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Anyone else leaving SWTOR until 12xp comes back?


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Biased still ?

Reminds me of the old PEE WEE Herman seeing " I know you are but what am I" .


Your views are perfect by your own opinion and anyone who disagrees is bad and has an agenda .


I don't think I am going to allow you to define my posts today mefit. I think I will do just fine on my own in that respect.


You might want to stick to defining your own contentions, since that is likely the only accurate synopsis you could provide.


Generally speaking folks are reasonably capable of speaking for themselves.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Hey while we are at this Demand or Rage Quit .


Lets as I said in minutes ago

1.) Throw out Leveling , we are always at cap

2.) Throw out quest , going from A to B to C is hard work

3.)Lets give everyone drops in a Flashpoint or Operation , no one should leave empty handed , and working on Coms is a Grind

4.) Heck lets all just stand in Fleet and just chat and get rewarded based on words and lines.

5.) Typing is too rough , Bioware should give us away just to communicate to the game via Voice/Mic


Make it happen Bioware !

Edited by mefit
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12x players are spoiled now. No matter what you tell them they will never want to go back. The best way to level is by accumulating "Rest XP" and using all of your XP boosts.


If you level just using Rest XP and your XP boost you can usually finish a planet and be 1 or 2 levels under level for the next planet. Which mean you need either run a few side quests or flash points. These are NOT hard to do people. At the most you'll have to run a 10-20 more flashpoints than without 12x xp. Whooo the horror.

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I didn't enjoy the 12x because I was "flying through levels" I enjoyed it because it let me enjoy the class stories without hindrance. And yes I was completely content with that. I don't need anything else. Except them patching up the bugs. I play the game because I enjoy the class missions. Which is exactly why 12x appeals so much to me. *gasp* how dare I enjoy the game for different reasons! Right? I must play it the way you want me to!


So you want to fly through the levels so you can enjoy flying through class missions ?


Before the 12% , Legacy XP , and Guild XP you could enjoy the class missions just the same as now .


And no Obviously its now how I want you to play , I am not Rage Quiting unless they bring something back or take it away .

I already expressed my Opinion just like you and every other person on this thread or in this forum .


Bioware will likely cave to your favor because today we reward people for nothing instead on work and skill .

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Did that feel good? You feel better about yourself now? Btw I'm not rage quitting. I love this game. But 12x did make it more enjoyable. No matter how much that pisses you off lol


I am not the one who is "pissed off" .

The only people that seen to be "Pissed off " is those who want the 12x Back .


And How do I feel "Good" and feel "Better" about myself . and "Pissed off" at the same time ?

Please get back to me on that lol .

Edited by mefit
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Grinding the same ol flashpoints doesn't sound very fun imo. I'd rather do side quests. But I'd rather have 12x to all of it. Does that make you uncomfortable?


There you go , Lets toss out Flashpoints too , and rather do the same side quest ..............wait you sure ? Guess we will have to see next week when you want that tossed out too.


How does this make me uncomfortable ? In what world do you think I would be harmed by this in anyway ?

It would possibly ruin the game , but in the mean time , I am not going to "LEAVE UNTIL I GET MY WAY " .

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I hope they do cave. You play games for work and skill. I play games for enjoyment and entertainment and fun value. I am content with my accomplishments in real life. I don't need a game to validate me or make me feel accomplished. And really to be honest leveling the normal way doesn't really take skill nor it is difficult. Its just more tedious and longer and makes me wait to enjoy the next part of the story. So really even without 12x itddoesn't take skill to level. Maybe a bit of work, just because you have to do more. But if this game was supposed to be like demons souls difficult they already failed in that respect.
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Grinding the same ol flashpoints doesn't sound very fun imo. I'd rather do side quests. But I'd rather have 12x to all of it. Does that make you uncomfortable?


So basically instead of 12x Bioware should add more interesting content to fill in for the level gaps in between planets. I think that's a fabulous idea. 12x is for rage quitters anyways.

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I didn't say to get rid of flashpoints or sidequests. And that post wasn't even talking to you. It was to the guy saying we could do a flashpoint 10-20 times tp get caught up in level. I'm not asking for them to throw out anything. I'm only asking for a 12x option. And obviously that does bother you. Youve made plenty of posts saying so.
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You do not have to allow me do to anything , I am just as able to say as I feel just as you .


If you wish to be taken seriously I have to grant you license to speak for me. Otherwise it is obvious hyperbole.


Yes, you are certainly capable of demonstrating a lack of self respect by assuming you can better define a person's opinion than the person that is expressing it themselves. Why you would choose to do so willingly is curious, however.


But I digress.

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I hope they do cave. You play games for work and skill. I play games for enjoyment and entertainment and fun value. I am content with my accomplishments in real life. I don't need a game to validate me or make me feel accomplished. And really to be honest leveling the normal way doesn't really take skill nor it is difficult. Its just more tedious and longer and makes me wait to enjoy the next part of the story. So really even without 12x itddoesn't take skill to level. Maybe a bit of work, just because you have to do more. But if this game was supposed to be like demons souls difficult they already failed in that respect.


Games with less work and skill are less played and ran through until the next content comes out .

With no Grind , people get what they want and go .

Some stay to social , others run to the next game


Never was this game or anyone say this game was suppose to be Demon Souls , now you are just putting words into my mouth .

But then again you imagined me to be "PISSED OFF " in a past post lol so no surpise there.

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I didn't say to get rid of flashpoints or sidequests. And that post wasn't even talking to you. It was to the guy saying we could do a flashpoint 10-20 times tp get caught up in level. I'm not asking for them to throw out anything. I'm only asking for a 12x option. And obviously that does bother you. Youve made plenty of posts saying so.

Oh but you did , can you not stick with what you said ?

Everything is a grind lol

and Look you again accusing someone of being Bothered ?


I think you are the one who is bothered by others not falling into your opinion .

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Plenty of people asking for a more permanent 12x option arnt rage quitting. And I have no problem playing a flashpoint or sidequest. But being forced to grind them to level every alt is tedious. Not difficult. Not rewarding. Just tedious. Which is why 12x breathed new life in the game for me.
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Oh but you did , can you not stick with what you said ?

Everything is a grind lol

and Look you again accusing someone of being Bothered ?


I think you are the one who is bothered by others not falling into your opinion .


Your signature is astoundingly appropriate given that we're online. With that said, your last sentence is incredibly ironic given that you've quoted every single post that disagrees with you and hurled abuse at them.


Back to the topic: I have a level 55 of every imperial class. I logged into my level 15 assassin yesterday and saw that he was parked on the bridge near the Revanite's Camp. I then logged off because the prospect of leveling without the 12x experience boost made me want to commit suicide.

Edited by Nothematic
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If you wish to be taken seriously I have to grant you license to speak for me. Otherwise it is obvious hyperbole.


Yes, you are certainly capable of demonstrating a lack of self respect by assuming you can better define a person's opinion than the person that is expressing it themselves. Why you would choose to do so willingly is curious, however.


But I digress.


License to speak to you ? Who do you think you are ? LOL


The sad part here is I read some of the things in your sig and can agree with some of those things , but here you are just making me think you cannot move outside of yourself .


You are no different in any way .

Disagreeing with others happens buddy , to us all . If you cannot take the fact of a disagreement or someone pointing a flaw out in your topic or debate or opinion , than things can get rough .

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I think Bioware made it clear they were very pleased with the results. Obviously EM was pleased as well, considering he advocated the adoption of the 12XP mechanic to the devs.


I look forward to seeing what comes of it in the future. I think it is likely we will see it again in some form.

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Plenty of people asking for a more permanent 12x option arnt rage quitting. And I have no problem playing a flashpoint or sidequest. But being forced to grind them to level every alt is tedious. Not difficult. Not rewarding. Just tedious. Which is why 12x breathed new life in the game for me.


I would prefer if bioware added more "interesting" lower level content to cover the level gaps between planets that making a permanent 12x solutions. I would actually level MORE alts if if they did this.

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Just for the record and so there isn't any confusion: I do not want any content removed from the game. I enjoy the flashpoints and side quests (when Im not forced to do them every alt) all I want is a permanent 12x option. I'm not going to rage quit. I'm not demanding an I win button. Just an option to enjoy the class missions uninterrupted. After doing so there is still dailies, still flashpoints, still new content, and even still replays of amazing bioware class stories. Edited by Willcutt
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License to speak to you ? Who do you think you are ? LOL


The sad part here is I read some of the things in your sig and can agree with some of those things , but here you are just making me think you cannot move outside of yourself .


You are no different in any way .

Disagreeing with others happens buddy , to us all . If you cannot take the fact of a disagreement or someone pointing a flaw out in your topic or debate or opinion , than things can get rough .


You must have misunderstood my statement.


License to speak FOR ME, not to me. Meaning you defining what I mean in opposition to me doing so. I have to grant you that license, otherwise you are engaging in hyperbole. Obviously the person giving the opinion is a better source for that opinion's meaning than someone else.


This is hardly rough mefit. The only person you are making things rough on is yourself.


And, once again, my post history clearly demonstrates I welcome discourse. Yours on the other hand....


There is nothing wrong with you expressing your opinion. But your insistence on being combative has reduced your standing in this thread, and that is your doing.


And only you can reverse that.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Your signature is astoundingly appropriate given that we're online. With that said, your last sentence is incredibly ironic given that you've quoted every single post that disagrees with you and hurled abuse at them.

Responding to replies happens or am I suppose to be silent ?

Take what I get and run off ?

If you think that is abuse , than you obviously have not been on forums log or on the internet .

Critical Response and Replies is not abuse , it is pointing out the flaws in thinking and basing it "Yes on my Opinion" .


Just like your Opinion is I am Abusing people in my replies .

Sad Part about today is no one seems to be able to take anything against their own opinion or to have some disagree with them .

The fact you want me to disappear , shows a dire need to only see one direction .


As I said manytimes to one of the repliers who says I am Pissed , I do not care really in the end if they make it come back or not . I am not going to quit either way as it has been stressed by the OP that people for it should .


So maybe you should come down to the understanding that Replies get responded to , and if you or anyone does not want to get a responded to post , than simply ignore what I have to say and live in your own Opinion and World .

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