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Lvl 60 hm Fp's too hard?

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I suspect that some "silver" mobs do way more damage than "gold" mobs in some FP.





Hey folks,


I just wanted to let you know that we are looking into the difficulty of "silver" mobs. I apologize for the delay on communicating that, I thought I had posted about this previously. I will let you know any updates we have!




Most probably the damage of the silvers is too much. I remember the old mandalorian raiders with the dogs hitting way harder than the bosses (one cooldown wrong and wipe). I'm still finding the new ops in difficulty where they should be, but i'm overgeared so well, maybe people are right.

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My personal feeling after that is I don't particulary enjoy to be so squishy with the trash mobs. I remember the last 2 packs before the final boss in rakata. I died in each of this pack. (I don't know why well, I just see my live drop from 100% to 0% in 1s or 2s after the start of the fight).


I suspect that some "silver" mobs do way more damage than "gold" mobs in some FP.




both of those pulls it's the guys who throw grenades at you (they have a cast). Force shroud will stop this for assassins, you can also interrupt one of them at least easily to half the damage at least (if you are quick you can interrupt one, electrocute the other, this'll buy time for some of the mobs to die by the time they are ready to throw them again. )


So you can use force shroud for one pack, the other pack use overcharge saber, and If you're lucky your healer will cleanse you. A lot of pulls have subtle things like this that will unbelievably tone down the damage you take. Cycling cooldowns is very important for the more difficult pulls. Also for rakata make sure to kill the patrols every time first... those elite jedi really do add more trouble than they are worth.


Pretty much all of the HM trash will have an answer something along these lines. the most annoying one I've seen is on mannan where you get whirlwinded for 8 seconds (must cc break obviously) then get grappled across the room... then carbon grenaded twice, and then on the far side of the room two snipers will destroy your healer during this time... I usually try to set things up to go smoothly even if the team doesn't know what my plan is for a pull, but for this one I would guess having to los or ask for cc on the elites i'm rambling sorry

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I don't personally find them hard...

Get rid of the FPS/lag, and it would be a breeze (especially in tython)

I dont know why on earth you'd expect to clear them first time with 0 hiccups... but trust me they're not hard, you just have to go through the teething issues of doing something new.

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As probably mentioned a couple of times previously in this thread, Assault on Tython is probably the only "real" hard flashpoint due to the first boss being nearly impossible to get through without incredibly good movement from everybody and an exceptional healer. The other flashpoints aren't hard but dont expect to roflstomp them the same way you could do in other flashpoints pre 3.0


I think AoT first boss needs a nerf in a way that the rightside adds will have their shields dropped at the same time as left, 9/10 of the pugs i get grouped with have abandoned the flashpoint because it is too hard to avoid the orbital strikes consistently while waiting for the rightside adds to have their shields dropped

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As a Sorc Healer, here's my thought on these HM's: USE CC! Your carebear mode aka trashmode aka "tactical" mode taught you absolutely nothing about the FP. USE CC. Stop BREAKING CC. And ffs dps, (yes, Dps, you are almost 70% of the time the problem), focus the damn tank's target. There's one tank role. Not three. No, you will never get priority healing over the tank. End of story.


"But you're supposed to heal us through the damage!"


A healer with half or more 192's will not be able to heal you if: you stand in **** you're not supposed to, pretend to be a tank if you're not, heal 8-12k dps damage across the board because you thought it was a smart idea to break CC or jump into a group without any CC.


These... are hard modes... In reality, they're normal modes. Use tactics. Use a bit of strategy and maybe... just maybe these will be a breeze to get through as... they already are.


As a forum reader, here is my thought on this post:



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I am a healer and I do not have any problem healing through the 60 flashpoints.


I am a sage healer the opposite of your sorcerer, it all depends on what gear you have on, and how "skilled" you are at healing it is not a burst heal and trance heal here and there anymore, newer mechanics are in place.


All I suggest to make it slightly easier is to have all of your armor at the beginner 186 rated gear or better and have some mk-10 with alacrity in them cause u need to heal faster and that helps with the cd's.

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Old hm was harder in 2.0. And much much better scenario.

This easy. 1st week have problems in pug groups. Run with statik.

This week done all in gf group.

Just remember that you a weak now. CC gold, kill weakest adds 1st.

Forget zerg rush tactick and you a win.


P.S. Have 186 gear from old nim+some 192/198.

P.P.S. I hate sniper/trooper mob in fp ... 17-20k hits makes by assist me not happy.

Edited by Snean
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I'll put 60HM FP's on my "If I am really really bored list"


For now want 192's at a reasonable pace. I wanna raid.


55HM's FTW. Elites drop on each boss including bonus bosses, and still count for the weekly 60HM.


For now I am not that bored, so yeah not gonna waste 2+ hours for basic comms.




Thx for killing group finder que for that.

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As a Sorc Healer, here's my thought on these HM's: USE CC! Your carebear mode aka trashmode aka "tactical" mode taught you absolutely nothing about the FP. USE CC. Stop BREAKING CC. And ffs dps, (yes, Dps, you are almost 70% of the time the problem), focus the damn tank's target. There's one tank role. Not three. No, you will never get priority healing over the tank. End of story.


"But you're supposed to heal us through the damage!"


A healer with half or more 192's will not be able to heal you if: you stand in **** you're not supposed to, pretend to be a tank if you're not, heal 8-12k dps damage across the board because you thought it was a smart idea to break CC or jump into a group without any CC.


These... are hard modes... In reality, they're normal modes. Use tactics. Use a bit of strategy and maybe... just maybe these will be a breeze to get through as... they already are.


Such a pro here. Ever heard of kill order? Ever wandered what will happen to you or tank while we focus his target? Good luck finding out. Good luck not healing DPS trying to deal AOE damage to 8+ pulls.

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I'll put 60HM FP's on my "If I am really really bored list"


For now want 192's at a reasonable pace. I wanna raid.


55HM's FTW. Elites drop on each boss including bonus bosses, and still count for the weekly 60HM.


For now I am not that bored, so yeah not gonna waste 2+ hours for basic comms.




Thx for killing group finder que for that.


It really makes no sense whatsoever that old content drops better comms that the new more challenging stuff.

It seems trying to get some gear with these new 60hm is a waste of time. Only one 192 piece and useless comms. Better go with 55hm flashpoints if you want better gear. A realiable supply of elites comms will be better.

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Agree. Comms don't seem to be scaled correctly to content difficulty. That said I am liking the new challenge of the 60 HM. Took us a while to get by the first boss on Tython, but it can be done. Kudos to whomever came up with some of these new mechanics. Very creative and makes these FPs a lot of fun (except for jakarro on last boss of Rakata, lol). Edited by LordHartigan
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Agree. Comms don't seem to be scaled correctly to content difficulty. That said I am liking the new challenge of the 60 HM. Took us a while to get by the first boss on Tython, but it can be done. Kudos to whomever came up with some of these new mechanics. Very creative and makes these FPs a lot of fun (except for jakarro on last boss of Rakata, lol).


LOL I agree they did an excellent job on the mechanics I never had this much fun since the game came out.

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It really makes no sense whatsoever that old content drops better comms that the new more challenging stuff.

It seems trying to get some gear with these new 60hm is a waste of time. Only one 192 piece and useless comms. Better go with 55hm flashpoints if you want better gear. A realiable supply of elites comms will be better.


Is it possible to GF queue for 55 HM FPs when you're level 60?

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The first two that i got were Rekata, and that one isn't so bad.


Then I got assault on Tython, and the first boss wiped the pug 5 times. The healer wasn't super-awesome, but he had been pretty competent up to that point, and the dps weren't terribads either. It seemed like the fight was designed to make healers want to respec as dps and give up the support role, because it puts way too much pressure on them.

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Could someone confirm if the weekly Galactic Conflicts if it wasn't working for them is now working since the patch?


It appears to be working again now.


Those loot-tables are a *********** complete joke even by these dev's amply-demonstrated hilarious standards of utter cluelessness, though.


I love the new content, and I would --and am as we speak!-- more than happily do it for its own sake, but in a game with an almost entirely "vertical" progression model, then the rewards for each tier need to scale accordingly! (Hello? McFly? This is simple bloody logic, no?)

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Difficulty of the new HM FPs seems fine. I just did Legacy of Rakata with some members of my regular ops group. We one-shot everything, even though it was the first time for me doing it in HM (I was healing). We aren't super geared either, still mostly in 186s bought with basic comms. On the bonus boss there was a close call or two, but no one died during the entire flashpoint. It was challenging in a good way.
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It appears to be working again now.


Awesome! Many thanks.


Coming from a healing perspective the first few times I did these 60 HM’s I didn’t know how much damage I was expecting the tank / DPS to get and so at first when all this damage was coming in I had a real hard time trying to keep the Tank up. Now 2 weeks later having done these now a few times I now know what to expect in regards to incoming damage and it’s not even nearly as bad as it was when I first went in because know I can predict the amount of incoming damage and mitigate towards this. Rather embarrassing now but first time I went into Maanan HM I ended having the tank die a few times and the DPS also go down and this was on the mobs before first boss :o! Whereas 2 days ago I did the same HM and no one died until the second boss where we wiped twice (mostly due to DPS standing in stupid) and then after that no one died up until final boss where we wiped 3 times before beating it. This just proved to me it was only hard because it was new and I didn't know what to expect damage wise.

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is it just me or is the Legacy of Rakata HM unbelievably easy compared to all the others? Only once had trouble here and that was with 3 people who couldn't find their interupt buttons.

was in a pug group that failed to make the dps timer 16 times on the last boss of manaan. that timer is really tight.

typhon reduced a guild run to a mess on the 1st boss and the korriban droid turned 3 groups into a rage-quit before i found a group that did it.

going back on-topic I think the main issue here is gear. I cant see how anyone could manage korriban/typhon/manaan in the 178 "entry level" gear and the I've seen people going in with gear lower than that.

the "rewards" for doing these flashpoints is a farce as well. to succeed you have to have way better gear than what is being dropped by the bosses and you can get 10 elite comms for a tactical - which are a walk-through anyway - or 16 comms after 3 hours of wiping on manaan (if you get through it at all)

HM bosses should drop elites and the group finder daily should give a have a handful of ultimates.

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is it just me or is the Legacy of Rakata HM unbelievably easy compared to all the others? Only once had trouble here and that was with 3 people who couldn't find their interupt buttons.

was in a pug group that failed to make the dps timer 16 times on the last boss of manaan. that timer is really tight.

typhon reduced a guild run to a mess on the 1st boss and the korriban droid turned 3 groups into a rage-quit before i found a group that did it.

going back on-topic I think the main issue here is gear. I cant see how anyone could manage korriban/typhon/manaan in the 178 "entry level" gear and the I've seen people going in with gear lower than that.

the "rewards" for doing these flashpoints is a farce as well. to succeed you have to have way better gear than what is being dropped by the bosses and you can get 10 elite comms for a tactical - which are a walk-through anyway - or 16 comms after 3 hours of wiping on manaan (if you get through it at all)

HM bosses should drop elites and the group finder daily should give a have a handful of ultimates.


My gaming time is limited, and I love both my Jugg tank and my Sorc healer, so I've discovered the joy of doing daily tacticals because I can get 20 elites between my two characters in far less time than it takes to complete one of the HM 60 fps. I don't mind a challenge, but if something forces me to slam my head into the wall over and over again even when people are trying really hard, it's not worth my time.


Droid in Korriban needs to be toned down a bit. Even with a very sharp healer and two rocking dps, we wiped three times before getting it. First boss on Tython is a major pain as well. Meanwhile, Rakata is laughably easy compared to the other three.

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is it just me or is the Legacy of Rakata HM unbelievably easy compared to all the others? Only once had trouble here and that was with 3 people who couldn't find their interupt buttons.

was in a pug group that failed to make the dps timer 16 times on the last boss of manaan. that timer is really tight.

typhon reduced a guild run to a mess on the 1st boss and the korriban droid turned 3 groups into a rage-quit before i found a group that did it.

going back on-topic I think the main issue here is gear. I cant see how anyone could manage korriban/typhon/manaan in the 178 "entry level" gear and the I've seen people going in with gear lower than that.

the "rewards" for doing these flashpoints is a farce as well. to succeed you have to have way better gear than what is being dropped by the bosses and you can get 10 elite comms for a tactical - which are a walk-through anyway - or 16 comms after 3 hours of wiping on manaan (if you get through it at all)

HM bosses should drop elites and the group finder daily should give a have a handful of ultimates.


LOTR doesn't have Strong mobs show up during the boss fights. Even considering the recent bugfix/nerf, Strong enemies have always been some of the most deadly; two Strongs are deadlier than one Elite. All three other FPS have Strongs show up during at least one fight to ruin your day.

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