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Devs fix our class Sign this Petition to get them to listen


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Have mained a watchmen sent / anni marauder since launch but 3.0 has made me decide to move on. The rotation feels clunky and disjointed. Its just not fun anymore. Not sure what the reasoning was to completely change the play style but i'm definitely not feeling it. I've noticed some of the best sents/maras in the game having the same issues and have retired theirs as well. Hopefully Bioware will take note and address this at some point.

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Jedi sentinel need more mobility in fight. Now is easy lost PS/gore window.

CC, stun in PVP/Need to change position in PVE/server lags.


One idea for PS/gore change:

PS/gore build 2 or 3 stacks for 15-20 seconds. One use damage skill/atack one stack down.

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I don't feel our damage output needs any adjusting, and really, the only change to our survivability that's needed is to make GbtF/UR a useful ability (a few ways that could be done).


But what the class NEEDS is utilities. It needs Crippling Throw/Deadly Throw back (with the option for root in the utilities, no higher than Masterful). It needs Transcendence/Predation to come off the Centering/Fury mechanic, making that another "stay on target" ability.


As for Combat/Carnage, the other two disciplines pick up at least 1 new 10m attack (Fury gets 3). I wouldn't mind Combat/Carnage getting something new at 10m, even if it's just removing the shared cooldown between Clashing Blast/Devastating Blast and Blade Storm/Force Scream, though I think it'd be cool to give that spec a 10m roll ability, as it's supposed to be the "acrobatic" form spec.

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Why is undying rage still in the game, just get rid of it altogether and give me a HO/HtL for 10 seconds with root immunity on a 30 second CD while increasing my melee range to 30m.

God no. If you don't know why undying is such an amazing skill in both pve and pvp then you are not playing the class to its full potential at all. This skill has saved me from being killed in pve time after time and allowed me to tank bosses/ads for extended amounts of time without the threat of dying. In pvp this ability paired with camo will get you out of pretty much any situation where youre being focused and especially in ranked where you would normally die this can be a game changer.


Hydraulic overrides does not prevent being stunned and its only a root/slow immunity. To ask for undying to be removed in place of ho is asking for the class to be nerfed as a whole...again.


The class was in a good spot through all of 2.0+ and while specs had their ups and downs it always recovered. All that needs to happen is the revert to a 4.5 sec gore window, rupture back to 6 secs instead of 12, and force camo to be turned into a 2nd CC break that almost every other class has now. We also NEED deadly/crippling throw back, the removal of our semi-ranged root to turn it into a ability you have to waste not one but TWO GCDs to get the same effect in a atmosphere where burst is key was a pathetic decision on their part. As for as breaks go a melee to not have a second cc break while Bioware gave ranged classes one and think things would be balanced is laughable.

Edited by TrillOG-
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God no. If you don't know why undying is such an amazing skill in both pve and pvp then you are not playing the class to its full potential at all. This skill has saved me from being killed in pve time after time and allowed me to tank bosses/ads for extended amounts of time without the threat of dying. In pvp this ability paired with camo will get you out of pretty much any situation where youre being focused and especially in ranked where you would normally die this can be a game changer.


Hydraulic overrides does not prevent being stunned and its only a root/slow immunity. To ask for undying to be removed in place of ho is asking for the class to be nerfed as a whole...again.


The class was in a good spot through all of 2.0+ and while specs had their ups and downs it always recovered. All that needs to happen is the revert to a 4.5 sec gore window, rupture back to 6 secs instead of 12, and force camo to be turned into a 2nd CC break that almost every other class has now. We also NEED deadly/crippling throw back, the removal of our semi-ranged root to turn it into a ability you have to waste not one but TWO GCDs to get the same effect in a atmosphere where burst is key was a pathetic decision on their part. As for as breaks go a melee to not have a second cc break while Bioware gave ranged classes one and think things would be balanced is laughable.


This guy....


He knows what's up.

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God no. If you don't know why undying is such an amazing skill in both pve and pvp then you are not playing the class to its full potential at all. This skill has saved me from being killed in pve time after time and allowed me to tank bosses/ads for extended amounts of time without the threat of dying. In pvp this ability paired with camo will get you out of pretty much any situation where youre being focused and especially in ranked where you would normally die this can be a game changer.


Hydraulic overrides does not prevent being stunned and its only a root/slow immunity. To ask for undying to be removed in place of ho is asking for the class to be nerfed as a whole...again.


The class was in a good spot through all of 2.0+ and while specs had their ups and downs it always recovered. All that needs to happen is the revert to a 4.5 sec gore window, rupture back to 6 secs instead of 12, and force camo to be turned into a 2nd CC break that almost every other class has now. We also NEED deadly/crippling throw back, the removal of our semi-ranged root to turn it into a ability you have to waste not one but TWO GCDs to get the same effect in a atmosphere where burst is key was a pathetic decision on their part. As for as breaks go a melee to not have a second cc break while Bioware gave ranged classes one and think things would be balanced is laughable.


I don't disagree, though I think a root immunity for the duration of prediction should be something we should have too. Or put it this way, defiantly yes if we're not getting a crippling throw root.


Yeah that last suggestion you quoted was meant to be asinine (hehe I said it would also increase our melee range to 30m too! :p). Sorry if you thought that was serious.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Have you guys really think that any Admin read this or BW/EA take a **** about comm?


Don't you mean "give a" instead of "take a" ?


Yeah they'll read it, the devs or their underlings will anyway. Will they comment or actually take any of the suggestions? I'd like to think yes they would, but the cynic in me is prepared for another buff to sweeping slash while they proudly pronounce the class is "fixed" after "reading our feedback". :rak_04:

Edited by Ridickilis
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Nice, tomorrow's patch we get 10% knocked off searing saber (Critical burns down from 15% to 5% now)... feels like getting a knee, when we're already down to be honest.

I understand that this needed to be balanced between t2mara/sents but couldn't it at least have gone the other way... buffing the maras bleeds to 15%. You know could'ave been nice...

Edited by AngusFTW
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I understand that this needed to be balanced between t2mara/sents but couldn't it at least have gone the other way... buffing the maras bleeds to 15%. You know could'ave been nice...


Yes but it's not plain damage output that's the issue tbh, watchman/annihilation has been turned from a spec that worked well to something a bit long winded for a melee spec and the new procs don't really do much rather than a reduced focus cost of the new ability and 20% RNG extra damage on TSS/DST.


The accelerated victory proc doesn't really matter a hell of a lot to any half decent player who can manage their focus well in the first place, in fact chasing the proc and getting that last merciless in before refreshing force melt might mean you end up delaying the next overload saber and losing that little bit of DPS as a result. I feel procs of this sort need to compensate for the loss of delaying other abilities in order to carry it out especially in a melee class where there's lots of movement and things that can happen in a boss fight that might mean you end up delaying abilities anyway.

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As a big fan of watchman for PvE since launch, I greatly dislike the new changes. The spec just doesn't feel the same anymore. Abilities feel forced, the spec doesn't flow the way it used to. It used to be that you ran things more on a priority system, rather than a set rotation. Made the spec fun and dynamic. The new spec is apparently a set in stone rotation that I at least apparently can't seem to get to click. I want something more like my pre-3.0 watchman back. :(



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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand YES!!!!! 10 seconds dispatch cd now!!! Up from 6. Bioware PLS NERF US MOAR!!! Why dont you just tell us straight up to delete our sentinels and be done with it?


Yes I want mOAR!!!!




Rant End, back to topic:


Bioware Sents are currently the class you don´t want to join your Raid/Rated/8MannPvP/Flashpoint/Daylygroup. Just buff us;-)

Edited by Atlanis
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God no. If you don't know why undying is such an amazing skill in both pve and pvp then you are not playing the class to its full potential at all. This skill has saved me from being killed in pve time after time and allowed me to tank bosses/ads for extended amounts of time without the threat of dying. In pvp this ability paired with camo will get you out of pretty much any situation where youre being focused and especially in ranked where you would normally die this can be a game changer.


Hydraulic overrides does not prevent being stunned and its only a root/slow immunity. To ask for undying to be removed in place of ho is asking for the class to be nerfed as a whole...again.


The class was in a good spot through all of 2.0+ and while specs had their ups and downs it always recovered. All that needs to happen is the revert to a 4.5 sec gore window, rupture back to 6 secs instead of 12, and force camo to be turned into a 2nd CC break that almost every other class has now. We also NEED deadly/crippling throw back, the removal of our semi-ranged root to turn it into a ability you have to waste not one but TWO GCDs to get the same effect in a atmosphere where burst is key was a pathetic decision on their part. As for as breaks go a melee to not have a second cc break while Bioware gave ranged classes one and think things would be balanced is laughable.


I couldn't have said it better...

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Marauder/Sentinels are at rock bottom at pvp... Most of the utilities should have been passive abilities given to marauder class in general.


Considering the tools and utilities other classes have;


Undying rage must go back to the way it was - 50% health drop upon activation.


Force Camo must have a purge effect.. not just removing roots.


Remove crippling slash from the game, I mean *** ! (or take it off the gcd) - instead give deadly throw back and give it a root as well while you're at it...


Introduce a new ability that that provides immunity to stuns, cc's and other incapacitating effects for x amount of time after force charge for example.. Something like the unstoppable ability of vengeance juggs will be most appreciated - also feel free to put a 20% damage reduction within that window (too much ?)


When I choose utilities for my other classes (I have every advanced class), I actually do a little brain storm to make an effective decision on their utilities and actually feel sorry for not taking some of them.. But hey that's the point.


On mara/sent however, I am trying to choose the least disappointing one on each section. (except for skillful section, that's good enough for me)..


Masterful and Heroic sections however, feel like they were designed by a single individual with a massive hangover who recently caught his/her partner in bed with another person (s).

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God no. If you don't know why undying is such an amazing skill in both pve and pvp then you are not playing the class to its full potential at all. This skill has saved me from being killed in pve time after time and allowed me to tank bosses/ads for extended amounts of time without the threat of dying. In pvp this ability paired with camo will get you out of pretty much any situation where youre being focused and especially in ranked where you would normally die this can be a game changer.


Yeah because who wants a self heal of some kind when you can make yourself invulnerable for 4 seconds i mean its not like every class has a 4 sec stun on a 1min or less CD


Hydraulic overrides does not prevent being stunned and its only a root/slow knock backs/pulls immunity. To ask for undying to be removed in place of ho is asking for the class to be nerfed as a whole...again.


Not really since it would counter all the kiting that goes on in the game that's why VG/PT have it they only have 1 pull on a long CD


The class was in a good spot through all of 2.0+ and while specs had their ups and downs it always recovered. All that needs to happen is the revert to a 4.5 sec gore window, rupture back to 6 secs instead of 12, and force camo to be turned into a 2nd CC break that almost every other class has now. We also NEED deadly/crippling throw back, the removal of our semi-ranged root to turn it into a ability you have to waste not one but TWO GCDs to get the same effect in a atmosphere where burst is key was a pathetic decision on their part. As for as breaks go a melee to not have a second cc break while Bioware gave ranged classes one and think things would be balanced is laughable.


You don't even need 4.5, 3.5 would be enough to get in one more attack with Zen/Zerk up, but they don't want that we might kill another player



Respones in Cyan.

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