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SWTOR now has twinks. Old 55 lvl pvp gears need removed or nerfed.


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On Everquest I and Everquest II players would find ways to outlandishly gear their toons for pvp. These over-geared toons were called twinks.


What we have going on in the mids bracket is nothing short of this same phenomenon. Veteran players (no fault of their own), are grinding warzones with toons who are not only 55+, but who are also wearing old pvp gears (Obroan or Brutalizer), with purple augs.


These gears may not grant as huge of a bonus to hps through bolster as the green/blue leveling gears newer toons have, but make no mistake about it, these twinks are vastly more powerful.


We potentially could lose a lot of newer pvpers who begin experiencing this imbalance in pvp once they hit the mids bracket. Not only are the 55+ characters sporting more abilities, but these old pvp gears grant WAY too much killing power. It needs to be toned down, removed, whatever.


Some people have many, many 55 lvl pvp geared toons. Saying that in time they will wash out of this bracket is complete rubbish because it will take a year before all toons are leveled up and out of this bracket...


Some people enjoy having this advantage, and will deliberately hold onto these specially geared pvp toons just to log in and troll others, ruining any semblance of balance there could be.


I just hope this is addressed sometime soon. We do not need twinks in SWTOR.

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Agreed. Playing midbies on my Assassin whilst leveling to 60 was stupidly easy to murder all the sub-55's. Higher bonus damage and a set bonus really is extremely powerful in comparison to someone who doesn't have it. At the very least make the set bonuses of old 55 PvP gear not function in 30-59 PvP.
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Saying that in time they will wash out of this bracket is complete rubbish because it will take a year before all toons are leveled up and out of this bracket...


Some people enjoy having this advantage, and will deliberately hold onto these specially geared pvp toons just to log in and troll others, ruining any semblance of balance there could be.


Why would they level at all? Experience is awarded at the end of the match iirc, hence the oldest twinking here was sitting at level 47-49 permamently.

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It's nothing about wanting fair play and all about being a pedophilic apex predator forever. Why do the grind at all when already sitting on top of the foodchain to begin with?


lol yeah I get your point. You know, what is funny I recall now seeing a guy who would always drop out of the matches before the end and i wondered why. He was avoiding experience gain. What a fricking, sad loser. But yeah, makes sense as you put it.

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Well this is awkward....:o


I used to twink out my alts when Lord Adraas was still around, but the difference was that I let myself level. Every ~2 levels I had to get BIS purples for my character. I took them into higher level planets to grab extra datacrons so bolster would have an augmented effect and used the best shard datacrons.


One of my old friends was my supplier (who made a few million off of me) and was also the only character who could beat my twinked Lethality operative reliably in a 1v1 (he was Concealment). I miss the good fights I had against peers, but there's no beating around the bush. It was undeniably seal clubbing which was not fun to the clubbed. :(


1. General (S*****i): carmichael you're good I give you that, but you're too powerful. I've seen 6 people unable to take you down

1. General (S*****i): its rediculous.

Edited by Belecfaron
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I agree, playing with fully augmented 55 pvp rated gear is easy mode. (I do it myself)


The only solution is to create smaller brackets....but that wont stop the "twink" aspect your refering to unless you do a 50 to 59 bracket.


The only actual solution is to normalise the rated gear to green level and remove augments...good luck with that ^^ there would be a riot.

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Agreed. Playing midbies on my Assassin whilst leveling to 60 was stupidly easy to murder all the sub-55's. Higher bonus damage and a set bonus really is extremely powerful in comparison to someone who doesn't have it. At the very least make the set bonuses of old 55 PvP gear not function in 30-59 PvP.


I assume that there are people who LOVE being so powerful !


Why do the grind at all when already sitting on top of the foodchain to begin with?


It creates a feeling of power in those who do it - and this is also a neat way to shy away possible upcoming opposition in PvP matches by making everybody else feel frustrated, underpowered, NOTHING.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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On Everquest I and Everquest II players would find ways to outlandishly gear their toons for pvp. These over-geared toons were called twinks.


What we have going on in the mids bracket is nothing short of this same phenomenon. Veteran players (no fault of their own), are grinding warzones with toons who are not only 55+, but who are also wearing old pvp gears (Obroan or Brutalizer), with purple augs.


These gears may not grant as huge of a bonus to hps through bolster as the green/blue leveling gears newer toons have, but make no mistake about it, these twinks are vastly more powerful.


We potentially could lose a lot of newer pvpers who begin experiencing this imbalance in pvp once they hit the mids bracket. Not only are the 55+ characters sporting more abilities, but these old pvp gears grant WAY too much killing power. It needs to be toned down, removed, whatever.


Some people have many, many 55 lvl pvp geared toons. Saying that in time they will wash out of this bracket is complete rubbish because it will take a year before all toons are leveled up and out of this bracket...


Some people enjoy having this advantage, and will deliberately hold onto these specially geared pvp toons just to log in and troll others, ruining any semblance of balance there could be.


I just hope this is addressed sometime soon. We do not need twinks in SWTOR.


I am only replying to the title of the post, can't be arsed to read the threat. But in short, you'll always level to 60 if you pvp. You can't avoid it. Within a month or so, there will be no old 55 pvp:ers left. Unless you transfer your gear to alts. Eitherway they die out in one way or another in the end. It's like I've always said, best way to beat a twinker is to level. Get rekt soooooooooooon.

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I am only replying to the title of the post, can't be arsed to read the threat. But in short, you'll always level to 60 if you pvp. You can't avoid it. Within a month or so, there will be no old 55 pvp:ers left. Unless you transfer your gear to alts. Eitherway they die out in one way or another in the end. It's like I've always said, best way to beat a twinker is to level. Get rekt soooooooooooon.


Had you read the thread you'd know that there IS a way to stop leveling in PvP. Just quit the match just before it ends. No XP gain.

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Had you read the thread you'd know that there IS a way to stop leveling in PvP. Just quit the match just before it ends. No XP gain.


There can't possibly be enough people willing to do this to be a problem. Also, you're leveling even if they're not, so you'll be leaving them behind one way or another.

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Thought people who didn't buy the expansion are stuck at 55? If so, then no need to quit matches to twink.


My theory is that the optimal twink would be a level 59 with that penultimate Discipline talent. Level 57 would be another option, with many specs gaining a game-changing skill. So either you would have to avoid gaining EXP, or you'd delete the expansion from your account once you hit 59. Is the latter even possible?

Edited by Belecfaron
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PvP is a brutal world, do all of you actually consider it a sport? No rules, kill or be killed. Of course it's fun to be Godlike and whack 413 noobies. Since when to PvP players CARE?


Some of you may remember the Darktide server on Asheron's Call, that place was hell on earth. Level 126's camping the character creation spawn points. There was nothing fair or human about it, it was a godawful place to play.


Some of us played in DOD guilds, Delete on Death, if you died ONCE you deleted your character. Few made it to 20.


The Borg was a guild who would swarm any player who attacked one of them. The whole guild would come running to the spot. (more to that story but not here). Insane.


Of course there were no Warzones, no carefully scripted arenas, it was just simple, plain and horrendous open-world PvP with not a single safe spot unless you could find one.

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