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All of your problems would be solved by Rerolling Sith Sorceror


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It is true, Sith Sorcerers are pretty damn op.


and the mirror class ??? or is it only republic that QQ



OP class is OP


Only thing that has hit me for 3k+


have you seen the assassins, assassinate move ? god i see more QQ coming

Edited by lethal_ghost
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I honestly don't think any class is OP. This game seems pretty balanced. It also seems to be designed around team play rather than 1v1 PvP. Any class dies if it's focus fired. A good team coordinates targets, uses ccs as a way to lock down targets and then bursts them.


The main draw of Sorc/Sage, imo, is utility. We get lots of CCs, spammable debuffs, solid dots AND heals, dispel and shields.


That being said, the animation differences between shock/project, force lightning/telekinesis throw are noticeable. I also noticed that dark heal and dark infusion have slightly faster animations as well.

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My sentinel is currently level 30.. I've wrecked level 44 backpedaling sorcs and been owned by sorcs lower than me that really knew what they were doing. I don't think there is anything that glaringly op about sorcs at this moment, but they do have a slight edge in utility. If you're having that many issues.... I suggest you practice more instead of tabbing out during a warzone that your team is playing poorly and it's only because of the one sorc on the other team that's op.
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i have years of pvp experience in other mmos and also pvp here as a infil shadow. and i honestly believe that it isnt the sorc being OP, it is the amount of them on a single spot. it is the same game as always with ranged vs melee. 1v1, melee wins, 2v2, melee likely wins, but cluster 5 on a spot and 2 melees are probably dead before being in range. sorcs die fast and as an assassin i have more than enough dmg and interrupts to give them a run for their bucks
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OP class is OP


Only thing that has hit me for 3k+


come to my server, i assure you, i will hit you for more than 3k^^ saw a guardian recently getting medal for 5k single hit or a scoundrel with over 450k dmg, now thats still something i have to top :) still not 50 though

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What sorcs/sages are/have:


1) Annoying: Shield is annoying. Lightning/rocks are annoying.


2) Mid level escapes: Can get away from someone fairly well but not as well as an assassin or operative can.





None of those things are OP. It is very common in MMOs for players to whine about something being OP when it is really just frustrating or annoying.



P.S. L2P. Seriously. I can lock down a sage/sorc ALL DAY as an assassin. I am not even exaggerating, if I am stuck on one they will NOT get a cast off. They will NOT run away. They won't do ANYTHING at all. They will just watch me kill them. 100% serious. Please, learn to use interrupts, knock backs, stuns, knock downs, slows, etc, etc, etc at the right times and stop being a noob.


Completely true story. I speak first hand (receiving end). I am re rolling cause there are skills/game play I am finding annoying from the point of view of playing a sage/saucer.


Really threads with completely false claims (stacking bubbles) should be locked and the posters warned.

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This is like the hunter argument in wow like you could destroy whole bg:s alone with twinked hunter around lv 10-30 brackets but after that it got lot more even.


just level up to 50:s first before you start calling something op. Haven't had any problems with them after i leveled 40+. I find classes like bounty hunter lot more annoying atm.

Edited by hgjwz
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Seriously, this class is so easy mode, im level 18 destroying 50s because of the broken mechanics of this class


Stacking bubbles for huge mitigation, spamable ranged snare that does tons of damage, on demand crits, biggest passive crits in the game and best mobility of any class


*** was i think not playing this ridiculous class from the start, well i was stupid for thinking bioware knows anything about pvp!



Video or i call BS.

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I pulled this from a different website, but for all those saying that sage != sorc, well... read and stop spouting ignorance.



Sage to Sorcerer


Balance: Madness

Benevolence: Dark Heal

Concentration: Subversion

Conveyance: Force Bending

Critical Kinesis: Disintegration

Deliverance: Dark Infusion

Disturbance: Lightning Strike

Double Strike: Thrash

Force Armor: Static Barrier

Force in Balance: Death Field

Force Lift: Whirlwind

Force of Will: Unbreakable Will

Force Potency: Recklessness

Force Stun: Electrocute

Force Suppression: Deathmark

Force Valor: Mark of Power

Force Wake: Electric Bindings

Force Wave: Overload

Forcequake: Force Storm

Healing Trance: Innervate

Kinetic Collapse: Backlash

Meditation: Seethe

Mental Alacrity: Polarity Shift

Mind Crush: Crushing Darkness

Mind Snap: Jolt

Noble Sacrifice: Consumption

Project: Shock

Psychic Projection: Lightning Barrage

Rejuvenate: Resurgence

Rescue: Extrication

Resplendence: Force Surge

Restoration: Purge

Revival: Reanimation

Salvation: Revivification

Seer: Corruption

Telekinetic Defense: Lightning Barrier

Telekinetic Effusion: Lightning Effusion

Telekinetic Throw: Force Lightning

Telekinetic Wave: Chain Lightning

Telekinetics: Lightning

Tidal Force: Lightning Storm

Tremors: Conduction

Turbulence: Thundering Blast

Unity: No direct analogue, but closest is Sacrifice.

Upheaval: Chain Shock

Weaken Mind: Affliction


There. Literally every spell has a mirror spell except for unity/sacrifice (which imo unity is a lot better).


EDIT: Next complaint will probably be, "Bro, they have different names. That MUST mean they're different."

Edited by Sirokai
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Sorc and Sages do better then the other classes against unorganized opponents. It is one of the more forgiving classes to play OK... its not any easier to play extremely well then the other classes... and a well played Smug/OP will kill a Sorc/Sage with no backup... a good melee burst from a Sent / Marauder can also do one in quick too if their not paying attention. There are a few tweaks that the game could use... honesty the Sage / Sorc isn't really the issue.


Seeing as only 4 people can que together there will always be some disorganization in most warzones. A well played Sorc will role those not ready for them. However against people that know what there doing its just another class... can role very well with a team... will get smoked hard with out one. (with out a bubble up the sorc will go down fast... in order to get that massive crit rate ect they are not stacking defense... they do not have a shield they are wearing light armour... and contrary to seemingly popular belief the bubble is not Spamable... attack a sorc when the bubble JUST went up... so they can't recast for awhile)

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Seriously, this class is so easy mode, im level 18 destroying 50s because of the broken mechanics of this class


Stacking bubbles for huge mitigation, spamable ranged snare that does tons of damage, on demand crits, biggest passive crits in the game and best mobility of any class


*** was i think not playing this ridiculous class from the start, well i was stupid for thinking bioware knows anything about pvp!


Stacking bubbles, ROFL. Fail troll is fail :D

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