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Augments and Gearstats in 3.0


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What are u all going for ?

Im playing in Anni now since mara ruined and Fury doesnt match my playstyle for pve.

Im wondering what to stack now !


Should i go mainstat Augs ? Power ?

Should we really stack 700-800 Acc to match the 100 % ? (so shocked about that)


What are the goals now ? Any people already could raid and like to share their expierience ?

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What are u all going for ?

Im playing in Anni now since mara ruined and Fury doesnt match my playstyle for pve.

Im wondering what to stack now !


Should i go mainstat Augs ? Power ?

Should we really stack 700-800 Acc to match the 100 % ? (so shocked about that)


What are the goals now ? Any people already could raid and like to share their expierience ?



and yes

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Yea sure it does. No one said you should go with the new set bonus. You can use the old set bonus and the 2 pieces of the new one


Eh, with the master strike nerf, and the 4-piece of the new one being the same as the old 4-piece, there is literally nothing that the old set bonus does that the new one doesnt do better.

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Eh, with the master strike nerf, and the 4-piece of the new one being the same as the old 4-piece, there is literally nothing that the old set bonus does that the new one doesnt do better.


Yea true, but you dont have to use the 1min crit . Well im just saying and i want to see what alacrity can do for carnage/combat after all

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What are u all going for ?

Im playing in Anni now since mara ruined and Fury doesnt match my playstyle for pve.

Im wondering what to stack now !


Should i go mainstat Augs ? Power ?

Should we really stack 700-800 Acc to match the 100 % ? (so shocked about that)


What are the goals now ? Any people already could raid and like to share their expierience ?


I recommend going power augments. Only for Fury/Concentration you may consider might due to extra surge talent.

Basically Might augments will provide a higher record parse but power augments will provide a higher average parse.

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I recommend going power augments. Only for Fury/Concentration you may consider might due to extra surge talent.

Basically Might augments will provide a higher record parse but power augments will provide a higher average parse.


The opposite has never been more true. The variance one experiences in parses is based on whether abilities crit or not and in what frequency. Power adds a flat bonus to damage with no element of RNG.


Strength augments provide bonus crit. The more crit % chance you have, the less likely RNG will play a factor. Therefore you'll see your higher parses more frequently.


Power augments provide no crit, but more overall bonus damage (by a small margin). Due to the less crit, your parses will fluctuate more, but your highest parse (with the best RNG) will always be higher due to that extra bonus damage.

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The opposite has never been more true. The variance one experiences in parses is based on whether abilities crit or not and in what frequency. Power adds a flat bonus to damage with no element of RNG.


Strength augments provide bonus crit. The more crit % chance you have, the less likely RNG will play a factor. Therefore you'll see your higher parses more frequently.


Power augments provide no crit, but more overall bonus damage (by a small margin). Due to the less crit, your parses will fluctuate more, but your highest parse (with the best RNG) will always be higher due to that extra bonus damage.


Actually the info I posted is what I was told by KBN

Edited by g_mK
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My intuition as a mathematician says that crit will increase the variance (and hence improve the top parse) until you hit 50% crit chance. Look at it another way: if less crit meant better top parses, then surely 0% crit would be ideal, but that makes no sense since it's the point where the average and top parse are the same from a crit point of view.


I'm sure I could also prove the above rigorously if I delved into my statistics&probability course books again, but somehow I don't find that prospect particularly tempting. To me, the fact that KBN said so is proof enough, he generally knows what he's talking about.


Of course, all of the above needs the basic assumption that changing power to crit (or in this case strength) doesn't significantly reduce your dps.

Edited by Ailaria
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I don't think 3.0 has changed that discussion too much. Auto Crits every 9s in Smash make Crit Rating less valuable than for other specs, so that means you might want to go for power augments - though Main Stat is not much worse generally.


In Anni critical hits on bleeding targets grant extra focus. This is huge, given Anni has phases of high focus spending in its new 36s rotation. Main Stat has always been better for that specc and it still is imo.


As for new set bonus: One autocrit every 60s doesn't change the picture very much. Even Smash's autocrit every 9secs give power augments heads up only by a small margin.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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I don't think 3.0 has changed that discussion too much. Auto Crits every 9s in Smash make Crit Rating less valuable than for other specs, so that means you might want to go for power augments - though Main Stat is not much worse generally.


In Anni critical hits on bleeding targets grant extra focus. This is huge, given Anni has phases of high focus spending in its new 36s rotation. Main Stat has always been better for that specc and it still is imo.


As for new set bonus: One autocrit every 60s doesn't change the picture very much. Even Smash's autocrit every 9secs give power augments heads up only by a small margin.


So in essence- if one anticipates changing between all 3 specs frequently, mainstat is the most practical choice unless one plans to build multiple gearsets.

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I don't think 3.0 has changed that discussion too much. Auto Crits every 9s in Smash make Crit Rating less valuable than for other specs, so that means you might want to go for power augments - though Main Stat is not much worse generally.


In Anni critical hits on bleeding targets grant extra focus. This is huge, given Anni has phases of high focus spending in its new 36s rotation. Main Stat has always been better for that specc and it still is imo.


As for new set bonus: One autocrit every 60s doesn't change the picture very much. Even Smash's autocrit every 9secs give power augments heads up only by a small margin.

Anni still gets auto crits on Bleeds with Zen and it got the Surge bonus to the remaining dot crits decreased from 30% to 5%. In addition people are going to be having about 10% less Surge from stats than we had before 3.0. Add in the new ICD and I think Power is now a better choice for Marauders. Still, I think some specs like IO would be better for Main Stat since they don't have an Auto Crit like Zen and they get 30% Surge on pretty much all their attacks.


Something for everyone to note, the difference between the Main Stat and Power Augments has always been small, but the 3.0 changes shifted things that benefited Power and hurt Main Stat. People may not know how much exactly the balance shifted, but the difference will be minimal and it comes down to which Augments are easier for you to acquire.

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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Anni still gets auto crits on Bleeds with Zen and it got the Surge bonus to the remaining dot crits decreased from 30% to 5%. In addition people are going to be having about 10% less Surge from stats than we had before 3.0. Add in the new ICD and I think Power is now a better choice for Marauders. Still, I think some specs like IO would be better for Main Stat since they don't have an Auto Crit like Zen and they get 30% Surge on pretty much all their attacks.


Something for everyone to note, the difference between the Main Stat and Power Augments has always been small, but the 3.0 changes shifted things that benefited Power and hurt Main Stat. People may not know how much exactly the balance shifted, but the difference will be minimal and it comes down to which Augments are easier for you to acquire.




Hell, even in cases where an entire spec has +30% surge (AKA AP Powertechs) I found power augments were doing better than mainstat ones. And that spec only has 1 auto-crit every minute, and +30% surge to everything (though it does have Battle Focus every 2 mins for +25% crit chance)


Now with a marauder, you get:


(Assumes proper Zen/Berserk usage and maximum Ravage uptime where possible)

Watchman/Annihilation - 6 Auto-crits every ~18 seconds + 1 auto-crit / 72 seconds

Combat/Carnage - 2 auto-crits every 21 seconds + 1 auto-crit / 63 seconds

Concentration/Fury - 2 auto-crits every 18 seconds + 1 auto-crit / 72 seconds


Note: I'm not 100% certain the maths is perfect for Watchman/Annihilation Zen/Berserk usage, but its pretty damn close if its wrong.

Edited by TACeMossie
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Anni critical hits on bleeding targets grant extra focus. This is huge, given Anni has phases of high focus spending in its new 36s rotation. Main Stat has always been better for that specc and it still is imo.


Could you explain this 36s rotation or is it on a different forum ?

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Anni still gets auto crits on Bleeds with Zen and it got the Surge bonus to the remaining dot crits decreased from 30% to 5%. In addition people are going to be having about 10% less Surge from stats than we had before 3.0. Add in the new ICD and I think Power is now a better choice for Marauders. Still, I think some specs like IO would be better for Main Stat since they don't have an Auto Crit like Zen and they get 30% Surge on pretty much all their attacks.


Something for everyone to note, the difference between the Main Stat and Power Augments has always been small, but the 3.0 changes shifted things that benefited Power and hurt Main Stat. People may not know how much exactly the balance shifted, but the difference will be minimal and it comes down to which Augments are easier for you to acquire.


Sounds logical. I ran a test with two complete sets of blue augments, though: Main Stat augments gave me 60 DPS more on average (5 parses each, so sample size probably a bit small...). It could have to do with what Oofalong pointed out about Sents vs. Maras here. I HOPE, it's meant to be 15%, not 5%...

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The 36seconds are because if you keep everything on Cooldown, after two uses of Master Strike/Force Melt, the blocks of the rotation repeat.

I'm still testing and moving stuff around a bit, but Mossie explained the idea very well here.


Its even in marauder terms just for you! :p


And in case you miss the extra note afterwards (which is pretty big):

[On being asked why the DoTs are split up]


Mainly cause I prefer to use Deadly Saber with Force Charge. You can just use Deadly Saber with Rupture if you want though.


Force Rend got delayed because i'm only using it when its free, but in reality you'd probably have the Force Rend section used first.

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