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Mercenary DPS Guide: Innovative Ordinance


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Mercenary guide to playing Innovative Ordinance in game update 3.0


I've been messing around with the spec more and more since 3.0 came out, and due to the lack of guides on the forum, I decided to write this one up for you guys. Enjoy!


Index of Abilities for Innovative Ordinance Mercenaries:


Single Target:

Rapid Shots (RS): Filler (only use when absolutely needed to maximize dps output) - Builds 1 stack of Supercharge per use

Power Shot (PS): One of two abilites that resets your Rail shot/Mag shot - Builds 1 stack of Supercharge per use

Mag Shot (MS): Has internal proc cooldown of 7.5 sec, needs to be proc'd at 7.5 or 8.0 sec for maximum dps gain

Unload (UL): One of two abilities that resets your Rail Shot/Mag shot, channels over 3 secs, reset only occurs if the activating tick hits at or past the 7.5 sec internal cooldown of rail shot/mag shot

Serrated Shot (SS): Strongest of your two applicable dots 1.5 sec cast time lasts for 15 secs; will ideally be used with your passive ability, Speed to Burn, making it an instant cast every 15 secs (duration of dots bleed)

Incendiary Missle (IM): Second dot, should be applied alongside your Serrated Shot

Thermal Detonator (TD): Hard hitting grenade, explodes after being attached to target, ideally use on CD

Electro Net (EN): Low cost filler, work into rotation when on cooldown to maximize dps

Missle Blast (MB): instant cast ability that will proc if target is at or below 30% health, Never use unless it has been proc'd, as the proc cuts the heat cost in half and increases it's damage by 75%. Execute ability, only use when there is an opening in your rotation, never delay other abilities to fit it in.



Death From Above (DFA): low cost high damage area attack, only ever use on multiple targets, never in single target rotation

Sweeping Blasters (SB): does substantial damage to large groups, esp. if used with ultility point, Boresights, which grants 25% increased damage.

Fusion Missle (FM): Damages upon contact and leaves a dot, does very similar, yet slightly lower dps than Power Shot, only use on groups of two or more. Spreads your Incendiary Missle's dot to targets it hits if at least one of those targets is already affected by the dot

Explosive Dart (ED): Detonates damaging nearby enemies for significantly less dps than Power Shot, only use on groups of two or more. Spreads your Serrated Shot's dot to targets it hits if at least one of those targets is already affected by the dot

Flame Thrower (FT): Roughly the same as Sweeping Blasters damage wise, if you have Boresights, use Sweeping Blasters instead


Offensive Cooldowns:

Supercharge (SC): immediately vents 10 heat and increases your dots damage by 10% for 10 secs as well as applying an additional dot to the target, when hit with a ranged ability, if it is affected by your Incendiary Missile's dot - Best if used immediately after reapplying both dots

Power Surge (Surge): Makes next casted ability an instant cast, usable once every minute. You can, however I do not, spec into the Utility point, Power Overrides to reduce it's cooldown by 15secs + increase the charges to 2

Vent Heat (VH): Vents 50 heat. Spec into the Utility point Improved Vents to add an additional 15 heat vent + 10% alacrity boost for 6 seconds.

Thermal Sensory Override (TSO): Makes the next heat creating abilty generate 0 heat, has 1 charge. Best if used with UL as it is the only ability in your single target rotation that creates more than 15 heat.


The Rotation:



My opener is slightly different than my natural rotation in order to capitalize on the first MS and reprocing it immediately. I always build

SS > MS > PS > IM > SC+TD > EN > MS > UL > MS > Surge + PS > PS > Rotation

The Rotation is very predictable and easy to play once you get started.

The rotation is fixed using the same abilities at the same times with the exceptions of two GCDs which can be interchanged depending on heat/EN being off CD/Surge being off CD/or MB being proc'd.


> MS > SS > IM > (Use SC here when available) TD > (Filler 1) > (Best spot for TSO)UL > MS > (Filler 2) > PS > MS > Repeat


How to decide which abilities to use as a filler:


Filler 1 suitable fillers:

Only use these instant cast abilities for this Filler

EN when off CD.

RS to maintain low heat and add a stack of SC

MB if procs and heat is low


Filler 2 suitable fillers:

This is the best place to use your Surge for that instant cast as the MS proc should occur in 2.5 secs

Surge + PS: (Note: only use Surge on this GCD as it will mess up the MS proc if used on the next GCD)

Surge + Fusion Missle: (only use if at least two targets will be hit by it, as it does slightly less damage and doesn't add a stack of SC)

RS: to maintain low heat and add a stack of SC

MB: if procs and heat is low

PS: If desired to maximize dps you can to do a casted PS here without Surge to try and overheat more quickly so you can use Vent Heat. DO NOT do this unless you are comfortable with the spec and can use it to maximize dps


Note: use Surge on CD to maximize dps, but be aware of the extra heat created. Be aware of your heat moving up to the CD reset. If needed use TSO with the UL previous to when you use the Surge to prevent overheating.


Here's a sample parse I did earlier today using this rotation.

Screenshot of my Character Sheet.

Screenshot of my Utility choices.

Opener laid out using the ability icons.

Rotation laid out using the ability icons.

Feel free to leave comments and/or suggestions below!

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Nice guide, though there is one thing that is annoying me that could be mentioned in the guide, which I feel the knowledge of it made the spec flow better and was a little smoother to use after doing so:


You can consistently get the proc on Mag Shot every 15 second AT THE START OF THE COOLDOWN. This is actually recommended.


To do this, you use Speed to Burn on the only power shot you would use every 15 seconds, and delay Unload by 3 seconds so it gets the other proc consistently.


Something like:




IM -> MS -> PS -> MS -> SS -> TD -> EN -> UL -> FM -> IM -> Mag Shot -> Rotation


(Why fusion missile? Its damage is slightly less than Power Shot, but it does elemental damage so it bypasses the targets armor)


Then the rotation goes by the following:


Power Shot -> 3x Filler + Mag Shot ->

Unload -> Filler -> IM -> Mag Shot ->


Filler is any ability you have that is stronger than power shot, or using Rapid Shots when you need heat back (which will happen a lot). Doing it this way ensures Speed to Burn is always used on Power Shot, thus ensuring that Mag Shot is always procced every 7.5 seconds.


You can use Speed to Burn on the Serrated Shot, but then that means it is modified into:


Power Shot -> 4x Filler + Mag Shot ->

Unload -> IM -> Mag Shot ->


And having that extra filler moved to after unload instead of before tends to make resource management easier.

Edited by TACeMossie
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I'm currently still testing which augments and stat ratios works best. What I'm currently using for augments is: 11 mainstat, 1 accuracy, and 2 surge. Next couple of days I will be testing using a few more surge augments as well as a testing out some builds using alacrity and a bit more crit. Originally I had 13 mainstat augments and was sitting at ~67% surge rating. After switching out 2 mainstat augments in exchange for 2 surge (boosting me to a bit over 400 surge points in total), my parses were averaging 3% higher than with the mainstat. I haven't spent nearly as much time min maxing my gear as I should. I will definitely work on it more this week.


My main goal was to get a consistent ability rotation that I could use before starting to min max my gear too much. I'm still looking for a way to consistently overheat relatively shortly into the fight so I can use my vent heat and keep it on CD to benefit from the 10% alacrity boost it gives for 6 secs. But I feel I can now analyze my parses much better to determine if the dps increase/loss was due to rng or gear changes themselves.


Hopefully this helps to answer your question. I will definitely continue this post throughout the week with my min maxing experiments.

Edited by TheNavySeal
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I'm currently still testing which augments and stat ratios works best. What I'm currently using for augments is: 11 mainstat, 1 accuracy, and 2 surge. Next couple of days I will be testing using a few more surge augments as well as a testing out some builds using alacrity and a bit more crit. Originally I had 13 mainstat augments and was sitting at ~67% surge rating. After switching out 2 mainstat augments in exchange for 2 surge (boosting me to a bit over 400 surge points in total), my parses were averaging 3% higher than with the mainstat. I haven't spent nearly as much time min maxing my gear as I should. I will definitely work on it more this week.


My main goal was to get a consistent ability rotation that I could use before starting to min max my gear too much. I'm still looking for a way to consistently overheat relatively shortly into the fight so I can use my vent heat and keep it on CD to benefit from the 10% alacrity boost it gives for 10 secs. But I feel I can now analyze my parses much better to determine if the dps increase/loss was due to rng or gear changes themselves.


Hopefully this helps to answer your question. I will definitely continue this post throughout the week with my min maxing experiments.


One other thing: I constantly see people saying they're going with 2x surge augments and 1x accuracy augment and stuff instead of just going full power or full mainstat. How about this for an option:


Drop an extra accuracy enhancement, and add 2 more accuracy augments (only for 192s or better of course).


In 186s: Going with the +2 surge augments is 2 more surge. Ok then.

In 192s: Going with +2 accuracy augments instead of 2 more surge is +7 surge. Now we're getting somewhere.

In 198s: Going with +2 accuracy augments instead of 2 more surge is going to end up with 2 accuracy points less than needed for 100% accuracy, but on the other hand you end up with 16 more surge rating.

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I'm not sure how you're calculating that using Speed to Burn on the Serrated Shot rather than the Power Spot is creating any delay. The only difference is which one has a cast time, you still end up with an instant activation and a base 1.5 sec ability. The reason I use it on Serrated Shot is to maintain a consecutive double DoT application which I find much easier to manage during fights (especially if target swapping is needed).


I'm running a 0 added alacrity build currently, so I only have the 2% boost from the Rapid Heating skill point and the occasional +10% from activating Vent Heat. Looking at the Sample Parse I originally posted, you'll see the TTK was 3:48.764 and the quantity of Mag Shots fired was 62 (equaling 31 Mainhand/Offhand counts). Thirty-one shots in a total of 228 seconds = 1 shot every 7.35 seconds. I just ran another dummy parse to verify this (Link Here). This parse's TTK is 3:46.648 and I used 60 Mag Shots (again 30 MH/OH shots) throughout the fight equaling 1 shot every 7.53 seconds (slightly higher than last time, yet still in line with on point procs).


I'm not positive of a good place to upload the parsed logs themselves, else I would. I am curious about trying the Fusion Missile in place of an additional Power Shot for filler 2 for later parses to see what difference is made.


As far as which augments to use, I am currently still using all Dread Master 186 accuracy enhancements excluding one 192 Resurrected. The stat changes you posted definitely make sense, especially with the sheer amount of Accuracy Enhancements you'd need to get from token drops It makes it a much more viable method to swap some augments instead.

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I'm not sure how you're calculating that using Speed to Burn on the Serrated Shot rather than the Power Spot is creating any delay. The only difference is which one has a cast time, you still end up with an instant activation and a base 1.5 sec ability. The reason I use it on Serrated Shot is to maintain a consecutive double DoT application which I find much easier to manage during fights (especially if target swapping is needed).


The problem lays in the latency.. If you have a perfect connection, your method will work. If you get some variable latency tho, you will miss your proc much more often than anyone using TACe method.


I'm not positive of a good place to upload the parsed logs themselves, else I would. I am curious about trying the Fusion Missile in place of an additional Power Shot for filler 2 for later parses to see what difference is made.


All calculated, Plasma Grenade will do 4099 on average, Charged Bolt, 3115 with your stats.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Nice guide, though there is one thing that is annoying me that could be mentioned in the guide, which I feel the knowledge of it made the spec flow better and was a little smoother to use after doing so:


You can consistently get the proc on Mag Shot every 15 second AT THE START OF THE COOLDOWN. This is actually recommended.


To do this, you use Speed to Burn on the only power shot you would use every 15 seconds, and delay Unload by 3 seconds so it gets the other proc consistently.


Something like:




IM -> MS -> PS -> MS -> SS -> TD -> EN -> UL -> FM -> IM -> Mag Shot -> Rotation


(Why fusion missile? Its damage is slightly less than Power Shot, but it does elemental damage so it bypasses the targets armor)


Then the rotation goes by the following:


Power Shot -> 3x Filler + Mag Shot ->

Unload -> Filler -> IM -> Mag Shot ->


Filler is any ability you have that is stronger than power shot, or using Rapid Shots when you need heat back (which will happen a lot). Doing it this way ensures Speed to Burn is always used on Power Shot, thus ensuring that Mag Shot is always procced every 7.5 seconds.


You can use Speed to Burn on the Serrated Shot, but then that means it is modified into:


Power Shot -> 4x Filler + Mag Shot ->

Unload -> IM -> Mag Shot ->


And having that extra filler moved to after unload instead of before tends to make resource management easier.


After some maths..


FA > Filler > SB > Mag > CB > IR > AP > Mag > Filler seems to do best results with SB > Mag > CB > IR > AP > Mag > Filler

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I did this parse, in this gear, with only a anodyne stim and armour debuff on the target, during peak times on Harbinger (there was 20 odd people in the ship instance)

I'm not using any of the rotations listed here. I find most other peoples rotations 'heat' starves me.


What I use is pretty simple, and doesn't really deviate much even with an 'Opener'


SS+IM > Mag > Unload > Mag > TD > Filler 2 > PS > Mag - Opener

SS+IM > Filler 1 > Unload > Mag > TD > Filler 2 > PS > Mag - Rotation


Filler 1 is either a EN > Rapid > PS.

Filler 2 is either Uber-MB > Rapid > PS


Usually the PS to proc the Mag at the end of the rotation is instant, so if you use the PS as Filler 2, keeping Surge for another instant PS is a good option.


I use supercharge gas as a DPS buff either on an attack just before SS or for SS. I don't seem to have heat problems. And if I do screw up during combat, I find its simple to get back to the rotation.


It should be pointed out, without SS up first you're missing 5% ranged damage, likewise without IM your missing 7% elemental damage.


My 2 cents, basically.

Edited by Dropfall
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I did this parse, in this gear, with only a anodyne stim and armour debuff on the target, during peak times on Harbinger (there was 20 odd people in the ship instance)

I'm not using any of the rotations listed here. I find most other peoples rotations 'heat' starves me.


What I use is pretty simple, and doesn't really deviate much even with an 'Opener'


SS+IM > Mag > Unload > Mag > TD > Filler 2 > PS > Mag - Opener

SS+IM > Filler 1 > Unload > Mag > TD > Filler 2 > PS > Mag - Rotation


Filler 1 is either a EN > Rapid > PS.

Filler 2 is either Uber-MB > Rapid > PS


Usually the PS to proc the Mag at the end of the rotation is instant, so if you use the PS as Filler 2, keeping Surge for another instant PS is a good option.


I use supercharge gas as a DPS buff either on an attack just before SS or for SS. I don't seem to have heat problems. And if I do screw up during combat, I find its simple to get back to the rotation.


It should be pointed out, without SS up first you're missing 5% ranged damage, likewise without IM your missing 7% elemental damage.


My 2 cents, basically.


Haha I forgot about the SS Debuff (thats what I get for maining a VG instead)


With that in mind:


Sustainable rotation:


Serrated Shot -> Incendiary Missile -> Mag Shot -> Power Shot -> Mag Shot ->

Rapid Shots -> Rapid Shots -> Thermal Detonator -> Unload -> Repeat


Rapid Shots can be replaced with other things, like Fusion Missile, Electro Net, and Sub-30% Explosive Round, so long as you have the heat cooldowns for it


Total Rotation Heat Cost: 84 (60 if TSO used on Unload)

Heat Vented in the rotation: 85

Total Heat Cost after vent: -1 (-25 if TSO used on Unload, which is every 6 rotations)


(For the opener, use Sweeping Gunfire or whatever its called, the AoE attack that can proc whatever used to be called PPA, in order to make the first mag shot free - don't actually hit the dummy. Channel it, cancel it, and then wait 3 seconds before starting)

Edited by TACeMossie
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I'm trying to get SS > IM > Filler > PS > Mag > TD > Unload > PS > Mag, to work as a rotation, but everytime I come to that PS at the end, somehow the IPA proc is outa sync and I don't proc it. I've even setup a spreadsheet to make sure its 7.5s before I fire off that PS; which it is, but it never works.


EDIT: Tried the SS > IM > PS > Mag > Filler > Filler > TD > Unload > Mag, still having some sort of latency issue regarding that end of rotation proc.

Edited by Dropfall
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I'm trying to get SS > IM > Filler > PS > Mag > TD > Unload > PS > Mag, to work as a rotation, but everytime I come to that PS at the end, somehow the IPA proc is outa sync and I don't proc it. I've even setup a spreadsheet to make sure its 7.5s before I fire off that PS; which it is, but it never works.


The reason is likely that the Speed to Burn is applied to the PS just before Mag. I use the same rotation. Try this instead:


PS > Mag > *SS* > IM > Filler

PS > Mag > TD > UL


Where *SS* is all glowing, every time.

You just need to get a Mag in 1st so the Speed to Burn proc is applied to SS.


A couple other things to note:

The main difference I'm seeing in some of these rotations is that UL procs IPA at the start of the ability. PS does it at the end. So if PS is used, it can't get the instant from Speed to Burn.

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Fascinate, come here and tell us your rotation! Or Marisi, or just anyone that actually knows stuff. Please?




There's really no point in me putting the rotation here without a rationale for it, which is HUGE btw, it'll all be outlined in the guide that's gonna be put it out by next weekend, so please be patient :)

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I will try to breakdown the rotation requirements. Basically you want to get as many Mag Shots in as possible. Due to cooldowns of various abilities, you can plan a rotation of 10 GCDs over 15 seconds. This is due to the internal cooldown of Innovative Particle Accelerator at 7.5 seconds.



1x Serrated Shot

1x Incendiary Missile

1x Thermal Detonator

1x Unload (2 GCDs)

1x Power Shot

2x Mag Shot

This satisfies 8 GCD's


Your remaining 2 GCD's can be your choice as needed. As others have suggested it can be:

PS, RS, FM, EN, MB(below 30%). I'll just put RS as the filler in the examples so you can try them out without heat issues and add better abilities as you get the rotation down.


Your rotation is planned around spacing the IPA proc 5 GCD's apart.

  • Unload procs at the start of the ability
  • Power Shot procs at the end of the abilitiy
  • The Speed to Burn talent applied to Power Shot makes it apply to the start of the ability


So, some rotations depicted in this thread so far:

Example 1: [SS] [iM] [TD] [RS] [UL] [uL] [MS] [RS] [PS] [MS]

Example 2: [PS] [sS] [iM] [RS] [MS] [UL] [uL] [RS] [TD] [MS]

Example 3: [SS] [iM] [RS] [PS] [MS] [TD] [uL] [uL] [PS] [MS]

Example 4: [UL] [uL] [RS] [sS] [MS] [PS] [iM] [TD] [MS] [RS]

Example 5: [sS] [iM] [RS] [UL] [uL] [MS] [TD] [RS] [PS] [MS]

Example 6: [sS] [iM] [MS] [PS] [MS] [RS] [RS] [TD] [UL] [uL]


The red brackets show when IPA would proc. Unload takes up 2 slots of course.

The yellow abilities use Speed to Burn.



Speed to Burn

To get any of these rotations to work correctly, you need to plan your use of Speed to Burn.

This makes Mag Shot cause the next Power Shot or Serrated shot to cast instantly. Each of these still take a full GCD though. It just makes them do damage instantly. This ability is also on a 15 second cooldown so it happens once per 10 GCD rotation.

The easiest way to adjust this if its not lined up right is to either start with a MS or swap the starting order of your 5 GCD blocks.


My rotation is as follows:





[SS] [iM] [RS] [PS] [MS] [TD] [uL] [uL] [PS] [MS]


The opener forces Speed to Burn onto SS.

The RS can be substituted as follows:

  • FM when vent heat is on or near cooldown
  • RS to keep heat down
  • EN when available
  • MB if enemy health is below 30%

Edited by RookB
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My rotation is as follows:





[SS] [iM] [RS] [PS] [MS] [TD] [uL] [uL] [PS] [MS]


The opener forces Speed to Burn onto SS.

The RS can be substituted as follows:

  • FM when vent heat is on or near cooldown
  • RS to keep heat down
  • EN when available
  • MB if enemy health is below 30%


.... a thing of beauty.

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My rotation is as follows:





[SS] [iM] [RS] [PS] [MS] [TD] [uL] [uL] [PS] [MS]


The opener forces Speed to Burn onto SS.

The RS can be substituted as follows:

  • FM when vent heat is on or near cooldown
  • RS to keep heat down
  • EN when available
  • MB if enemy health is below 30%


Just no. Opening with EN is just wasting a full casting GCD so if you absolutely want to use StB on SS, at least open with a PS.

Your rotation have one variable ability.. You will overheat after 4 rotation while you have to last 5 before your vent CD's are back up.


SS > MS > PS (StB) > rotation


IM > TD > MS > Filler > Un > Filler > SS > MS > PS (StB)...


This is a much better rotation.. Energy management is slightly harder than Op's but doesn't have a 2 GCD's down time on SS during the opener.. Your rotation just doesn't work.. You have no room to place anything but RS in your only filler... You can't raise burst by burning an extra PS, you won,t have the place to have 2 HS the next two sequences... You can't use EN or MB with execute proc 'cause you will overheat before you can vent with TSO or Vent....


Corrected a huge mistake in the rotation...

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Serrated Shot -> Incendiary Missile -> Mag Shot -> Power Shot -> Mag Shot ->

Rapid Shots -> Rapid Shots -> Thermal Detonator -> Unload -> Repeat


I don't like using the 2 Magshot so close to each other, because this way you'll have a high ( Thermal Detonator -> Unload ->Serrated Shot -> Incendiary Missile ->) and a low (Mag Shot -> Power Shot -> Mag Shot ->Rapid Shots -> Rapid Shots ->) heat part of your rotation. So you can easily either go above 40 heat or get heatcapped. Both is bad.


Try this once:



Rapid Shots can be replaced with other things, like Fusion Missile, Electro Net, and Sub-30% Explosive Round, so long as you have the heat cooldowns for it

Best filler you can use is PS, it builds SCG and has considerable damage. My filler priority looks like this:



1: EN

2: PS (Never in Filler1, because it would consume the StB proc)

3:FM (Only with vent heat)

4: RS



1: EN

2: MB

3: FM

4: PS (execute phase rotation is so tight you will probably never use PS there)

5: RS



Idk why I bothered anyway, soon™ we'll get the Super Secret Zorz rotation and this will all be irrelevant :p

Edited by cs_zoltan
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Try this once:




Best filler you can use is PS, it builds SCG and has considerable damage. My filler priority looks like this:



1: EN

2: PS (Never in Filler1, because it would consume the StB proc)

3:FM (Only with vent heat)

4: RS



1: EN

2: MB

3: FM

4: PS (execute phase rotation is so tight you will probably never use PS there)

5: RS


Eh??? Your rotation is.. Interresting... How about you post your extremely complicated opener so we can actually judge it??

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Is it possible to get some gear ratings in numbers please? Also the augments, I take it Reflex is preferred for the extra crit it gives?


I just need the total budjet in 198 for secondary and tertiary stats.. then I'll be able to finish my maths and post them for optimal damage... Just didn't take time to check them up.. I'm now lvling an Assault Mando on JC.. Got bored of TEH and Jung'Ma.


And.. As far as clipping goes, Medin.. I dunno... I just don't like clipping or missing uptime.. So my whole rotation is made around this point. It wouldn't change much tho.. In a parse you have IM up 1.5s longer than me.. not even enough for one tick otherwise, we are doing pretty much the same thing... And as far as energy management goes, having my fillers around Unload makes it easier IMO between TSO, and low cost abilities.

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From the looks of things some of these rotations are using a hard cast Power Shot/Charged Bolts to proc Mag. Personally I think this is a huge no no. It might work well on a target dummy, but in a real ops it's only gong to be a handicap.


Leave Power Shot/Charged Bolt for your Instant Proc and save your hard casts for filler/serated. Personally the only essential static ability you want to hard cast in your rotation is serated. Even then you can pop your instant CD for emergencies to keep your rotation flowing during constant movement for upwards of 3 full rotation blocks, 22.5 seconds (2/5 Ravagers anyone?).


With this rotation you can keep the 7.5 sec Mag going strong even when on the move 100% of the time by using an Unload/Fullauto to proc one Mag and the instant PS/CB to proc the other.


This to me is essential for actual operations and any deviation is simply a target dummy rotation for bigger numbers.

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