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10 Good
  1. You talk about the crit DR. So is the 1100 crit and 700 Alacrity the DR for both ? Or just Crit
  2. Alright but you had about 200 or so more alacrity and less crit in your bis ultimate exarch so your saying go for the more crit the 1200 mark and less alacrity ?
  3. so after what bantel put out which guide for stats would you go with yours or his?
  4. what do you have for ear peace and implants accuracy ? RE: Never mind haha
  5. I guess i can ask again which augments crit power or mastery?
  6. Hey, I love the talk but I think from experience I agree with El'ethon's opener. That being said there is a lot of talk and theory crafting going around about crit or alacrity augs being better than mastery. I wanted to get your guys opinion as I am already getting close to 6k dps and only had my old 198 gear at the time. I am now sitting at 31% crit and 61% multiplier without those crit augs
  7. Well based on what the other 2 said I think that 3900 in my gear is good I did have a bit of lag in my ship it was late and I forgot to leave the fleet to do it I'll try again today also didn't have a new stim only had old one and I'm not doing 500 dmg dummy it's 1m . Probably sure u have better gear than me I stopped playing and came back when this expansion hit
  8. Hello mara and sentinels alike, need some advice maybe im not doing the rotation right but as i just parsed 3900 exactly on a dummy at 1m hp i dont think im doing to bad. But when I read how much PT are pushing out with out even trying (4400) or even Juggs now mopping the floor with my dps http://dulfy.net/2014/12/11/swtor-3-0-vigilance-guardian-dps-guide-by-rydarus/ . I cant help but wonder If I am just a bad player or am I really doing something wrong. Mind I have 180s 178s and a few 186s and gear is all augmented with the might augs not the ear peace or implants, and I have the set bonus of our old gear
  9. Hey thanks for the answers and yes its nice to have it in mara form not watchman
  10. Anni critical hits on bleeding targets grant extra focus. This is huge, given Anni has phases of high focus spending in its new 36s rotation. Main Stat has always been better for that specc and it still is imo. Could you explain this 36s rotation or is it on a different forum ?
  11. Blitskrieg- Marauder Annihilation- The Harbinger http://www.torparse.com/a/713718/time/1404292480/1404292891/0/Damage+Dealt
  12. hey guys a mara I am still struggling with how this rotation works i play annihilation and i understand the opener but after that I am so lost on what to prioritize and what i should be doing to sustain my deeps help would be awesome !! Best I have done is 3561
  13. Hi all it might have been said or discussed before but I wanted to make sure I was right. Can I as a anni Marauder before my parse switch to combat generate 30 stacks of fury and switch back to anni and then parse...? If its a question can I do it in raid setting yes and i actually have done it and it has helped our grp.
  14. wait Emperor-Norton what do you mean when you say broken relics??
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