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Bubbling fellow sorcs -- bad etiquette?


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Hey all,


before 3.0, I used to never bubble a fellow sorc healer unless it was absolutely necessary. Any decent sorc healer who is attacked and has time to respond will immediately pop a static barrier anyway, and get the free self-heal from Corrupted Barrier from it.


Now, of course, every sorc has access to Corrupted Barrier as an utility. Obviously I'll still bubble them myself when they're dropping, but take, for example, the bubbling immediately before a pull or before groupwide damage phases -- would it be considered bad etiquette to bubble other sorcs, considering they'll likely have that utility? Or should I bubble them anyway since it's not the DPSs' job to keep themselves alive?

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I would say it's situational. In PvE, I see no reason why a DPS sorc/ sage would spec into the bubble self-heal if there are other utilities available that help their DPS (disclaimer- I am not overly familiar with the sorc/ sage utilities yet). So for a raid/ flashpoint group, you should feel free to bubble anyone other than a sorc/ sage healer.


In PvP, players may take more interesting Utilities in the name of survival or something else. I would say watch them: if it's an arena bubble them in the waiting area and see if they say anything, as there's time for them to re-bubble themselves before combat; in normal ground zones you can either bubble beforehand or wait and see if they bubble themselves consistently throughout the WZ. It's kinda a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" because no doubt someone will complain either way. ;)

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That's a difficult one... Prior to 3.0 and from a pvp point of view it would be bad to bubble a ling sorcerer cause chances are he would have bubble mezz. With 3.0 all have access to bubble mezz and probably they have it... so it is bad "ettiquete".


From a pve point of view I think you should still keep on bubbling them also if they are dps... there are more useful utilities for a dps sorc than the self-bubble healing or even the extra absorption of damage ones, so they are expeted not to have taken these utilities and therefore a healer's bubble is stronger.

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I absolutely hate it when others bubble me, as a healer.


I'll end up requesting them not to eventually, but if it's a sorc healer, let them bubble themselves.


We have a buff that lets us get heals from our bubble, as you stated, and I for one use mine only when necessary so I don't damage my effective healing or waste resource, but when others bubble me I lose out on those free heals and am stuck with the static barrier debuff.

Edited by October
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I cant stand when other Sorc bubble me. (Heal sorc here) Only time I will bubble a fellow Sorc is if (when healing) I notice they don't have it up and are really taking a beaten. This has happened a few times surprisingly.




Pre 3.0 I never touched it on other Sorc, now I might. I haven't grouped with a pug sorc dps yet. Swear my pugs have constantly been Jugg dps or PT dps.

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I absolutely hate it when others bubble me


Same it means I may not be able to bubble when I want to and I lose the blinds and selfheals. I also don't bubble other sorcerors unless I see that they are losing health fast and unbubbled.


Mind you this is from a PVP perspective. I usually look at the group before the match and make a geometric shape in my head of who is not a sorceror so I only bubble those. Works pretty well provided not too many people dc or ragequit :)

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I have to admit, I've had a lot more people trying to bubble me this xpac than I ever have before.


I might not mind it so much if I could still get the heals even if other people bubble me, but I can't. (Would be nice to offer heals with the bubble to others, too.)

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