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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Devs fix our class Sign this Petition to get them to listen


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This is pointless you are going to get your way regardless you are a Jedi/Sith class lol.


Anyways pvp right now feels more balanced then it ever has in a long time.

Vanguard actually has a fun dps spec, that feels like you are a trooper, aka Tactics

Commando is able to destroy anything if used correctly. Not sure about the commando healing, I have not done that yet.

Guardians and Juggs actually have true honest dps, it was weird getting killed by a jugg the other day, when he was in a dps spec. By honest and true I mean not just spamming smash.

Operatives/scoundrels seem to have to work for their kills now, opposed to instant stunlock followed by quick kill.

Snipers and gunslingers haven't run into too many of them lately

The same goes for operative/scoundrel healers.

The sorcs and sages seemed balanced. Yea they got dps now and yea they are no longer a easy kill. Keep in mind though without their force barrier they would have no chance at surviving trust me. This coming from a trooper point of view.

Their healing seems just right not too op and does not turn into a problem unless the qu stacks up lots of healers for one match.

As for the sentinel/marauder they seem to have a steady stream of stuns and their dps seems to be their.

For assassins/shadows I would also say a steady stream of stuns with a good amount of dps.


My point in all this is on the trooper side we know we are going to get destroyed by the next balance patch, not because we are op, but because we are just troopers. Even the commando with all its dps is not easy to survive with. You guys are the force classes so its a safe bet they are going to buff the hell out of your adv class.

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As for the sentinel/marauder they seem to have a steady stream of stuns and their dps seems to be their.


You guys are the force classes so its a safe bet they are going to buff the hell out of your adv class.




Sure, our dps is there. No one has ever argued that. If we get to hit our target (hence the reason so many are calling for a return of, or buff to existing, utilities).


But a steady stream of stuns? That 1 stun we have? Awe/Intimidating Roar is a mezz, not a stun (so we can't use it lock down a target to execute). And THAT'S IT. We have 1 stun and 1 mezz.

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The lack of response from BW is unsettling. Some sort of communication would be nice to see that you actually pay attention to your userbase.


I'm sure this is on the back burner as they can't seem to get the ops working even.

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I think GBTF / Undying Rage needs to be revisited along with the Leg Slash / Deadly Throw change. Honestly the Deadly Throw change is what really bothers me. The other classes are got more mobile and the Sent/Mara got less... And it appears intentional. Sure, the cooldown on Masterstrike/Ravage got almost halved and that allows for more immobilization if you have the utility to add a root to it. And Force Stasis / Choke is much improved but Leg Slash just sucks majorly. It's so bad I still pretty much only use it for the heal debuff they added to it....


GBTF/UR just needs to be reverted, or all the other classes need their defensive CD's nerfed. One or the other i guess.

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This is pointless you are going to get your way regardless you are a Jedi/Sith class lol.


As for the sentinel/marauder they seem to have a steady stream of stuns and their dps seems to be their.


You guys are the force classes so its a safe bet they are going to buff the hell out of your adv class.


Steady stream of stuns? Where the heck is that coming from? You mean force choke? The ability that we used to have to stand still for and channel? That ability does not have a super short cooldown unlike some other classes (30 sec debilitate operatives:rolleyes:) Intimidating roar is just a mezz that breaks on damage. I hope your theory about force classes is correct haha because right now we are not sitting pretty.

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I have no issue in PvP with the new smash(fury w/e) it is actually really fun again to me, a year break tends to make you forget the little things though.


I haven't had the time to test in ops yet though.


but ill /sign your petition if they revert Undying back to uber styles.


EDIT: And they change Crippling Slash to Deadly Throw.

Edited by RakeshZeal
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Sents are pretty mediocre at the moment in terms of pvp. Which wouldnt be a problem if at least 1 spec was ok, but unfortunately the whole class feels lackluster in pvp somehow. We need survivability, I hate getting focus fired and dying in 5 sec after blowing all my DCDs. Basically its just frustrating to play Sent in wz if you dont have a dedicated healer for you on your side.

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I would like to see something given back to our class. The nerf after nerf and now its like what is the point in having a class which is useless now :/


Start Jugger, it cant be that my Jugger make more dmg, survive more with only 2 pvp items then my Maro who have allready 174 full pvp gear :/


All have become some kind of upgrade, just Maro not, going in RBG with maro is inposible and we are nightmare for our team healler ;(

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Really getting tired of the "well if you have heals and a guard you do fantastic." We shouldn't "NeeD" those things to do what other classes can do w/o them. Remove leg slash...make deadly throw have the heal reduce and root. Id rather have a root then a slow any ways. Give Force camo total invulnerability for duration, since once you attack you arent invuln anyways, so i wouldn't consider that game breaking.


Those 2 fixes would solve most if not every mara problem in 3.0.

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Start Jugger, it cant be that my Jugger make more dmg, survive more with only 2 pvp items then my Maro who have allready 174 full pvp gear :/


All have become some kind of upgrade, just Maro not, going in RBG with maro is inposible and we are nightmare for our team healler ;(

Honestly this is a l2p issue. I'm tired of seeing people whine and moan about how "squishy" maras are. Those who say this are just button mashing and don't know how to cycle their cooldowns and probably aren't even using pacify/obfuscate properly. Guarded/Undying should be used at the VERY last second and then camo to escape once its about to run out. If you're dying repeatedly then you're playing the class wrong. This isn't necessarily directed at you but more to all the people I've seen whining about mara survivability lately.

Edited by TrillOG-
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Honestly this is a l2p issue. I'm tired of seeing people whine and moan about how "squishy" maras are. Those who say this are just button mashing and don't know how to cycle their cooldowns and probably aren't even using pacify/obfuscate properly. Guarded/Undying should be used at the VERY last second and then camo to escape once its about to run out. If you're dying repeatedly then you're playing the class wrong. This isn't necessarily directed at you but more to all the people I've seen whining about mara survivability lately.


So what you are saying is that you need to save your best defensive cooldown to use at the end of your worst one to make your worst one worth using. That sounds fantastic.


Also, how many times are you not stunned through the last part of UR/GBTF anyways?

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Honestly this is a l2p issue. I'm tired of seeing people whine and moan about how "squishy" maras are. Those who say this are just button mashing and don't know how to cycle their cooldowns and probably aren't even using pacify/obfuscate properly. Guarded/Undying should be used at the VERY last second and then camo to escape once its about to run out. If you're dying repeatedly then you're playing the class wrong. This isn't necessarily directed at you but more to all the people I've seen whining about mara survivability lately.


I was season 1 top 5 Imp.player, have start swtor to play again 1 month before season 3 ends and my MAro was playable in PVP and PVe (99% i play only PVP), so there is reason and not my gameplay. With my Jugger i m going in fight against any class on RBG and come out with min 40% of HP, with Maro no chance, and play against DOT (player who know how to play) you will not be able to come more then 2x in fight range.


Sorry for bad English, i hope you get the point of my post. Ty

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Start Jugger, it cant be that my Jugger make more dmg, survive more with only 2 pvp items then my Maro who have allready 174 full pvp gear :/


All have become some kind of upgrade, just Maro not, going in RBG with maro is inposible and we are nightmare for our team healler ;(


I have a guardian as rep main and i have to say you get sustainable damage with the ability to survive has been alot of fun.


But i enjoy the mara, it is fun. I don't know what it is about the class but i love its speed but having ok dps isn't enough for a pvp class. It needs to bring something more to the table other than 10% damage increase every 5 mins and a speed boost here and there.


We don't need to be OP but we need something, a dps buff would be nice. Sniper can hit for 15k at a distant, i have broken 10k with bloodthirst on but thats not 35metres away.

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How about learn to adapt with the change and stop complaining? There is nothing you can say/do to make the devs to fix/change Mara/Sents in pvp.. cmon guys.


Really?! So you say the devs are the almighty gods who expect, calculate and know everything? Let me tell you something: even developers cant anticipate every outcome of their changes. There are too many factors and not enough metrics, data from test realms. Thats why when the community notices certain holes in the game, they must report it to the developers. That is called feedback, and all companies (let them be small or corporate level) rely on it, help them modify their product for the better. If you played Mara/Sent these days, you would know that its not at the right place, therefore you MUST voice your opinion about it or dont expect it to change, since developers cannot monitor every segment of the game. What you are saying is outright wrong and has nothing to do with reality.

Edited by Pantokratorx
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Signed im thinking sents/mara will be on the bench for the next 6 months we havent seen anything from the devs since pre 3.0 the silence on their part is fueling most of the negative feed back. The fact is they have screwed with this class so much in the past and now this even with a fix or buf i wouldnt put to much time in a class that gets nerfed to the ground with each major patch. Edited by mcpark
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So I was on my sentinel last night and experienced this for the very first time... Stunned death by powertech.


As I was calling inc on an incoming PT he harpooned me + rocket punch + Carbonize Stun + shoulder cannon (4) + rail shot = dead before I can even make a move. Took about 4 seconds. Really?? This is just plain stupid. That's the kind of burst Sent/Mara's need.

Edited by chosonman
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