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Sents and mara's stay outta pvp


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the more healers the better for numbers, 4 this time (only one whoo actually decent at healing tho) and a tank too yay! :rak_01:

moar dots

we lost though calm your teets.

i'll stay out of pvp! :p


dude do what you want the title was made to piss ppl off if you havent figured already. look the dps isnt the prob here we just melt way to fast and to be held up by so many other players is the main reason ive retired mine one sent one mar both 100 valor the biggest part i think that pissed me off is i actually was looking forward to this xpac ill just run with my jugg and guard or my sorc or sage or sin. the comb/carn trees were just fun to watch it flowed so nice now its just a joke

Edited by mcpark
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the more healers the better for numbers, 4 this time (only one whoo actually decent at healing tho) and a tank too yay! :rak_01:

moar dots

we lost though calm your teets.

i'll stay out of pvp! :p


I agree with the angry guy. Marauder DPS is not the problem, otherwise we will have problems in PvE too.


It is that other melee classes can do the same damage with more in other areas. Jugs can do just as much total damage, DPS, or burst with better survival cooldowns. PTs can definitely do better burst right now. Sins have better DoTs and heals and CC than Anni. Deception Sins have better control burst than Carnage or Fury. Ops... well, they are the other underdog right now. lol But ops are at least still strong duelists.


Marauder can still work in PvP, but they are harder to play than other melee classes right now and need more back up. They can still own mediocre opponents. But the class weakness surfaces when play against skilled opponents.

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so you are dictating what I need to do in game?

Well aren't you just the Leet Player... Let's all just bow down to him and just delete our sents and maras...


Hoping that is the response you wanted..


umm yeah if a forum makes you delete your sent or mara you have way more probs then just this thread. Please tell me you didnt pay for the undercoating wait were you the one on the news parked in front of that no passing sign on the interstate

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Honestly, doing 2500+ dps in a drawn out arena kind of invalidates "oh you had healers" etc. So what? Can you pull 2500+ single target dps on any class in pvp? Keep in mind I also had 3/4 killing blows.


I'm not saying that Sent / Mara don't need some adjustments - they do, but saying that they are unplayable is a far cry from the truth. Primarily they need Undying Rage moved to pre nerf status - take the hp up front, static 5 second duration.


The heroic that lets us generate fury outside of combat while using our self heal should be base line. Improved Forms should be baseline. Gore Window needs to be a little longer to allow for a Ravage + clashing blast out of the box (currently its very iffy and dependent on latency). These are not groundbreaking, earth shattering changes. They are reasonable. Root immunity for the first 8 seconds of Pred would also be nice.

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Sentinels/Marauders are definitely in a bad place in 3.0, but they were in that bad place for the entirety of 2.10 as well. While the screenshots of 2K DPS are very good, they also point out the problem with the class at the moment. If you want to get anything done as a marauder or sentinel, you need a healer to babysit you for the entire game. This isn't something that hatred assassins, for example, have to put up with right now. Even with no healer of the team, they can still regularly top the DPS chart at the end of the match.


The non-carnage/combat specs are especially suffering at the moment because they can't afford to be constantly giving up zen/berserk for predation without severely nerfing their output.

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I do 2k+ pretty regularly as watchman/anni and thats ok i guess but the thing is our dmg really isn't that great compared to some of the other classes. For example i queued with a shadow the other day in one of the wzs i did 2.1k dps.. the serenity shadow 2.8k :p watchman is just a lite version of that spec with 3.0 changes.. I pull alright numbers but i won't outdps a good sorc/sin/sage/shadow unless they are playing more objective or being focused more..


and screw the burst specs with all the kiting etc going on :p

Edited by AngusFTW
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Q.Q i took over 1 mil dmg and was being tunneled the whole game by like 3 people with no guard xD what do u think i am? a juggernaut?


I didnt say the class was in a good place i was just saying they arent that much of a drain :p


I mean... you need a healer but sentinels have ALWAYS needed a healer to excell.


keep being mad tho <3


If three healers are healing you to keep you up then you are a HUGE drain on the team. Think about this "took over 1 mil damage" so out of 8 people you absorbed 20% of the healing not like i could get a Guardian to do just as much damage as you did and heal for twice as much as you did.

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Q.Q i took over 1 mil dmg and was being tunneled the whole game by like 3 people with no guard xD what do u think i am? a juggernaut?


I didnt say the class was in a good place i was just saying they arent that much of a drain :p


I mean... you need a healer but sentinels have ALWAYS needed a healer to excell.


keep being mad tho <3


yeah, don't be like me and the rest by going it solo unless u don't have the patient and stomach for it :)

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If you are a "drain" on your group right now as a mara or sent, you are bad. End of story.


Mara/Sent may not be on the top of the power curve right now, but they are not completely terrible. There are just a number of competing spec's that are a bit OP right now and need to be brought into line for use to truly be in a good place (along with a few adjustments to UR/GBTF and our utilities).

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Finally stopped PvPing with my Sent, it is just no fun anymore. Well PvE still works some way, but it is not satisfying or fun. Well Sage is more satisfying and fun......still I don´t want to give up the Class I played since beta.


Indifferent from other classes we are at the bottom of the Canyon, while the others stand on the plateau 100m above, it is not an issue with L2play as that other forum ranter called in another thread. Its an issue with the class as a whole. If the Devs have a way to remain competitive I would hope they would share it instead of deleting posts of people asking for explanations. It just makes people more pissed when receiving warnings for legmitate questions.

Edited by Atlanis
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