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Sorc healers are unplayable


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After reading some of this, and seeing my own toons in action, the skill changes and dps/tank/heal changes feel like a test to weed out the crappy players we all were complaining about pre 3.0. Now we know who are truly skilled and who aren't?



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After reading some of this, and seeing my own toons in action, the skill changes and dps/tank/heal changes feel like a test to weed out the crappy players we all were complaining about pre 3.0. Now we know who are truly skilled and who aren't?




that is kind of insulting.. as I have mentioned sometimes I am fine but then sometimes lag takes over and then suddenly I die repeatedly as a tank..


first 2 days killing a 3 spawn I used to be able to handle I died 2 times to take it out and the yesterday early afternoon it was possible to defeat them all with just a little work (it was a challenge but then it should be a challenge)..


not everyone is suffering from the same lag all the time .. some people didn't have any and then suddenly out of the blue they get hit..


careful least you suffer from karmic return

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After reading some of this, and seeing my own toons in action, the skill changes and dps/tank/heal changes feel like a test to weed out the crappy players we all were complaining about pre 3.0. Now we know who are truly skilled and who aren't?




Lets see this yay again once those "crappy players" stop paying sub to keep this game afloat :)

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that is kind of insulting.. as I have mentioned sometimes I am fine but then sometimes lag takes over and then suddenly I die repeatedly as a tank..


first 2 days killing a 3 spawn I used to be able to handle I died 2 times to take it out and the yesterday early afternoon it was possible to defeat them all with just a little work (it was a challenge but then it should be a challenge)..


not everyone is suffering from the same lag all the time .. some people didn't have any and then suddenly out of the blue they get hit..


careful least you suffer from karmic return


No, no. Not those suffering from lag. Believe me, the lag can be deadly even for pro players who can be elite to the extreme in nothing but their underwear. I'm talking about those who truly are not very skilled, no matter if they have subpar gear, or the best of the best in the game. I didn't mean to offend those who are skilled but get hit by silly things like lag which they didn't ask for.

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I haven't played my sorcerers since patch. But my healer sage is a a bit of a rollercoaster ride... so I can relate to both sides of the coin.


Solo... my sage is useless and I cannot progress in my story modes as silver enemies wreck me constantly. Fully geared and using my tank companion.


Flashpoint/Groups.... I am a healing god, plain and simple. I never run out of force and my healing is much more powerful.


My only solution for using my healer characters... after trying all kinds of battle tactics, I am at a loss. My only solution is to do flashpoints and level through them. Once I am like 10 levels over a planet... then I will do the class stuff there lol.

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After reading some of this, and seeing my own toons in action, the skill changes and dps/tank/heal changes feel like a test to weed out the crappy players we all were complaining about pre 3.0. Now we know who are truly skilled and who aren't?




so bw wants to keep the "elite" players and dump the rest....sounds like a business plan that will work...or an invitation for layoffs.

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so bw wants to keep the "elite" players and dump the rest....sounds like a business plan that will work...or an invitation for layoffs.


Nah...cause then the game would get boring and we wouldn't get in genchat on fleet 'where's the advanced class trainer at?'


But in seriousness. I was being sarcastic more than serious about this. I know there's more to it then what I said.

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I play every healer AC in the game {and their mirrors} with my main being a Sage. In my opinion Sages/Sorcs are just fine. I was able to go throughboth Rishi and Yavin IV only dying to Revan as he buggy atm {took me 3 tries the other day}. I have not played them all through yet of course, but working on my eldest toons first...now working on my Commando healer {about to land on Yavin IV} now and they are doing just fine with the same gear rating {BS 180s were all I had, but still better than 158/162 rated PvP gear}.


In fact, my combat medic feels more clunky than my Sage and has come closer to dying a couple times...but still getting used to the changes {was happy with how my combat medic felt before 3.0}. Not had time to mess with my Scoundrel/Operative healer yet...I am sure they will be fine to acceptable lol.

Edited by Urantia
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Nah...cause then the game would get boring and we wouldn't get in genchat on fleet 'where's the advanced class trainer at?'


But in seriousness. I was being sarcastic more than serious about this. I know there's more to it then what I said.


I took out my dps sage on makeb, golds were no problem, but single silvers hit like a ton of bricks.looks like bw has some major fixes to put in place due to absolutely no testing. it is obvious from the first 5 min playing that there is a problem. people that want more challenge can create it for themselves if they are smart enough, the opposite is not true.

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I play every healer AC in the game {and their mirrors} with my main being a Sage. In my opinion Sages/Sorcs are just fine. I was able to go throughboth Rishi and Yavin IV only dying to Revan as he buggy atm {took me 3 tries the other day}. I have not played them all through yet of course, but working on my eldest toons first...now working on my Commando healer {about to land on Yavin IV} now and they are doing just fine with the same gear rating {BS 180s were all I had, but still better than 158/162 rated PvP gear}.


In fact, my combat medic feels more clunky than my Sage and has come closer to dying a couple times...but still getting used to the changes {was happy with how my combat medic felt before 3.0}. Not had time to mess with my Scoundrel/Operative healer yet...I am sure they will be fine to acceptable lol.


pre 55 and post 55 seem to be a lot different. try it out

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I play all 3 healing classes quite well. I do not find them harder to play- just different- however, I have noticed the random people I am grouped with in Flashpoints are squishier all around. I think it has to do with the overall tweaking Bioware has done. I don't think it's necessarily a terrible thing, but it means people need to snap out of their over-geared lazy mode and bad players will cry more and keep saying everyone in their group is terrible.


If you want help with Sorc heals some more information will help. Are you talking levelling, or end-game?


This ^^

Its time for the bad players that tacts and 12x produced to start learning their class if they havent by now....that goes for any class for that matter.

It was mentioned several times that the higher end content was all going to be a bit harder. Its called a transition people......dont complain about it.....adapt to it.

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It is weird.


First, my heals are nerfed, especially my AoE. And that makes a difference certainly.


But at the same time, I have a new heal and I am hardly using Force....not to mention that it is much easier to run my optimal rotation and keep my health up to max. I see almost no resource movement at all. Also, alacrity REALLY boosts healing now overall because cooldowns are effected.


So I think in some cases the nerf is felt....like if a player gets down to 25 percent health it is difficult to bring him back to the top unless I focus only on him or her (before I could just keep AoEs up and innervate and that was enough to top him or her off), but overall I can extend out my healing during the fight with much less down time, I don't have to worry about my resource as much.


Will have to see how this plays out over time. Do NOT like the nerf to Revivication.

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This ^^

Its time for the bad players that tacts and 12x produced to start learning their class if they havent by now....that goes for any class for that matter.

It was mentioned several times that the higher end content was all going to be a bit harder. Its called a transition people......dont complain about it.....adapt to it.


Trust me people that know how to play, also got lazy with smashing through the old content with OP geared tanks and healers. Seen it countless times, over many a mmo. I can remember Cata WoW when they "adjusted" healing. And you had to omg CC and interupt mobs. I saw countless "pro" players, who would pull aggro, break cc and stand in fire. We even had a hunter throw up a server first title, and tell us we all sucked and needed to l2p. When he was called out, by everyone in the pug group.

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pre 55 and post 55 seem to be a lot different. try it out


The OP never mentioned what lvl they were. You are correct in that I have not been pre 55 in a very long time and never will be again. But yeah I was replying to them or I would have quoted another. Basic forum 101 incase you did not know...replies that do not quote a specific poster are defaulted to the OP {unless the language of the message clearly indicate otherwise}.


So I replied {in short}, Sorcs/Sages are playable. Next time you try and be a smart *** at least think it through. God knows I am far from perfect, but could swear I was not talking to anyone but the OP.


As to pre 55 I am sure it is different than pre-3.0, but this game has done nothing but get easier since beta/release, so I would hardly notice if I were making a new toon. It is now in its most dumbed down iteration ever.

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Reminds me of hm in 1.0 to be honest. It was pretty brutal healing then. I only did one hm and it was manaan and couldnt get past the first boss with my scoundrel healer. Wasnt really too much of a healer issue but the fight was over 5 minutes long and the dps took a ton of damage and had a hard time keeping up but resource wise it was fine.


For me keeping the tank up was easy but the dps was another story.

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