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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Inbound Bug Fixes


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Hey everyone!


I just wanted to let you all know that we are aiming to release a patch in the coming week to address some of the issues that have cropped up since Tuesday. While I don’t have an exact day or time yet, I will post as soon as I do. For now, though, I wanted you to know what we’re trying to get fixed (with the typical disclaimer of "nothing is final until it goes live"):


• “The Enemy Within” fight issues.

• Mission Reward Gear Packs giving the wrong/incomplete gear.

• The tree used to summon the Tonitran Beast on the Mission “Jungle’s Bounty.”

• “The Ravagers” final encounter loot not dropping.

• “Temple of Sacrifice” final encounter loot not dropping.

• The display issue that causes Prefab Decorations to not appear after being picked up/replaced.


We are working diligently on these and other issues that have come up in order to get things corrected as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!



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Thank you for your patience!


[sarcasm] No, no, no! Thank you for allowing us to beta test your expansion! Surely your QA department* enjoyed the time off! [/sarcasm]


*(Well, I'm sure they would have enjoyed time off, if you guys even had a (competent) QA department. :rolleyes:)

Edited by Fractal_Eye
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Question Tait. For those who killed the final bosses of Ravagers and ToS and recieved no loot, should they file a ticket in-game or are we just not going to be recovering our loot?


File an in-game ticket. CS will verify the kill and then work with you guys to get the loot.

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Is the team aware of, considering, or in the process of making any fixes or changes to:



  • Overnerfed healing companions
  • Excessive damage from certain strong (silver star) and champion mobs
  • Accuracy requiring a possibly unintended level of rating (758 at level 60) to reach the 100/110 cap
  • Allowing everyone to run [sOLO] Forged Alliances, even if they did the group version before 3.0
  • Training costs for re-training of skills (and discrepancies between mirror classes)

Edited by Heezdedjim
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It's astonishing to me that you're going to allow an entire week to pass by without fixing Enemy Within.


Revan is the final boss and namesake of your expansion, a fight you've been teasing for months, and he's broken. This is one of the biggest fails I can recall in this game's history.


It's hard for me to even understand how a fight so broken made it through testing. I mean someone should have noticed that the fight only works about 1 in 10 tries. If you're lucky.

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He said 1 patch in the next few weeks. The patch might not hit until after next week.


Wrong he said "the coming week" meaning from this Sunday to next Saturday night , so maybe before Tuesday would be good.





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So tell me Tait, the dev team is totally ignoring the unacceptable FPS issues a lot of people having and complaining about in the Customer Service part of the forums, without getting any response?


You can have the best PC in the world, but even that will not manage probably a stable 30 FPS at all times.

Especially in OPS & Warzones.

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Is the team aware of, considering, or in the process of making any fixes or changes to:



  • Overnerfed healing companions
  • Excessive damage from certain strong (silver star) and champion mobs
  • Accuracy requiring a possibly unintended level of rating (758 at level 60) to reach the 100/110 cap
  • Allowing everyone to run [sOLO] Forged Alliances, even if they did the group version before 3.0
  • Training costs for re-training of skills (and discrepancies between mirror classes)


Been wondering about some of this stuff too...

I definitely see silver mobs being crazy OP in places....on dailies I have done countless time.....very obvious.


Monday I do the quests,as normal....


Tuesday, I have better gear than Monday and so do comps ( upgraded massively with comms)....do same quests and the Silvers are doing nearly outrageous damage. I don't notice my dps as being much worse but my healer characters heal much much less...and many mobs now have super powers.


And I have indeed noticed that if I use a healing comp, there are weird instances when they just do nothing at all.


Also, dramatic ability delays, too often almost unplayable.


Something is definiitely wrong. I have not played much since the patch hit as things seem to be very wrong.

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Hey everyone!


I just wanted to let you all know that we are aiming to release a patch in the coming week to address some of the issues that have cropped up since Tuesday. While I don’t have an exact day or time yet, I will post as soon as I do. For now, though, I wanted you to know what we’re trying to get fixed (with the typical disclaimer of "nothing is final until it goes live"):


• “The Enemy Within” fight issues.

• Mission Reward Gear Packs giving the wrong/incomplete gear.

• The tree used to summon the Tonitran Beast on the Mission “Jungle’s Bounty.”

• “The Ravagers” final encounter loot not dropping.

• “Temple of Sacrifice” final encounter loot not dropping.

• The display issue that causes Prefab Decorations to not appear after being picked up/replaced.


We are working diligently on these and other issues that have come up in order to get things corrected as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!




That's all well and good, but what about the severe "lag" causing ability delay, ability stuttering, or just flat out ability misfire (pushing buttons and nothing happens). It's not client side because my latency meter is fine and normal speed I'm used to. Something server side is hogging resources and making the game simply a pain in the *** to play right now.

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Good to hear your fixing some of the issues,will you also be fixing the combat lagg that has happened since 3.0 launched and it is getting worse to becoming unplayable as a healer at times and the tactical fp's are even worse than some planets ive been on ie taris,hoth to name just 2.this has nothing to do with my end as my ingame ping is 42-47 MS and steady and others are having the same issue. Edited by Avorniel
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Wow. Sounds like I've done well to avoid playing the content just yet, and to continue to avoid playing it until you get these glaring issues resolved.


Did these things not show up in game testing?


I sincerely hope Bioware delays its release of the xpac scheduled for the 9th. This incarnation is nowhere near ready for prime time.

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File an in-game ticket. CS will verify the kill and then work with you guys to get the loot.


Are you sure?




I am Protocol Droid M0-T0, Human-Cyborg Relations.


Thank you for contacting us about the issue you encountered. This particular case appears to have been caused by a bug within the game that will need to be corrected in a future game update and as such, cannot be corrected by Customer Service.


To allow us to identify and correct these issues, we would request that you submit a Bug Report on this issue. Bug Reports submitted though the In-Game Help Center go directly to our development QA team and not to Customer Service. To submit a bug, you can type /bug in your chat window or select Bug Report from the drop down when creating a new ticket in the In-Game Help Center.


We also recommend checking the latest patch notes at http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for information on any fixes or changes in our game updates or our Known Bugs list, located at the top of our Bug Forums which can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=417.


We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and to thank you again for the valuable feedback you have provided. Please do not hesitate to report any other issues you may encounter while playing.


Galactic support is our specialty…




Protocol Droid M0-T0

Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service


This was concerning the Data Packets looted to complete the datacrons on Rishi, that my companions sold as "junk".


I have the achievements, and screenshots of the Data Packets, yet I was told there is nothing CS can do for me.

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