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The mandalorian killer is bugged to hell


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You would think that if they wanted you to trigger it in a certain location they would mark it on the floor...I read a post where someone did it from the mini map icon and it works.



Rezzing to the Med Station will most likely put you on the wrong floor and you are locked out...can't continue and can't get through the locked doors.



Once I got past the Chief Engineer, it was smooth sailing...got the the bridge and everyone was there. Now, since I tried running the instance 4 times getting stuck on the wrong floor and trying to pvp my way off of it (this doesn't work...only the fleet pass gets you out) I might have fixed the bridge issue before even getting there.


The fight was a one shot...I attacked the Jedi and moved off the left side of the front stage not even engaging the Padawan...the Padawan went straight for Mako...they battled it out while I beat down the Jedi...fight lasted 75 seconds.


Getting out...just make your way back to the airlock where you came in...make sure you clear out everything before you go into the bridge to kill the Jedi...you will have respawns and if you don't clear rooms prior...you will have a lot of mobs...I got lucky as I cleared them before and came back to find new mobs in the doorways.


GL and may the Dark Side right deep in your veins!!

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lewlz, I was wondering *** was going on as I would get the dude to 20% only for him to have a heal pop and get back to full (padawan was dead) and only once he knocked me to the far side of the room did I kill him. Was a stupid 5 minute fight, though I will admit that I liked the challenge, everything has been uber easy in the quest line and having to do some hardcore dps in my tank spec to try and burn thru the heals was fun.
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I do not know if it was the padawan healing him, or himself, but I only managed to kill the jedi once I started kiting him around the room, he stopped regaining health then. Other than that I had some non-los foes, but Mako took those. I never go back to the med center in such instances anyway, I always probe, so I did not encounter that bug.

I built the jetpack, then simply moved towards the engineer, rightclicking it in my mission inventory until it lit up.

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I did finally complete the quest. Here is what worked for me.


I waited for my Fleet Pass timer to be ready. Used it. Used my ship to get back to the instance, and then never released to a medical bay if I died.


Some people say resetting the instance was necessary, but for me personally when I left and came back without resetting, everything was fine. Just had to get past the warden's room, and then the Jedi spawned on the Bridge.


that didn't work for me.


didn't read all of the thread, so i'll say what i did just incase.


Resetting the instance didn't work.

using fleet pass didn't work.

going back to my ship didn't work.


what did work, was doing the whole quest area. getting to the last boss (to find he wasn't there) went back to my ship, logged out, and then logged back in (Full Exit game, logout didn't work) go back into the Quest Area, "Some" of the monsters respawned, not all.

then the final dude was there. seems like the whole area was bugged, because there was also alot of monsters i could't kill but they could kill me, luckly i had my fiance with me, who killed them on my behalf.


Also as a side note: Mako (my companion) was healing the Jedi, i had to put her on passive to be able to kill the guy as she kept healing him to full HP.

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I feel for you guys that got bugged out, I did not have it that bad but still had some bugs here and there. The Jedi was there for me but it could of been a stroke of luck... Fight was somewhat epic but like everyone says hope BW fixes this ASAP...
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Jedi was not at the end when I arrived so I used the reset option at the entrance and he was there when I came back. Easy kill using strats identified in prior posts.


Also had issue with the Engineer until I read the previous entry about standing in the correct location.


Thanks for the good info folks.

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You have to stand EXACTLY where the little rotating quest icon is, which is quite a bit farther back from the Chief Engineer's perch than you might think it would be. I had the same issue, but when I went to the exact spot indicated by the marker, I was able to use the shield then activate the jet (with the Engineer targeted), and it worked fine.


But I also had the visible but not targetable enemies and always-healing Jedi issues, too. Those I worked around, but yes, this quest is buggier than a two-dollar motel.


THIS worked for me!

ALSO! Kill the jedi first, and leave the padawan :)

Edited by Asres
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I had to do this also. Just pulled him to the other side of the room.


Glad I didnt hit any of the other bugs. :/


Yep, had to do this too. Not game breaking by any means, but frustrating! I just shot him with Explosive dart, ran to the corner of the room, grappled and killed him. Had 75% of my life left after the fight. Not a problem.

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Just finished this quest and am relieved I didn't run into any of the aforementioned bugs, it went very smoothly actually.


Didn't die once, maybe respawning is part of the issue?


The Jedi never got me below 75% health, being shield spec and having Mako just use heal abilities helped I'm sure.


I also pulled the Jedi away from the padawan after knocking her out, that tip was clutch.

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I had a couple of the mentioned bugs yesterday: some mobs would appear friendly while some would appear hostile, and the final boss being MIA. :mad:


I tried resetting the quest, resetting my UI, leaving the area and coming back, exiting out of the game completely, clicking my heels together three times....but nothing :(


However when i logged back in today after work the end boss magically appeared! :D

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I've been stuck on this mission all day, literally.


I looked past the "Can't see Target" problems in hopes of getting it done. BUT:


1( I died in the engine room, because Mako pissed off about 15-20 maintenance droids. No biggie, I figured on the ship I would spawn at the medcenter because it shouldn't be too much hassle to get back, boy was I wrong. It wasn't long before I ran into a door that was locked on the other side!


2) I used my Fleet Pass, and returned to the ship, only to find that ALL of the mobs had respawned, I didn't have to do the engineer trick again, but I did have to spend 10-15 minutes clearing out the trash to get back upstairs. In a private instance, so far I think this is the only one where the mobs were respawning if I had to come back to it


3) so working my way to the brig, I got killed again... I thought to myself, ok I am past the point I got stuck last time, and I could use a backup mebpack, I respawned at the revive point, and worked back, only to find a locked door to the Brig room. So with like 18 hours on my Fleet Pass I sent a ticket.


4)10 hours later I am still stuck at that door.


5) I have noticed, not just in this mission, but a lot of places, that the mobs Evade and reset constantly.

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Please, please do so. Getting this upset over bugs is a clear indicator you simply aren't mature enough to play a MMO. Goodbye, make sure to follow through here.


Or it could mean you have better things to do with your time and money than give it to developers and publishers who can't deliver.

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I only saw one bug in the mission where the padawan would continue healing the jedi after I defeated her. I was able to get around that by pulling the Jedi out of her range and finish him off. I did the mission early on Christmas morning.


I had that same bug too which was a pain in the butt. (would have used another word there). I got so frustrated that I just turned off my computer and walked away. I still got the quest done but these issues really need to get fixed.

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OMG, I remember this!!!


I died on the two strong mobs because true to form, I CC'd the wrong target (hint: it's best to CC the one who stays put and doesn't come to you) so when I used an AOE, of course the CC broke and I just couldn't handle both of them at once.


Anyway, I got rezzed in the med center which is on the other side of the door where I was fighting the two strong mobs. But because I hadn't killed them and activated the next section, the door was locked and I ran around the bridge with no mobs.


In order to fix this, I had to use my 20Hr Fleet Cooldown, and fly back to the ship. I didn't have to reset the entire chain or redo the ship fights up to those two strong mobs, which was good. I ran through from the beginning and reengaged the two mobs, thus remembering which one I should have CC'd, killed them, and then everything else was normal.




I finally got to fight the jedi...I don't know *** was up with that fight, but that dude had some SRS lay on hands action going on as SEVERAL times I got him to almost dead and then he'd be at full health. Not only that, but he'd do this knockback move that knocked himself as well as me back, and he'd get stuck in the console and I couldn't target him and he'd evade and reset to full (did that THREE times).


I finally got him though....I feel like it's some sort of rite of passage in patience. One that I won't ever do again, thankfully.

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If you have a security key or set one up on your cell phone you can buy (1,000 credits each0 fleet passes that have no cooldown that work just like the emergency ones but can be used only once. You'll find the vendor at Drommund Kass City, not at the space port.


Anyway, I will be leaving. The game is just too frustrating with bad AI programing, bugs, and a TON of UI errors and the lack of UI customization. If bioware fixes the UI (including allowing for customiezed items), creates a decent LFG so I can find help with heroics and flashpoints, and fixes all of the freaking annoying quest bugs, then I would continue.


Maybe I'll play again in another year or so when it's fixed, if it stays that long. Bioware should have not released this game until IT WAS DONE, even if it took until say summer of 2012. I really would have waited. but to release this game with this many technical problems and issues is rediculous. When you are competing against games like EVE, WOW, LOTRO, D&D, etc. you can't release a buggy game.


It has to be rock solid from the get go. I understand SMALL bugs here and there, but crashes, server drops, heavy server down time for maintenance, buggy quests, a clunky UI that has no macros or customizations, no AA video, etc. all go to add up to a big failure.



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have run this mission 10 times. with different companions. with different computers. ive rest the mission. did the CTRL and the U button ( press the U button twice while holding down the control button) did the missions both dark and light ... still FUBAR .....i havent gotten stuck between locked doors (thank God!) . Killian Jarro isnt where he is supposed to be. not able to lock onto various characters thru out the mission says they arnt seen, green to me but red to others so i cant target. the list goes on ..... entered my 3rd ticket on this with all the information they asked me for in their responce to me. hope they get it fixed... i want to move on ( leveled 2 levels since getting the option to start that mission ):mad::mad::mad:
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man you guys really had me worried, the only issue i had was with the jetpack but once i read here that you had to be on the circle in your minimap then everything else was smooth, with the jedi I just ignored the padawan and killed the jedi, was easy.
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Everything before the last fight went easily enough, besides some gold war droids who were a pain to kill.


On the last fight though with the Jedi I was amazed that I managed it without dying, because for the first half of the fight I had no idea of what was going on, everything was jumping back and forth.

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I had the same issue as well. I couldn't target the enemies even though I was right in front of them (nothing blocking my shot) and when I got to the Jedi I killed his padawan but he would heal everytime he got to about a third of health completely. When I looked the padawan was healing him I think. That might be how it actually is so I don't know if that was a bug or not, I know she was dead first and could not be targeted, but I brought him to the medical droid and fought him there where I finally killed him. Luckily I had a buddy kinda coach me through that whole scenario. BW will fix though just give em a little time, but if you see bugs like the one I mentioned this is a possible fix. Good luck to you guys.
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Its obvious they just rushed the release for christmas.


I don't think i've encountered any conversation without visual bugs.

That i could live with, just visual bugs, but the game is riddled with combat bugs aswell.

Honestly, the immersive story is all i really play this for now.


The bugs make me reluctant to play this game, let alone the unresponsive combat.

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This quest made me squal with rage. Having to spend some time killing everything on the freaking board (except for the immortals), and than at the end having the final guy not show up, filled me with rage when I realized I had to rest the phase and plow through them all over again. If you are going to have a long complicated board where you have to fight wave after wave of men to get to the final boss make sure it isn't so glitchy. Class quests should be fine tuned. TO hear AND encounter that Bounty hunter quests are so bugged is disheartening. Shame on you Boiware. Why do you make such glitchy games?
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have run this mission 10 times. with different companions. with different computers. ive rest the mission. did the CTRL and the U button ( press the U button twice while holding down the control button) did the missions both dark and light ... still FUBAR .....i havent gotten stuck between locked doors (thank God!) . Killian Jarro isnt where he is supposed to be. not able to lock onto various characters thru out the mission says they arnt seen, green to me but red to others so i cant target. the list goes on ..... entered my 3rd ticket on this with all the information they asked me for in their responce to me. hope they get it fixed... i want to move on ( leveled 2 levels since getting the option to start that mission ):mad::mad::mad:


Did you leave the area click on your face icon and hit reset phase? That was the only way that jedi appears.

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