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I Love This Game!


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Great Job Bioware! Seriously, no one ever says that. This game has kept me engaged for the better part of three years now. I love it, the constant content and yearly expansions are brilliant. Please keep up the good work and F the haters!


Oh ya and pls add 12xp story for Subs and I will love you long time!

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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Great Job Bioware! Seriously, no one ever says that. This game has kept me engaged for the better part of three years now. I love it, the constant content and yearly expansions are brilliant. Please keep up the good work and F the haters!


Oh ya and pls add 12xp story for Subs and I will love you long time!


This, ladies and gentlemen is NOT how you post positive feedback. When you have to insult those that do not agree with you to make your point, your point ends up disingenuous and nothing more than propaganda IMO.


If your praise is incapable of standing on it's own there is no reason to post it. Same goes for criticism.

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There is nothing negative about his feedback. There's no reason he has to run it by your filter to post it. It stands just find as is. Any idea that it doesn't is a matter of your personal opinion. Don't derail the thread with negativity like that. There's hate and tantrums and griefing in all four corners of this site. Let us have our happy place. The game is awesome. Not perfect, but no game is. Pointing out that a 12xp sub is something he wants in a positive framework is far better than "OMG WHY YOU SUCK SO MUCH BW GAME SUXORXZ QQ DIAF."


What he wrote was -just- fine.

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There is nothing negative about his feedback.


I think it is pretty obvious there is definite negativity. Telling those that you disagree with to, well....[blank] off is not exactly a positive note.


There's no reason he has to run it by your filter to post it.


I never indicated that was necessary. Only pointed out my opinion that is is disingenuous praise. And that is all that it is, my opinion, which means next to nothing.


It stands just find as is.


I disagree. If you have to insult your opponents to offer praise or criticism that is the very definition of a weak argument. This was likely posted as a counter to negativity, not a genuine offering of praise...therefore it is lacking in genuine praise. There was a purpose to it other than to thank the devs.


Any idea that it doesn't is a matter of your personal opinion.


I think that much is obvious. Perhaps I should point out that my opinion in no way represents some form of threat.

Don't derail the thread with negativity like that.


I think the op provided plenty of negativity at the start.


There's hate and tantrums and griefing in all four corners of this site. Let us have our happy place. The game is awesome. Not perfect, but no game is. Pointing out that a 12xp sub is something he wants in a positive framework is far better than "OMG WHY YOU SUCK SO MUCH BW GAME SUXORXZ QQ DIAF."


What he wrote was -just- fine.


I strongly disagree. First, my opinion hardly has the ability to destroy a "happy place". Second, there are plenty of folks offering genuine and deserved praise...there is plenty to praise in this game. But anyone that posts praise or criticism as a COUNTER is posting nothing but meaningless fluff.


I prefer GENUINE praise or criticism.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Great Job Bioware! Seriously, no one ever says that. This game has kept me engaged for the better part of three years now. I love it, the constant content and yearly expansions are brilliant. Please keep up the good work and F the haters!


Oh ya and pls add 12xp story for Subs and I will love you long time!


I love it, too! Super glad to be back after being gone for a while.

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I think it is pretty obvious there is definite negativity. Telling those that you disagree with to, well....[blank] off is not exactly a positive note.


Hey Artemis. [blank] off. I f!@*&^% love this game!!




I prefer GENUINE praise or criticism.


Who cares what you prefer?

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This, ladies and gentlemen is NOT how you post positive feedback. When you have to insult those that do not agree with you to make your point, your point ends up disingenuous and nothing more than propaganda IMO.


If your praise is incapable of standing on it's own there is no reason to post it. Same goes for criticism.


What in the hell are you crying about lol!


Are you referring to us disagreeing in another thread and bringing it into this positive thread? Thats what I thought!



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What in the hell are you crying about lol!


I suppose the same thing you are....cake beats pie. Another true story.


Are you referring to us disagreeing in another thread and bringing it into this positive thread? Thats what I thought!




Nope. If that is what you thought....well...no. In fact I would like to know where it is that we "disagreed in another thread".


Ill be back. Ill go take a look. Im sure I can enjoy reading your post history in the process. ;)


In the mean time....interesting idea....how about making a post without breaking the forum rules? You know, by telling certain folks to [blank] off?


That is, unless you think you are above the rules.....or feel it is central to your post?



Ok, update...you seem to be confusing me with someone else. I am one of the strong supporters of a permanent 12XP legacy option...in fact I wrote up a rather extended suggestion for the idea.


So I am not sure where you get the idea that we have crossed paths in the past.


I take issue with your [blank] off term. Thats it. Whether or not you choose to accept that view is entirely up to you.


IMO your praise would be far more genuine if you leave out the negativity.

Edited by LordArtemis
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