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Holy fleet spam


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I find it funny how Eric popped in here to tell us how great Bioware's anti-spam algorithms are, the community debunked Eric's utopian delusions within about five seconds, and he hasn't even been back with a post saying he'll have a chat with the dev team about some very commonsense UI improvements proposed thereafter that would allow us to better deal with the problem ourselves (since it's obvious EA won't).


I want some of what he's drinking for New Year's. :rolleyes:

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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We definitely have quite a few systems in place to try to stop this type of thing and we are always continuing to improve them. As you can imagine, those spammers are doing the same.


What is really important is that you always report them when you see them. It helps us immensely in tracking and removing that spam!




Um, Eric... No you don't... you don't even block their web site addresses, which is the first most basic day one thing. Will they get around it? Maybe, but that should be step one.


That you don't even do that tells me that you don't have ANYTHING in place to do ANYTHING about this.


Do you even play this game?

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Write Disney. I'm sure they would love to know they are getting cheated out of their share of the profits because EA doesn't want to try and control their gold farmers. Nobody gets as upset at profit loss as Disney. M-i-c-k-e-y M-o-n-e-y.
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The Spam is OUT OF CONTROL !!!


WALL OF SPAM in general chat, Spam Whispers, Spam Email...


I am a paying sub, I EXPECT BETTER !


If I was F2P, I would not complain.


lol if you where f2p you couldn't complain if you wanted to xD. Only subs can post on forums. Every MMO that's any MMO is going to have gold sellers, as a matter of fact if they weren't here spamming i would be worried xD. Not that I like or care for them, but as long as we PLAYERS buy from them BW will always have a never ending , never winning battle. It's the demand that calls for the supply , no one to blame but other players wanting the fast lane. The only tried and true way to eliminate gold sellers is for BW to sell credits from the CM, and you guys would flip over that in droves , so..........Guess we have to deal with current state of things. Even if BW did every fix/improvement suggested , the next day the gold farmers would just be spamming a different way, they can't remove all their tools without making impossible for us to use chat and mail xD

Edited by krisknife
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Simple fix is to not allow FTP to use chat at all except for their own channel and not allow them to PM or Mail to subs unless they are on your friends list, problem solved.


ummm gold sellers sub , how do you think they bank all that gold? the spammers are ftp true, but thats only half the problem. You can friend anybody, they would have to change it to where you had to confirm. Would be another anvil on ftp and preferred only cost you $5 you have to change alot more than you think xD

Edited by krisknife
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ummm gold sellers sub , how do you think they bank all that gold? the spammers are ftp true, but thats only half the problem

They sell, but they don't trade directly on their sub accounts. That is why they can just keep selling as their using free accounts to spam. That is why many FTP games now only allow subs to global chat.

Edited by Sorwen
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ummm gold sellers sub , how do you think they bank all that gold? the spammers are ftp true, but thats only half the problem. You can friend anybody, they would have to change it to where you had to confirm. Would be another anvil on ftp and preferred only cost you $5 you have to change alot more than you think xD


They may have a sub account to bank the gold/credits, but they use F2P accounts as their point of sale, which is why you see them appear, blast sales pitches in general chat, then sooner than you can put them on ignore, the account is gone. Otherwise they would be too easy to track and block.

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plenty of history here to review with older model only sub games that beg to differ, gold sellers work the system and have mastered it along time ago. This topic is as old as MMOs and in every topic thread everyone seems to think it's an easy fix, yet here we are lol
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We definitely have quite a few systems in place to try to stop this type of thing ...






Gold spammers freely advertise in chat. They freely whisper anyone. They freely mail anyone.


What are these systems already in place to stop them again?

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plenty of history here to review with older model only sub games that beg to differ, gold sellers work the system and have mastered it along time ago. This topic is as old as MMOs and in every topic thread everyone seems to think it's an easy fix, yet here we are lol

Actually it is very similar to what they use to do. They would have to pay for subs, but the main account was almost never the one selling the gold.

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ummm gold sellers sub , how do you think they bank all that gold? the spammers are ftp true, but thats only half the problem. You can friend anybody, they would have to change it to where you had to confirm. Would be another anvil on ftp and preferred only cost you $5 you have to change alot more than you think xD


And EA should be perma banning them when they are reported even once as a report should be automatically sending in a ticket with the email/chat/pm.


And oh yes EAs whole system here is a problem as it is poorly designed.


As far as another anvil/roadblock for FTP I don't care, that is what a sub is for.

Edited by Solo-Jo
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And EA should be perma banning them when they are reported even once as a report should be automatically sending in a ticket with the email/chat/pm.


And oh yes EAs whole system here is a problem as it is poorly designed.


As far as another anvil/roadblock for FTP I don't care, that is what a sub is for.


I would like this idea save that YOU know it will be abused .. don't like someone report them and they are banned even if they aren't guilty of whatever and the speed at which Bioware works your account would be banned would be a LONG time,,


a better idea would be to allow account ignore option .. don't just ignore the character but the whole account since there are players that I would like to have globally ignored on my account so I never need to deal with them again .. the sentinel the other day who needed on everything coming off the WB we took down is case and point (trooper purple armor need .. will power hilt need .. and something else . none of which I really needed but then again NEITHER did the sentinel and none of it could he/she even use save to sell in GTN or making an alt .. most people don't do this but there are more than a few AHs out there that always need .. IF YOU CAN'T use it ONE THAT character IT ISN'T NEEDED it is greed)

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