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Oh I see..


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You'll immediately patch w/e issue that's cropped up in 3.0.a or w/e, and patch it within 24 hours, but couldn't be arsed to fix the Revan fight for an entire week?


I'm SO glad I beta tested for you.


You've lost a pre-order customer, congrats! (Not like one will matter, but still, more enjoyment for me.)



Keep in mind O Ye White Paladins of Bioware Defense, I'm not mad about the fact the servers are going down tomorrow morning, In fact I applaud such speed.


I'm mad at not only did I blow close to 2 million on class skills that they KNEW they were going to remove the cost for on the 9th. (Greatest screw you ever btw Bioware, congrats. Also for the record I never expected a refund, I'm just a little hurt they would pull something like that.) What really irks me is the fact they sat on a patch for almost an ENTIRE WEEK, a near game breaking issue mind you festered for a week, spoiling several peoples early access with the inability to finish the story due to them being unlucky and getting stuck at the boss. But when something new crops up immediately after launch now, they'll do everything in their power to pull it down over night and patch it. Really? Why couldn't Bioware have executed the same care and consideration for those of us who had early access? Oh sorry, I forgot. According to Bioware its BETA ACCESS now.


I really have to wonder just how long they had the Revan fight patch ready, and why in Gods name they sat on it for an entire week. Oh, and why they left class skill costs up for another four days, but that can easily be explained away as Bioware sneakily attempting to drain the economy a bit.


This is making me seriously reconsider my resubscribing next spring, and honestly that thought saddens me. I actually enjoy this game when it works properly.

Edited by WillCaedes
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I would have been incredibly pissed if they brought it down for the Revan fight. It was not a big issue, story only and even then it was still completable if you had a guild of decent players.


I'm more angry that the FP bonus bosses don't have anything dropping still.


However I assume this is being brought down for an exploit, not in the same vein as anything that propped up in 3.0

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I would have been incredibly pissed if they brought it down for the Revan fight. It was not a big issue, story only and even then it was still completable if you had a guild of decent players.


I'm more angry that the FP bonus bosses don't have anything dropping still.


However I assume this is being brought down for an exploit, not in the same vein as anything that propped up in 3.0


So you're saying its okay to leave a main chunk (albiet at the very end and only adds a total of 15 minutes of content) broken for an entire week? That if anyone wanted to do it they should have to do it with their guilds or whoever they could round up in general chat?



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So you're saying its okay to leave a main chunk (albiet at the very end and only adds a total of 15 minutes of content) broken for an entire week? That if anyone wanted to do it they should have to do it with their guilds or whoever they could round up in general chat?



I think they were trying to address as many issues for today's patch as they could, which is why it took a full week. It sucked, I got burned on Revan as well, but I honestly didn't expect anything to happen until today as it was...we had very few BIG bugs given the scope of the update! GSF, Revan and the Meat Tree thing were the ones I know about...not bad considering how much changed in 3.0.

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So you're saying its okay to leave a main chunk (albiet at the very end and only adds a total of 15 minutes of content) broken for an entire week? That if anyone wanted to do it they should have to do it with their guilds or whoever they could round up in general chat?





Sure. Because Early Access is code for Beta on Live.


Seriously, how have you people not grasped that yet? During early access, they find the major bugs, and get a fix ready for when the expansion goes to full release. After that, game breaking bugs and exploits are addressed as they come up and as the fixes are ready.




Legacy. ROTHC. GSF. GSH. SoR. And will continue for the life of the game.


Just accept that Early Access is the beta period for the live server, and move on. Trust me, you'll be happier that way. If you're not willing to participate in this beta trial period, then don't preorder and participate in early access.

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I would have been incredibly pissed if they brought it down for the Revan fight. It was not a big issue, story only and even then it was still completable if you had a guild of decent players.


The Revan fight should've been hotfixed, in my opinion. It's the climax of the expansion. I don't care as much about meat tree or other content I can skip.

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Sure. Because Early Access is code for Beta on Live.


Seriously, how have you people not grasped that yet? During early access, they find the major bugs, and get a fix ready for when the expansion goes to full release. After that, game breaking bugs and exploits are addressed as they come up and as the fixes are ready.




Legacy. ROTHC. GSF. GSH. SoR. And will continue for the life of the game.


Just accept that Early Access is the beta period for the live server, and move on. Trust me, you'll be happier that way. If you're not willing to participate in this beta trial period, then don't preorder and participate in early access.


And if you had read my original post you would see that due to Biowares behaviour with 3.0's "BETA ACCESS" that is exactly what I will be doing. I will no longer pre order any Bioware products, they just seem too shady now. Sorry but, *shrug* Its how I feel.

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The Revan fight should've been hotfixed, in my opinion. It's the climax of the expansion. I don't care as much about meat tree or other content I can skip.


I agree, Revan should have been hotfixed as SOON as the hotfix was ready. Not nearly a week afterwards. As for the meat tree? Prime meme material right there.

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So you're saying its okay to leave a main chunk (albiet at the very end and only adds a total of 15 minutes of content) broken for an entire week? That if anyone wanted to do it they should have to do it with their guilds or whoever they could round up in general chat?




Yes, I'm saying that.


You want the fight, you work for it, I did. I agree that it needed to be fixed, but not worth ruining someone's prime time (it's always someone's prime time) just to fix a buggy instance.

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You should prolly get rid of that personal attack to people who like this game in your OP.


Revan wasn't hotfixed because it wasn't 100% broken. You could get thru the fight eventually with work arounds and luck, if there were no work arounds, I'm shure there woulda been a hotfix.


But even if they hotfixed it, the forums would erupt in missing time on their precious early access, so better to wait till after early access when the fight is still doable.

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Sure. Because Early Access is code for Beta on Live.


Seriously, how have you people not grasped that yet? During early access, they find the major bugs, and get a fix ready for when the expansion goes to full release. After that, game breaking bugs and exploits are addressed as they come up and as the fixes are ready.




Legacy. ROTHC. GSF. GSH. SoR. And will continue for the life of the game.


Just accept that Early Access is the beta period for the live server, and move on. Trust me, you'll be happier that way. If you're not willing to participate in this beta trial period, then don't preorder and participate in early access.


↑↑↑↑ This right here!

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I think they were trying to address as many issues for today's patch as they could, which is why it took a full week. It sucked, I got burned on Revan as well, but I honestly didn't expect anything to happen until today as it was...we had very few BIG bugs given the scope of the update! GSF, Revan and the Meat Tree thing were the ones I know about...not bad considering how much changed in 3.0.


actually I think they got caught flat footed with issues that didn't appear during their testing and then had to spend a week to find solutions to the issues and to test the said issue to ensure it really was working as intended.


I do feel for those who had head start for this patch (as was I) but the flip side is it is our own fault .. we wanted the be first in we get to deal with early hick ups...


I haven't even really logged in for a week and have been unwilling to log in today because even the loading screen is laggy so I can bet the game would be too atm..


not necessarily right but then as a kid when it rained outside and i wanted to play I was told many times that even the flowers deserved what they needed.. there must be balance


we have no one to blame for these issue but ourselves as head start players.. you could have waited as I could have stayed FTP will after the problems were addressed .. I chose not to my problem.


Next time consider this time and decide if it was worth it or not to be first in maybe?


wish you well and GL

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