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RIP Marauder Survivability


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Just went into a ranked warzone, full 168 gear. CCed, jumped by a jugg and a sin. Dead in 3 seconds.


Literally no point in playing a marauder in ranked with the way other classes have had their burst buffed.


It's hard to be first target, always. Now even before a merc. To survive you need your team. But why should they carry you? Because of the enormous damage? Lol


war zones can be fun still, but not arenas. Not ranked arenas.


To be useful, they should reduce the CD of Force Camo to 30 sec.

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It's hard to be first target, always. Now even before a merc. To survive you need your team. But why should they carry you? Because of the enormous damage? Lol


war zones can be fun still, but not arenas. Not ranked arenas.


To be useful, they should reduce the CD of Force Camo to 30 sec.


No, what they shouldn't have done is nerfed gore if they planned on making it possible for assassins and powertechs to do 30k damage in 4 GCDs.

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No, what they shouldn't have done is nerfed gore if they planned on making it possible for assassins and powertechs to do 30k damage in 4 GCDs.


I don't play carnage but changing gore back to 2.x will do nothing. It's just an un-nerf. Marauder doesn't need an un-nerf, but a buff. Or a nerf to PTs, Sorc, Juggs and Assassins. I prefer buffing over nerfing.


For PVp it should be back to old UR or just a change to 5 sec of invulnerability without the health loss. It's a unique ability in a bad way. Compare it to what a jugg has. 5 sec saber reflect is not only preventing damage, it's doing damage, with no health loss. And they have saber ward (or what it's called) too, AND enraged defense, not speaking of up to 25 sec hydraulic override. And force push. And intimidating roar too. And 30m root. While doing the same damage.


Force Camo + better UR will make us viable in arenas

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When I read this, what I see is that, unlike pretty much ALL other classes (except maybe Ops/Scoundrels?), Sents/Mara lack an actual "oh sh--" button. When we get stunned and focused, even CC breaker + GbtF/UR doesn't really save us. Why? Because whatever damage we ate isn't getting healed, and at the end of duration, we'll be at even less health. Or, if it does get healed, at end of duration, we'll be back to 50% health. And, no joke, at 50% health in 168, a Combat/Carnage player could kill us in less than 1.5 seconds (Gore + DB + crit VT, alacrity makes it just under 1.5 seconds, and Berserk makes it ~1 second).


GbtF/UR NEEDS NEEDS NEEDS to consume health on activation, not at end of duration (if it even continues to consume health at all--which I'm not convinced it needs to since we're STILL susceptible to stuns/roots during it). Also, one of the utilities should allow us to use it while stunned.


Given how much burst a Combat/Carnage can put out in a super short amount of time, I don't mind the "glass cannon" nature. But it needs an "oh sh--" button to survive at least the first round of focus, and it needs some mobility/anti-kiting utilities back.

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Mara's are even more survivable then before in ranked. Just have to spec properly. Stacking all dps abilities will just get you killed quickly. That doesn't mean you give up dps either. Mara's are fine , just people have to get use to the new builds and spec properly.
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Just went into a ranked warzone, full 168 gear. CCed, jumped by a jugg and a sin. Dead in 3 seconds.


Literally no point in playing a marauder in ranked with the way other classes have had their burst buffed.


why do u think i am leveling a jugg right we are a joke

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Mara's are even more survivable then before in ranked. Just have to spec properly. Stacking all dps abilities will just get you killed quickly. That doesn't mean you give up dps either. Mara's are fine , just people have to get use to the new builds and spec properly.


ROFLMAO. This is the funniest thing i have seen on the forums. That's a joke right tell me that's a joke cause if your serious, then i want to know what taking so i know what one has to take to make one so delusional.

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Mara's are even more survivable then before in ranked. Just have to spec properly. Stacking all dps abilities will just get you killed quickly. That doesn't mean you give up dps either. Mara's are fine , just people have to get use to the new builds and spec properly.


Troll spotted !


You meant that it's easier for the other classes to survive from the sent, right ?


That's how I understand it :rak_03:


Though, there is no utility about DPS for the sent man, everything is in the tree, all we get is some crappy utilities that should be baseline for most of them.

Edited by DarkNecroCrusher
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Troll spotted !


You meant that it's easier for the other classes to survive from the sent, right ?


That's how I understand it :rak_03:


Though, there is no utility about DPS for the sent man, everything is in the tree, all we get is some crappy utilities that should be baseline for most of them.


Not sure about that, doing it right u will survive but the time u survive u do absolute nothing to your opponent or just a tickle as u use all your resources to survive a burst, i see a Pt and merc Get global faster the n a marauder in arenas still. :D

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No, what they shouldn't have done is nerfed gore if they planned on making it possible for assassins and powertechs to do 30k damage in 4 GCDs.


Although to be fair, you do have defensives to get out of that initial burst once. Mara and sent are not in a great place from a survivability standpoint, but you do have all the tools to survive that open (at least if you understand what utilities are currently bugged and which ones are working).

Edited by Vodrin
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Just went into a ranked warzone, full 168 gear. CCed, jumped by a jugg and a sin. Dead in 3 seconds.


Literally no point in playing a marauder in ranked with the way other classes have had their burst buffed.


Force Camo -> Get LoS -> Wait Six seconds for them to get bored and switch targets -> Murder the Sin.

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When are you using your Cds ? This is important..


Don't hesitate to pop your saber ward, cloak of pain and wz adrenal when you being tunneled..

Or simply force camo for few seconds and then reopen on your target, once you make sure that they tabbed to another target..


Your Cds work best with higher health levels then lower..

Your only cd, which should be used at low health is undying rage.. I wish UR returned to its previous state.


Obfuscate: this is incredibly annoying for some classes and can save you in many occasions... i'e. there is nothing more annoying to a madness sin who misses their assassinate and thrash for 4 global cds - they won't be able to get their instant Crushing Darkness proc for example and you will be completely avoiding their weapon damage.


Also don't forget to use your intimidating roar when appropriate - it is and it has always been an awesome ability for you and your teammates.


But then again, most of the maras who dies within the first few seconds in ranked arenas are keyboard turners - who click their abilities by using mouse - I am not saying that you are.. and even if you are, no offense intended.


-- if you are a clicker, instant death is sort of your faith in ranked arenas.. Simply, you are not quick enough to respond under that sort of pressure... so either fix that by keybinding your abilities and using your mouse to move (will need some getting used to time) or go kill some flashpoint/operation bosses instead..


That being said; marauder/sentinels are in a very bad position right now for pvp (or rock bottom) ... (in comparison to other classes).

I have faith in devs.. Soon they will respond to these topics of endless cry of marauders and make some positive changes to utilities.

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No, what they shouldn't have done is nerfed gore if they planned on making it possible for assassins and powertechs to do 30k damage in 4 GCDs.


One more comment on this post because I think the gore nerf was necessary. I just hit a full exhumed gear sorc for 32K damage in 3 seconds on my combat sent. I'm running full level 10 strength augs, and all exhumed gear except for the dark reaver main hand and one dark reaver relic. I just have enough alacrity so that I could fit master strike, CB, and dispatch into a PS window. If they gave me 4.5 seconds on gore/PS I could add two massacre/blade rush attacks to that sequence and conceivably kill a geared sorc in the duration of one stun. They had to shorten the duration because of what putting 4 pieces of alacrity gear on your mara/sent allows now. Also please make a note that damage output is not the classes problem right now.

Edited by Vodrin
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One more comment on this post because I think the gore nerf was necessary. I just hit a full exhumed gear sorc for 32K damage in 3 seconds on my combat sent. I'm running full level 10 strength augs, and all exhumed gear except for the dark reaver main hand and one dark reaver relic. I just have enough alacrity so that I could fit master strike, CB, and dispatch into a PS window. If they gave me 4.5 seconds on gore/PS I could add two massacre/blade rush attacks to that sequence and conceivably kill a geared sorc in the duration of one stun. They had to shorten the duration because of what putting 4 pieces of alacrity gear on your mara/sent allows now. Also please make a note that damage output is not the classes problem right now.


Totally agree the damage isn't the issue...


But a sorc can stun, push back and speed boost away. We need to be able to do that much damage quickly because we do get cc'd to the bone as mar/sent. I think gore should be restored, all we are good for is staying on the healers or burning down people who are dpsing our healers. No we are not a tank but we still do have decent damage.


Personally i think the secret to bringing back this class is in force camo. Lower its cooldown to 25secs and give it a root immunity through its duration so we can get in close to people more often (yes it sounds good but that is what they need). Mar/sent are so easy to kill its funny but if we had the edge, we would be ok. I also know people hate the clock of pain 20% less damage and it is good, one of the few things i see people forgetting to use (Not accusing anyone here of not using it, just saying sometimes i have seen players forgetting). Don't wait until you need it, use it constantly.


Also i know it sucks but crippling slash, should be deadly throw but still against a healer or any player trying to heal it is useful.

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