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Is there any other class a Merc can beat 1 on 1?


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Any? I think we are the worst.


Really not much we can do unless we have a strong supporting cast


Sorcs/Sages. You can throw an electro net at them, and they can no longer bubble. Then you burst em down really quickly.


Same with any true melee class (deception/infiltration sins/shadows, Marauders/sentinels, juggs/guardians)


Cause if they can't reach you, they can't kill you.

Edited by TACeMossie
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Sorcs/Sages. You can throw an electro net at them, and they can no longer bubble. Then you burst em down really quickly.


Same with any true melee class (deception/infiltration sins/shadows, Marauders/sentinels, juggs/guardians)


Cause if they can't reach you, they can't kill you.


Apparently you've been playing against bad melee.


Before 3.0 I would agree with some of those, however with BW handing out speed buffs and other immunities that list has definitely changed.


Against an equally skilled and geared player 1 vs 1 a merc, most of the time, is going to lose.

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Any? I think we are the worst.


Really not much we can do unless we have a strong supporting cast



DPS Operatives (and they're somewhat far from being squishy in 3.0)

Other Mercs


..that's not to say we can deliver a pretty painful kick in the teeth to any other class - me, I'm happy with my crits. I'm willing to take that over getting pooped on even by Scrappers and DPS Sages pre-2.0

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Even though we took a falling building to the knee in 3.0 (comparison to most melee classes) we can still handle 1vs1 pretty ok against some classes. The trouble is and always have been the tunneling strategy in arenas that completely rapes us.


But i would say the easiest class to beat for us 1vs1 is marauders, atleast for me. They used to be pretty good but these days, compared to the cc immunity gods (sins and jugs) they are not so bad.

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Try using the non arsenal spec (can't remember what they changed the name to... Innovative ordinance?) if you want to solo people. The way things are now, it has enough utility to beat on most anything pretty effectively without dying. It's just a ton harder to play lol... I had a great time with it when I messed around with it, and found the survivability really nice compared to arsenal (I'm normally heals). It will normally put out less overall sustained damage, though
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Mercs do jsut fine against almost all classes 1v1. Its the 4v1, 3v1, and so on that makes merc bad. We don't have any defense for being piled up on. Innovative Ordnance is the great 1v1 or for pvp regs. Mercs can only do Arena as Healers. As probably the developers intended. I'll even how to beat the sorc.


Fight Starts. Stun him. If he breaks stun, Net and proceed to kill him. If he doesn't break stun, pour on the damage to MAKE him buble, heal up, net him and then win. Its that simple.

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If we both have all our cool downs I can beat marauders 99% of the time on my Merc. The slows and knock back plus my hydraulic overrides kill them. Always have electro net as back up too. I can kill snipers most of the time as well. That's with even skill level. If I'm just better than the opposition then it doesn't matter what class the enemy is. I've beat AP pts, sorcs, hatred sins, vengeance juggs too, but they sucked.
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Sorcs/Sages. You can throw an electro net at them, and they can no longer bubble. Then you burst em down really quickly.


Same with any true melee class (deception/infiltration sins/shadows, Marauders/sentinels, juggs/guardians)


Cause if they can't reach you, they can't kill you.


bad troll.. bad... go sit in the corner or get hit on the nose with newspaper

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Compared to 2.10, I think the Merc (IO, not Arsenal) has improved vs. non-Vengence melee, vs. snipers and vs. tanks. There really hasn't been any change vs. the Vengenace, sorcs and assassins. The class that has improved vs. Merc in 3.0 is Operative dps. So it is a mixed bag.


Overall versus an equally skilled player, I think the Merc (IO) has a better than 50% chance vs. sniper, around a 50% chance vs. a Mara or Sorc, and slightly below a 50% chance vs. a Smash Jugg or Operative dps. Beyond that, things drop off dramatically vs. Vengenace Jugg or Assassins.

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Vengeance juggs are pretty easy to counter if you know their rotation, we have an amazing counter for each of their moves:


force leap= pop hydraulic overrides once they pop ravage and you will be out of range before that third hit that does the most damage.


after that, usually they go for impale, a very hard hitting attack. use your chaff flare for either dps spec to either absorb that hit or have a higher chance to dodge it.


followed by shatter, lower damage but it ignores armor, this is when I would pop your energy shield plus emergency scan, the rotation after this has 2 high burst attacks: vicious throw and force scream

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Vengeance juggs are pretty easy to counter if you know their rotation, we have an amazing counter for each of their moves:


force leap= pop hydraulic overrides once they pop ravage and you will be out of range before that third hit that does the most damage.


after that, usually they go for impale, a very hard hitting attack. use your chaff flare for either dps spec to either absorb that hit or have a higher chance to dodge it.


followed by shatter, lower damage but it ignores armor, this is when I would pop your energy shield plus emergency scan, the rotation after this has 2 high burst attacks: vicious throw and force scream

Wow, those must be very crappy juggs if that's the rotation they use. :p Not only are you leaving out forcepush (and thus leap reset), you're also leaving out shatter resetting the ravage CD. You're also leaving out Force Choke, which will either waste half your hydraulic overrides or force a stun break (which makes the leap & ravage root very dangerous). Not to mention the Jugg's own version of Hydrolic Overrides speed boost with Through Power and the 30m root they can spec into. And that's all besides the mangled 'rotation' you describe and the massively powerful DCDs/defensive passives Juggs have but you neglected to mention.


In a match between equally skilled and geared players, my personal experience is more in favour of the Jugg (not that I never lost to a merc whilst playing on my Jugg or anything :p). Either the Jugg simply outlasts the Merc with ED/EP/SW/Unstoppable/etc or the Merc manages to line up their cooldowns perfectly and whittle the Jugg to death by kiting. But the latter is a lot harder to do compared to using only DCDs when needed (at least, in my personal experience).


I can't count the amount of times I managed to make a Merc eat two full Ravages because they wasted hydraulic overrides and/or stun breaks. Granted, those aren't the best Mercs around, but it was still very fun. :p


I have both a Jugg and a Merc with which I regularly PvP, and I can honestly say that these types of 'vs threads' are pointless. Pretty much all classes have strong and weak points. It's all up to the player's skill to see if he/she can leverage said strong points to exploit the weaknesses of the opposing class. Luckily, 1v1 PvP is nearly non-existant in this game and you should never have to find yourself in this situation if you don't want to. And as a Merc, I really don't want to. ;)

Edited by Defecter
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I hope this is a troll thread. Pretty much the only way to lose in a 1v1 as a merc or mando is A. no gear B. electro net is on cooldown or C. adrenaline rush is on cool down. If any of these things are open for you and you still lose you're not doing something right my friend. Don't listen to the scrubs who cry that mercs cant be a regstar they usually just suck ;)
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I hope this is a troll thread. Pretty much the only way to lose in a 1v1 as a merc or mando is A. no gear B. electro net is on cooldown or C. adrenaline rush is on cool down. If any of these things are open for you and you still lose you're not doing something right my friend. Don't listen to the scrubs who cry that mercs cant be a regstar they usually just suck ;)


That's not true. I frequently kill mercs on my gunslinger, operative, assassin, sorcerer, powertech and sometimes even on my marauder thx to obfuscate.

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I hope this is a troll thread. Pretty much the only way to lose in a 1v1 as a merc or mando is A. no gear B. electro net is on cooldown or C. adrenaline rush is on cool down. If any of these things are open for you and you still lose you're not doing something right my friend. Don't listen to the scrubs who cry that mercs cant be a regstar they usually just suck ;)


E-net is not nearly as useful as it was and Adrenaline Rush can easily be burst through with 1 good crit.

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I hope this is a troll thread. Pretty much the only way to lose in a 1v1 as a merc or mando is A. no gear B. electro net is on cooldown or C. adrenaline rush is on cool down. If any of these things are open for you and you still lose you're not doing something right my friend. Don't listen to the scrubs who cry that mercs cant be a regstar they usually just suck ;)


This is both true and false at the same time. It's always a gamble for Mercs when it comes to 1v1 - everything comes down to perfectly lining your cds, using the enviroment to your advantage (both Huttball pits are the best maps for that) and getting a few really lucky crits. In the end, a good stealther/PT/marauder will probably wipe the floor with you anyway.

As for the team play, Mercs are ok when properly played and supported. That's why I always queue with a good tank and a healer :rolleyes:

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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As for the team play, Mercs are ok when properly played and supported. That's why I always queue with a good tank and a healer :rolleyes:


I think that need for someone else to frontline for you, and another person to keep healing you just so that you can do what they would be doing if they weren't using so many GCDs to keep you alive is what they call 'carried' (or more recently 'ay-dee carry') :csw_yoda:



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I think that need for someone else to frontline for you, and another person to keep healing you just so that you can do what they would be doing if they weren't using so many GCDs to keep you alive is what they call 'carried' (or more recently 'ay-dee carry') :csw_yoda:




Sure. I have to get by somehow if I want to play my favourite class, amirite? :p And of course, regstars is such a srs bsns

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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