you reach your class stories end. Who at Bioware thought it was a good idea to have it take so long to finish your crew?

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Gotta go with Zash and the Sinq. After going through the Agent story arc, it was so nice to see a Sith who knows how to have fun and... y'know, not be crazy.


Baras is a close second as he's infinitely entertaining. Orgus gets good points as well, but Yuon was so boring I had to struggle not to fall asleep whever she spoke.

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But in fairness to him, he is hardly the only companion character that felt out of place and disconnected because you only get them like five minutes before you reach your class stories end. Who at Bioware thought it was a good idea to have it take so long to finish your crew?


Well, to be fair, that wasn't supposed to be the end of our class stories. :p Sadly we'll probably never really know where they might have gone with our characters and their companions. Judging by SOR we can only expect more and more cut corners and trimmed down storylines in expansions.

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Darth Baras and the Warrior. I think the Sith Warrior's story is the only one where people actually tell you they will stab you in the back or willbe sending you to your death.


Had Zash not tried to sacrifice you then she might have been the better master but I'd have to say Lord Kellig....?


You gotta love Orgus. He's not boring, he gets things done. Reminds me of Windu. But in all fairness, he only began to teach you AFTER he died.

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Well, to be fair, that wasn't supposed to be the end of our class stories. :p Sadly we'll probably never really know where they might have gone with our characters and their companions. Judging by SOR we can only expect more and more cut corners and trimmed down storylines in expansions.


I have to agree and disagree. Yes, I was expecting more content of the class story kind and was disappointed we didn't and haven't gotten it. At least, however, SoR had some class content. Makeb had none, so while it may have been cutting corners, SoR was still a step up from the first expansion.

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I liked my Inquisitor's relationship with Zash. On the surface, their exchanges and camaraderie are always congenial, almost playful, but she's actually really using him to further her goals, while he purposely doesn't report everything to her and keeps some key information to himself and tries to build up his own power base. It's classic Sith!
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ive always pictured baras with his lightsaber in one hand, and a pie in the other, his sheer frame covering the sight of cake, pies and cookies behind him on his desk as he does an evil laugh and recites the sith code:


"Cake is a lie, there is only pie.

Through pie, I gain size.

Through size, I gain mass.

Through mass, I gain weight.

Through weight, my belt is broken.

The pie shall set me free."


but i always enjoyed the sith warrior storyline because fatman baras was a part of it and the warrior played as a male has some epic one line sadism:


SW player kills the slave.

Vette: Well you started the Dromund Kaas death toll early.

Player: It was a long shuttle ride...


thats just the tip of what the SW has to offer it quality humor. then the SW gets Jaesa and while the quality doesnt improve much with a light side jaesa, it improves a lot with a dark side jaesa, especially in romance.


while not as funny as the SW, the SI has some good points, specifically Harkun and Ffon alte and the female inquisitor one lining her own sadism from time to time. beyond that, nothing much really stood out as unique.


with the jedi knight, the only real contact outside the immediate ship crew is general var suthra more often then not. you have the teenage supergirl kira who is an easy pull, and apart from that, nothing else really stands out for the jk.


the connie, one i like the least of all four, the storyline is forgettable, the freaky giant lizard, qyzen lasts to a point and then is no longer useful. throughout chapter 1 and 2, syo bakarn is main contact. but nothing really that interesting about the entire consular storyline.


so obviously on my point of view, the SW wins hands down.

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I'm saying something totally different and going LS Inquisitor and Ashara. For one, I actually felt there was some teaching going on. For another, conversations with her really helped me define my character's philosophical viewpoints.


LS Inq is blasphemy! Come over here and I will let my good friend Khem eat you, he seems hungry.

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Easily the JK. Why? Alderaan.


You and Kira go to Alderaan find Orgus getting attacked by Giant Green Bugs... then the 3 of you team up to kick their butts. And boy does it feel awesome.


I have played all the classes in game and I don't remember any other story having you, your master and your apprentice team up to take on an enemy at the same time.

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Mine is the knight and orgus.

Like somebody has already said before I feel he is a lot like Qui Gonn.



I was actually quite sad when Orgus finally said goodbye in the Knight's class mission on Rishi

I agree wholeheartedly.


Orgus isn't the strongest, fastest, or most talented. But he doesn't seem to care. He's going to get in the way of the bad guys, regardless of what it costs him.


That - to me - is the epitome of both a Jedi and a good person.


So, it's Knight-Orgus for me, as well.



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