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So how happy are you with your Sorc??


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I'm moving on from the less than satisfying Sentinel experience and this is one of the classes I'm most interested in.


I'm no stranger to how strong you guys can be in PvP but I was wondering about the PvE experience as well.


How do you handle crowds? How's your damage?


Any and all feedback is appreciated.



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As a healing sorc I am loving it. One I got resurgence+2/2 force bending my healing changed from spamming dark infusion to resurgence->dark heal+shield on CD unless the damage incoming is larger then normal.


With khem in average gear I can solo all H2s and some H4s with proper use of CC and CDs.

Haven't tried to DPS as a sorc in a DPS spec, Although I did DPS athiss in heal spec and the damage seems to be competitive with other DPS specs.

Only thing I'm not liking is the lack of decent instant casts.

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Also a healing Sorcerer and loving every moment of it. We are quite lacking in the group heals department and I feel that we are force-starved at least at the lower half of the level range, but on the whole, especially with single target heals, I'm beyond satisfied. Now if only I could get a new UI.....
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I'm a PvP DPS sorc playing a generally lightning heavy build and I'm plenty happy with it. I do quite well in PvP and leveling is a breeze, especially since even in DPS spec you have a tank pet and a couple of servicable heals plus a bubble.


EDIT: I see you actually asked specifically about PvE...crowds aren't a problem, we can easily control and spank weak mobs while Khem deals with anything stronger, and we can easily solo elites and sometimes even champions. In groups we do both our jobs adequately well.

Edited by HagenVonTronje
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Couldnt agree more.


Lightning/Madness spec'd sith sorc. atm and just loving our versatility.

We do great damage, good DoT's; decent healing, good CC'ing and the pet does the part we lack a bit in. And also most players love us since we can heal, CC or damage absorb bubble them :)



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Sorc was fun up until 50. Now its just meh, pvp is a pain now. Number 1 Focus every game, lowest survivability. Im starting to think that the IA/Smugglers just go for me to get the 5k dmg medal. Sorc is good a pve and bleh at pvp. Probably going to get flamed for this post but whatever, get to 50 first then tell me your pro tactics to survive.
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Just hit 50 today, and I've loved every minute of playing as Lightning. Around 30+ or so, you'll notice that mobs are getting more HP and do more damage and you'll start to feel like you're squishy and you're about to die on every pull. It will get better.


I ditched Khem as soon as I got Andronikos and he's been kicking *** with me almost all the way to 50. I did use Ashara when I got her, and was pretty determined to use her all the time. But I found her damage to be pretty bad compared to the huge crits Andronikos does.


Elites are really no problem. If they're ranged they're very susceptible to interupts, and if they're melee..well, you're a Sorc, the master of CC :p another reason I used Andronikos. While you're kiting a melee mob, he's on the side blasting away without being interupted by movement. Of course that doesn't include the crazy elites on Voss, that'll face-stomp you into the ground. Not only do they hit you for 2-3k every time, but they have a charge ability with a short cooldown..oh the nightmares I got from those lol.


Right now, I'm extremely happy about my choice of going with a Sorc. All those months of jumping in between classes, reading all the forums, watching videos..got me all dizzy :p

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With all the melee now, not fun playing a sorc at all.


I completely agree, you can only cc so much and with wolf packs of melee on u your dead easy. I certainly watch where I am alot more now that say lvl 20 when i would rock the charts anytime.

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At 25 playing a healing sorc I kinda feel blah. I just checked tonight at the skill trainer and I see with exception of 1 or 2 more skills my solo killing rotation is set. Which, is efficient but rather boring. As for healing flashpoints goes? Maybe its just me but it feels boring as hell. I love healing. Its usually one of the more exciting jobs (especcialy in pugs) in MMO's. But with sorc I'm not waiting for any procs to speak of. I use 2 heals at this level and the shield. All I have to look forward to is one more heal and a group heal. At least at 25 I only have the force to heal and thats it.


I'm not giving up yet on sorc healing though. Its easy enough to level. I just hope by endgame if healing itself doesnt get more exciting I'm hoping I'm able to keep up healing (still have a couple talents that will provide better HPS and 100 more force to go) and toss a few dps spells as well.


Also I did try lightning for a little bit. At least leveling wise its extreemly boring. As healing spec I am able to send Khem after one pack of regular and I can go take out another and even with a strong mob its fun and chaotic. That or I'm finding out if I really want to I can have Khem gather up 3 groups, hide behind something to pull the ranged mobs in and just heal him and wipe them out fast. He can tank just fine and has much better AoE in 2 skills than you do lol.

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Leveling as corruption and loving it..


PVE could be a bit more challenging as a healer afaic, but PVP is nice.. Have a set group for PVP, so I get the protection I need, in return for the heals / bubbles, my group needs..


But please, make the UI customizable! The operation windows etc annoy the sh*t out of me! :)

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I'm lvl 48 and I'm starting to get a little tired of it.


In pvp, every Shadow/Assassin out there is frothing at the mouth to jump me. Amongst their number are commandos and operatives/smugglers. These three classes drop me faster than the fat man who sat down too fast.


That's not to say I do badly. I can usually count on being in the top 3 damage dealers, and I earn on average about 6-7 medals. I get a few solo kills if I have terrain to line of sight. As a madness sorc I have no hope in hell of out-dpsing anyone in a straight up slug fest, so my ability to win is heavily tied to my current surroundings. (which kinda blows - I wanted to be a glass cannon - if I wanted to be opportunistic I'd have chosen an assassin/shadow)


Even then, I have to stand still and channel Force Lightning for 3 seconds to add in any sizeable amount of dps, and also just so I can get the proc to instant-cast my Crushing Darkness - which is an important spell dps'wise.


I only have two instant cast DPS dots - Creeping Terror and Affliction. Add into that Death Field for an instant every 15 seconds which heals me for a laughably small amount of HP. Waiting for just these three abilities to kill an enemy player is like waiting for them to die of old age.


Now don't get me wrong. If I can sit back and cast my dots and tab+dots a group, I do quite well. I've killed my fair share of enemy players 1v1 too. However at the moment I feel that we lack the cannon part of glass cannon. Other classes such as the Trooper/Merc, dish out insane burst damage in a few heart-beats and have better armor/hp and survivability that we do.


Do I find things like Shields and Force SPeed useful? My word yes. They're magnificent. They can be countered - or shields get taken away in a few hits, but I'm grateful for them.


In short, I really can't see what other players are complaining about when they rage at Sorc/Sages.


Are sorcs a good class? Yes, we are. I'm not saying we're not.


But I feel like we lack the damage output that goes with light armor and low HP. Maybe if we had a couple of extra DoTs, or a staple lightning-attack, or Lightning Strike was buffed in damage (it deals half the damage of comparable staple spells of Troopers/Snipers etc), or our current dots all healed us in a much higher capacity.


I dunno though, I plan on going healing spec at 50 anyway, so I'll see how that goes.




I'm enjoying the class a lot. Towards the late 40's as madness spec, I'm really starting to notice my squishiness against silver mobs, but on the whole I'm enjoying it. It's solid fun and the class story is enjoyable. I'm at the part in the class story when I'm dealing more with the clandestine politics of the Empire, rather than force ghosts, which is what I'm enjoying more.

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