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Dear BIOWARE could you fix accuracy ? (with formulae & math)


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Would like to know when this will be addressed. Really don't want to regear and have them come back and say oops we had the formula wrong, after ripping out enh's and such. It's not like I haven't already sunk in a ton of credits on 4 60's and now they say, oh yeah we're gonna make it free to skill up next week.
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Mitsugoya - Awesome job and many thanks for doing the leg work on this!!!! I thought I was going crazy when I saw how much it would take to reach 100% vs. the patch note and prior discussions about the dps skill buff being removed.


Indeed, clarification on the subject from the devs would be nice.


Could you link this thread in the Customer Service forum for some more visibility?

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Well theres the thing. I have 100,15 %melee and 110,15 force accuracy now and i still see too many misses and dodges when parsing on dummy in my ship


Hi nitratas

some qq

-have you tried on the training dummy (non ops one) and get the same numbers

-do you have these numbers with 180 gear or the new 186 and above gear.

Just speculation but, I'm wondering if they have now factored in gear rating as well into the chance that lvl 60 bosses can doge/miss shots?

It would be a mistake on their part but that would mean that only the top tier (192) gear can be a 100% hit on bosses.

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My thoughts are they want people using different types of augments, but who knows!


I can't say much, but this seems to be intended.


No it's not, either it's a bug either devs are lying to us.


From the patch note of the 3.0 Game Update :

Accuracy Rating grants more Accuracy per point.


couldn't be more clear, also devs had said before the 3.0 release (in this dev stream http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/b/583547078 from 20'30) they slightly turned up how much Accuracy we gain from accuracy rating, but we'll need more accuracy than before.


I'm okay with the fact that we need more accu than before, and it's the case. Where i disagree is the fact they slightly buff accuracy.


Prior to patch 3.0 we need 435 accu in order to get 110,01% (with 1% pet bonus & 3% from the tree). That's mean 435 accu rating worth 6% (1 acc rat. for ~0.0138%) now we have 758 accu rating worth 9% (1 acc rat for ~0.0119%).


I don't call that a tunes up but a nerf, atm It's more like "Accuracy ratings give less accuracy per point". I know it is normal that we get less accuracy since we have a DR curve but all this is here to show that the problem really exists and is no an another QQ thread.

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Last Friday's stream, Eric mentioned that he thought they only added MORE Accuracy to level 60 gear to compensate. So I do not know if that means they added more gear with Accuracy or added more Accuracy per gear.


Hmm nope, couldn't be that.


Accu on the gear has the same amount than surge and alac, and they didn't mention buff those two stats.

Furthermore, yes they give a very little more accu on enhancement :


150 = 60

156 = 66 (+6)

162 = 72 (+6)

168 = 79 (+7)

174 = 86 (+7)

180 = 94 (+8)

186 = 102 (+8)

192 = 111 (+9)

192 = 120 (+9)


As we can see, we gain more or less 9% surge/Accu/Alac/Absorb each tiers. Nothing has changed here either.

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Tried to read. Really did.

But seriously dude - Math. Not even once.


I don't understand your point :confused:


IF you think there are no math in the post, well maybe it's because, formulae in this game are very easy to read and understand ? Don't need more than 2/3 line to proove my statement with those formulae and number.


Or you tried to read the topic but the math disgust you. No offence but why do you read a topic like that when the title clearly say there is math in it ?

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/bump need some yellow texts

They REALLY need to say SOMETHING on this. If it is working as intended, we can all do what we need to do. If it is not and will be changed, they need to tell people BEFORE everyone dumps their comms and credits on gear that will be rendered useless by a fix a week from now.


In other words, look at how the training costs fiasco was handled. Then do the exact opposite of that.

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I'm moving forward with "Working as Intended". There's not much other reason they would completely ignore the threads here and in the bug forum. If it were a bug or suspected bug, we should have (at least) Tait's standard "Thanks for the report, we are looking into it!" post.
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It seems that the formula for accuracy wasn't different on the test server either.... So this appears to be the intent


6 enhancements + 1 augment isn't too far off from how much gear was needed pre-3.0 in order to max accuracy, so considering that there will eventually be an even higher tier of equipment at level 60, not changing the formula appears to have still gotten us to our desired stat distribution

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Why the hell is there no Dev posting ?

I see 3 reasons:


1. They need to think about it ! They dont know if it was intended or not yet !

2. They need to find another excuse !

3. It is intended but they dont know yet, how to explain that in terms of "how different that hits different classes" they didnt expect !

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