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Refund training costs [yes] / [no]


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Because everyone wants something for free... Is it that hard to understand? Would you like to pay $1 for a candy bar or get the exact same candy bar for free?

I think you have a very bad view of most players. But that's only me.

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Well if it that laughable then I wonder why people welcome the change that much.


I think it is likely because many folks find it annoying more than anything else. To have your credit pool nibbled at as you level can be annoying.


Personally I saw it as nothing more than an annoyance. It certainly was not an appreciable credit sink IMO.


I also advocate the permanent inclusion of the Cartel event to the game, which I feel was likely a substantial end game credit sink.

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How is that a bad view? You ask anyone on this planet, would you like this item for $1 or for free they are going to say for free.

I totally agree with you .

F2P games attract more players because they are FREE , that is why MMO companies do them . Regardless when you get in them and realize F2P option is not as appealing as paying for a Sub .


I personally favor Total Sub games but the Market is only seeing a few go strong .

WoW , FF14 ARR , and Eve ( I think still ? )


My inlaws shop at Save A Lot , I shop at a more Costly store . I like the way name brand taste and trust it more than something that is cheaper .

Just how I feel .

I like games that cost money over cheaper games , I feel the quality is better . SWTOR is abnormal in this because it has a Cash Flow of Disney and EA backing it . Not to mention LucasArts has money to put into things if they want to .

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I'm personally doing nothing of the kind.


If you are trying to say I have some hidden agenda, well. that would be incorrect as well.


If that is not your contention, then my apologies.


Hidden agenda? There is nothing hidden about it. You are satisfied with the changes thus far, you don't require anything further... and yet here you are "welcoming" more and crying foul because even the vocal detractors would take free creds as if there would be a choice. Lol. Make a choice... either it matters or it doesn't.


And lets leave the "everyone is entitled to their opinion mantra" at the door. You certainly have an issue with detractors opinions on the matter.

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Hidden agenda? There is nothing hidden about it. You are satisfied with the changes thus far, you don't require anything further... and yet here you are "welcoming" more and crying foul because even the vocal detractors would take free creds as if there would be a choice. Lol. Make a choice... either it matters or it doesn't.


And lets leave the "everyone is entitled to their opinion mantra" at the door. You certainly have an issue with detractors opinions on the matter.


I think you are clearly confused.


I have an issue with dishonesty. Clearly there is more than one person in this thread, vehemently opposing this that would likely welcome the refund if offered.


That does not magically make the idea of a refund a reality, nor does it exist as a threat. It is a likely matter of fact statement that calls out certain members clear hypocrisy on the issue.


A hypocrisy clearly evident by post histories.


If by agenda you mean dismissing obvious hypocrisy, then I am most definitely guilty of that.


Naturally I will not name names as that would be against the forum rules. The community is free to investigate post histories of some of the more vocal detractors and make up their own minds.


But I call shenanigans.

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So we know they aren't going to do anything... But I have to wonder how many of those who have done the poll are early release people, F2P, trolls or people who genuinely believe there shouldn't be a refund

I know people who lvl'd 3-5 toons before they found out about the cost being removed... It cost millions of credits... Everyone says how easy it is to get credits... But not everyone wants to grind dailies just get credits... They want to spend their time doing things they enjoy... It's not supposed to be work... It supposed to be fun

Also the more Alts you have the more credits you need to LVL them and gear them...

At the end of the day Bio shafted the early release people... I know a lot of people will not pre-purchase another expansion if that is Bios attitude to its loyal customers


What I did in the first week? Made ~12M leveling my crafters and selling their produce, because I expected needing a big financial cushion to get my merry band of 8 L55s to level 60. I also leveled my two ops chars to 60 in order to be able to play the content, even after knowing training would be free in a couple days.


I'm not against people getting a refund or some other sort of compensation. I'm just against the way it is being demanded and very much against development resources being wasted on it. If letting everybody in early access have 500 coins as additional preorder perk or some other quick solution would satisfy people, I'd be all for it. But even then people would not shut up and demand an exact refund of every credit they spent on training, regardless of the time and work that would cost. Compared to how (easily) credits are earned in the game and the options open to level 60 chars, the expenses for a credit-by-credit refund far outweigh the benefits.


You know what they should give us to make up for this? An enhanced /ignore list.


When I type /ignore <CharacterName>, all characters on my entire account should ignore all that player's characters on his entire account. I ignore for PLAYER behavior, not CHARACTER behavior.


Now THAT is compensation I can support!


That or appearance tabs. Either one would work marvelously.


It would be a SO much better use of dev resources.

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Well if it that laughable then I wonder why people welcome the change that much.


Because people got spoiled by 12XP time.


Also, as to the refund question, I vote [NO], but I do not really care, I did not spent any abhorrent sums of money on it (thanks to Dragon Age, I bothered to level up only my main so far)

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Well if it that laughable then I wonder why people welcome the change that much.


It's because most players can't see the economy beyond "Geez, why don't I have any credits? I mean, I just dropped 7 mil on that bantha and another 4 changing my look, but I'm broke AGAIN! It sucks being broke all the time." whereas the devs can see a plethora of reports about how the economy is doing overall.

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