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Some tips to help with hard Silver mob fights.


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Firstly, I hope I am not making a thread on something I have already made, I did try and look through some of the first few pages and I didn't see anything that similar, but I apologise if it has.


One topic that seems to be coming up repeatedly is people having trouble with Silver mobs while leveling. I recently came back to the game and leveled up a powertech on a new server. This meant that I didn't have any legacy perks and wasn't able to send money or gear to the new character. When I hit some of the higher level planets I started having trouble with the packs of two or more Silver mobs because I was so undergeared (I still had some level 10 gear on). This became frustrating really quickly so I realised I had to do something differently if I was to get to 55 before the 12xp ended. I thought I would just make this post to share a few things that helped me in hope that they might help others out too.


Heres a list of some of the simple things I did:


Remember to interrupt the channeled abilities : This is the most important thing, and I can't emphasise enough how important it is. When you see a enemy start casting an ability, interrupt it straight away. I found that the CD of my interrupt was small enough to interrupt nearly ever ability I saw being cast. One bit of advice for making this easier, is to bind your interrupt to a really easy to reach key (Mine was bound to q). I honestly feel its more important while leveling to have my interrupt on a more convenient key more so than an attack you have included in your main rotation.


Stop using stuns randomly: One thing that is really important is save your stuns for when your interrupt is on CD, and use it when the enemy is casting an ability. This means that you will stun the enemy and also interrupt whatever the boss is casting.


Start buying stims and medpacks: People always seem reluctant to pay a few hundred credits for a stim or medpack, but honestly its worth it. Every time you go past a vendor just pick up few medpacks and stims and they will help you out heaps in those hard fights. One thing that will help is remembering as soon as you buy them put them quickbar and have a key bound to them so that you remember to use them during combat.


Hope these tips can help a few people and if anyone has any criticism or things I should add, I am happy to edit this post. :rak_03:

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It is a bit more difficult to interrupt now that they have increased the cooldowns. However, there are many casuals that do not realize that many abilities have the ability to interrupt simply based on secondary effects...and that can also be part of the utility system choices.


I would like to see someone compile a list of those abilities per class and spec. It would be very helpful and informative IMO.


I would also point out that crafted grenades can work well as interrupts....the seismic ones specifically.

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It is a bit more difficult to interrupt now that they have increased the cooldowns. However, there are many casuals that do not realize that many abilities have the ability to interrupt simply based on secondary effects...and that can also be part of the utility system choices.


I would like to see someone compile a list of those abilities per class and spec. It would be very helpful and informative IMO.


I would also point out that crafted grenades can work well as interrupts....the seismic ones specifically.


Yeah, pretty much any ability that stuns an enemy will also interrupt (assuming enemy can be stunned in first place).


Probably why Commander Zaoron is so easy for Consulars/Inquisitors. All ACs for these base classes are loaded with abilities that have interrupt as primary or secondary effect.


Force Lift/Whirlwind for Sages and Sorcs is also very good ability. "I get back to you after I kill your friends!" :D

Edited by Halinalle
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I'm confused by the problems people are having. Has this just been an issue for people who are in <162 rating gear? My various toons have a mix of 162-180 gear, some in all 162, some in all 180, some in between. I haven't had trouble with a single silver mob. In fact I was going to comment elsewhere that it seemed like the devs made all the mobs much easier, knowing they said mobs <50 would be easier. Given that, and the fact that you are given 162 rating gear as you progress though SoR, I don't understand where the problem is. One other thing that may make a difference: companions. It seems like I'm finding guildies and other players often neglecting their companions. All of my toons, even the ones in 162 gear, have a companion that is always geared up as well. Most of them are in blue 148 or some similar gear, but that extra dps (or tanking) seems to make a big difference in survivability and overall speed of fights.
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I'm confused by the problems people are having. Has this just been an issue for people who are in <162 rating gear? My various toons have a mix of 162-180 gear, some in all 162, some in all 180, some in between. I haven't had trouble with a single silver mob. In fact I was going to comment elsewhere that it seemed like the devs made all the mobs much easier, knowing they said mobs <50 would be easier. Given that, and the fact that you are given 162 rating gear as you progress though SoR, I don't understand where the problem is. One other thing that may make a difference: companions. It seems like I'm finding guildies and other players often neglecting their companions. All of my toons, even the ones in 162 gear, have a companion that is always geared up as well. Most of them are in blue 148 or some similar gear, but that extra dps (or tanking) seems to make a big difference in survivability and overall speed of fights.


From what I have heard the complaint is more from people <50 who are doing chapters 1, 2 and 3.

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It is a major issue for the people leveling alts are new toons under 50. My level 48 hunter that could easily kill a silver with Treek before patch 3.0 is now being 3 shotted by the silver that is a level 47 Edited by Luuminator
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From what I have heard the complaint is more from people <50 who are doing chapters 1, 2 and 3.


Just thought I'd chime in, I'm leveling a jedi sentinel who is level 36 at the moment, he was 18 when 3.0 went live so most of my experience comes after 3.0. Up until I got doc, I was using t7 to tank, he would die in 90% of fights as I would send him in first to take the heat off me. Both of us were decently geared with me being in full custom, but 2 silvers would always result in death. It's not even their interruptable moves, their basic non-interruptable hits deal way too much.


At 36 with Doc I'm sort of having a much easier time, I put about 4 customs and 1 purple on doc and I'm as geared as I can be, and we tend to breeze through most content, my damage output is fairly great and his heals take away the need to rest. Sometimes the occasional gold mob will get me to around 30% health by the end of the fight using doc IF i dont use CDs, with CD's I can almost take on 2 gold mobs.


My only deaths since getting doc have been to silvers and those few times I just sat their blankly staring at my screen questioning if I really wanted to keep playing this game. The damage they can output is just insane and I interrupt any big move of theirs I see, often I'll lose over half my HP in 2 seconds to a silver without it using a castable ability.....did they just make sentinels REALLY squishy and weak in this patch?


I've reached cap in 3 different MMOs and played a fair amount of endgame in 2 of those, as well as countless singleplayer RPGs. I also have the ability to read and understand which abilities are useful in which situations. If I'm just playing wrong ( I very highly doubt this as I've been in the top 3 damage/kills for every warzone I've played on this character with a low death rate) then I'd hate to see someone with very little MMO experience try and play this. If this is working as intended then just lol. GG.

Edited by ZiggityZ
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I also have the ability to read and understand which abilities are useful in which situations.


90% of the people I have played mmo's and MOBA's with don't possess this ability.


And thank you for your input, after reading what you said it seems like it may be a little too tough. I do feel that 1-60 shouldn't be as demanding as it seems it is.

Edited by zachiamm
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90% of the people I have played mmo's and MOBA's with don't possess this ability.


And thank you for your input, after reading what you said it seems like it may be a little too tough. I do feel that 1-60 shouldn't be as demanding as it seems it is.


Heh, one of the main reasons I stopped trying to get some of my RL friends to play MMOs is that I was just so sick of constantly having to stop and ask "Are you using X abilitiy?" Them saying they don't need to use that ability "But it reduces 30% of the damage you take for 15 seconds!" Them replying that they already have enough keys on their toolbar to deal with as it is. Ugggh the horrible memories.


Had a GF try to get into WoW, she REFUSED to mouse turn. It was like watching a drunk man trying to skip rope.

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Well, there is a lot of ways to interrupt, not only the actual interrupt skills, basicly, for example, a sniper, you use ¨Distraction¨ to interrupt, then you can use your stuns during the interrupt cd, which are flangbang grenade and the Deliberate, then if you still need to do it, use Cover pulse to push them. And if all fails, you have to survive through the attack, use shield probe or Evasion.
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I'm confused by the problems people are having. Has this just been an issue for people who are in <162 rating gear? My various toons have a mix of 162-180 gear, some in all 162, some in all 180, some in between. I haven't had trouble with a single silver mob. In fact I was going to comment elsewhere that it seemed like the devs made all the mobs much easier, knowing they said mobs <50 would be easier. Given that, and the fact that you are given 162 rating gear as you progress though SoR, I don't understand where the problem is. One other thing that may make a difference: companions. It seems like I'm finding guildies and other players often neglecting their companions. All of my toons, even the ones in 162 gear, have a companion that is always geared up as well. Most of them are in blue 148 or some similar gear, but that extra dps (or tanking) seems to make a big difference in survivability and overall speed of fights.

The OP talks about this as if everyone doesn't understand interrupts. THAT'S NOT THE PROBLEM. The problem is that the silver mobs are doing WAY more damage than they should be doing. It's not a L2P issue, it's a "Bioware messed up silver mobs strength when they implemented 3.0 and isn't acknowledging it" problem.


During 12x EXP I leveled a dozen characters to cap, and at one point gained over 400 levels without a single death. There were no problems until 3.0


Anyone who owns Treek knows that she's generally an awesome companion, and is an absolute beast if geared decently. I was on Corellia and my Treek pulled aggro on a pack of Level 48 mobs. (two silvers + 3 regulars) At level 55 in 156 gear she would blow thru those mobs with very minimal damage, however these Lv 48 mobs took out my Lv 57 Treek in under 20 seconds. She killed one silver and the three regulars, but died before defeating the 2nd silver. I could accept it if she was badly geared, but she was in full augmented 172 gear with Lv 53+ artifact accessories and the 192 companion weapon that you get when you arrive on Rishi. (with 35k health) She vastly outgeared any Lv48 player I've ever seen, yet she was taken down by two silver mobs 9 levels below her. That's not lag, that's not a couple of lucky shots, thats just crazy damage. Considering the average health pool for a Lv48 player, 35,000 damage in 20 seconds is insane.

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