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Allow Ilum missions to be abandoned when reaching 50.


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After I levelled a new character during the 12x XP period I was still stuck with the starter Ilum quest in my log, the one you can't abandon until you've done a load of quests that lead up to the Battle for Ilum instance.


Considering that this content is now next to useless and provides nothing now that we have Makeb and Rishi/Yavin. This is just a wasted space in the log that you are forced to complete. All we need is to be able to Abandon it and carry on with levelling on the other planets.

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Idk - Id be very wary about asking for any game content to be side-lined. You have the in-game solution - play it.

If that one extra quest slot is really so important that you want them to drop something else that IS important and unavoidable, then I just dunno - I must be doing something wrong.


Ask for an expansion in the quest log cap - yeah fine, I'm right behind that one, but side-lining the quest thread on an entire planet just because you don't want to do it and it take up 1/25 quest log spaces?? Be careful what you ask for.

Edited by leehambly
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I disagree. It's part of the overall storyline. Swtor is a story-driven MMO. Hence story-relevant missions should not be allowed to discard.


However, wouldn't it be possible to not give this quest automatically after finishing chapter 3, but instead make the talk with the questgiver on the fleet similar to the flashpoint-starters?


Wanna start [iLUMQUESTLINE]? Yes, start now. - No, start later.

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