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New System!


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"In" as in finally built and picked up (if that was the question). I bought all the parts first then had the computer shop put it together for me then picked up myself. Surprisingly the tower is light compared to older systems I've had. I can change out a card or drive, but building from scratch, I would rather they have the headache. This system in Canada comes in around $3900 with the build. I picked up some good prices on black friday week sales. :p Edited by Amilyne
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You miss a normal hdd blue or black for ur games.


Dont use ur SSD with games that have DRMs... some (the new fifa, dragon age I. etc that use drms like DENUVO) tempt to destroy ssds. So, I would suggest you to get a normal hdd as well.


Enjoy your new system.


ps: I saw it in the news, Seagate released 8tb magnetic hdds for 260 euro or 350bucks each... 150mb r/w.


Why is that? I would like to know.

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I will have to try that. I did see sand storms or dust ups on Tatooine. I'll have to look for them on Rishi


Sorry, more pics. Just excited about the system. :rolleyes:





Can I make a suggestion for a small easy to do mod to that new system that can improve air flow through the case so you can keep everything cooled more efficiently?


I noticed in one of your pictures on photobucket that you have 6 HDD tray and are only using 1 of them. I would move that HDD to the top tray that is closest to the PSU. Then remove the entire metal cage for the 3 front HDD trays. Those metal cages and drive trays really reduce airflow through the front of the case. And it looks like half of one of your intake fans is covered by that first cage.

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Yeah me too :)


I allready bought the peripheral parts (corsair modular AX psu) case, hdd, ssd (128gb 840 pro for OS and antivirus) and ram..


Now only thing left is mobo/cpu and i am not sure about gpu, I allready use a gtx 780. I am going for 5820k. I wait for revision 2 mobos :)


PS: if you google about the new drm system, it forces hdds to write and read 10.000 times more than the normal drms and if you use an ssd, it burns the memory blocks. Its all over the tech forums... EA must grow up and abandon drms... An example is the witcher 3 game that comes out next year, its 100% offline game without drms and people appreciate that and they will buy it.


it will be a nice test and proof, if witcher sells good or not. Instead of adding drm, they give you moding tools and support if you wish some online, so moding community will embrace it. Anyway, If I win in a competition a ps4 because I dont buy consoles, I will also buy dragon age ... lol


? what on earht are you talking about... swtor has no drm at all.... it is a free to download game and has no drm management I have ever seen....

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From an offical post from June 2012:




Also, gratz on your new system. :)


Interesting information. I've seen it before ages ago but forgot about it. I have a ATI6870 1gb ram GPU, fairly old card, and I mostly get red numbers that are around 40 fps on the fleet.

I have a i-5 2400 cpu so that's probably not an issue. Would I gain a lot by getting a new videocard?

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No, what is that?


Its a tool that lets swtor use all of your ram, simply saying.

Im asking becouse despite having new system, i have big fps drops in some places. Had similiar problems with the old one too. While fps counter shows its gpu limited, actual gpu usage stays in 30-50% range. CPU also isnt utilised more then 50% per core.


Thought maybe my 8GB of ram is not enough for unleashed nowadays, but if you dont use it...

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Its a tool that lets swtor use all of your ram, simply saying.

Im asking becouse despite having new system, i have big fps drops in some places. Had similiar problems with the old one too. While fps counter shows its gpu limited, actual gpu usage stays in 30-50% range. CPU also isnt utilised more then 50% per core.


Thought maybe my 8GB of ram is not enough for unleashed nowadays, but if you dont use it...


Okay, read through it, for now I'm just going to see how my system handles things. I have noticed my gpu go up to 85% once and my memory can go from up to 7gb used. I do have parked core's but I have 12 of them, so I really don't need them at all. If things get bad, I've notice a core turn on. Only time I saw all the cores on was when I ran benchmark.


The game does seem smooth so far, so I see no reason to really tweak anything yet, I wanna see how the system handles things first. I am also running the game in window mode with firefox (about 10-12 tabs) on my other monitor and sometime youtube going. :cool:

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Well It looks like Alderaan is the big test for the system during Flight Paths. I watched my GPU go to 100%, my ram go up to almost 8gb and some Parked CPU cores turn on and off as it rotated different cores. My frames during flight sat around 40 fps. On the ground I'm at 75-80 fps. I also have 12 tabs in firefox open, I'm sure that doesn't help. lol


Guess the systems working as I hoped for. :D

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