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Goals for Addressing Server Concerns


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Hey folks,


At our fan event in Las Vegas, one of the things we stated is that we are working to address the concerns of things like queue times and uneven server populations and that we would provide an update before the end of the year. As you might expect we're not ready to tell you exactly what we are working on yet, but we did want to go into what our goals are for next year.


  • To address issues of queue times across all types of content, both PvP and PvE.
  • To rethink how we approach “server separation.”
  • Remain sensitive to things like character identity.
  • The continued ability to define your chosen server playstyle, PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP.
  • We also would love to use this opportunity to enhance/create social systems. It’s a big ole’ galaxy and we want it to feel that way.

In the coming months we will be releasing more details. We appreciate your patience as we work towards these goals.




I think 6 months is a reasonable period to ask for an update. Maybe he's writing a blog post right now about it too!

Edited by Capote
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They want more people to buy cartel coins and transfer characters so they can milk them instead of letting you know what they are working on.

It can only mean one thing. They are in desperate need of $$ cause the game is close to dead.

The new expansion is supposed to bring people on subscriptions because FTP is literally killing this game.


Dirty tactics from a shady company.


There's nothing dirty about that. It's all just business. If they can make more profit from staying silent, then that's what the business will do.


I was hoping to get an answer, because despite all the news I'm losing interest in the game. Reason being that number of my friends has greatly diminished. Most of them that can't afford the transfer left the game and those that can, have already transferred. I've invested too much into legacy on this server that transferring one character won't do and transferring whole legacy would cost too much.


But I guess by their data there's not much people in similar situation so they can afford to lose those subs in order to profit from transfers.

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Hi Eric and all,

It will not matter if there's a ton of great stuff coming in an expansion 5 months from now - as many of the servers are dead NOW. How does it look for returning players to see that at prime time on Pot5 there are 80 players on the imperial fleet and 32 on the Republic fleet, for example?


More importantly, your paying subscribers CAN'T PLAY THE GAME BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE LEFT TO PLAY WITH!

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Or in your arrogance you assume that they are required to respond to you regarding this issue on your time table and not their own.


That's not really relevant to his point, but your assumption is pretty arrogant. Thanks for bumping. :rak_07:

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Or in your arrogance you assume that they are required to respond to you regarding this issue on your time table and not their own.


I am not the only one who wants an answer... Is this thread not proof already that people want some answers ?


What sort of logic says that it is okay to make such a promise and then just ignore it for that long ?




In the coming months we will be releasing more details.

And it is 7 month later, I think we can ask for an update at this point, and perhaps even insist on one.

Edited by znihilist
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I have multiple friends coming back for KOTFE. All of our characters are scattered across Jung Ma and POT5. We paid to move a bunch to POT5 when Jung Ma died off the first time. Then when SoR came out, we paid to move a few more to POT5. Those servers continue to be a persistent population problem. Even more so now that the PVP community has largely moved to PVE servers for better population/economy.


I am feeling pressured to transfer yet again. I've paid for several transfers already. It really should not be the players burdened to cover for BW's lack of planning/communication/solution for server population issues. This thread is now more than 6 months old. We are long past "in the coming months" to get an update. You guys have been posting answering questions on a myriad of other topics related to the expansion, both trivial and not. This one is not trivial.


Eric, people are coming back to the game now. Their friends and family are coming back now. I've resubbed, and all of my friends are. Deliberately remaining silent when your players asked here on the forums and on social media for an update on this issue is in the very least disrespectful of your paying customers and at worse borders on blatantly milking them for transfer $$$. The KOTFE announcement, with a new expensive trailer, and the announced features all seem to be geared around trying to get back in the good graces of your players, some of us Founders that have previously left after being frustrated with the game. Answering this question would certainly go a long way to earning more trust back.


Please do the right thing and tell us about your plans for the server. If the answer is there is no solution coming before KOTFE, then at the very least your players will know that and can plan accordingly. I do not want to be separated from my friends, but I also do not want to have buyers remorse by being forced to transfer again when it may not be necessary.

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I have multiple friends coming back for KOTFE. All of our characters are scattered across Jung Ma and POT5. We paid to move a bunch to POT5 when Jung Ma died off the first time. Then when SoR came out, we paid to move a few more to POT5. Those servers continue to be a persistent population problem. Even more so now that the PVP community has largely moved to PVE servers for better population/economy.


I am feeling pressured to transfer yet again. I've paid for several transfers already. It really should not be the players burdened to cover for BW's lack of planning/communication/solution for server population issues. This thread is now more than 6 months old. We are long past "in the coming months" to get an update. You guys have been posting answering questions on a myriad of other topics related to the expansion, both trivial and not. This one is not trivial.


Eric, people are coming back to the game now. Their friends and family are coming back now. I've resubbed, and all of my friends are. Deliberately remaining silent when your players asked here on the forums and on social media for an update on this issue is in the very least disrespectful of your paying customers and at worse borders on blatantly milking them for transfer $$$. The KOTFE announcement, with a new expensive trailer, and the announced features all seem to be geared around trying to get back in the good graces of your players, some of us Founders that have previously left after being frustrated with the game. Answering this question would certainly go a long way to earning more trust back.


Please do the right thing and tell us about your plans for the server. If the answer is there is no solution coming before KOTFE, then at the very least your players will know that and can plan accordingly. I do not want to be separated from my friends, but I also do not want to have buyers remorse by being forced to transfer again when it may not be necessary.


You should have just gone to The Harbenger. You would have never needed to leave. Thats why like 2 years ago I came here. I knew it would never die. Rule of thumb in an mmo? Always pick the highest pop server and stick with it.

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You should have just gone to The Harbenger. You would have never needed to leave. Thats why like 2 years ago I came here. I knew it would never die. Rule of thumb in an mmo? Always pick the highest pop server and stick with it.


At the time we switched to POT5, it was because that was the server all the PVPers were collecting on. Now they've since moved off to Harbinger.

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You should have just gone to The Harbenger. You would have never needed to leave. Thats why like 2 years ago I came here. I knew it would never die. Rule of thumb in an mmo? Always pick the highest pop server and stick with it.
the problem is people have been doing that, multiple times, only to have that server die off too. people didnt know every server in the game except one was going to die. i was on a server that was merged twice, and its still dieing. people shouldn't have to pay hundreds because bioware cant figure out how to keep people playing.
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Maybe BW thinks if lots of people come back for the expansion then lower population servers will cease to be an issue.


Will still be an issue. People come back at the start of new content, then take breaks again. Servers bump up for a brief period, then die back out again. This has been the problem with both servers I have characters on for the last several years. It's also not a solution to the queues/population imbalance. People will gravitate to where the biggest pool of like-minded players are, and leave these dead servers with horrible economies and dead queues.

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This an update to update on the fact we'll receive yet another update, sometime next year? Or there will be an update following this update, before the final update which will be the big reveal? :p


Actually it is nothing more than another carrot to keep people who think BW actually give a rats arse about this game still, playing and subbed.


We are getting a free expansion with all the CM garbage to buy along with it, they will do zero to address the problems with the core game, whilst people continue to pay them for an inferior product.


Musco's post from last year was nothing more than a sound bite to keep people thinking otherwise, and it clearly worked.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Actually it is nothing more than another carrot to keep people who think BW actually give a rats arse about this game still, playing and subbed.


We are getting a free expansion with all the CM garbage to buy along with it, they will do zero to address the problems with the core game, whilst people continue to pay them for an inferior product.


Musco's post from last year was nothing more than a sound bite to keep people thinking otherwise, and it clearly worked.


Well people keep on bringing the issue up, I don't think it is dead (at least not yet).

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@EricMusco is there anything you or BioWare would like to share with the community regarding this issue? This update was on 12/15/2014, and said, "in the next few months". It's now 6 months after this announcement of an upcoming announcement. So it seems reasonable to believe that whatever plans you have, you know what those plans are, and you can inform the community. Even if the plans are to "do nothing" (which is what I perceive that BioWare is doing).


Instead mega server is another MEGA LIE

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If you think something is going to happen with this you are sorely mistaken. They are feverishly working on the new expansion which is currently vaporware and a trailer. They don't have the resources to do both.


What do you think the 90cc character transfer is? It's there way of addressing server population concerns.......by using your cartel coins.

Edited by Picasso
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You know other MMO's need to learn from this. All you have to do is say yep a fix is in the works. Then say we will give you more details at a later date. And ignore the post and when some one brings it back up.. Just stick their fingers in their ears and say we're not listening we can't hear you. Edited by Curbhunter
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You know other MMO's need to learn from this. All you have to do is say yep a fix is in the works. Then say we will give you more details at a later date. And ignore the post and when some one brings it back up.. Just stick their fingers in their ears and say we're not listening we can't hear you.


Well it is working! There is a new shiny in the focus.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, we have already passed the half-year anniversary of the first post, and in 5 days it will be 7 months. Are you guys getting any closer to releasing like, any detail?


I don't feel like PvE queues are going to become faster especially if you are taking the PvP route. Speaking of PvP, the lack of real content also does not help with PvP queues.


You said you intended to make the changes in the next year.

what our goals are for next year.


Well, half of it has already passed, and while I don't know much about game development, I think you should, at least, have a concept by now of what they will be like. Unless you mean to tell me all the work will take you mere 5 months.:rolleyes:

Edited by Copd_Onasi
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So, we have already passed the half-year anniversary of the first post, and in 5 days it will be 7 months. Are you guys getting any closer to releasing like, any detail?


I don't feel like PvE queues are going to become faster especially if you are taking the PvP route. Speaking of PvP, the lack of real content also does not help with PvP queues.


You said you intended to make the changes in the next year.


Well, half of it has already passed, and while I don't know much about game development, I think you should, at least, have a concept by now of what they will be like. Unless you mean to tell me all the work will take you mere 5 months.:rolleyes:


if you listen to half these forums over the last few days...their plan is to just kill the game or operations/flashpoints outright and have nobody do them.

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