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non bodyguard heals decimated, severely disappointed.


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Look, i didnt expect to be able to heal in a dps spec, but i did at least expect to be able to heal myself back to full given a few seconds


We lost a good AoE heal, and a spammable heal, and got 2 that have too long a cooldown to be anything other than one offs, and the shot that gives me about 1/30th or worse of my health. This effectively makes dps spec off heals completely dead.


No other class was nerfed in this manner as all still have spammable heals even in dps spec. youve bascially told us all to rte-roll sorcs.


One of our real heals, not the pew pew one that does nothing in our spec, needs to be taken off cooldown so we can at least heal ourselves to full with it in combat. As is we will be a drain on healers.


i realize this isnt our main thing, but since we didnt get any defensive helped we were begging for, nerfing our heals on top of that is a huge issue for us PvP wise as well.

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Look, i didnt expect to be able to heal in a dps spec, but i did at least expect to be able to heal myself back to full given a few seconds


We lost a good AoE heal, and a spammable heal, and got 2 that have too long a cooldown to be anything other than one offs, and the shot that gives me about 1/30th or worse of my health. This effectively makes dps spec off heals completely dead.


No other class was nerfed in this manner as all still have spammable heals even in dps spec. youve bascially told us all to rte-roll sorcs.


One of our real heals, not the pew pew one that does nothing in our spec, needs to be taken off cooldown so we can at least heal ourselves to full with it in combat. As is we will be a drain on healers.


i realize this isnt our main thing, but since we didnt get any defensive helped we were begging for, nerfing our heals on top of that is a huge issue for us PvP wise as well.


Spammable heal? Heal to full in a few seconds?


I'm heal spec and I can do neither. You have two instant heal, one of which has no cooldown. If either emergency scan or healing scan were off cooldown, that would be incredibly OP, sorc nor ops have anything like that.

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No other class was nerfed in this manner as all still have spammable heals even in dps spec. youve bascially told us all to rte-roll sorcs.

It's not that I like the change to commando dps's heal, but Operatives/Scoundrels in dps spec lost their underworld medicine heal and got a HOT...

Edited by Hikaru_Kuma
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Look, i didnt expect to be able to heal in a dps spec, but i did at least expect to be able to heal myself back to full given a few seconds


We lost a good AoE heal, and a spammable heal, and got 2 that have too long a cooldown to be anything other than one offs, and the shot that gives me about 1/30th or worse of my health. This effectively makes dps spec off heals completely dead.

Actually, I've found that the Medshot (and specifically the fact that I don't have to change cells and/or target myself to use it), the new heal and the utility that turns your concussion charge into an AoE heal are doing just as well as my old suite of heals did.


The main reason for this is that without a significant investment in the medical tree, you had to be pretty sparing on the healing or you'd draw so much aggro (and the pushback it causes) that you'd be down to healing with hammer shots pretty quickly. Medical Probe's 2.5 second charge-up basically made it worthless once you started healing in earnest. By contrast, the new heal, Medshot and the Concussion Charge utility are all pushback free and can be used on the move. If you're Gunnery spec'd every third grav round gives you an instant AMP (and two is enough to make it nearly so).


As a result, I've found it a LOT easier to bounce back while IN combat now. The new heal + a freecast AMP and, if necessary a concussion charge heal get me back a fair amount of hit points. If you ever need to off-heal for a group, you just need to start piling on Medshot early (i.e. start shooting the tank as soon as they jump into the fight instead of waiting for them to lose a chunk of hit points and pull him back up) and drop your two other heals as they come up (perhaps with a grav round or three interspersed to speed up the AMP... because damaging my foes makes me a better a healer).


With your combat support cell in place you'll get some extra healing and get some burst healing every time you pop Supercharge Cells (which should come up every 15-18 seconds thanks to spamming Medshot/Grav Round in between your AMP and new heal cooldowns) by getting a healing boost and no cooldown/less cost on AMP for 10 seconds... enough for 6-7 AMP's depending on your alacrity).


You're not going to be any type of AoE heal-monster while dps-specced, but as a single target off-healer (preferably with another off-healer in your group) you're not useless in the places where off-healing is actually useful (i.e. taking pressure off the actual healer for a few seconds when something goes sideways or running a heroic or story-mode while leveling when no other healers are available).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Spammable heal? Heal to full in a few seconds?


I'm heal spec and I can do neither. You have two instant heal, one of which has no cooldown. If either emergency scan or healing scan were off cooldown, that would be incredibly OP, sorc nor ops have anything like that.


Tech overrides and medical probe is I believe what he was talking about. Its how most gunnery/arsenal commando/mercs healed themselves in pvp/pve because medical probe had no cool down and could be instant spammed twice.Which gave between 8 and 15k healing in under 2 seconds. Handy if you were taking a node 1v1 or are having issues in pve. It really was our bread and butter when it concerned survivability.

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some of you get it i see... some are trolling.


they made similar changes to DPS Ops... but sorcs still have the complete toolkit plus non dispellable dots... (what clown thought that was a good idea ill never know)


so at the end of the day we are where we were pre 3,0, still badly in need of defensive buffs to increase our TTK value

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Sorcs in madness, Sins in Hatred and Jugs in whatever spec all outheal us while using nothing but attacks. Am i the only one who find that just hillarious? I have come to the point where i look at the class i love and just shake my head and laugh at the whole mess. And log my sin or play something else.
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Same here. I stopped playing my Commando and Scoundrel. I don't know what BW was thinking, but my Damage+Heal class characters are just a headache to play now. Very fragile with bad heals for a small damage buff. I'll be playing along and some silver mobs jump out and the Scoundrel is dead in between checking the HP bar and making an attack. The Commando can't get through a tough fight now.


I am going to try to play a different type of Class, but my Commando was my level 53, in a Guild. Now I am just dropping it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Spammable heal? Heal to full in a few seconds?


I'm heal spec and I can do neither. You have two instant heal, one of which has no cooldown. If either emergency scan or healing scan were off cooldown, that would be incredibly OP, sorc nor ops have anything like that.


Yes I do. I have a HoT (rejuvenate) along with a spammable heal (benevolence) and a self heal (force mend). On top of that, Balance, a DPS spec, can heal itself with no problems whatsoever due to the DoTs, AoEs, and Force Serenity all healing while they attack. Plus, you can add the utility that allows your bubble and barrier to heal you, while in the latter's case, remove all negative effects and prevent all damage on top of adding another shield after that effect ends. Yes, you get all of this as a DPS Sage.


It is horse manure that our first heal has a 13.5 second CD while the Sage gets to be a goddess. Where's the fairness in that?

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Yes I do. I have a HoT (rejuvenate) along with a spammable heal (benevolence) and a self heal (force mend). On top of that, Balance, a DPS spec, can heal itself with no problems whatsoever due to the DoTs, AoEs, and Force Serenity all healing while they attack. Plus, you can add the utility that allows your bubble and barrier to heal you, while in the latter's case, remove all negative effects and prevent all damage on top of adding another shield after that effect ends. Yes, you get all of this as a DPS Sage.


It is horse manure that our first heal has a 13.5 second CD while the Sage gets to be a goddess. Where's the fairness in that?


Yeah ok... none of that is like emergancy scan or healing scan without a cooldown, but thx for sharing.

Edited by TezMoney
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Yeah ok... none of that is like emergancy scan or healing scan without a cooldown, but thx for sharing.


Maybe you just need to learn to read. Benevolence is Healing Scan sans a cooldown, and Emergency Scan would be equivalent to Force Mend, not to mention all of the other stuff given to DPS Sages. Since you seem to be a slow pony, I'll wait until it sinks in for you.





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to even try to suggest that there is any similarity between dps sorc heals and dps merc or op heals is just ludicrous. adding in other defensive cooldowns and any merc complaining about anyone else needs to zip it and wake up.

for example...

you still have an effective heal you can spam, we do not.. we have a terribad heal that does about 1/40th of our health per global cooldown

you have an "oh crap" large heal, we do not

you have a defensive bubble similar to our, only better.. plus a second immunity bubble

you have a hot you can use anytime, our kotlo doesnt kick in till were nearly dead

we both have a knockback but you also have a sprint, we do not

honestly, if you think there is any comparison, you have no idea what you are talking about, at all

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Maybe you just need to learn to read. Benevolence is Healing Scan sans a cooldown, and Emergency Scan would be equivalent to Force Mend, not to mention all of the other stuff given to DPS Sages. Since you seem to be a slow pony, I'll wait until it sinks in for you.






I think you're the slow one. If healing scan heals for like twice what benevolence does and force mend heals for almost twice what emergency scan does.


All the other stuff given to dps sages is irrelevant to the point I was making, which was how OP it would be to have emergancy scan or healing scan with no cd. I'm not saying sorc dps doesn't have superior self heals. You can get off your soap box now.

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Same here. I stopped playing my Commando and Scoundrel. I don't know what BW was thinking, but my Damage+Heal class characters are just a headache to play now. Very fragile with bad heals for a small damage buff. I'll be playing along and some silver mobs jump out and the Scoundrel is dead in between checking the HP bar and making an attack. The Commando can't get through a tough fight now.


I am going to try to play a different type of Class, but my Commando was my level 53, in a Guild. Now I am just dropping it.


I saw how ugly things got with healing as a commando and BH after 3.0. I switched roles on both. I still have a Operative that is healer based, but still haven't decided if I am going to keep this spec or not.


I made those choices for a number of reasons.


In PVP, with lower healing on the commando and BH, survivability dropped after 3.0. People would stun and focus on you. With no escape tools (shield reduced damage, can't remove force applied dots, no stealth or speed run to break focus) it just seemed like the classes now became dependent on either another healer to keep them up once focused on or they had to hope their gear was better than their aggressors and they could outlive the initial burst they received. But in PVP, with no escape tool to break the focus, you would get stunned, stunned again or your heals would be interupted and you were dead. At least on the Operative you have an "Oh #@$&" stealth bubble so you can break focus, and heal up. You got nothing to work with as a Commando / BH.


In PVE, leveling was just taking forever as a healer. A solo flashpoint I could rip through in under 30 mins as a DPS was taking over an hour as a healer to do. And you simply seemed useless. The droid did all the heavy lifting and your dps was too low as a healer to make any real difference in the fight. Sure, the average person probably finished the solo flashpoints by level 57, but then you hit rishi and get tagged team by two silvers which hit like a mac truck now. As a healer or DPS, you would stun one and burn the other one down. But as a healer spec these fights just take too long. You all but double your time leveling that your DPS and tank counter parts seem to go through.


Then as a level 60 healer what do you do? Dailies? PVP? Gear up for OPS? Regardless of what you do, it just seems like you work twice as hard to get what you need equipment wise.

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I re-evaluated the various 3.0 Heals on my non-Medic Commando and Mercenary and came up with a maximum heal rotation. Then I went back and fought some old super-elite Bosses that I beat easily enough four levels earlier in 2.***. Now, in 3.0, my Heals can't keep up with the damage from the elite Boss who is 4 levels lower now! I can barely just keep my Companion alive, who is the Tank role.


So, yes, BW, you ruined my level 54 Commando for serious PvE gameplay which is the minimal mark I hold all my characters to, so I am not playing it and feel the Commando and Merc have changed so much in 3.0 that we players should be allowed to re-select our Advanced Class. My advice to you, BW, is to go back to the drawing board with the new Commando heals in the new Disciplines and restore the older, better gameplay.

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I always found Kolto Missile to be a very handy off heal simply because you could maintain your focus target while you apply it to your allies. Not just because you aim it as a ground target, but because you could double tap the skill in while targeted on your opponent in order to heal your allies who are in melee with that target.


All in all, a very clever little off-heal indeed.


I do agree that the instant heal is a very good addition to the DPS Merc kit, but it's certainly not a viable replacement for Kolto Missile. Certainly not considering DPS Sorcs are running around with Static+Resurge.



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